God of Thunder (Thor Odinson)

By earthlyaries-

731K 18.8K 3.7K

A human girl meets a God. •••• " Something in his mind compelled him to save Nova, she needed him. But maybe... More

Author's Note
Part 1 ~ FEAR
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Part 3 ~ PURPOSE
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Part 4 ~ LOVE
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Twenty-Four

10.6K 330 34
By earthlyaries-


THE GIRL WOKE UP FROM A NIGHTMARE, ONLY TO DISCOVER IT WAS REAL. Nova really was sleeping in a wet pile of soil, and her skin really was covered in gashes. And May really was going to ring her neck for not coming straight home. When she finally opened her eyes she realized there was a cloth draped around her body, it was clearly Loki's doing for when he saw her awake it quickly vanished. He tried to hide his vulnerability but Nova Lee saw right through it, he was just an unaccepted man who wanted to be noticed. The problem was she didn't know how far he would go to get this.

"Good you're awake," he mumbled as she noticed figures moving around outside the tent. Before she could open her mouth to speak he held a finger up as to silence her, "they are under my orders," he said, "they will not be any use to you."

Nova frowned again cringing as she felt glass stuck in her upper shoulder. She desperately wanted out of there, the dome with white walls would drive her crazy, there was no where to look and no where to go. She wanted a shower and clean sheets to lay on back at home. Her mind lingered on the thought of her fathers voice telling her he didn't want her. But this quickly vanished as her mind went blank. Confused by the sudden change she looked to Loki.

He shrugged knowingly, "It is simple to manipulate the human mind. Almost too easy."

Nova hated that. She hated him. Or at least she wanted to. But she knew that she couldn't muster enough emotion inside herself to possibly hate someone. The action took to much thought and Nova simply didn't wish to waste the effort on it. So instead she glared at him as if her looks would make him change his mind and send her on her way.

"I found a nurse for you, she could look at your- ermm, damages."

Nova ignored him as a lady rushed over with a bag in hand. She looked fearfully at Nova as if her life was at stake. Nova Lee wished she could do something, stop him from controlling all those innocent people, but she knew she was just one of the humans. There was nothing she could do to get them out.

The woman pulled tweezers from her bag looking at Nova with wide eyes, "this will hurt miss," she muttered not giving her a chance to react before she picked sharp glass from out of her shoulder.

Nova bit her lip avoiding any sign of weakness as the woman continued this process of pulling. While this went on, the girl scrunched her nose in thought trying to think of how this may end. Loki did say he no longer intended on killing her. So what was she good for if Thor wasn't coming and her death bed wasn't waiting for her?

"Loki," Nova called out causing the god to turn slightly with a smile.

"What do you plan on doing with me? I told you Thor isn't coming, so if you're intending on killing me for revenge on your brother, you got the wrong idea."

He walked forward shooing the nurse away with his hand as he towered over Nova's sitting form, "You must not be aware of my brothers annoyingly large ego. He simply cannot turn away from a challenge. He will come, and when he does you will all meet your fate."

Nova grew tired of his broad threats as she stood up in front of him. "How will he even know i'm in trouble?" She wondered questioning his intelligence. 

"I paid him a little visit through his dreams, the great God of Thunder gets so worked up over a mortal. It baffles me."

"So you were the one in my head."

"I may have done some manipulating, but I do not see the harm in it."

"Right, but flipping my car was also just for fun?"

Loki sighed at this dispute, his eyes held a certain calmness in them as he looked to Nova, "I have told you moral I did not intent to harm you, I will not kill you, you have my word."

He held out his hand waiting for her to take in agreement but she simply turned and looked at it. She didn't trust that his hands wouldn't hurt her, in fact she didn't trust him at all.

"How reassuring," she mumbled still standing a close distance to the man.

"So what are you the god of again? Magic? Or you just some type of witch?"

Loki crossed his arms as the humans took guard outside. He shook his head smiling and looking to the ground as dark strands of hair fell into his face.

"Now you're just amusing yourself. Do you know nothing of the gods?"

Nova Lee shrugged mirroring his crossed arms, "I have read about them."

Although Loki grew impatient waiting around for his brother, he was curious about the girl and wanted to see her appeal. Thor was known for his selfishness, how could Nova simply pull him away from that?

"I see you do not fear me Midgardian."

Nova Lee let out a small laugh as her brown eyes wandered back up to Loki, "That's the same thing your brother asked me. To be frank, I think you're just misunderstood."

"Yes, and I think you're naive."

Loki's smile caused Nova to huff, "Just because you're a god doesn't mean you're indestructible. I think you and your brother are more humane than you are made out to be. Of course you just do a better job of hiding it."

Through Nova's crossed arms she could make out the annoyance written on his face.

"You really don't know when to stop do you."

Before she could respond loud crashes were heard from outside causing Nova's head to snap in the direction of the noise. When she heard gunshots, her mind became delayed, not giving her body enough time to react. Before she knew it, Nova's body was thrown roughly into Loki's chest as a knife was held to her throat.

"I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me?" Nova mumbled from under his grip. Although she did not want to be this close to the man, she tilted her head as far away from the knife as she could manage.

"Yes well that was before you insulted me," Loki whispered back looking darkly at the figure in front of them.

From behind the blade of the knife, Nova spotted the red cape and familiar blonde hair. For a moment her chest flickered with hope at the sight of the god.

"Welcome brother, you're just in time."

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