A stolen soul but a golden he...

By AceOfRedHearts

1.2K 118 6

This is a story no one cared to tell as those people would rather not remember the loss but to remember the g... More

A story no one cared to tell
15 years later
The Truth
Friend and foe
Dreems of the past
The Moving Woods
Untold secrets
Don't quit till you can't move
Time is cruel but how cruel can it be?
The Battle was won but not the war
Past faces
My purpose
Tears make holes in the past
A Secret love left alone
Loves memories
Tough choices
The Journey
Welcome to the Circus
More mystery!
Crazy place
Echoes of the mind Final chapter


28 4 0
By AceOfRedHearts

Life so far has come full circle, it starts normal then boom a crazy thing happens and everything changes. Nothing in this world remains a straight path.

When we got out of the woods it was as Aoife had said. Time did work differently. It was the same night as before I entered the woods. As we left the woods it started to wilt and returned to the ground. "What kind of monster could have put John and his siblings along with the rest of the children through such a horrible thing?

"I swear I will never let any child suffer though that Again I'm going to build a new world one without war and conflict!" I say out loud mainly talking to myself. "Good luck with that lass" Aoife said in a concerned voice. "Oh gosh, I didn't know I was thinking out loud sorry" I quickly said.

He looked at me with kind eyes and in a calm kind voice said: "it's fine but you're not planning on changing this world on your own are you?" Aoife said looking slightly worried. I gave serious look. "I am but first I need to find that man in the White cloak he has some things of mine that are extremely important to me, I also have a feeling that if get rid of him a lot of evil in this world will crumble."

Aoife thus hit me up the side of the head and smiled. "You are not going to be an alone lass, as I'm coming with you... before you protest I will give my reasons. One I have no one and nowhere to go back to it has been 400 years and I don't think a 17/417 years old that can't even find his way out of the woods on his own will survive in this world alone. And reason number two is I have already grown an attachment to you lass. I'm not letting you get hurt again as you did in the woods." He crossed his arms knowing I couldn't say no.

I huffed and agreed to let him come with me we both laughed then turned back to the direction of the village and continued our trip towards it. I carried Simon and Aoife had John.

When we got to the outskirts of the village we saw a silhouette of a person by one of the houses as we got closer we knew who it was. It was the alpha who came up to us and looked at me and Aoife with his dull face... This Is want you would think he would have done but instead he smiled at me for the first time.

"Luna, you have returned ok and you have Simon along with two others I knew something was special about you I didn't think you would do something like this heh. How about you just hand me Simon and we can talk." I could tell something was off so could Aoife so we kept our guards up.

Aoife then passed me John to which I almost fell over as both the boys were heavy.  Aoife took out his dagger and attacked the alpha however the alpha defended himself with a hidden object he had under his jacket, a huge chain with a blue gem sharpened to a point at the end of it. "Who the hell are you? Tell me." Aoife yelled. the Alpha then transformed into his original form to reveal someone who I thought was impossible to see ever again it was my adopted dad!?...

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