The Next Generation [My Hero...

By ChillyMillie13

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(DISCLAIMER: I do not own My Hero Academia or its characters. It's clear in the title that this is a fan fict... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Two

1.1K 32 28
By ChillyMillie13

Todoroki's POV:
Endeavor: Shoto? Where are you?

I groaned as I felt an ache in my knees and walked out, granted my father had gotten a lot softer when he called me, which was weird, but a welcomed change.

My living situation had been a lot better as well since I started dating Izuku, because I stayed in the dorms a lot with him. Now I had need to leave the house more to help him with the baby. Not that I minded though.

Training was mostly the same, except Endeavor seemed tired.

I would have thought that Endeavor would calm down once he became number one, but it was the opposite. He became even more determined and did even more work than before and often times I'd walk out of training only to find a burn mark or two (which Izuku was kind enough to help with) and/or Endeavor walking in like he just had All Might beat the crap out of him.

I think he was working harder because there's more pressure for the Number 1 Hero, but he was doing fine before. Maybe he just feels like he has to raise himself up to prove he could be as good as All Might? Something else is telling me that he's also trying to prove himself to me and my family. I can appreciate that, but that doesn't get rid of my scar.

This time was worse though, as I glanced down at the ground while standing, I noticed my knees shaking uncontrollably. I tried ignoring it and training finished soon after. Followed by Endeavor looking like he was about to pass out, but he instead told me what I was good at, what I needed to improve on, and he kind of beat himself up verbally... I was expecting
him to look more disappointed in me, but he didn't.

After that I was left alone, although I can't leave and see Izuku now, since I can't let my father get suspicious. Especially when there is now a second loved one in danger alongside Izuku.

I jolt a little in surprise as I quickly suck in a breath of air.

I can't let anything happen to Izuku or our little one on the way... How could I forgive myself if Endeavor did something to them...? He can't know this... it's just too risky. He was angry enough when I told him we were just friends. I need to guard this secret with my life, if it means keeping my family safe.

That means there's a chance that my siblings can't know either, Endeavor never visits my mother, so I should be able to just ask her not to tell anyone. We might even need to hide it from some classmates that have a grudge against me or Izuku.

Whatever it takes, I will not let them go near or harm my family.
The Next Day
We were doing multi-training. And the Recovery Girl exempt Izuku from training, saying she'd let us tell everyone why ourselves.

I peered over my shoulder, and saw Izuku talking to Aizawa and cheering me on, I smiled and waved back at him.

Izuku was in the process of telling the teachers, after the Recovery Girl said that she could tell them herself, since Izuku's condition wouldn't get him expelled, but his physical training would be cancelled until he's completely recovered after labor.

I saw Aizawa jump when Izuku was talking to him, but seemed calm for the rest of the conversation. It did look like Aizawa harshly scolded Izuku, though, before talking it out more. Izuku was worried about Aizawa-Sensei's reaction more than anyone else's, not counting Principle Nezu, who seemed shocked and upset at first, but promised Izuku he wouldn't be expelled over it after seeing how worried Izuku was.

Sir Nighteye was not very happy to say the least, and harshly chided and lectured both of us, but didn't comment on it later. Even if it was clear he didn't like it. Mirio later reassured us that he was just processing it, and gave us a slightly nervous congratulations.

I was halfway through the course which lead to the main training session when I felt my knees shaking again. I tried to ignore it and make it through the course when the shaking started to hurt, and I started stumbling. It was like my legs were suddenly trying to shut down on me.

I kept pushing and getting them to move.

The trembling became more intense.
I glanced over and saw Aizawa and Izuku approaching the arena.

More trembling.

Kept pushing.

I ran faster.

Violent shaking.

I then pushed my legs even harder
and then—


I had fallen face first into the ground seconds later.

I heard Izuku run next to me and Aizawa immediately cut me off from the training. I looked down at my knee that had started feeling like it had a hammer harshly slammed into it. I shut my eyes from the growing pain and I let out a groan. Izuku picked me up and helped me out of the arena.

I noticed Aizawa also looking between Izuku and I as if thinking something. I spoke up.

Todoroki: I am the father, Mr Aizawa. And I fully intend on supporting Izuku and our unborn child, no matter what.

Aizawa just nodded.

Aizawa: Good to hear, about seven years ago we had one case where the other person involved wasn't interesting in helping at all. It's refreshing to hear the other parent take responsibility for the situation without prompting.

That made me reach over and gently squeeze Izuku's hand, him look at me and smile as I muttered: "No matter what".

Then I was sitting on a bench while Aizawa got the Recovery Girl. I let out small groans of pain. I looked back down at my knee, and noticed it looked swollen and bruised, (I'd rolled up my pant leg), and might have even had a couple blood clots in it.

Midoriya: What happened out there...?

I looked over to my right and saw Izuku looking at me with a concerned expression.

Todoroki: I didn't scare you too much, did I...?

Izuku shrugged, still looking worried.

Midoriya: How was that not supposed to scare me, Sho...?

I looked down, knowing he was right.

Todoroki: I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, my legs started shaking and then they just snapped...

Izuku gave me a small peck on the cheek, and a hug. My face visibly reddened and I side hugged Izuku.

Midoriya: We'll just wait until the Recovery Girl gets here...

Then Bakugo walked over.

Bakugo: Hey, what the hell was that? Did you twist your ankle or somethin'?

Todoroki: I don't know, my knee just suddenly gave out on me...

Bakugo: Hmph. And what about you, Deku? Why aren't you popping in?

