Star Wars Knights of the Old...

By SquallLionhart95

558 7 13

Millennia before the rise of the Galactic Empire, The Jedi Civil War ravaged the galaxy. Under the command of... More

Kashyyyk Landing
Into the Depths
Coup D'etat
Fall of a Regime
Return to Alderaan
A Moments Rest
Trial of Spirit
The Tomb of Ludo Kressh
The Final Vision
The Passage of Knighthood
Voyage to Manaan
Return of the Sith Empire
Jedi Unbound
Point of No Return
A Gift from the Past
A Beautiful Lie
Duel of the Fates
The Ties That Bind
Full Frontal Assault
The Ultimate Weapon
JarKai Var Unleashed
Epilogue - Looking towards the Times Ahead

Secrets of the Desert Sands

8 0 1
By SquallLionhart95

If there was one word to describe Tatooine, it would be this: Hot. The desert swallowed all hope of an oasis, as the only town close to the star map was Anchorhead. Being over 70 kilometers away, Tai and Davis kept moving forward, the heat sweltering underneath their Jedi robes. Tracks made would soon disappear, wind kicking up the sand and masking its presence to the two Jedi. Sweat poured from their faces as they looked on a map given to them by the head of the Czerka mining facility at Anchorhead. The star map was located in the eastern most part of the Dune Sea, and the journey would not be an easy one.

Tai motioned for Davis to keep up as he continued the trek. "We're about 20 more kilometers away from the location of the map." He wiped sweat off his brow as he reached for his belt to take a sip of water from his canteen.

Davis looked over Tai's arm, the eager Padawan wanting to find the map and be done with this planet. "Master, the sooner we find it, the sooner we will be off this rock." He looked up his Master, seeing his disapproval for wanting to rush through. "Master, I can explain why I always want to finish things so quickly."

Tai continued forward, but still listened to Davis speak his mind. "It occurs to me that even though we have been training a long while as Master and Student, I know very little about your background. Would you care to share with me on our trek?" He gave a reassuring smile to his pupil as he joined him.

Davis sighed. The past was something that apparently everyone was talking about for the past month. Why did he have to share his? 'But it couldn't hurt, could it?' He thought to himself as he began his tale.

"Master, I'm from the world of Ord Mantell. The world of organized crime and a haven for smugglers and pirates. Years ago, when I was about 5 years old, my 'loving' parents decided I was worth more of my weight in spice instead of as an actual human, so they abandoned me to dealers for spice. I didn't know much about the Force then, so I could only go on with my natural skill of being hauled off to work in the spice mines. The idea that parents could abandon their own child... it makes me sick. The audacity to do such a thing!

"Anyways, the Jedi soon came to the world and could not tolerate what they saw there. The children being used as slave labor to harvest a drug meant for use by the Hutts and Exchange. The only issue with their intervention was that it started a Civil War, a war that rages on to this very day." Davis stopped in the sand, feeling something akin to a tear rushing down his face.

Tai looked over to his Padawan, noticing the tear, he quickly moved over to his pupil and placed him in a fatherly embrace. "Davis, it's alright. You don't have to say anymore for now. We can continue this later."

Davis smiled at the thought of letting some of his past out in the open, that someone now knew about his situation and why he was the way he was. "I just think when I see all this death and destruction at the hands of the Sith, I want to end it. I want to see them pay for what they've done to the poor, the helpless, the innocent... to the friends I've come to know as family."

Tai smirked at the remark. The only family he had known was Kari, Sora, and Ulic Qel-Droma. The friends he had made throughout his time as a Jedi, they had become his family, whether he'd known it or not. The passion they shared for one another, the bonds they've forged. They all served a purpose in life, to defeat the Sith and reclaim the galaxy for the Republic. Though deep in his heart, he knew it wasn't to last. Soon Davis would need to learn the final secrets of the JarKai Var style. And what then? Could Tai go through with it? Leaving Sora behind, leaving Kari behind, leaving all his friends to go on without him. Just because of a rule that his master imparted on him. 'The final secret... I don't know if I can teach it to Davis. He's already lost so much, and the idea of losing me to his own blade... might tip him over the edge.'

The two continued on their journey to find the star map, coming across a cave that was nestled in the bedrock and covered with the sand. "Look here Master, you can see the desert trying to preserve its secrets, only for the Dark Side presence of the star map to go against nature." Davis said, examining the entrance of the cave.

Tai examined the outer walls, noting the color and the half-eaten corpses that were littered throughout. "So too does Tatooine protect its secrets." His mind flashed back to Rhen Var's icy surface, the snow burying everything that was discovered. "Just like Rhen Var..." He said silently.

