The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 25

9 3 2
By Musics4lifes

"Noooo!" I shouted. How dare he...Stefan... I could feel my tear drops dropping. All I could do was watch Stefan's limp body be thrown at the wooden wall. Everything felt as if it were in slow motion. I dropped to my knees, feeling weak. Energy drained out mentally and physically. He won...Lord Delaney won.

I looked up and saw my friends rushing at Lord Delaney. It didn't do much as Lord Delaney effortlessly pushed back my friends once more. Suddenly anger hit me. I wanted to rip his body apart into pieces, limb from limb. Make him feel every pain known to man. Suddenly I felt energized, a dark energy to be exact.

I could feel my face becoming veiny and fire in my eyes. I felt power and anger. Hatred and despair. As I glared at Lord Delaney, I could see his eyes going big. He will pay...he will die.

"Lord Delaney," a dark heavy voice came from me, floating up into the air, "you will pay for the crimes you have committed. You will feel the pain and suffering you gave to others. I have called on my wrath to seek vengeance for the wrongs you have done. You are a disgrace to the vampires and to the supernaturals and for that, you shall pay for your life!" I shouted at him with pure dark energy and anger.

I started throwing fireballs repeatedly at him and Lord Delaney dodging all but the last fireball which did not inflict much damage.

"Is that all you got, girl?" Lord Delaney taunted.

Anger it me hard so I unleashed it by making it rain. It wasn't the normal water rain we are used to but instead, rain of fire. It caused more damage to Lord Delaney and I could see he was gritting his teeth.

"You think you can defeat me? You're not the only one to have special abilities," Lord Delaney smirked. He grabbed me with force and threw me to the ground.

Using my energy to get back up, ignoring the pain he caused me, I was shocked that he could use the force.

"You see, I am a very old vampire. Within my life span, I have learned much talents and have earned favors from others. In return, they have given me powers. I am the most powerful vampire and I can not be defeated!" Lord Delaney shouted.

I looked around in hope for some aid in this battle. Stefan was dead and my uncle and friends are unconscious. I will be damned if I let him win and I will die trying if it comes down to it. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. I reached into my hidden pocket of my leather jacket to pull out a note that I have kept. Knowing I have nothing else to lose, I had no choice but to summon them.

Floating back up, dark energy erupted within me. I concentrated on my fire ability to bring them to life. Having it pictured clearly, I shouted with my dark voice, "Rise!" I threw my hands up. Suddenly fire minions were appearing out of nowhere. Moving fire elementals with orange-red eyes looking at me, waiting for instructions. "Kill him," my dark voice commanded them.

The fire elementals were moving towards Lord Delaney, all using fire beams from their gasly hands directly at Lord Delaney.

Lord Delaney, using his force abilities were throwing them around but it wasn't causing much damage to them. He tried punching them with only minimum success. I could see the anger in his eyes. Lord Delaney raised both hands around him and using his force energy, he shouted, "Enough!" and blasted the fire minions away and slammed me into the wall.

I tried to get up but the pain was overbearing. I could see Lord Delaney getting closer to me. I stood up wobbling a bit. I tried to summon a fireball to throw at him but he used his force to put my arm down.

"Stupid girl, you know you can't beat me. I am far more powerful than you will ever be."

I stayed quiet, trying to gather every bit of energy I could muster. I could feel the energy gathering together as if it was forming into a big orb.

"After I kill you, I will kill everyone you have ever met and kill every lord until I am the last standing. You will regret when you betrayed me," he stated.

"Don't I have to be on your team first to even betray you?" I questioned him.

"You bitch," he slapped me hard. "I will kill your uncle and friends very slowly and will enjoy doing it," he smirked.

And that was it. I quickly punched him right in the jaw and kicked him right in the gut making him fly a few feet away. Where Lord Delaney landed, I put fire around his body to let him burn.

Before he could get back up, I pounced on him, repeatedly punching him, leading him into a bloody pulp. Lord Delaney than grabbed me by the throat and threw me off of him.

"I will kill you right here right now!" Lord Delaney yelled while walking over to my fallen body where I try to stand back up. "You are nothing but a worthless bitch and will die like one," he gritted his teeth. He picked me up by my throat and started choking me.

Knowing I was losing my control to breathe, I had to think quickly. Then, I thought of something. I put my right hand on his heart and concentrated on fire. I concentrated on burning his organs, his blood, and most importantly his heart. I sent my last drop of energy I could muster and put it straight through Lord Delaney's body.

