Broken (A Cimorelli Fanfictio...

By amy_cim

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The band Cimorelli is on tour with a special guest performing with them, when things start going very wrong... More

Amy and Lauren
Christina (Continued)
Amy and Dani and Alexandria
Christina and Kathrine
Lauren and Lisa
Updated Info (Important!!!)
Alexandria, Christina, Lauren, Lisa
Last Chapter Continued...
Last two chapters continued because holy crap what a day that is oof sorry guys
Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren, Dani, and Alexandria
Lauren and Lisa
Alexandria, Katherine, Lauren, and Amy
Alexandria and Dani
Alexandria, Amy, Lauren, and Christina
Katherine, Dani, and Alexandria
One More Night
i'm sorry

Lauren and Lisa (Continued)

130 2 2
By amy_cim

*Warning: This is a really long chapter. I just couldn't find a place to split it into a second chapter without it being to short or too weird of timing.*

Lauren's pov

We all rush to where we set our things and grab them. We get our stuff mixed up, but that was inevitable. We can figure it our at the interview place. We take a quick check around to make sure we haven't left anything, then run back up the stairs and out the doors into the cold. Christina yells a quick thanks to the tech guys as the door closes, but it shuts before we hear their response. We all split off and sprint- and I mean full on sprint- to our respective cars and jump in. Lisa is in the driver's seat again, Alexandria is in the front, and I am in the back. We are all breathing heavy an burst out laughing as Lisa starts driving. 

"I can't... believe... we just... did that!" Alexandria wheezes. "Sorry... asthma." 

"I know! And we're gonna be on live television and it's gonna be your first time on TV and..." I trail off taking a deep breath. "I ran out of air." I finish and sit back, looking at what my stuff and folding it. I got all of my things except I got Lisa's makeup bag- we have the same one- and Christina's shirt. I see Alexandria doing the same with her and Lisa's stuff. She holds up a pair of socks from her pile and looks at us. 

"Any takers?" Lisa and I shake our heads. 

"Actually, those are Dani's. I've stolen them enough times to know." Alexandria laughs then sets them off to the side. 

"What about this?" Alexandria holds up a shirt and I raise my hand excitedly. 

"That's mine!" I snatch it from her and she laughs and I hug it. She is going through Lisa's stuff now so I hand her the makeup bag. She puts it in the pile as Lisa points to something and says something to her. She nods and grabs the makeup bag Lisa had and throws it at me. 

"Here. She says it's yours," Alexandria says. I nod and she looks back down. She comes across this undershirt that looks like one Dani has and holds it up. 

"Any- oh wait. These are mine. Whoops." We laugh and she sets them down in her pile. She turns back to Lisa's pile and holds up a skirt. 

"That's Kath's. Dani wears it sometimes, though, so it could be either one of theirs," I say. 

"It's Kathrine's today. I saw it come downstairs with her. Besides, Dani has got jeans with her, so it probably isn't hers." Alexandria nods and sets it with the "not-belonging-to-us" items then looks back up at us. 

"I love this. How you guys know who wears what clothing and who it belongs to but who also wears it. It's so sisterly. I wish I had someone to steal clothes from. Or at least a sister, you know?" I open my mouth but she cuts me off. "Of course you don't. You've got siblings. Ten of them, actually. Meanwhile, I'm lonely with a mom and a dad that I don't really love." She slaps her hands over her mouth and her eyes go wide as she realizes what she just said. 

"Alexandria-" Lisa starts. 

"please just forget about that. That whole rant, but especially the last part." 


"Drop it, Lise. Please?" Lisa sighs and nods. It is silent for a minute so I start talking. 

"So... are you excited to perform on live television?" I ask Alexandria. She sits up, startled, and looks at me. 


"Yeah, didn't Christina tell you? We're performing Made In America. Choreography and all." 

"No, she didn't tell me! Are you sure she meant all of us or just you guys?" Alexandria asks, slightly panicked. 

"Yep, all of us. She specifically said all seven of us. So you too." Alexandria stares at me then turns around and slumps into her seat. Lisa turns into the parking lot and parks and Christina's car comes up beside us. 

