Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

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Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
crime decrease
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events


24 1 8
By luna_renn

Team JNPR, Ruby, and Summer were walking through some woods like normal.

Both Jade and Summer were lagging behind a bit. 

Summer: We can't tell them. 

Jade: I think they deserve to know. 

They were mostly back here to talk but they didn't notice that they were actually getting weaker thanks to their already slow pace.

Jade: No, they need to know. 

Summer: Jade... are you sure?

Jade: Yes... I'm sure. If we're gonna be going with them, they need to know. At least tell them the story of the two brothers. Something close to that. 

Jade coughed and everyone looked at him. 

Jade: What... can't I cough?

Nora: ...Are you getting sick? You've been coughing a lot recently. 

Ren: I think we should set up camp for today. 

Jade looked away but quickly looked back. 

Jade: Are you guys tired? 

The four look to each other. 

Ruby: No, I'm actually worried about you and mom. You've been walking slower and coughing a lot? Was Tyrian's tail not just for show?

They try not to show it on their faces. 

Jade: No, it didn't do anything to us. But since you're worried, let's just set up camp for tonight. 

Night soon fell not long after they set up. Everyone sat on logs while Summer explained most things to them. Mostly just the maidens, though. 

Jade: Hey, I'll be back in a little bit. 

Ruby: I'll go with you! 

She was obviously worried about Jade, ever since earlier, she can't shake the sense that he's in danger. 

Jade: I'm going to use the bathroom. 

Ruby: Oh... well, just come back fast. 

Jade: Aye, aye, captain. 

That was a lie. He didn't actually have to go, he just wanted to talk to Mina about this whole poison situation, it seems much worse than what she said. 

He got a good distance away and put on his suit and went invisible. 

He leaned back and fell against a tree and slid down it. 

Jade: I'm not feeling too good, Mina... 

Mina: The poison suddenly sped up. If you go to sleep, you're gonna be out until you get help. Good news, as well!   

Jade coughed. 

Jade: Yeah?

Mina: I've found a plant that'll slow down the poison just enough to put it back to the original estimation. You'll still go down as soon as you go to sleep, but you won't die. If you manage to get a good amount of it, you could probably get more time on your clock. 

Jade: Great...! I'm in no condition to get it, I feel so useless... 

he pushed this thought away and got up. He leaned on trees for support even though he didn't need too. 

He took off his suit and became visible as he approached the camp. 

Ruby: Jade?

Jade: Heyo. I gotta tell you some bad news and slightly good news? 

They all stare at him. 

Jade: Me and Summer were poisoned by Tyrian. We have less than a few days to live, but with the help of a plant Mina discovered, we can make it a few more days. 

Of course, he was stretching the truth. He doesn't want them to panic. 

Penny: Give me what it is and I'll set my eyes to highlight it. I'll search all night to help! I literally don't need to sleep!

Jade: I'm glad I have you, around... Penny... 

His vision became blurry. his breath became irregular and he looked at his hands. 

Jade: Y...yup... I'm... going.... down... 

Summer: Nora, catch him!! 

Jade fell forward and Nora dove and caught him. 

Nora: He's unconscious! 

Summer went to stand but fell to her knees. 

Summer: Looks like It's starting Its course on me... 

She let out a faint chuckle. 

Ruby: Oh gods! You can't die! 

She put on her suit and was basically on the verge of crying. 

Mina: Gravity flowers. 

Ruby: Penny! Gravity flowers!!

Penny: You got it! 

Penny ran off with haste but yelled, "WHAT THE HELL IS A GRAVITY FLOWER." No one heard her but she still had to get it out. 

Ruby removed her suit and fell to her knees as Summer collapsed as well.

Ruby: This can't be happening... it can't be... 

Tears escaped her eyes and Nora came over to her. 

Nora: Eh, uh don't worry, Ruby! 

Nora was completely confused about what to do right now. She was never the best at cheering people up and this was the worst time for something like this. 

Nora: Everything will be fine, Penny will get those flowers and we'll be on our way to Haven to get these two cured. Right, Ren?

Ruby couldn't even form words as all she could do was stare at her brother and mother. 

Ren: Yeah, wait... we can't take the shortcut through the mountains if we're carrying them... 

Nora just shot a glare at Ren. That comment did nothing to help Ruby's state right now. All that did was confirm that they had a high chance of dying. 

They might as well start burying them now, especially if Penny doesn't find any of these Gravity flowers.

Ren had leaned both of them on a log and put a cover over them. 

Ruby put her hands up to her eyes to try and wipe away the tears. 

Ren: We should probably just rest and wait until Penny comes back. 

He knew the suffering and pain Ruby, Summer, and Jade were going through would attract Grimm. 

So, not only do they have to worry about these two dying, they have to worry about being attacked... maybe!

Everyone here was speechless about what to say or do. 

Ruby had managed to stop crying but you could tell she was resisting the urge to just cry more. 

Ren: Ruby, you don't need to force yourself, if you need to get it out... go ahead. 

Nora stood up. 

Nora: Yeah. We're all friends here. 

Ruby just waved her hand. 

Ruby: I'm fine now.... trust me. 

Even she knew that the best course of action was too probably get some sleep. 

Ruby: Let's just... 

She sniffed. 

Ruby: Go to sleep for tonight... I'm sure Penny will have found something by the morning. 

She took a deep sigh and tried to stop her shaking which she just noticed. 

Nora walked over and grabbed Ruby's hand. 

Nora: Trust us. They'll both make it. 

Nora gave a sincere smile making Ruby cheer up just a bit. 

Ruby: Thank you. I trust you guys. 

Everyone moves to get their stuff and set up around Summer and Jade. 

