Raising Gracie

By Chantellynn21

158K 2.1K 526

Life happens sometimes for no rhyme or reason but when things line up magic happens. Seth Rollins and Becky L... More

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Final Chapter RG 58
RG Christmas Surprise
Raising Gracie 'In memory of Ken Quin'
Raising Gracie & Roux Christmas 2021

RG 28

2.4K 28 6
By Chantellynn21

"No cry Grammy we'll be back soon." Gracie said hugging Annette.
"I know." Annette said. "I'm never good at goodbyes."
"No goodbye it's see you later." Gracie said.
"Okay." Annette said. "You be a good girl for your mommy and daddy."
"Always." Gracie said smiling. "Love you Grammy."
"I love you too." Annette said hugging her one more time before rising. "You guys travel safe and I will see you next month."
"Thank mom, I'll call you later thing week." Becky said.
Annette nodded and hugging her and then Seth.

After the boarded the plane Gracie sat coloring as they took off.
"Daddy where are we flying too?" Gracie asked.
"We are traveling to Boston today." Seth said.
"Then home?" Gracie asked.
"Yes." Seth said. "We have a flight Monday. Ishtar at eleven thirty to Davenport, you'll wake up in your bed Tuesday morning."
"Okay." Gracie said going back to her coloring.
After a bit you could see Gracie start to nod off.
"Is it nap time?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said. "I nap on daddy?"
She looked over and saw Seth nodding off too.
"Seth." She said moving over to him.
"Hmm?" He asked popping up.
"Sorry, Gracie wants to know if she can nap on you?" Becky sakd. "You can move over to my seat."
Seth nodded and moved over. Once he sat down Gracie climbed into his lap and both fell asleep.
Becky smiled over at them and chuckled.
"Total daddy's girl." Josh said.
"She is." Becky said. "I always knew he'd be a great dad."
"Me too." Josh said. "He just needed the right women by his side and any kid would be lucky. You two are amazing together."
"Thanks." Becky said. "I never imagined I could love someone as much as I love the, but I do."
"When you find that one that makes you feel complete and gives you everything you know you need and everything you don't know you need it's meant to be." Josh said. "You complete each other in a way that makes you stronger."
"It does." Becky said. "I knew we were connected but to know this connection was meant to be this amazing thing we have still blows me away and gives me butterflies. Gracie is an added bonus."
"She is." Josh said. "She is completely in love with both of you."
"We are with her too." Becky said. "I always wanted to be a mom but it scared me but she makes me feel like super mom."
"An awesome title to have." Josh said.
"Says super uncle." Becky said chuckling.
"Might need to make some shirts up." Josh said.

When they landed in Boston Josh said his goodbyes and headed for Las Angelas promising to be back soon. Gracie cried herself to sleep and both understood how attached she had grown to Josh.
"Let's check into the hotel and let her sleep, poor baby does not like to let people go." Seth said.
"I understand but Josh will be back in a few weeks for wedding madness." Becky said.
"I can't wait for that." Seth said.

"Rhea." Gracie called letting go over Becky's hand and running over to her.
"Hey munchkin." Rhea said scooping her up. "How was Ireland?"
"Great, I got presents and ate lots of strange food and got an ear infection." Gracie said.
"Wow, awesome and bummer." Rhea said.
"But I missed everyone here and home."
"We missed you too." Bianca said coming up.
"Bianca." Gracie said. "I taught Grammy all about the EST."
"Awesome." Bianca said. "Hey guys."
"Hi." Becky said. "How was your week?"
"Good, had a match in NXT verses Marina." Bianca. "Good thing Rhea and Xia where there, them snakes tried to strike."
"Really?" Becky asked.
"Yep, but we owned them." Rhea said. "Shayna is scared of me."
"She should be, she knows her days as champion are numbered. I know being here for this has put your plans on delay." Becky said.
"I am happy to be here." Rhea said. "Shows more people I am a badass."
"Rhea." Gracie said.
"Sorry mate, bad butt." Rhea said smiling.
"I found where they hid the grapes." Xia said coming in with a bowl full.
"Grapes." Gracie said.
"Man, do these girls know you or what?" Becky said.
"She's a good girl to know." Xia said. "Come let's snack."
Rhea set Gracie down and she and Xia sat down to eat and she launched into a story about her travels that captured Xia's interest.
"Going to be odd to not be around her in a few weeks." Rhea said.
"The draft is coming you could end up on Raw or Smackdown." Becky said.
"Maybe, but I got some work to do in NXT still." Rhea said.
"Hey girls." Charlotte said coming in.
"Hey." Everyone said.
"How was cake sampling?" Charlotte asked.
"Good, we found a cake Gracie approved of." Becky said.
"It's almost better then grapes but grapes are still the best." Gracie said.
"So silly." Becky said.
"Well that's good." Charlotte said. "What's next?"
"I think we're done, we found all the dresses easily, the tuxes are ready and the food, drinks and venue is taken care of."
"Vows?" Charlotte asked.
"I've had mine written for ages." Becky said.
"Good." Charlotte said. "So really we're taken care of."
"We are." Becky said.
"Knock, knock." Seth said opening to door.
"Daddy." Gracie said.
"Hi baby." Seth said. "You having fun catching up."
"Yes." Gracie said.
"I gotta go warm up." Xia said leaving.
"Can we help you Mr. Rollins?" Becky asked.
"Yes, Peter is here." Seth said.
"Okay, Gracie can you hang out here with Rhea and Charlotte please." Becky said.
"Yes mommy." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and left with Seth.