"Here we are," Lisa states and Alexandria slumps farther. Lisa gets out and goes to her side. She opens the door and gives Alexandria a hug. 

"It's gonna be fine. The best part about TV is you don't SEE the people watching you. Just imagine that it's a YouTube video!" Alexandria nods then gets out of the car. I can see her getting excited and starts smiling. I see her and smile too, already out of the car. We make sure we have everything and go inside to wait for the other girls as- officially- the first ones here. Christina and Dani are right behind us, then Kathrine and Amy arrive a minute after them. Once we're all here, a lady leads us to a door, and behind that door, a giant, high-tech dressing room. We all squeal and find our own little space to get ready. We scribble our names on a piece of paper and put it in front of our stuff then return everyone's thing's to their actual owners. I realize, once I'm done, that I am right next to Alexandria. I smile and start doing my makeup. 

Alexandria goes to change first, so we are mostly done with makeup when she comes out with her outfit on and brushed out curls in her hair. She is wearing a fishnet, long-sleeved top with a cropped and slightly distressed Led Zepplin tee over it. It isn't a super dramatic crop, however, so not much stomach, if any shows. She is wearing these super cute ripped  skinny jeans and black and white checkered vans and a red flannel around the waist. Dani is wearing something similar but with the fishnet on her legs under some very ripped jeans and she has a different band tee. They could literally be twins, now that I see them side by side. Seeing them so close and so similar makes me happy for them, bust also kind of jealous. It's weird, but maybe I do have feelings for her...

Lisa's pov

I finish with my makeup and sit down to wait for the others. I was already wearing my outfit for the performance and interview, so I don't have to change. I read on my phone until I see someone approach me out of the corner of my eye. I put down my phone and look up to see Alexandria. I stand up and walk over to her. 

"What's up, kiddo?" I ask, ruffling her hair. 

"Hey! Don't mess up my curls," she says objectively, petting her head. I laugh and she takes her hand down. "Anyways, I was wondering you you could maybe do my makeup. I have no idea how to and you are really good at it. Please?" I nod excitedly and grab her arm, dragging her over to a stool where I can reach her face. 

"I love doing makeup! It's so fun to see the change and their reaction. And seeing what looks good on some people and what doesn't on others!" Alexandria laughs at my excitement and hands me her makeup bag. I set it on the table and go grab mine. 

"Why do you need yours?" She asks. 

"If you are as inexperienced as you say, you only have foundation and maybe some lip stuff and mascara. Am I right?" She sighs and looks down. 

"Pretty much..." I laugh and grab her foundation. 

"I am only using this because it matched your skin tone," I tell her. She nods and I put it on a sponge and start applying it. I do a simple look with winged eyeliner and gold eye shadow. There is a little pink tint to her lips and obviously blush, contour, and highlighter. But other than that, that's pretty much it. When I get done, I set the makeup down and brush myself off. 

"Ready?" I ask her. She nods and I lead her to a mirror. 

"Ta-da!" I exclaim as she looks in the mirror, shook. 

"Lisa... Oh my God, wow! This is amazing, thank you! She hugs me and bounces over to her things and puts her makeup done. The rest of us are done and sitting around on our phones or talking. Christina has a simple black dress that has a red bow looking thing on the top and a red bandanna around her hair. Kath is wearing a blue skirt with black leggings and boots and a gray tank top with a blue flannel on to keep her warm. Amy is wearing Jeans with holes in the knees and a yellow spaghetti strap tank top over a white sweater. And finally, Lauren has got on skinny jeans with a cropped tye-dye tee and a flannel. Lots of flannels today. Christina claps and gets everyone's attention. 

"Okay, we have ten minutes till we are supposed to be up there and probably about fifteen till we are on stage. Remember we are performing and doing and interview. Is everyone ready to go?" We all nod, "Okay good. We are going to warm up then run through our song twice. Once without and once with choreography," We all nod again and Christina leads the warm up. We do a quick vocal exercise then Christina plays the backing track that she, somehow, has on her phone. First we sing, then we dance and sing. 

