Classic Rock And a few Others...

By ringostonee

1K 47 77

COLLABORATION WITH @GEROGEEHARRI The Beatles, Queen, Elton John, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Bob D... More

1 - aaah
2 -
3 - hubbub B)
5 - Freddei is gay Brian in love Rogah making potions and Deaky wants sleep
6 - An inspector cals
7 - Ladies Night
8 - Nowhere Boy George's Realisation
9 - Obsession and True Love
10 - Nowhere Boy George has a crisis about life and Sniggy
11 - basically a gay club
12 - tagger us real
13 - Some othwr schools show up
16 - Brick by Boring Brick
17 - THE GHOSTS also nbg first challenge😮
17 - the not so grand reuturn

4 -

81 4 5
By ringostonee

Elton John was sat by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. He was sitting with his legs crosed and sipping tea, daydreaming about BTS 1...

"Hey, Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen, I've got a problem," Paul said awkwardly. Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen looked at him and smiled.


Paul sighed and looked at his feet. "Y'know Ravenclaw?"


"Well, there's someone that is in that house-"

"WHO HURTED YOU???? >:((((((((" Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen screeched paul colvered his ears.

"Nobody I just-"


Paul grabed Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen's shoulders and sat him back down. "I like someone from Ravenclaw, y'know," he whispered.

"Ohhhh why didn't you say so? Who is it? It's not Bri, right? He's got his mind set on Ringo but who doesn't? Oh oh! Is it gred? Ngl hes way too jead over heals for food, Paul. Oh! What about Phill Collins? No, no, it's BILL NYE-"



"YEAH, OH! Y'KNOW HE IS MY HUSBAND AND WE'VE NEVER INTERACTED INNTHIS UNIVERSE!" Pul had tears on his "cherub" cheeks and Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen felt bad for some reason, why didn't he realise Paul was married to Davod in another universe.

"Thats fine paul dont cru pls we'll go interact woth him during lessons and @ food time but dont cry because if you cry then ill cry!!!!"


Paul and Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen shared a father-son hug and BTS danced in.

BTS 4 walked over to Elton John who was still daydreaming and cleared his throat and did the heart thing that doesn't look like a heart with his fingers.

"So I hear you like BTS 1?" He alsed. Elton John looked up at him.

"What? No!" He spluttered.

"Yeah sure," ahd BTS 4 left Elton John to his thoughts again.

Nowhere Boy George, Michael, their new mates Rami and Taron came down the boy's dorm stairs gossiping about stuff.

"So you said John Lennon was going to beat up Professor Jackson?" Nowhere Boy George aksed.

"Yeah, that's what I hearf from Ben, at least, and he's in Slytherin so he's got inside information," Rami replied.

"Yeah, Gwyilm said Brian May mentioned something about a fight between ma 6th Year and a Professor," Taron added.

"On another note," Michael began, "why are Paul and Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen crying?"

The gang turned to the duo in the corner and saw a very father son bonding moment unfold. It was not gay because Paul is Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen's son.

"Uh, you two good?" Nowhere Boy George asked.

"Yeh, PuLs got a crush that's all,"

"Oh, on whom?"

"David in Ravenclaw,"

Nowhere Boy George laughed. Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen was going to yell but Nowhere Boy George said. "He literally never talks to anyone, you've got a 99.9999% chance of winning him over,"

"False, he spoke to George yesterday," Paul snapped, "and it wasn't really talking, he just asked George if he would stop eating and George insulted him..." Nowhere Boy George raised his hands defensively.

"Alright, alright! You been stalking him or something?"

"Well maybe,"

"Whatever, lets go to the Gr8 Hall and find David!" Nowhere Boy George exclaimed.

"You'll help?" Paul asked shyliy.

"Yeah! And if David says no we can just kill him,"

👁"were nkt killing David, Nowhere Boy George," Rami saif.

"Yeah, theres a better way to get him to like you if he says no, Paul," Michael siad.

Paul shot up. "What?"

"We could try to make a love potion, but as a last resort, obviously,"

Paul got a glint in his eyes nobody cluld place. "Let's just hope it doesn't escalate to that..."

The plan was underway, the gang made their way to the Gr8 Hall and sat on the Gryffindor table for Phase 1 of Wooing David.

BTS began Phase 2. They started dancing and singing a nice song that was about some loser getting lost in space after the ground control messed up big time. It got davids attention because he space👉.

Then it was Phase 3, make Gred eat everything so ravencalws would have to asked for food from othet hluses.

Gred perfected his job.

He inhaled all the food and thebother Ravenclaws bad to ask for food. Paul begane phase 5.

He went tondavd to offer food. "Hello, I see Greoge has eaten all the food, want to share with me?"

David glanced at hil. Pauls breathe heitched at the suggt of his miscmached eyes they were georgeous.


Paul was about to grab some frood from the Gryffindor table and bring it over but quitckly realised greorfd wouldneat it.

"You want to sit on my table? Y'know, incase Greof eats it,"

David nodded and followed Paul to the Gryffindor table. Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen gave him a thumbs up and BTS quietly cheered.

We'll be back after this short break

Bill Nye was eating an apple some kid from Hufflepuff had offered him when he noticed an unfamiliar face across from him.

Looking up at this student, Bill Nye felt an instant connection. He had to say something to him.