"Master? Did you say something?" Davis poked his side, inquiring the comment that had just been made.

"No Davis, nothing." Tai began to walk forward into the cave. He motioned for Davis to follow him as they both saw the star map. "There it is! Davis, come here quickly." The two Jedi sprang into a run towards the familiar runes that sat at the end of the cave. "Here it is... the bane of the Jedi. The bane of the galaxy." Tai began ranting about the star map and the technology used by the species that had originally inhabited Tatooine.

Davis' eyes grew wide as Tai continued his rant. "Master." Tai kept going on and on. "Master!" Still no response from the Jedi Master. "Master!"

Tai finally stopped his rant. "Yes, my Padawan?" He only received an annoyed look from Davis as a response. "Okay, okay... sorry. This is what a star map is. The runes are of an ancient design that we can only guess at. From the calculations Izzy has made, the star maps were made over 20,000 years ago. The technology used makes them older than the Republic by 5,000 years." Tai placed his hand over Davis' chest, edging him back as Tai used the Force to activate the runes. The obelisks slid down, the claw shape at the bottom spread out as the sphere rose and began to rotate.

Davis was taken aback by the motions of the star map. The sphere then showed the projection of the galaxy with all four planets showing on the map. "Master... this is what we came here to find? This is so beautiful."

Tai kept his guard around Davis. "Recognize this is an artifact of the Dark Side. Whatever lived in this cave must have been ensnared by its great power." He walked up to open the sphere and take the cube out of its center. "And there we go... all four star maps have been found. Now all we have to do is make it back to the ship." The two Jedi began their walk out of the cave when they heard something shake the ground behind them.

"That doesn't sound good..."

                                                  * * * * 

In the city of Anchorhead, one could be assumed a miner, traveler, or unlucky denizen to actually live in the city. Izzy, Mimi, and Yolei walked the streets of the city, taking note of all the people going about their business. The war had not reached this area of the outer rim, not that it ever would. The Sith and the Jedi both had not a care in the galaxy of what went on in the lives of those on Tatooine. At least, that's what propaganda would have you believe.

Izzy made note of the passages of the city, turning every corner and alley way. "This place is a maze, I wonder if Tai and Davis are going to find their way back here." He turned another street corner to find the main area of the city, surrounded by moisture farmers and Czerka employees.

Mimi wiped sand off her pants as she caught up to Izzy. "Calm down, honey. It won't be long until they come back and we're off this wretched hive." She was always the voice of optimism, even in the direst of situations. Izzy had always admired that about her, even during their time as Padawans. She looked around, admiring the architecture that surrounded the three of them. "It's a wonder we've been allowed to roam free this long. You'd think a mugger or beggar would have come to steal our credits." She kept turning around, expecting such a thing to happen.

Yolei only chuckled at her mentor. "Come now Mimi, I'm sure Tatooine has some nice folks that would be willing to leave Jedi alone." She walked over towards the moisture vaporator to procure some water. The moment she tasted it, she spit it out with brevity. "This is so gross... how can people drink this stuff?!"

It was Mimi's turn to chuckle. "You know Yolei... those are for crops. Not for human consumption."

Izzy laughed at his pupil's ignorance and naivety. "It seems we have some more social skills to learn. Perhaps when this adventure is over, we go explore some planets along the outer rim. If we're ever allowed back on Alderaan..." He remembered the scuffle that Matt and Meiko had on the Ebon Hawk a week prior to their arrival.

Suddenly, their senses picked up an ominous presence. Izzy moved close to protect Yolei while Mimi took the end. "Do you feel that? It feels like something old, ancient." Mimi observed, her eyes darting to every dark alley in Anchorhead.

A red lightsaber was thrown in the direction of the three Jedi. Izzy managed to activate his lightsaber in time to send it back towards its castor. "I don't think so." He remarked, noticing three cloaked figures step out of the shadows. "It seems even the Sith can find reason to be here."

The three Dark Jedi removed their hoods, their pale features causing Yolei to gag. "Yes girl, embrace the showing of true power." One of the three broke silence. Two of them had red lightsabers activated at their sides. The one in the middle however, kept his weapon sheathed.

Izzy took lead, stepping in front of the girls. "What do you want? Tatooine has nothing for you here."

"That is where you are wrong. This planet has about 9 Jedi that Lord Malak would be interested in destroying. Just as he has done with the two, we captured on Manaan." The Dark Jedi in the middle spoke, emphasizing the two he mentioned.

Mimi's heart skipped a beat. Kari and Sora couldn't be dead. They just couldn't. "No... you can't mean that!" She activated her pink lightsaber and took a defensive Makashi form.