"Guys, that was our best one yet!" I exclaim when we finish. We all talk excitedly, but I see Lauren take Alexandria off to the side and talk to her. I see Alexandria nod a few times, take a deep breath, smile, and hug Lauren. I smile at them and turn right as a knock sounds on the door. 

"Can I come in?" A voice from the other side asks. 

"Yeah," we all say. Not in unison though, cause that's creepy. A man dressed in jeans and a t-shirt walks in. 

"Time to head out there to get ready to go live. Bathrooms are that way then just go that way to get to the recording room. I'd recommend using the restroom before going on. Good luck, ladies!" He says, pointing in different directions then walking in the direction of the recording room. We all run and pee and meet back here. We get into a little circle and Christina says a quick prayer, then we fall into clumps and walk to the recording room. I fall in step beside Alexandria and Christina and join in their conversation about Broadway plays. We stop talking after a minute so I break the silence. 

"Ready for your first real performance?" I ask Alexandria. She takes a deep breath and smiles at me. 

"I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. I'm beyond ready. Also terrified, but that's just natural." I nod. 

"I'm honestly nervous too, and I've been doing this since I was- what- fifteen, I think. So your age. That's quite a long time." Alexandria nods and the three of us walk in silence the rest of the way. We reach the door and Christina stops us from going in. 

"Remember, don't stress, be yourself, don't worry about minor things. Fans don't tend to care about minor mistakes. Got that?" We all nod or give a little "yeah". 

"Alright, then. In we go!" Christina says. She pushes open the door and we all walk in, letting the door shut behind us. Other than Good Morning America, this is the strangest news room I have ever seen. The room is a large pentagon, different things in each corner. Imagine the house shape of a pentagon. The door we walked in is on the bottom, or the "floor" of the house. In the corner between the right wall and right ceiling, there are eight chairs that are lined out. One of them- the interviewer's, I assume- is on the other side of a table. The background is a giant screen with our "Cimorelli" logo on it and the cover of our album. In the corner between the left wall and left ceiling, there is another screen with just our logo on it with a white background. In front of the screen is an open space with seven microphones lined up. Pushed to the corner that the "floor" and left walls make is the desk that they normally use, but can't because of how many of us there are. In the middle of the room, there are cameras and camera guys working the cameras. The cameras are all evenly split- half pointing to the performance set and the other half pointing at the interview set. As we walk in, we look around in wonder at the odd set-up of this place. 

"Ah, Cimorelli! You finally arrive!" A mans voice calls. We look over and see a guy with a headset talking to us so we walk over to him. 

"Sorry about that, we were warming up," Christina explains. 

"Not to worry girls, do what you need to. We are going live in ten minutes, so go over to the mics and get settled and in positions, and go figure out who is going to sit where. After the performance you will just walk to the chairs and we will cut to one of those cameras. Your interviewer, Claire, should be in any moment and will introduce herself and give you a quick summary of how things work around here and how it will go today. Now go! I have to find Claire ASAP." She waves his hand dismissively at us and we quickly walk over to the microphones. 

"Good, these are all wireless. Okay, so, from left to right, lets go Kathrine, Amy, Dani, me, Alexandria, Lisa, then Lauren." Christina calls out. We all walk over to where Christina put us and as she opens her mouth, headset guy starts yelling again. 

"Once Claire gets here, we will have a super fast mic check. I just talked to her, she is five minutes away. We are now going live in about twenty-five minutes," he yells at us. We nod and Christina starts talking again. 

"Now grab your mic and move the stand forward but not out of the way and back up. We are going to run the whole song- not loudly- to figure out the dance logistics. Places for run through, now!" We grab our mics and go to our spots and Christina does a little countdown. We do a quick dance run through to get used to the mics while we are dancing.We finish and put our mics back right as a younger woman- maybe in her mid 30's- walks in. She has shoulder length, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and perfect skin and teeth. She is wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a tan coat and skinny jeans and brown ankle boots. She has bright pink lips and brown eye-shadow that we can only see once she takes her sunglasses off. That's definitely Claire. 