"Hello, I don't think idve seen you around before, what's your name?"

The dude accros looked up at him. "Hello and welcome back to,"

"Hi, freesciencelessons, im Bill Nye the Science Guy but you can nust call me Bill,"

Bill Nye offered a hand and freesciencelessons shook it friendlily. "Well, Bill, just call me Shaun,"

The two ate breakfast together tlaking about science, Bill Nye finally had a friend and another character to interact properly with uwuw.

Then unfortunately the students had to go to their lessons. They both had potions!!! More time together!!!!!!!!!

End of the break but were also going back in time a few minutes.

Paul and David sat at the Gryffindor table. Paul sat very close to David, who didn't move away because he either liked it or was too polite to tell oaul to move. But Paul figured he was uncomfortable bc he eat nothing.

David had his right hand on the table, fiddling with a butter knife and Paul was about to reach for it but he was interrupted.

"HEY, PAUL WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" It was John. They turned to the Slytherin and david stood up.

"Sorry, I'll go,"

"Wait no-" Paul said but David hand already began to walk away. Paul whined because he too, is a furry, "thanks, Hohn!!"

"We were just heading to Potions, Paul," Johm said, indicating to the lads behind him, Georg and Ringo.

"Who was that, Paul?" Ringo asked. Paul smiled.

"That was David, he's in my house," Freog replied for him, "he told be to stop eating so i told him to gonaeay. Indont likenhim😡😡"

0auo sighed. "You'll hate anyone who tells you to stopneating,"


"Whatever, lets jsut go," Paul said and walked off with the others following him. 

When they atrived at potions Professor Beach was setting up for the lesson when freiddie mergctury comes in


"AYYO!" Professor Beach replied.

Freddie, Bri, Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen and Deaky the chicken nugget disco disco man sat together eveon tho that was not the seating plan.

Pau went over to Professor Beach. "Sir, is it alright if I sit next to David? He doesn't really understand potions, y'know,"

"Yes, of course, if it will benefit you both,"

Paul nodded and went to David's desk, he wasnt their but the person he shared the desk with was. "Hi, Jimmy, I sit here now,"

Jimmy looked at him. "Why?"

"David's underachieving, I'm going to help him. Move,"

"No, where do i sit,"

"My desk, with Yoko. I imagine you two will get on just fine,"

Jommy was gritting his teath, Paul didn't think he was going to move until he snapped. "FINE I DIDNT WANT TO SIT NEXT TO THAT HOMOSEXUAL ANYWAY!!!" And he stormed off to Paul's old desk.

Paul grinned and took his seat and waited for daivd to show up. Unlike Nowhere Boy George, he actually showed up on time.

"Hello again," Paul smiled. Dabif dropped his bag and leand his head on the table.

"Hi, Paul," he mumbled. Paul siad 😐

"You good, my brothah?"

"Nah fam im hungry as gred,"

"Why didn't you eat anything then?" Paul asked genuinly comcerned at this point.

"That was the most uncomfortable situation I've ever been in and I sit next to Jimmy every Potions lesson!"

"You used to sit next to Jimmy, I'm your new partner,"

"Why are you hear anyway paul?" Daivd looked at him with big mismsched eyes. Pajl breathe hitched again.

"Well I- um- you- underachieving- help-"

"I'm zsorry, underachieving?"


Everyone turned to them. Jimmy was sniggering. BTS were watching with anticipation. Ringo, John and Groef were very confused. Roger Taylor the Drummer from Queen was staring at them. David was under pressure.


"HA GAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!" Jimmy shouted. Yoko hit jImmy.

"Stop being homophobic!" John said.

"I knew mr crazy eyes was gay but I didn't know Paul was too!!! This is too good!!" Jimmy laughed. Nobody joined in bc theyre not homophobic.

"Jummy, stop bullying my friend," Ringo said quietly from behind.

"Shut up, youre gayer than both of them combined, not to mention youre ugly as heck and NOBODY LIKES YOU!!!!!!!"

"Everyone calm down. Mr Page, that is 20 points from Gryffindor. I don't want any verbal abuse in my classroom, let that be a warning to all of you." Professor Beach then turned to Paul and Davod, "You two are excused, talk out... whatever this is and do not let it disturb my lesson again, understood?"

"Yessir," Paul muttered and collected his belongings and followed David outside.

They walked for a bit in slilence until they got to the courtyard and David sttopped so paul wanted to apologise.

"Look, David, I'm really sorry-"

"For what? You only embarrassed me infront of the whole class and caused another one of Jummys outbirsts,"

"I know, I messed up. A log. But pls let me make it up to you,"


"But I love you!"

"Yeah, well maybe I'm not ready, 0-aul..."

Paul's face dropped. This guy was his husband in another usnivetse and now he was turning him down. "But, Davif-"

"Look, I don't hate you, Paul," Davd sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "just give me some more time. please,"

Paul looked down and nodded. "I get it, but," Paul grabbed david's blue/ bronze tie and smashed their lipst togerrrr.

Surprisingly Davd didn't pull away immediately anf he kissed back briefly. Much to Paul's amazment.

When Davd did pull away he looked Paul in the ryes, woth no words said "i lovr you to but this id too soon". Paul nodded and they went their speerate ways. Destenfed to meet again.


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