Yolei joined her with her own defensive block. "Mimi, they're trying to unbalance us. Don't let them mess with our dynamic."

"Well-spoken my Padawan." Izzy said, moving to a Shien stance with his green blade sprawled outward. "Draw your weapon and let us fight!"

The Dark Jedi in the middle smiled. "I already have. But if it's a fight you wish, then I shall provide." He unsheathed his weapon. "In the name of Lord Malak... and of Mandalore." The weapon ignited into a blade most uncommon among lightsabers. The white core had been replaced with a black one, with white electricity running through it. The light that shone outward was a blinding white. "This lightsaber... was built by my ancestor, Te Kandosii Mand'alor, or as you people refer, Mandalore the Indomitable. He used it during the Great Sith War when my people were aligned with the one known as Exar Kun." He waved his weapon around; the sound being produced a much higher pitch than that of a regular lightsaber, being recognized as more a vibrosword. "Since its construction, many Jedi have fallen to its blade. Prepare yourselves to join them." He lunged after Izzy, ensuing a fight in the streets of Anchorhead.

Izzy blocked the lunge attack, parrying with a strike towards the Mandalorian's legs. The attack was anticipated and deflected with ease. This would not be such an easy fight. Izzy would have to dig deeper to find determination to win. "I won't let you win so easily. You'll have to work for it." He said, feigning confidence. He attacked the shoulders of his opponent, trying to undermine his defenses with sheer power and grace. A dance ensued with the two combatants, evenly matched as strike for strike was placed.

"I can see why others would have trouble with your group. You all have a dynamic that is not easily broken. However, not even the strongest of heroes can resist the temptation of power." The Mandalorian raised the black blade, the hum deafening the area. "Now you shall see the Force from a Mandalorian's perspective." He sent a wave of sand at Izzy, causing him to stumble backward. The stumble was enough for him to be caught off balance as the Mandalorian's blade caused him to drop his weapon.

Izzy tried to recover the weapon with the Force, but the Mandalorian had seen it coming. The black blade broke the hilt, and now Izzy was without his prized possession. "No... damnit all." He got up from his position in the ground, wiping sand off his green robes. "I refuse to go down like this!"

"Accept it. Jedi are only good for one thing." The Mandalorian lunged forward, ready to finish the skirmish. "Falling to a Sith's blade!" The swing slowed down, as did the Mandalorian himself. He could see in real time and watched as Izzy began using the Force to slow time itself.

Izzy moved quickly and nimbly, ducking as the blade almost cleaved his head. He wrenched the black blade from its wielder and used it to impale the Mandalorian. "I believe someone misinformed you. Jedi are known for the quiet disposition and calming nature. The Force combined with this makes us unpredictable. Unfortunately for you, you will never learn from this mistake." Izzy removed the black blade from the now dead Mandalorian and took a moment to admire his new weapon. The blade was more of a sword than a lightsaber, but with some modifications, it would become more suitable for a Jedi. "A bit unique, but if I may... something tells me this belongs with me."

Mimi and Yolei stood back to back, pink and green blades activated. "This will make short work of you Sith." Yolei stated, flourishing her lightsaber to intimidate while Mimi sent her blade flying towards her opponent. The Dark Jedi blocked, but the defensive maneuver drained his stamina that Yolei was able to jump after him and cut him in two. The other Dark Jedi soon started to run towards the other edge of the city, only to be caught in a Force grip by Mimi.

"I wonder when these guys will stop underestimating us." Mimi said as she impaled the Dark Jedi. The two women then meditated for a while to cleanse themselves of their recent battle. Enjoying combat was the key to victory for a Sith, but to a Jedi Knight, one must enter battle calmly and with a clear purpose.

Yolei stood up from her meditation. "Master, how come when we always take a life, it ends up being for the greater good?"

Mimi stood up from her meditation, kicking sand off her boots only to invite more along the toe and heel. "Ugh... this sand is driving me crazy! Anyways, do you want to know the real reason why? It is because taking a life affects the living Force, and the one who does the killing." She walked with Yolei over to Izzy's position, hoping that he had survived his encounter with the Mandalorian Dark Sider. "We must be calm, at peace. Meiko even goes further, explaining that for a Grey Jedi, the idea of killing is only done when no alternative is to be given."

Yolei digested the explanation with wide curiosity. Jedi were known to hold all life sacred, even that of a Sith Lord. Killing was only used as a last resort. Yet it came with ease, every time they had combatted Dark Siders on their quest, the killing became easier and more bearable. It was almost like the Jedi were starting to ignore their ideals in their quest for victory. Yolei didn't like it one bit. "Master, it also feels like we are becoming more and more accustomed to this sort of thing."