She talks to headset guy, who points at us, then turns to us smiling brightly. She walks over with an energetic bounce in her step and hugs each of us from oldest to youngest for an awkwardly long time. However, despite our obvious discomfort, the woman was not deterred in the slightest. She's got pep, I'll give her that. I bet Christina wishes that we would be like that sometimes. 

"Welcome, girls! I am so excited you are here, I have been listening to your music for quite a while now, so having you here on my show is really a treat!" She turns to Alexandria. "And I don't recognize you, so you must be their newest member? What's your name, kiddo?" 

"Alexandria. And it's temporary, so I won't be here forever," Alexandria says, giving a nervous laugh. She is clearly nervous and uncomfortable, but apparently our host is terrible with social cues. 

"Oh, well darn. You are just adorable! How old are you, Alex?" Claire asks. Something about Claire calling her "Alex" makes me mad. I don't know why, but it's like she has no... respect. I don't know. Something about that makes me mad, I just don't know what. 

"Oh, um, I'm sixteen. Recently, sixteen. Since September..." She responds, trailing off at the end. 

"Oh, well, nice to meet you Alex!" She turns to us, "And all of you. See you during the interview and don't mess up or my reputation and yours will be ruined. Mine especially!" There is an awkward pause then she laughs way too loud and way to long. "M' kay, well, see you on air!" She says, then briskly walks away and goes to the other set. We all are silent for a minute then Alexandria breaks it. 

"Not gonna lie, I hated that," She says, hugging herself. "And I hate it when people call me Alex..." She mumbles. I feel my anger come back and finally speak. 

"Yeah! I mean, you were clearly uncomfortable but she still kept talking! Like, who does that! And the way she spoke to you- and all of us- was so sweetly condescending. Like sickly sweet." 

"And her hugs? They were so long and weird!" Dani adds. 

"Yeah, I felt violated from the hug by itself, but then all the questions! I was ready to dig a hole and bury myself to get away from her!" Alexandria says. 

"Her smile, too! So fake! It's way to big!" Lauren pipes in. 

"Yeah! It was way too toothy! It was almost a crazy smile!" Christina says. 

"I don't like talking bad or gossiping, but her perfume smelled like a mixture of cinnamon, Lysol, and pepper mint with a hint of bug spray in there." Amy says. We all nod and Kathrine shakes her head. 

"The whole interaction was just very weird and unsettling, almost like she's gonna try to cause drama between us..." Christina firmly shakes her head. 

"Do not let her get into your heads during the interview. She will try to cause drama, so shut. It. Down." We all smile at Christina's words, then headset dude walks up. 

"Alright, soundcheck time. Grab your mics and move your stands cause we go live almost immediately after soundcheck. We all nod and quickly do what he said. We set our stands by the news desk in the corner and move back in front of the screen. Headset guy hands us in-ears for us to put on then walks out of the shot then starts instructing us. 

"Okay, girls! We are going to play the music and make sure it is at the right volume in your earpiece. Then each of you is going to sing the a bit of whatever you want- it really doesn't matter- to make sure your voice is good in everyone's earpiece. Finally, we are going to go through the song- choreography and all- to make sure your space is good. After that we will let the fans in and get them settled, then start the show. Also, in case you weren't informed, there will be people watching live. Mostly so the set doesn't look so bare, but also for reactions and some fresh camera angles. Got it?" We all nod and give a thumbs up and he thumbs up us back. He turns to the sound guys who start playing the music. Mine is too quiet but I see Alexandria, Lauren, Dani, and Amy all flinch at the same time and jerk their earpiece out. 

"Ow," Amy says and the other three nod. 

"Number one, what's up?" The sound guy calls. We go in order of how we stand, so Kathrine is responding. 


"Number two?" That's Amy. 

"Way too loud!" She yells back. He nods and looks down and does something then looks back at us. 


"Same as number two!" He does something again then calls out. 


"A little quiet!" Christina yells. He does his thing then looks up. 


"Same as two and three! Too loud!" Alexandria says loudly. Seriously why is he so far away? She fixes it then moves on. 


"Way too quiet!" I yell. He fixes it then nods at Lauren. 

