
By CorderoPack

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Quirky, Ricky Vera is unexpectedly sent to Durango, Colorado to spend the summer with his uncle. The fourtee... More

Death and Beginnings
Changes & Heartbreak
Ricky Vera
Uncle Steve
Welcome to Durango
Into the Woods
The Incident
There's a Wolf in the Basement
In Need
Strangers at the Door
Hiding the Truth
Lying Low
A Week Later
Four-Legged Thief
Interspecies Communication
The Map
Silver Lining
Getting to Know You
Getting to Know You Part II
The Gift
The Bloodfang
The Return of the Men in Black
Escape & Rescue
The Promise of a Bloodfang

Moment of Truth

114 7 1
By CorderoPack


Feeling more anxious than usual, Ricky wandered aimlessly around his bedroom. A glance at his tablet told him it was almost midnight. He never stayed up this late but he had the proverbial ants in his pants tonight. He felt restless and worried. Despite all of the care he had taken of the wolf and the seeming healing of his wound, the wolf continued to lay, unawaken on the basement floor His water remained untouched. Ricky did not understand why. Other than the wound, the wolf seemed perfectly healthy. As for the wound, it looked remarkably well. It was not infected. It no longer bled. It barely appeared to be a scab. 'So what was the problem?' Ricky asked himself. 'Was it possible that the wolf was in a coma?'

Ricky wished he knew what was wrong with him. He worried he had done something wrong but he didn't have a clue what. He had spent a lot of time with the wolf this week, as much as he could when his uncle wasn't home.

His uncle, determined that Ricky have a good time, had arrived home early every day since the wolf had arrived. Ricky knew, if not for the comatose secret hiding in the basement, he would have been thrilled by his uncle's time and attention.

He wasn't complaining either. He was having a great time with his uncle though the subterfuge he was engaged in did distract from the fun. Many times he had almost confessed everything to his uncle but it seemed every time he started to, a now familiar voice in his head convinced him it was not a good idea. So he had continued to live a sort of double life. One that by day sat in the basement chattering non-stop to a sick animal and by night played card games and board games with his uncle. The secrecy was exhausting!

He had also picked up some chores in the last few days. To prevent his uncle from finding the wolf in the basement, Ricky had taken up doing the laundry. His uncle had seemed very appreciative of Ricky volunteering to do this chore which in turn made Ricky feel a bit guilty. He hadn't offered to help only out of the goodness of his heart. To make up for that Ricky had also volunteered to vacuum the swimming pool and take out the trash. He hoped that made up for any unavoidable dishonesty on his part.

Uncle Steve had also introduced him to a couple of his closest friends. Their names had been Gary and Clara Stuttle. They had been Uncle Steve's friends since high school. Clara was a sweet, middle-aged woman with greying blonde hair and green eyes while her husband was a nice man with a thick head of brown hair and bright blue eyes that shone with playful mirth. The couple had been high school sweethearts who had later married after college. They had told Ricky several hilarious stories about his Uncle Steve that had made Ricky giggle. They had also shared stories of his uncle's bravery, loyalty, and compassion. It had made him see his uncle in a new light. It had made Ricky love him even more. That growing affection made the deceit he was perpetuating against his uncle a little more of a bitter pill to swallow.

Despite that one dishonesty, Ricky made sure every other minute he spent with his uncle was as truthful and as sincere as he could make it. He deeply appreciated his uncle's invitation for the summer and he would do everything he could to show him that appreciation.

During the day, only after his uncle left for work, did Ricky spend time with his wolf. 'His' wolf. Ricky had started thinking of him that way. Ricky talked to him and stroked him, and watched over him. He felt bonded to him. Silly, especially since the wolf had not opened his eyes since the first day, but Ricky did not care. There was something about nurturing a vulnerable being, harboring him, lying for him. He was no longer just a wild animal to Ricky nor was he Ricky's pet. He was just... his.

Every day since the wolf had entered his life, Ricky would make his way carefully down the wooden basement steps to visit his wolf. Ricky always approached him carefully. Only when the wolf did not open his eyes would Ricky attend to his wound. The speed with which the wolf healed had astounded Ricky. As of today it was no longer bleeding and would no longer require bandaging. The water bowl had also, once again, remained full today. Ricky's fears that the wolf could be suffering from dehydration had grown.

Ricky had sat down cross-legged beside the wolf today and stared for long moments at the very still but still very warm wolf. He had reached his hand out and stroked his soft midnight fur. 'Had he gotten thinner?' Ricky had questioned himself as his fingers ran along the sleeping forms ribcage. He just couldn't tell. He had sat like that for a long while. He sat enjoying and at the same time worrying about his wolf.

After several more minutes of stroking him, staring at him and willing him to wake, Ricky had finally stilled. Getting back to his feet, Ricky had made his way back upstairs to get his new sketch book and colored pencils, gifts from his uncle. His uncle had bought it for him after he had found a few of Ricky's sketches laying around. Wolf sketches, no less. Ricky had stammered a response when his uncle had confronted him with them. It had taken a few moments to realize his uncle was not confronting him about the subject of the sketch but about the quality of the work. His uncle had heaped copious amounts of praise on him, making him blush. The next day he had come home and presented Ricky with pad and pencils stating proudly, "Gifts for your talented gift."