Izuku looked down, and then pulled away from the hug to look at Bakugo.

Midoriya: Ahh... you—, can you actually talk to the others about meeting up in the common area...? Not today but, it's really important...

Bakugo tilted his head in confusion.

Bakugo: Um, okay, whatever. As long as you tell us why your sorry ass isn't out there in the arena with us.

Midoriya: It has a lot to do with that.

Bakugo: Good to hear. *starts walking back* Oi! Shitty hair! Get out here would ya?!

I turned my head and saw Kirishima standing a distance away from the training arena with a nervous look on his face.

Kirishima: S—sure, dude... I just needed a breather...

By the time Kirishima finished talking, Bakugo was back in his original spot.

Bakugo: Whatever, just get back in here.

Aizawa finally came over and the Recovery Girl followed, hobbling and leaning on her cane. She carefully knelt down to look at my knee.

Recovery Girl: Well, your knee is definitely broken, it looks like it gave out from pressure. Was something going on with your knee before it broke?

Todoroki: Well, both my knees were shaking uncontrollably yesterday and during training...

Recovery Girl: Hmm, then there's a chance that your body's been overworked. Have you been training outside of school by any chance?

I looked at Izuku, who immediately knew what my answer was.

Todoroki: I train with Endeavor every day.

The school medic nodded, and asked another question.

Recovery Girl: And how long would you say those extra sessions last, young Todoroki?

I tried thinking of a pattern, or an average, but just decided to be frank.

Todoroki: I don't know... at least an hour or two some days, at most they could reach five or six...

Recovery Girl looked a little shocked, but recomposed herself.

Recovery Girl: Well, the explanation is obvious then. You're seriously overworking yourself, you're body can't handle that much stress and intense training. It looks like I can heal it no problem, but I highly recommend that you take a break with the extra training, and take it easy during school hour training.

I nodded, hoping that Endeavor wouldn't see that as a reason to beat the living hell out of me. The Recovery Girl turned to face Aizawa.

Recovery Girl: I'd also suggest that you let him go easier for at least a week while training in your class, Shota-Kun.

Aizawa nodded, and the Recovery Girl chuckled shot a frail smirk at Aizawa.

Recovery Girl: That makes almost three students of yours ducking out of physical training for medical reasons, Aizawa-Kun. I'd watch out for angry parents if I were you.

Aizawa rolled his eyes.

Aizawa: Hey, none of those were my fault though. The only case where the student was in my care was this one *points at me*, and it was because he was being overworked, outside of school hours.

Recovery Girl began to hobble back to her office.

Recovery Girl: Eh, well, you know how the public can be sometimes. The last thing some people want is a reason to draw away from their favorite scapegoat. Which might be you in this case. Plus, you see how the 3-B class has been eyeing your students, they might take any excuse to prove that they're better than them. Likely even if it means publicly humiliating your, expecting, students.

Izuku blinked, and I just felt surprised.

Midoriya: Wait, the other person who got the scan was one of our classmates...?

Aizawa looked down.

Aizawa: Unfortunately, yes. But I'm not going to out that student, they already seem to be beating themselves up about it enough. Plus, it's their job— and your job—to tell your classmates and families about what the issue is, not me. This is a bad situation for all of us and we need to—YOUNG KIRISHIMA! Get out of the training arena! NOW!

Kirishima ran out looking embarrassed and scared, and Izuku looked at me. I had a feeling of what he was thinking.

Aizawa took Kirishima into another room and closed the door so we couldn't hear, but Izuku was more focused on my knee.
Third Person POV:
Kirishima: Sorry, Aizawa-Sensei. I just thought a that little bit would be—

Aizawa: Not a good idea! That's what it would be! You know I specially asked you to avoid training at this point until you get the all clear after labor! You know full well that you both could seriously get hurt! What were you thinking?!

Kirishima: I—I know, I'm sorry, it's just Bakugo asked about why I wasn't doing anything, and I didn't...—

Kirishima's face went red and he buried his face in his hands. Aizawa sighed.

Aizawa: Look, I know that this is hard to accept, especially considering how young you are, but the fact is you can't just go into these things like it's not happening. You're not in trouble, but I really need you to think about the state that you're in before you walk into these situations, okay? You have another human being that's relying on you now. Your friends and family will help you to stay safe, but you need to let them help, can you do that?

Kirishima was silent, and Aizawa started getting the problem a little more.

Aizawa: Young Kirishima, have you told anybody yet?

Kirishima shook his head.

Aizawa: No friends, no teachers, not even your family...?

Kirishima shook his head again.

Kirishima: *muttering* I don't want to... I don't want to tell anyone... what if they hate me...? K—Katsuki especially...

Aizawa: It's hard to admit those things, I get it. And I wouldn't normally push you, but your almost five months along, they will find out one way or another. I won't tell anybody for you, but I do need you to promise me that you'll do it yourself at some point?

Kirishima nodded slowly.

Kirishima: Do I have to tell Katsuki too...?

Aizawa: Is he the father?

Kirishima: Yes...

Aizawa: Then yes. You probably should.

Kirishima looked up.

Kirishima: But I don't know what he'll think of me! It was just supposed to be a—we weren't even in a relationship really! There's no way he'll take it well! And you saw how bad his anger issues are—he just—! I don't want him to hate me! I don't want to ruin his life if he has a chance to just walk away!

Aizawa: Okay, well, he does have a right to know. I'll give you time to think this over, but I do want you to at least tell one person this week, I don't care who, anybody, can you do that?

Kirishima nodded.

Aizawa: Then let's get back to class.

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