"Same as five! Earsplittingly loud!" she yells. He fixes it then plays the music again. Nobody rips their in-ear out, so that's a good sign. 

"Any adjustments?" He loudly asks. For real why is he on the other side of the room?

"Can you turn mine up a bit more!" I yell. He nods then plays the music one more time and we all nods. Christina looks at us and we thumbs up then she yells to him. 

"Everyone's good!" 

"Okay! Number one, sing something, The rest of you, point up or down and I will fix it. When it gets to perfect give me and okay sign and put your hand down. That goes for the person singing too. If it's already good then don t hold your hand up at all. Got it?" We nod and he motions to Kathrine who starts singing. Kathrine does nothing, Chris has her hand pointing up, Amy's is pointing down, Lauren and Dani's are both not up at all, mine is pointing down, and Alexandria's is pointing down. He fixes it, we move on; simple. We do that for everyone else, then the music starts and we do our run through. At the end he nods and headset dude walks over to us. 

"Perfect, girls! Ready for the people?" We nod and he walks over to the doors and props them open and about 30 to 40 people come in. When they see us they all cheer and try to get to us but some security guys that showed up out of nowhere stops them. Eventually the fans stop and the security guys retreat to the corners of the room, still watching. After everyone calms down, headset guy starts yelling. 

"We are live in five... four... three... two... one... and we're live!" He points to Claire, who is standing off to the side and she starts talking. 

"Welcome back to Claire's Corner everyone! I'm Claire, your host, and today I have a special guest performance and interview. Take is away, Cimorelli!" She calls to us, then walks to her seat. The cameras turn on us so we smile, then the music starts. We get the song done with and the live people go crazy. The cameras go back to Claire and she starts talking as the security guys make a way through the fans to the chairs. 

"While they girls make their way over here, we have some fan interviews we can show!" We walk over and get seated as our fans say amazingly nice things about us on live television. After a minute, headset guy points at us and Claire starts talking. 

"Welcome, guys! It is so amazing to have you here!" 

"Thank you! We are so excited to be here!" Christina says and we all nod. 

"So that performance was amazing! Speaking of, aren't you guys going on tour soon?" 

"Yes, we are! Three legs too. America first, then Europe, then North America." I say. 

"Well that is exciting!" 

"Be sure to get your tickets on Cimorelli music dot com slash store!" Dani breaks in and Alexandria does finger guns and winks. Lauren sees her and they break into laughter. Kathrine and I are sharing a mic, Lauren and Alexandria are sharing, Christina and Amy are sharing, and Dani has her own. Claire laughs at Dani's remark. 

"Don't worry! And we also have your newest member with you today, our finger gun girl over there!" Claire points to her and Alexandria laughs and waves, blushing a bit. "She is coming on tour with you as well, right?" 

"Yep! She's been with us since late August. We would technically already be on tour, but we had some... setbacks, so we had to postpone until everyone was ready." I say. Claire leans forward eagerly. 

"Ooh, those must've been some major setbacks. Care to elaborate?" I glance at Alexandria who has gone white. 

"It's not really something we would like to discuss on live television." Christina says. 

"Oh, come on! Everyone wants to know!" 

"We will tell people when we are ready," I say calmly, despite the anger at her and those memories bubbling inside of me. 

"What it sounds like to me is you two might be keeping some secrets..." Claire says, pointing to Christina and I. We both open our mouths when Alexandria jumps in. 

"No, of course not! We would never keep secrets from each other unless it was like a surprise party or something! We were all a part of this and all know what happened. It really wasn't anything major, just some technical issues. Come on, man, we're trying to keep people from falling asleep, and if we told that story, they'd be snoring all right!" We look at her surprised then nod. Claire laughs and keeps talking. 

"She speaks! And I'll take your word for it. So, Alexandria, what is it like living with the Cimorelli's?" 

"First word that comes to mind: amazing. Second word: crazy!" Cue laughter. "I am an only child and have no siblings, so going form no siblings to six- all in the same house too- was a huge change. And it gets seriously loud sometimes! These girls will argue over cereal, I mean, for rip's sake just take the box out of Dani's hands it's not that hard!" She says, but smiling so people know she's mostly kidding. We all laugh. 