Izzy broke his silence, clipping his new lightsaber onto his belt. "Well, that's because right now, the Jedi seem to be concerned with absolute victory over the Sith. They fail to recognize that after the war, even if the Sith are vanquished, the Dark Side will always be present."

Yolei stopped in her tracks. "And what then? We can't just keep fighting. We need to find peace with them. To stop this unnecessary violence."

Mimi and Izzy both looked at each other. Meiko's advice had not penetrated her shell. Yolei was still trying to be the perfect charismatic Jedi. "Yolei, the issue at hand is that good and evil are all points of view. The Jedi right now... are lost. I'm sure you remember what happened with Matt and Joe Kido over the holo terminal." Mimi said, kneeling to place her hand on Yolei's shoulder.

Yolei nodded in acknowledgement. "Good, take Joe for example. He believes everything he is doing is for the right reason, yet because of him, we ended up waiting a month before coming this desert, and Sora and Kari have been Malak's prisoners since then." Tears started to well up in Mimi's eyes, the thought of her former master becoming a decoration for Darth Malak, or worse... a Sith Lord. "That is why we believe the Order needs to be rebuilt, reexamined if you will."

Yolei shoved the hand away. "I still don't believe it. We are Jedi, and we decide what is always right. If you all can't see that, then what is the point of me learning?! I should have stayed on the ship... I wish that my mother hadn't died over Malachor V..."

Izzy stepped back at the mention of Malachor. Yolei had not talked of her past at all. Yet there was nothing to do about it for now. The young Jedi needed time to vent, to let her feelings out. 'If only they don't lead her down the dark path...'

                                                  * * * * 

Cody, Meiko, TK, Matt, and Ken could have been confused for a loving family, if not for their respective Jedi robes. Meiko sweltered in her black ones while Matt joined in with the leather tabards he wore. Cody, TK, and Ken all felt the heat, but nothing compared to the suffering the two adults were going through. Cody himself was suffering, however more so on the inside. Being on Tatooine was hard for anyone. Being someone who once lived here was a different matter entirely. The Cantina they were in drowned out his sorrows as Meiko joined next to him. "What's up kiddo? I thought you would have loved to come to this part of Anchorhead. The band here is phenomenal."

Cody looked up his motherly figure. The only woman to show him true compassion since his own had died at the hands of Tusken Raiders. "Meiko... Tatooine holds bitter memories for me. I never wanted to step foot on this planet." He buried his hands in his arms, trying not to look at her.

Meiko placed her hand around his shoulders. "Cody, listen... I know this may be difficult. I would probably feel the same way about traveling back to Telos. But this is reality. We may not always like it, but we must come to terms with it. It's how we grow." She swept his hair back, hoping to catch a glimpse of his eyes.

Cody looked at her through his left eye. Her glasses kept fogging due to the amount of moisture in the Cantina to keep the conditioners running. TK and Matt, it seemed were having a similar discussion. "My master never encouraged me to talk about my past. He always kept his buried away so why should I talk about mine?"

Meiko sighed at the mention of Joe Kido. 'The things this man has done to this poor child... he should be exiled for it!' "Sweetheart... look at what's done for him. He kept us from coming here for about a month, while Sora and Kari remained in hands of the Sith." She had hoped that the month onboard the Ebon Hawk had given Cody enough closure to show that Joe was not the Jedi he prided himself in being. Apparently coming to Tatooine had awakened more memories in her pseudo apprentice. "It seems everyone is having memories of the past come back, and everyone here has something akin to a tragic backstory... Except for those two over there. Tai with Rhen Var, Kari missing her brother for years, you with Tatooine. Me with Telos... I'm sure Davis has something. Mimi and Sora I bet have something during their time as master and apprentice. I wonder though... Ken hasn't shared anything." She rubbed her chin while cleaning her glasses. "Ken, do you have anything to share? Like where you're from, what tragic backstory could have? I bet nothing could top Tai's, or mine for that reason." Meiko was interested in learning about Matt's Padawan. Being the motherly figure of the group, she wanted to be an expert in all her friends. To hold their stories together and weave a tapestry of their time together. What an interesting holo record that would make.

Ken lifted his head from his drink. "Sorry Meiko, but this bird isn't squealing today." He resumed his drink, his mind flashing back to the explosion of power on Manaan. The memories were repressed, and they would stay that way.

Meiko's eyes looked downward to her drink. "I guess another time then..."