I saw Lord Delaney's eyes turn into panic. He let go of my throat and backed away from me. "What, what did you do?"

"I sent fire to burn you from the inside," I smirked.

I watched Lord Delaney getting down his knees. "You think you have won, but you didn't. The Elite will find you and destroy you. They will kill you like how they killed your parents, you bitch..." he went quiet suddenly and blew up into dust.

My parents? Whatever he knew about my parents, it was too late to find out now. Knowing I finally won the battle, I dropped to my knees, feeling tired. I could feel my body returning to its normal self. Feeling weak and tiresome, my vision started to turn dark and before I knew it, darkness was the last thing I saw.

"Lilith, wake up Lilith," a voice said to me while shaking me lightly.

I opened up my eyes to see Lord Lazarus Thornes shaking me lightly. "What happened?"

"Well, you killed Lord Delaney and anyone who teamed up with him either backed down or ran off," Lord Thornes stated nonchalantly.

"My friends, are they...?"

"Almost everyone. Drake, your uncle, Kyle, and Anges are starting to wake up," he answered.

"And Stefan?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"I'm so sorry Lilith, he's gone," he said with regret in his eyes.

I stood up, wiping the dust off of me. I found Kyle and walked over to him. When Kyle saw me walking, he ran over to me and wrapped me into a huge hug. I couldn't stop myself from crying and started to let it all out. Kyle rubbed my back whispering to me that everything would be okay. I knew it wouldn't. Sure, I defeated Lord Delaney but I lost Stefan in the process.

"You were amazing," Kyle said to me, still be wrapped up in his hug.

I waited a few moments until I knew I was able to talk. "Not amazing enough. If I was, Stefan would still be alive."

"Lilith," Kyle started until I interrupted him.

"Don't," I told him and then walked away.

"Lilith, wait up!" Calico said with his thick irish accent, limp-running his way over to me.

"Calico, how are you holding up?" I asked him. I could easily see his bruises on his face and how he was limping.

"I have felt better days. Nasty battle," he looked around. "A very nasty battle," he glanced over at Stefan's limp body.

"I want to go home," I said quietly.

"I bet you do. Once we finish up here, we will get you home," Calico gave me a small smile.

I looked over and saw Lord Thornes, Drake, and Angus signaling me to walk over to them. As I sighed, I walked over to them.

"Lilith, I hope you know, because of today, I owe you my life. Not just me, but the vampire community owes you," Lord Thornes said. "Drake here told me that Angus changed his ways and has helped you from the inside, is that true?"

"He did. Angus was a great help with the plan on saving everyone," I said as a fact.

"Lord Thornes, I do apologize for the role that I played in. For what I did to Lilith and her friends, and Drake. I do not blame you if you wish death or for me to leave for good," Angus got on his knee.

It was quiet for a few moments until Lord Thornes spoke up, "Get up...Lord Angus. I understand your part but you also changed your ways and from what Lilith says, became a big help. Now, I know your country needs a lord since the old one has been fried, do you think you can step up and do your duty?"

"Yes. I will make this country strong and proud. Continue to make peace with the human kind and remain at peace," Lord Angus smiled. "And Lilith, if you ever need help later on, you can count on me and my people to be at your side for when you call."

"As will me and my people," Lord Thornes smiled. "As for the rest, whoever changed their minds and joined us in the fight shall be forgiven and the ones who weren't will be exiled or if needed to be executed. No longer will we have vampires go against our kind and strive for war. We shall always be allies and friends to all unless provoked.

"I do have one question," I told them. "How did one manage to get a serpent in here?"

"The ocean around us has serpents and my father has done dealings for the water creatures and they owed him," Lord Angus answered.

"Lord Angus, I am sure you should give your people a speech now, about everything that has happened," Lord Thornes advised.

Lord Angus nodded and walked over to the steps. He climbed up and went in front of the arena where everyone was watching him, curious as to what he has to say.

"Vampires, know that today is a huge victory for our kind. Our deceased lord, Lord Delaney was nothing but a fool and a disgrace to our kind. Today shall not go without punishment. For the ones who changed their mind and joined us within the fight shall be forgiven, but the ones who went against us shall be exiled. If any complications with being exiled, they will join my father's fate in death. We may be creatures of the night, drink blood, demons to some eyes, but we shall always remain at peace until provoked! Humans are our friends and allies. They are not walking meat-bags nor are they are drinking blood fountains. No harm shall go their way unless authorizations have been notified. We shall remain allies to other supernatural creatures and remain at peace. If anyone has a problem then you may speak to me. Be warned though, if anyone ever gets the slightest of ideas to turn against their kind, they will be dealt with...harshly. Now everyone, return home and be with your family. Anyone who needs to seek medic shall do so," Lord Angus stated, finishing up his speech.