"True!" Dani and Christina say at the same time, then look at each other and Dani sticks her tongue out. Christina rolls her eyes and we laugh again. 

"See! This is what i deal with on a day to day basis! All in all, it is so amazing. I have been a huge fan of Cimorelli and they had helped me so much even before I knew them personally. Then I found out I was gonna get to live and perform with them! These girls may not be my blood sisters, but I truly feel like a part of the group whenever I am with them. And I really feel like a sister whenever Christina is yelling at us for something or other!" We all laugh Christina grabs the microphone from Amy. 

"That's true I do yell at them a lot. Mostly to hurry up because getting us all together to go somewhere is like herding cats!" 

"She's really scary sometimes," Dani says. 

"Yeah! This morning, actually, Christina was the only one ready so she was yelling at us to hurry. She finally threatened to come up there and all I could hear were doors slamming and panicked running so I got scared and went outside my room to see everyone stampeding down the stairs. I better be glad she didn't come up there!" Alexandria says. We all nod and Claire and Alexandria laugh. 

"Well, she got you downstairs didn't she?" Claire says. 

"Oh yeah! And everyone is always half dressed so we end up in like a sock, pajama pants, and a shirt like the one Amy is wearing," Kathrine says. 

"Yeah, it's really funny to see them so panicked and like see them rush downstairs looking like a hot mess," Christina laughs. 

"I literally came downstairs this morning with a half a face of makeup," I say. 

"So I take it the Cimorelli household is quite interesting? So you all live together, correct?" Claire asks and we nod. "So what are the rooming arrangements like? Did Alexandria have to sleep in the same room as a stranger or what?" 

"Well, we are in the middle of changing up the arrangements, actually. We are going to do four in the biggest room and three in a smaller one and turn the other two rooms into something else. One of them is going to be a rehearsal space so we don't have to practice in the living room and bump into chairs. We will probably just put merch in the other." Christina says.

"Wait, what? I was not informed of this change!" Alexandria says, slight shocked. 

"I told Dani to tell you! Did she?" 


"Dani!" We look at her and she shrugs. 

"Whoops," Lauren snorts and everyone but Christina laughs. Christina is trying very hard to glare at Dani but eventually breaks into laughter. 

"I can't stay serious! Especially around these three and sometimes Lisa," Christina says, pointing at Lauren, Dani, and Alexandria then at me. 

"So what are the arrangements like now?" Claire asks, pulling us back on track. 

"Oh, right! Sorry, we have a habit of going of track and forgetting about what we were doing. Legit especially-" 

"Christina!" Me, Dani, Amy, Lauren, and Alexandria yell. Kath was just zoned out so that startled her back in. 

"Right! Sorry did it again! So, currently, we have me and Kathrine in a room, Amy and Lisa in a room, Lauren and Dani in a room, and Alexandria in her own room. However, we are changing that because having one person alone in a room proved to be more bad than good. And no, we will not elaborate," Christina says, pointing at each person when she says their name.  

"You can't just leave us hanging, though!" Claire complains and the fans all shout an agreement. "See, they agree!" 

"Come on, let us have and air of mystery at least around certain parts of our lives. We will tell the fans when all of us are ready." We all nod at Christina's words and Claire sighs. 

"So what will the new rooming arrangements be?" Claire asks. 

"Well, nothing is final, but we are thinking that Christina, Kathrine, and Amy will be in Alexandria's room since it is the smaller of the two rooms we are using, and Lauren, Dani, Alexandria, and me will move into Lauren and Dani's bedroom since it's freaking big. Their bedroom was the room everyone slept in but Christina when we first moved in. Christina slept in the living room in a sleeping bag because it was 'too much' to have everyone in one room," I say. 

"It was hot in there! You know what, whatever," Christina says and shakes her head. 

"So," Claire begins, "will you guys be writing and/or recording any songs with Alexandria?" We all think for a second, then Alexandria speaks. 