"Hello." Peter sakd.
"Hi, thanks for coming to us." Becky said.
"Well Seth said it was important." Peter said.
"Yes, we want to address the Sullivan's." Becky said.
"Okay, how can I help?" Peter asked.
"We've talked a lot about their request in their letter and after the drama before we went to Europe and we'd like to arrange a meeting with them and find a balance if we could and we'd like it if you set it up." Becky said.
"I can do that." Peter said.
"We'd like them to come to Iowa were we live, we can do it at my coffee shop." Seth said. "We do not want to play games where Gracie is concerned."
"I understand and I will make contact and see what I can set up." Peter said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"I thought I saw you." Hunter said coming up. "Am I interupting?"
"No, we're good." Seth said. "Let us know."
"Will do." Peter said. "Are you three heading back to Iowa this week?"
"Yes." Becky said. "Gracie wants to be home in her bed."
Peter nodded and Becky and Seth walked back to the locker room.
"Come on kid, you're mine while mommy gets ready to beat someone up." Seth said picking Gracie up.
"Yay, I am daddy's." Gracie said.
"Have fun make sure he warms up and stretches right." Becky said.
"Okay mommy, Coach Gracie will put him to his paces." Gracie said making Seth groan.
"Evil woman." Seth teased.
"I have my moments." Becky said. "Now scoot."
Seth chuckled and left and Becky dug out her ring gear.
"Everything okay with Gracie?" Charlotte asked.
"We want to stop this madness with the Sullivan's." Becky said.
"That's smart." Rhea said.
"That is what we're hoping." Becky said as she began to change. "I just want her happy."
"I understand." Charlotte said. "Hopefully you can settle it all and just focus on living."
Becky nodded and they finished changing and went to hair and make up so they could get ready to go out.

"Who's ready to see me kick someone ass?" Becky asked and the crowd cheered. "Well I am ready for that, so who's it going to to be."
Sonya's music sounded and she came to the ring with the girls.
"You call yourself The Man, we'll I am about you my son and you're going to have to call me daddy." Sonya said.
Everyone was confused about this and Becky laughed making everyone else laugh.
"Not sure what you mean but if you wanna fight let's do it." Becky said.
The ref cleared the ring and the match started. Becky was quick in the attack taking Sonya down and keeping her off balance.
"Who's your daddy." Becky called making the crowd chant it pissing Sonya off.
As soon as Mandy tried to interfere Charlotte speared her off the apron.
Other kept trying to interfere but the rest of the team was on them. Rhea even ran through the ring with Bianca jumping on the other team scattering them on the ground. Becky locked in her dis-arm-her and Sonya was forced to tap out.
When she rolled out of the ring her team joined her and they celebrated.

"Good job mommy." Gracie said. "You were amazing."
"Thanks." Becky said. "How about we go chill out while daddy goes out."
"Okay." Gracie said. "Have fun daddy, kick butt."
"Thanks." Seth said handing her over.
They walked back to the locker room and Gracie played in her iPad while the girls showered and changed.
"That's amazing." Nikki said. "You're very talented."
"Thank you." Gracie said.
Becky smiled as Gracie showed Nikki more of her art work. After a bit she tuckered out so Becky packed up their things and when Seth arrived after his shower they headed to the airport.

"Mommy, mommy." Gracie called.
Becky was sitting in the living room looking over some papers.
"In here." Becky called and Gracie ran in smiling.
"We're home." Gracie said. "And there is snow."
"We are and there is." Becky said.
"Kevin." Gracie called as the little dog came barking in.
"He's missed you." Seth said.
"I missed him too." Gracie said sitting in the floor as Kevin jumped all over her licking her. "His paws are cold."
"He ran in the snow from the car to the house." Seth said. "He was to excited for me to carry."
"It's because he knew he was home." Gracie said.
"Probably." Seth said. "What smells so amazing."
"Pancakes." Bec,y said.
"Oatmeal banana?" Gracie asked.
"Yes." Bec,y said.
"Yay." Gracie cheered. "Mommy is the best."
Becky smiled and they walked into the kitchen and they dished up and ate.
"No gym today?" Gracie asked.
"Nope, I thought we might build a snowman." Becky said.
"Yes, yes." Gracie said smiling. "When will we see grandma and grandpa Bob."
"Tomorrow." Seth sakd. "Grandma is going to have us over for dinner."
"Okay." Gracie said and she finished eating and then Becky cleaned her up and then got her dressed to go out in the snow.