Pleased by the thoughtful present, Ricky had taken to carrying it around with him. He had also made sure to sketch more than just his wolf to allay any suspicion.

Today though, he had felt compelled to focus on the wolf. Time was drawing near he knew, when the wolf would be gone. The wolf would either wake up and leave of his own accord or Ricky would finally have to confess all to his uncle and Ricky knew his uncle would have him taken away. Either way, his wolf would be gone out of his life. He wanted a picture that looked as much like the wolf as he could possibly get. It would have to serve as the picture he could not take. His memory of this amazing time in his life.

Ricky sighed deeply, as he planted his feet in front of the window and stared out into the darkness of the night, his memories of this week fading as he stepped back into the present. He was not ready to face the disappearance of the wolf from his life even though he knew there would come a time when he had to.

Yawning, Ricky turned and walked the few steps to the bed. Turning back around, he flung himself backward onto the bed and lay staring up at the darkened ceiling. There was very little light in the room and he could barely make out the brass light fixture. Closing his eyes, praying for sleep, Ricky's mind again wandered amidst the memories of this past week. Being given the opportunity to nurse back to health such a beloved animal humbled Ricky. He knew he would never in his life again be given this chance. He...

Ricky jolted out of a deep sleep, panting heavily. He didn't know how long he had slept but it was still plenty dark outside. Ricky stayed like that for long moments, regulating his breathing, wondering what had woken him. He had been dreaming about the wolf. The luxurious black pelt and golden eyes had been so vivid in his dream.

As he lay there, recalling his dream, his thoughts wandered to the wolf. For some reason her could not fathom he felt compelled to seek him out. Something felt off, nagging at Ricky's mind and he knew he would be unable to go back to sleep until he checked on him.

He had never taken such a risk before with his uncle in the house but something was off. What if the wolf was sick? What if he needed help? Ricky could not resist the pull to check on him. He would just have to take extra care so as not to wake his uncle. As quiet as he could, Ricky rose up out of the bed and walked to his bedroom floor, opening with gentle care.

He peeked his head out into the hallway. It was dark and empty. Not a sound could be heard except for the occasional snuffling snore drifting from his uncle's room. Definitely sleeping, Ricky thought with a slight grin before turning to make his way quietly down the steps. It was fortuitous, Ricky thought, that he had fallen asleep in his clothes. It was best not to be sneaking around in pajamas.

Ricky all but tip-toed through the house as he made his way toward the basement. He glanced at the glowing lights on the stove as he walked through the kitchen. He had been asleep about an hour he realized.

He sighed heavily. 'Okay,' he told himself. 'Go check on him real quick, then back to bed.' He nodded to himself. That sounded like a plan. Feeling very self-assured that checking on the wolf would be easy-peasy, he walked over to the door, grabbed the knob, and turned. He stopped immediately upon hearing the loud and high-pitched "eeee" noise that the hinges made.

He slammed his hand over his mouth to stifle a surprised yelp that threatened to emit from his throat. He froze still as a statue believing that his uncle had most likely heard the noise and had woken up thinking it to be a burglar or worse. Ricky remained frozen in place for several minutes until he was positive that he had not woken his uncle up. When he was finally certain the coast was clear Ricky relaxed, exhaling a huge breath of air he had not known he had been holding. Ricky resumed opening the door, thankfully with no squeak to accompany it this time. He raised his hand up and placed it against the basement wall, where he started feeling for the light switch. He searched blindly before he finally located it and switched it on so he could navigate the stairs.

Ricky took the stairs as slowly and carefully as he usually did. Though this trip was supposed to be in haste, there were just some things Ricky could not rush. Not to mention, what if he did trip? That was not how Ricky would want his uncle to learn about the wolf.

As he took the last step he looked over toward the sleeping wolf. Only there was no wolf. He was gone!

Ricky blinked several times not believing what he was not seeing! He rushed across the basement floor to where the wolf had lain since collapsing five days ago. Nothing! Ricky darted from corner to corner but finding no sign of his wolf nor any clue to explain the wolf's sudden disappearance. 'Where could he have gone? He was right here the last time I saw him. It's not like he got up and decided to leave... then again maybe he did,' Ricky realized. His eyes wandered along the basement floor to the stairs that led up into the garage. On a hunch Ricky dashed towards the concrete stairs, stepping carefully over the broken wood slat. Ricky, with more caution than usual, followed the steps that led up.

Upon entering the garage he was no longer surprised to see that the garage doors were still wide open. His uncle had not closed them since he had arrived. Ricky assumed he never did. With slight hesitancy, Ricky made his way out of the garage and peered out into the darkness. He shivered slightly. He didn't know if it was from cold or nerves, or both. Colorado was cooler this time of the year than New York. Then again, he was wandering around outside near the mysterious woods he was not allowed to enter during the daytime with a wolf possibly wandering around nearby. Ricky nodded his head in decision. It was definitely both! Ricky wrapped his arms around himself and started rubbing his arms up and down repeatedly in an attempt to comfort and warm himself at the same time.