"I think- wait, is this confidential right now?" She asks, looking at Christina. Christina nods. "Never mind then. We are doing some writing though, I can say that. I hope..." We all laugh at the last part. 

"Yeah, you can say that," Christina says. 

"Okay good, cause I would've died once we got home if I couldn't." We laugh again then Claire continues. 

"So, are there any big projects or events coming up that we should know about?" We are all silent for a solid 20 seconds. 

"Well, other than tour, we can't say anything. We have so many amazing, big projects that we are about to start working on, but we can't tell you them yet!" Christina says. 

"What projects? Nobody has said anything about a project?" Alexandria says. 

"Sounds like I was right about the keeping secrets, huh?" Claire adds in. 

"No!" Christina and Alexandria say at the same time.

"Most of them are a surprise for you too," I say to Alexandria. 

"Trust me though, you'll love it!" Lauren says, moving her hand to ruffle Alexandria's hair but Alexandria blocks her hand. 

"Don't mess up my curls," Alexandria says, trying her hardest to stay completely deadpan and stare down Lauren, who just stares right back. It is dead silent as those to have a stare off when finally they both burst into laughter. 

"Yes, ma'am!" Lauren says in response to Alexandria. We laugh and Claire continues. 

"So, as kind of a fun question, what is a talent- hidden or not so much- that you have? Lets just go down the line, so Kathrine?" 

"I really love tap dancing, and I am also very good at sensing people's true emotions and intentions. Kind of like a tap dancing lie detector!" Kathrine says. 

"I can move both eyebrows and do that eye crossing thing where one eye goes out and the other goes in on both sides." I say, demonstrating.  

"I like to draw. Like, a lot, actually," Lauren answers. 

"I can do jazz, tap, ballet, hip-hop, musical theater, and lyrical dance. I can also do a split!" That was Alexandria. 

"I am very good at guessing birth order, like siblings and stuff. I guess first then ask people and I am usually eighty to ninety percent right, " Christina says. 

"I'm really good at finding things as long as they aren't mine," Amy shrugs. 

"I'm very good with fashion and picking out clothes. I can always make sure you look your best!" Dani says in an announcer voice, then clicks her tongue and points to the camera/audience. We all laugh and then Claire begins again. 

"Well, one of my hidden talents is sensing who people like and love. Like I know who has a crush on who before they know themselves and I have almost never been wrong. And that brings us into the next thing." We all look at each other, confused, then look at her. "I am sensing a love triangle here. Well, more like a triangle with no bottom and two people attached. And the top of the triangle is your newest member, Alexandria." We all turn to look at her and she looks shocked. 

"Me! But, there are no guys in Cimorelli! How-" 

"I didn't say there were, but I can sense a bottomless triangle between these three," Claire says, then points at Alexandria, Lauren, and Dani. They all turn bright red and stare at each other in shock, all of us looking at them in shock. Of course, Dani told everyone but Lauren and Alexandria that she liked Alexandria, so we knew that, but Lauren. I mean, I can see it, but still, she just doesn't seem like she'd be into girls. I guess Dani doesn't either, though. 

"But... Dani's my sister! That's incest and we ain't into that!" Lauren exclaims. 

"Yeah, that's where the bottom less comes from. You and Dani both are attracted to Alexandria and clearly not to each other. I guess it forms more of a V, then." We are all silent for a moment, then Claire breaks it. 

"Choose wisely, Alexandria. That is my only advice. Of course, I could be wrong, but it's not likely. Now, we have time for one last question then we are out of time. Can you all describe the person to the right of you. Kathrine, you describe Dani. Dani, you start." 

"Amy is very quiet, very calm, and very tall!" We all laugh and she shakes her head. "Just kidding! Sorry Ames. Amy is a very loud, bubbly person. If I'm being honest, it can get annoying, but it is so hard to feel any negative emotion towards her that it doesn't matter. She is also very helpful and very fun." Dani says, then pats Amy on the head. "She is also having some sort of breakdown at almost all times. It's kinda funny." Amy laughs and nods. 

"Okay, Christina..." Amy begins. "Christina is basically our mom. Think of the perfect mom, add some scary and subtract about five or six years, and you've got Christina. She is very protective and motherly, especially with the babies." 