Matt looked up, feeling a shift in the Force. He readjusted his cloak, standing up from his seat. "It's time... Tai and Davis are on their way back." He smashed the cup that contained his Juma Juice. "We can finally go to the Star Forge!" He ran outside of the Cantina with Meiko in tow as the other Jedi jumped out of their seats, squealing with excitement that their quest was almost over, and that the Sith would soon be brought to justice.

                                                  * * * * 

Tai and Davis stood still, looking at the Krayt Dragon whose cave had been disturbed. It was clear that the dragon had not liked the disturbance the Jedi had left, or that it was extremely hungry. "Davis, stay close to me... stay very close." Tai said, obvious concern in his voice. Davis wanted to activate his lightsaber but was slapped by Tai. "If you activate that thing, you'll only make it madder."

Davis rubbed his hand where Tai had slapped it. "And what are you doing to do about this Master?"

Tai stood still, for once he had no answer for his pupil. Was this where his journey ended? At the maw of a Krayt Dragon? "Well... I guess there is nothing that can be done. Except to say that I am sorry. For everything." Tai echoed his words through the cave. The Krayt Dragon seemed to respond in kind and knelt its head down. Tai looked at it curiously. What trick was it trying? Krayt Dragons were semi sentient, and yet this one had heard his call through the Force. "What the?"

Davis walked forward, ignoring the protests from his Master. He placed his hand on its head, rubbing it back and forth. "That a girl. You're just wanting a friend. Someone who understands what you're going through. Believe me I do, being thrown away for spice." Davis told his tale to the Dragon, who didn't move a muscle from its spot.

Tai stood in disbelief. "Well I'll be... someone has an affinity for Beast Control." He admired his young Padawan for thinking like a true Jedi Knight. Perhaps Davis would be able to handle the secret of the JarKai Var technique after all. "Well Davis, I think we should get going. It'll be a long trek back to Anchorhead."

Davis stopped his petting of the Dragon. "I agree, goodbye my friend, hopefully we shall see you again." As the two Jedi started to walk back, they were picked up by the Dragon's mouth and propped on its back. "Woah! Easy girl, some of us don't like to be picked up and thrown around." Davis winked at Tai, remembering a training exercise they had experienced on the Ebon Hawk.

The Dragon moved with surprising speed, rushing over the sands of Tatooine and reaching Anchorhead in only a matter of minutes. The Dragon then deposited them at the Ebon Hawk's loading ramp, with the others coming through hanger security. "What in the hell is that?!" Cody exclaimed in fear, pointing at the Krayt Dragon.

"Don't worry, young Cody. Just a little friend from our adventure out into the desert." Tai explained, waving as Krayt Dragon made its way back to its cave. "I think it's time we get off this rock and onto more pressing matters."

Matt led the others back up the ramp and into the main hold. "Alright everyone, here we go." He gathered the three pieces of the star map cubes as Tai handed him the fourth and final piece. Combining the four pieces and placing them into the holo display terminal, the galaxy lit up, with the four planets lined up in their respective positions. Triangles were drawn with Alderaan and Dantooine, showing a Hyperspace route towards a blue tropical planet known as Rakata Prime. The central star had a space station floating above it. "There it is... that's the Star Forge."

Mimi joined Izzy hand in hand. "This is it, the final act of our adventure."

TK wiped his head of sweat, reeling in from the revelation. "You know we have to tell the Republic about this. The only way to do that is through Alderaan." He moved to sit down in the sofa like chair set that decorated the hold. "Kari and Sora would want it that way..." His voice cracked at mentioning Kari's name.

Matt and Tai didn't want to hear that, groaning at the thought of returning to the Jedi Temple. "You realize when we land, we will get thrown in Force Cages... or worse!" Matt said as he walked toward the cockpit, Meiko following him.

"Honey, I know it's hard, but I think we should do it. We'll need the Republic's help and the rest of the Jedi. Even if Joe doesn't want to do anything." She sat in the co-pilots chair. The engines started up, the Hawk lifting out of landing port at Anchorhead and heading up towards the vastness of space.

Matt looked at Meiko, smiling as she took his hand. "Coordinates for Alderaan are locked. Prepare for Hyperspace." Matt said over the intercom as he pulled the lever. The ship rocketed through Hyperspace, traveling with an upgraded class .05 hyperdrive engine. Coming out of Hyperspace to their familiar home, the group found how much time had passed since they last set foot on the world, with a Centurion Battle Cruiser in orbit, with Sith fighters exiting its hangars. The once sacred world of the Jedi had fallen under Imperial control.

Their darkest fears realized, the group of the Destined Jedi readied their lightsabers to try and fight for the beloved home. But what revelations would await them on the planets surface, only the Force would know.

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