The Hellish Love I Bare to Yo...

By FennicFox

152K 2.8K 1.6K

It has been roughy 30 years since Henry returned to the studio. A letter from Joey Drew convinced him to go b... More

Inky Demise
Little Sheep
Errand Boy
The Well Of Voices
Goodbye Buddy (part 1)
Goodbye Buddy (part 2)
Goodbye Buddy (part 3)
I'm Sorry...
Lustful Thoughts
Wretched and Divine
The Beast's Desire (part 1)
The Beast's Desire (part 2)
Uh oh..
Choose Your Side...
The End (part 1)
The End (part 2)
The End (part 3)
The Replay
New Memories
Calm Before The Storm
Round Two
Angels and Demons
All Hell Breaks Loose
Henry, the Ink Creator
Is It War?
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Unlikely Allies
A Wolf Tale
The Sinful Ballad
Ink Bond

Old Friends

2.2K 46 12
By FennicFox

Henry hated it. He hated the fact he was jealous when Sammy was near Bendy. Sammy would be at least in hugging distance of Bendy, and this made Henry jealous. It shouldn't though, know the Ink Demon's heart belongs to him. But it couldn't be avoided that easily.

One day(?), Henry and Bendy were relaxing in the Heavenly Toys factory. Henry was on top of Bendy, feeling his skinny chest, sending waves of chill through Bendy's body. Henry loves seeing him react to simple things.

"Everyday, you really do intrigue me Bendy~" purred Henry, giving a tired smile.

"You too, my love, like how discovered-" Bendy leans forwards and licks Henry's left ear, making him whimper a moan, "how you're sensitive there~"

"B-Bendy~..." Henry blushed brightly.

"Pardon my intrusion, my lord... Henry.." Sammy said, appearing through the wall. Henry quirky groans.

"What is it Lawrence?..." growled Bendy. Sammy automatically got on his knees and lowered his head.

"Forgive me, my lord, but something came to mind... as you said few days ago they we are in a infinite loop, correct?"

"Yes Sammy, we are.." huffed Henry.

"Ok, but aren't Loop supposed to, ya know... repeat?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well if Henry said bout his before experience... and was told he'd done this many times... isn't he suppose to pull the reel in?"

"Well-...wait.." Bendy sat up with Henry. He pondered on the idea for a bit before standing up. "I'll be right back, Henry, watch Sammy so he doesn't do something stupid..."

"W-where are you going, my lord?!"

"I need to check something.." with that, Bendy leaves through the ink. Both men waited there for a moment.

"You... aren't wrong Sammy.." Henry said to break the silence.

"Who said I was?... I wonder where my lord went?"

"He has a name you know.."

"I'm aware, Stein, but he is higher than both of us, so I show respect of authority ~"

".... shut up Lawrence..." Henry stand up and stretches. Sammy clicks his teeth in distaste. Both men walked to the Music Department in silence until a loud crashing sound made them stop.

"... you heard that too right, or am I losing my mind again?"

"Shhh!!.." Henry grabs a nearby pipe, with Sammy behind him, heads towards the source. Peering around the corner, Henry spots Tom Boris. His was facing them, he was looking though some crates.

"Tom?! What's he doing up here?!... if he's here then-"

"Um.. Henry?" Henry turns around to see Alison Angel holding her sword against Sammy's neck.


"If you want to live, then you have to come with us.." Alice said, lightly pressing the blade into Sammy's neck, making him wince.

"Alice wait-" Henry started before before being pinned to the wall by Tom. Henry dropped the pipe as Tom shoves him to floor.

"Better listen Henry..." growls Tom. Henry huffs as he lowered his head.

"This isn't gonna end well.."

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