"We are not babies!" Dani yells. 

"Yeah, I'm seventeen for God's sake!" 

"And I just got my drivers license!" Lauren then Alexandria yells. Amy laugh and shrugs. 

"Whatever. If you don't wanna be called a baby, then don't act like it." Lauren and Alexandria sit there in shock, with their mouths hanging open. 

"I change mine! Amy is a mean, psychotic wench!" We all laugh and Amy shrugs again. 

"Whatever, babies," she says. 

"Okay, okay. Christina, how would you describe Alexandria?" 

"Alexandria is-" 

"You better not say anything bad about me!" Alexandria interrupts her and we all laugh.

"Alexandria is the real psychotic wench of the family!" 


"Kidding, kidding. Calm down kid," Christina says and we all laugh, including Alexandria. 

"In all seriousness, Alexandria is amazing. She is so funny, and nice, and an amazing singer and dancer- as you saw. She is so helpful and fun to be around and so, so beautiful, despite what she may think. And she doesn't complain about doing chores like some people do!" Christina says at Dani, who rolls her eyes. Claire points at Alexandria and we quiet down. 

"Lauren is so funny and, big shocker, not that quiet! Seriously, I was shook the first time Lauren acted like Dani! But she is so beautiful and fun and so kind to everyone. Except Dani. Dani is the one exception." We all laugh and Dani nods then Lauren begins speaking. 

"Lisa... Lisa is very weird, but I love her anyways. She is so funny and has the most unique style. She is also very protective of her siblings. And now I have hit my max of being nice to my siblings, take it away, Lisa!" Lauren says, but she smiles to show she's joking. I stick my tongue out at her and then begin speaking. 

"Kathrine is our other mom. She is always giving people food and is very kind and caring. But seriously, the food! If you walk into the kitchen and Kathrine is in here, you better already know she's gonna shove something at you for you to try, then after to give her your opinion, she makes you help! That kinda system is that? All in all, though, she is very fun to talk to and you feel like you can tell her anything. Now Kath hurry up and go cause I'm hungry." Everyone laughs and Kathrine finishes. 

"Dani is a very tall, energetic bundle of annoying!" Dani gasps and we laugh. 

"Is it just like national 'be mean to Dani day' cause it feels like it." Dani says, clearly not offended, though. 

"Shut up, Dani. Anyways, she is very tall, and very fun. Being around her makes me feel so young and happy and joyful again." 

"Yes, because Kathrine suddenly went from seventeen years old to being eighty-two," Christina says sarcastically. "I'm older than her but I swear she's like an eighty year old in and twenty year old's body. 

"Shut up, Christina. This is my segment and Lisa's hungry." We laugh and Kathrine finishes. 

"Anyways, Dani is very funny and kind, and always so fun to be around. And I love her despite her uselessness by choice." Dani nods and we all laugh. 

"Well, thank you for coming in girls, it was a pleasure!" 

"Thank you, Claire!" Christina says. Claire does a little outro and we sit and smile till the camera guys say we are not live. The fans are herded out and Claire gets up and leaves without a word. We all silently get up as well, thinking about what just happened. A few guys bring our things to us and we walk out without a word to anyone in the or each other. Just a mumbled 'thanks' from Alexandria and Amy. 

We put our smiles back on and talk to our fans for a little bit. Hug, a few questions, sign something, move on. Just the usual. I can see that Alexandria is very excited that people want to meet her so bad and want her autograph. Once everyone is gone we split up and go to our cars in silence and not a word is said all the way home where we all immediately go to bed seeing as how is midnight and we have had a very long day. As I fall asleep, one thing is running through my head. 

What the heck happened back there?

A/N: Hey! It's late so this is gonna be short. Sorry bout the mega chapter but I'm too lazy to split it so here. Also there's gonna be mistakes and probably lots of them so i am very sorry but it's like 3 am rn so yea oof. Hope you enjoyed and thanks so much for 1.1 k reads! That is insane to me, wow! I love y'all so much! -Amy <3

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