He gazed out into the darkness, searching for anything that looked out of place, but the trees shielded any moon light that may have crept through and Ricky was unable to see much. 'What exactly are you doing Ricky?' he asked himself quietly. 'Even if you find the wolf what do you think would happen? He'd give you a hug good-bye?' he questioned himself in disgust, realizing what he was doing was stupid. Stupid and dangerous.

He was about turn around at that moment and sneak his way back into the house when Ricky noticed the slightest of movement along the edge of the yard. He rushed forward on instinct. As he drew closer, his eyes adjusting to the darkness, he noticed a swishing movement. He squinted, straining his eyes to make out the figure making the movement. It was a tail. A great, big, bushy tail. His wolf's tail!

Instinct crossing over into insanity, Ricky pursued the figure as it trotted along the border of the yard and forest. It was headed in a direction of the yard Ricky had yet to explore. He followed the wolf blindly, darting to behind tree after tree trying to stay hidden as he did not want to attract the wolf's attention. He just wanted to know where the wolf was going.

The wolf darted into the woods and Ricky stopped knowing it was an incredibly bad idea to follow him into the murky tangle of trees. One step. Two step. Three and four. Ricky paused, listening. He could no longer see the wolf. He waited to see if he could hear him. When a few minutes passed with no sound, Ricky decided he had been foolish enough. He needed to turn around and go back to the house.

The crashing of bodies suddenly trampling in the forest had Ricky freezing in place. His eye strained to see. Crashing and snapping and cracking sounds filled the silence! Ricky stayed frozen. Suddenly the thrashing stopped and a solid thump was heard, funnily enough not very far from where Ricky stood immobile.

Ricky swallowed. He took a few steps forward, while his mind screamed for him to turn around and run. He swallowed again as his eyes focused on an all, too familiar tail. Four more steps forward and a glance around a tree that stood in front of him, was all it took for Ricky's curiosity to be appeased. Only it wasn't a cat that curiosity killed this time, but a doe. And it wasn't curiosity that was killing it but his wolf!

Ricky's eyes widened and he felt bile rise to his throat. The kill was unlike anything he had ever seen or read about. Nothing could have prepared him for the gruesome sight!

The wolf's fangs were sunk deep into the neck of the deer. But instead of tearing at the meat, he was... he was sucking on the carcass. The wet slurping sounds elicited chills down Ricky's spine. He watched as droplets of blood dribbled down the deceased doe's white neck to fall forgotten to the forest floor. His was not normal!

Ricky swallowed back the bile that threatened to rise up out of his throat. He subconsciously placed his palm over his own neck protectively. He needed to leave.

Backing up very slowly, his eyes still glued to the horror-filled scene before him, Ricky attempted to make his escape. His mind raced with confusion. 'Wolf's ate their food they did not suck out the blood,' Ricky thought as he took quiet steps backwards. 'The wolf was sucking blood from the doe's neck almost like a...'


"Uh-oh!" Ricky whispered. The twig snapping under his foot had been excruciatingly loud in the quiet of the night.

In response, the wolf retracted his teeth from his prey's neck, spinning his head in Ricky's direction.

Ricky gasped in horror... fully taking in his... no this was not his wolf! Was he even a wolf?

His eyes were no longer a beautiful golden color. They were red, fiery red! Red like the blood that dripped horrendously from the wolf's huge, knife-like fangs. And his claws! His claws had grown three times the size they had been just earlier today! And he had...wings?

Ricky's heart stopped. He resisted the almost irresistible urge to pass out. What was he looking at?

The wolf snarled savagely at Ricky, snapping him out of his terror-filled stupor and galvanizing him into action. With a choked cry of panic Ricky fled away from the wolf no longer caring how much noise he made as long as he put distance between himself and the monster behind him!

As Ricky ran his mind whirled with one thought after another though it was all just a jumbled mess. He could not think clearly. Just the one thought stood out clearly from all of the others and that was to run! And that was what he did.

He looked over his shoulder only once to see if the wolf... or whatever it was, was chasing him. To his relief he did not see anything but he did not slow down, He had seen the wings. Wings! He would not be safe until he was back inside the house. Panting heavily as anxiety met extreme exercise, Ricky stumbled through the garage and down the cellar steps back into the basement. The door was not fixed! The wolf could get back in! Fighting panic, Ricky practically crawled up the basement steps, shutting the door behind him and bolting the door closed from inside, hoping that would keep the creature at bay!

Ricky leaned against the door, breathing harshly, making a mental note to wolf proof the basement. He would have to tell his uncle about the door tomorrow! He had kept it a secret along with the wolf and now look what could happen!

It took Ricky several minutes to calm his racing heart. It would take a lot longer to calm his racing mind! Ricky stumbled like a zombie through the house. His brain was not working properly. He could not form a rational, functional thought. He was amazed that he could even move.

Ricky barely made it to his bedroom. His mind was on overload. His senses were over stimulated. Shock radiated through him, manifesting in deep bone-chilling shivers. Ricky staggered to the bed. He crawled up under the covers and curled into a fetal position, shaking uncontrollably.

His mind must have taken pity on him by that time. He lost consciousness. 

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