Ruby just sat up staring at the night sky, not able to go to sleep. Nora and Ren were fast asleep by now. So, she was the only one still up. 

Her gaze drifted to her brother and mother. It was almost like they were sleeping peacefully except Ruby knew of the poison coursing through them at his very moment. 

She didn't say anything but instead grabbed Jade's hand. 

Ruby: You'll make it right? you can't leave me yet... 

Sure, she still had Yang, but they've drifted apart after Jade's introduction. Really, Jade's been a better brother than Yang been a sister. 

Sure, Yang was fun but not really a figure to look up too. Even at Patch, Yang was just didn't want to be talked too which just made them stray apart even more. Trying to rekindle something so lost there kinda no point. I mean, they were still family but felt more like distant cousins now. 

Ruby does eventually fall asleep, even while so deep in thought. 

Waking up the very next day, Jade and Summer were the first to awake. Knowing they probably wouldn't be conscious very long, they don't waste the little energy they have moving. 

As if she sensed them, Ruby shot up and looked at Jade and Summer. 

Ruby: You're alive! 

She resisted the urge to jump on them knowing they are probably in pain or can't exactly move. 

Ruby does a sitting kneel. 

Ruby: Are you two, okay? 

Ren and Nora wake up. 

Ren: ...Is Jade, okay? 

He was rubbing his eyes. 

Ruby: Yeah. 

They heard running and Penny appeared from behind a tree. 

Penny: I'm back! 

She had only two flowers. 

Penny's happy expression changed to a sad one. 

Penny: I'm sorry, I could only find two... 

Jade: Don't worry about it, Ruby-

She suddenly got a text on her scroll. 

It was from Mina. She completely forgot that she could just text them. 

It just read, "Grind it up and serve it in water. Two would be what I would say to give to a person but it looks like one to both of them." 

Ruby: Grind it up and put it in water, they both get one.

Ren nodded and Penny gave him the flowers.

After this, she quickly went over to Jade and Summer. 

Summer: Sorry girls... 

Jade: We're just kinda dead weight, aren't we? 

Ruby: That's no true! You know it!

Jade realized this wasn't really the time to be making jokes. 

Jade: I didn't mean it like that... It... It was a joke... 

Penny/Ruby: This is no time to be joking around!  

Jade Gave a little smile. 

Summer: I'm sure he's realized that now. 

Summer coughed into her elbow pit and looked at it. It was purple... 

Summer: Well, that's not normal... 

Jade: What the hell did he inject us with... and Lily told me not to build up a poison resistance... 

Way back, he was planning on injecting himself with poison every day to build up immunity but Lily put a stop to it before he even had a chance to get started. 

Ren came back with two canteens. 

Ren: Here you two, drink up. 

He handed them it and they take them. 

Summer/Jade: To the Gravity flower...!

They both start drinking it. Surprisingly, this tasted pretty good, Jade thinks it kinda tastes like chocolate milk while Summer just thought strawberry. 

Summer was already starting to feel better. 

Jade's recovery was a bit slower, but he could feel his strength slowly returning. 

Mina knew it would take add to their time, but she had no idea it would completely get rid of the symptoms temporarily. 

Summer: We better get moving before this wears off. 

Ren: For now, Jade, lean on me while we walk. 

Summer was 5'6 meaning Ruby would be the one to get her. 

Ren: Just to waste a bit less energy, you know?

Jade nodded and Ren helped him to his feet. Ruby did the same to summer. 

They look to see Nora and Penny with everything already packed up. 

Penny: I shall become pack mule Penny! 

She takes the two bags and handles them with no problem. 

Jade: Don't call yourself that... 

Penny: Oh, yes. Sorry. 

Jade opened his mouth but stopped as this would just be a chain of her saying sorry.

Jade: Let's get a move on. Nora, be ready. 

Nora: Aye, aye, captain! 

She was the only one could jump into combat immediately. 

Ruby: Let's get this show on the road.  

At last, they finally get walking.

About two hours later and the effects start to return and Jade and Summer switched to being carried on back. Which was no problem for Ren or Ruby. 

They walk for another hour and come across a split. This place was just plain creepy as well. 

Nora: Hey, which way?

Ruby: There's no way these two will make it through the mountains. 

Summer and Jade were both on the verge of passing out. They were repeatedly dipping in and out of conscious. 

Ruby: What about this place? Kuroyuri? Do you think there will be a shortcut through there? 

Nora: Um... 

Ren and Nora didn't exactly want to go there. 

Ren: That place was destroyed years ago. There's nothing there but Grimm and destruction... 

they didn't exactly have a choice. 

Nora placed her hand on Ren's shoulder. 

Penny: We have to go through there. Jade and Summer will not make it the climb since they can't activate their aura. 

Ren: ...I think it might take too long for us to get through there. We should try our luck-

Ruby: No. 

Ren looked to Ruby. 

Ruby: I don't care what you say, I'm not sacrificing my family just because you don't want to go through there. Toughen up or leave me and Penny to do it.

Ren and Nora could tell she was serious. 

Nora: Ren... let's just go. 

 As defiant as he wants to be, he was completely overruled at the moment. Everyone but him was willing to go through there. 

Ren: Fine... let's go. 

He was the first to go. Everyone else following him. 

Nora walked next to Ruby.

Nora: Since when could you say things like that? 

Ruby: I've got to say, hanging around Jade definitely taught me a few things. 

She read Ren like a book which is a skill she picked up from her brother. 

Ruby: Jade really has taught me a lot... 

She would be absolutely devastated if he dies. Not even really sure what to do with herself after that...

Let's all just hope that doesn't happen...

End of chapter 9 volume 4 

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