"That was amazing," I told Lord Angus as he walked towards Lord Thornes and I. "What's going to happen now though?"

"I hope things could return to normal. Now that Lord Delaney is dead, people could live at peace just like it should of been. No more rogue vampires hunting humans nor vampires," Lord Angus said. "Thank you, Lilith. If it wasn't for you, who knows what could have happened today. I meant it, what I said. If you are ever in trouble, my people and I will stand by your side."

"Thank you Lord Angus, I will keep that in mind," I smiled gracefully.

"We must return back," Lord Thornes said.

"What about...Stefan?" I hated to think of him being dead but he is.

"If it is okay with you, I will hold onto him in my burial chambers until we can have a proper funeral for him," Lord Thornes said.

"That's fine," I looked down.

Calico and Kyle walked over to us knowing it was time to go. Calico opened up the portal that would lead us back to Eripmav. Lord Thornes respectfully picked up Stefan. We said our goodbyes to Lord Angus and headed back into the portal.

"Thank you again for all of your help my son, Lilith, and Kyle. Today could have been the end of all peace treaties but because of you guys, lives are saved and we can go back to living peacefully," Lord Thornes said gratefully.

"Dad," Drake spoke up, "there is something that I need to tell you."

"Are you sure?" I heard Kyle whisper to him.

Drake nodded, "Before I go, there is something I need to tell you. Kyle here is my boyfriend and we are together," Drake looked down.

"Well it is about time my son meets someone," Lord Thones smiled.

"You mean, you are not ashamed?" Drake questioned.

"Ashamed? Why would I be ashamed boy?" Lord Thornes wondered.

"Because you are a Lord, isn't that frown upon on?" Drake asked his father.

"Of course not, this isn't the olden times. Besides, I am a lord with most power, who's to tell me who my son can and cannot love? Besides, knowing Kyle for small amount of time, I can tell he's a good one," Lord Thornes smiled at Kyle.

"Thank you father, that means a lot to me," Drake smiled and went to give his father a hug.

"Now you guys must be going. You guys are always welcome anytime you guys want. And Lilith? My offer still stands, if you ever need help, you can count on me and my people," Lord Thornes smiled.

"Thank you Lord Thornes," I said. I felt like I should of bowed when I say his title but I haven't seen anyone do it and I do not feel like making myself a fool.

Calico got his portal set up to take us back home. Lord Thornes gave each of us a hug with a goodbye which shocked us. I'm sure after today that we are all great friends. I still couldn't believe on everything that has happened, nor did I want to.

When we arrived back home, it was late. I looked at the time and it was forty-five minutes until midnight. Yup, it is an official, I am giving myself the next week off. Paid week off that is. Thea be damned, I earned this. I know I should report back about what occurred but it is late and with Stefan being gone, I wouldn't be able to manage it. I will talk to her tomorrow.

"Alright guys, I'm going to head off back home," Calico said.

"Calico, come stay the night, please?" I pleaded. I didn't want to be alone, not just yet.

"Of course," Calico gave a small smile.

"Well I'm hungry, anyone up for some pizza?" Kyle offered.

"I could eat, I will go make some coffee," I said.

It was going to be a long night and none of us were ready to depart from one another. After being imprisoned, battled, losing someone close to us, we decided to stay close to us. Kyle and Drake wanted to stay the night so I transformed the couch and pulled out the bed. We ate pizza and drank cup after cup of coffee talking about what has transpired throughout our experience in Australia.

"I don't know about you guys, but I will be just fine on never going back there again," I stated.

"Same here, even though their country is back in order, I think I will pass on that," Kyle agreed.

After eating all of the three boxes of pizza and drinking three pots of coffee, we decided to head off to bed. I gave Kyle and Drake a hug goodnight and walked upstairs with my uncle.

As I gave my uncle a hug goodnight he said, "Everything will be okay, try to get some sleep tonight. Try to speak to the Goddess for guidance if you need to."

"Thank you uncle," I said with a small smile.

After my long hot shower, I changed into my pajamas. I got into my comfy bed and sent a small prayer request to Goddess Danu in hopes to say something to me.

"Hello Lilith Moonlight, you called?" Goddess Danu spoke to me.

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