Becky filmed Seth and Gracie building a snowman and enjoyed whatching how excited she was. Even with a little red nose Gracie was having a blast.
"I think it looks perfect." Becky said.
"Me too." Gracie said looking at the snowman decked in Bears gears.
"Should we go warm up and have cocoa?" Becky asked,
"Yes." Gracie said.
Once inside Becky got her out of the wet and frozen clothes and Seth sat by the fire with her while Becky made cocoa.
"Did you have fun?" Seth asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"Cocoa for Gracie and coffee for daddy and I." Becky said setting the tray down before sitting down.
"Tank you mommy." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and handed her, her cup.
"You are most welcome." Becky said.
"Thanks babe." Seth said taking his cup.
"You two look so cute making your snowman." Becky said showing them the pictures she took.
"His name is Trubisky." Gracie said making Seth chuckle.
"Great name kid." Seth said. "Are you feel warmer?"
"Yes, but I am getting hungry." Gracie said. "Can I have a grilled cheese and tomato soup?"
"I can do that." Seth said. "You snuggle with mommy and get warm."
Gracie moved over to Becky's lap and she covered them with a blanket as Seth went to the kitchen.
"How's thst cocoa?" Becky asked.
"Great." Gracie said. "Mommy?"
"Yes." Becky asked.
"I love you." Gracie said.
"And I love you." Becky said. "You are my world."
"Daddy too?" Gracie added.
"Daddy and Kevin too." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and after eating her lunch she went down for a nap with Kevin by her side.

"She's out." Seth said sitting behind Becky.
"She had a very fun morning with you building a snowman." Becky said.
"I had an amazing morning too." Seth said. "Seeing her face light up and her smile still amazes me at how much I love her."
"I know." Becky said. "I feel like our love for her grows more each day."
"It does." Seth said.
"I've been thinking." Becky said.
"I figured." Seth said. "What's going on?"
Becky turned and looked up at him.
"I think after Mania we should try for a baby." Becky said.
"Really?" Seth asked.
"Yes, I want to get back to the main event one more time and I know I can do it, but then I want to have a baby, your baby." Becky said. "I don't want to retire, but I want to take some time off and if I become pregnant then we add to our family and when the baby is old enough I will go back and main event again."
"Okay." Seth said.
Becky smiled and leaned up and kissed him.
"And you know what we can do until it's time to make a baby?" Becky said.
"Practice." Seth said kissing her and moving her to the floor kissing her. "Lots of practice."
Becky giggled and they made love in front of the fire.

"Grandma, grandma." Gracie called running in.
"Sweet pea." Holly said scooping her up and hugging her.
"I think she's grown." Bob said.
"Half an inch." Gracie said.
"It's true." Becky said.
"Wow." Holly said. "Soon you'll be taller then everyone."
"Maybe." Gracie said moving over and hugging Bob and Brandon. "We brought you presents."
Becky sat the bag down and Gracie helped her pass out the gifts she had brought while exploring Europe.
"These are so nice." Holly said.
"I picked them out with Uncle Josh in Germany." Gracie said.
"Thank you." Holly said setting the little figures up on her mantel.
Bob liked his hot sauces and Brandon liked the little cars Gracie picked out for him.
"How was playing in the snow?" Holly asked.
"So much fun." Gracie said.
"I have pictures." Becky said handing over a small stack of prints.
"Daddy and I made a snowman." Gracie said.
"Decked out in Bear's gear." Brandon said.
"I had a dream about doing it and daddy let me barrow his Bears stuff." Gracie said.
"It was a fun time." Seth said.
"Looks like it." Holly said.
"I even made snow angels with mommy." Gracie said.
"Looks like you had a great time." Bob said.
"I did." Gracie said. "So what's for dinner?"
"I made enchiladas." Holly said. "And yes vegetarian ones for you and your mommy, I used jack fruit."
"Yay." Gracie said.
"They smell good." Becky said.
"So good." Gracie said.
"I'll go see how much longer." Holly said. "We don't want Gracie to turn into a starving monster."
"Hurry grandma it's coming." Gracie teased.
Holly chuckled and walked into the kitchen.
"They need about twenty more minutes but I found a bowl of grapes." Holly said.
"Yay." Gracie said.
Holly smiled and set the bowl down and Gracie went to work.
"So everything went good in Ireland?" Bob asked.
"Things were good, we spent time with Becky's family and we found a cake Gracie approved up." Seth said.
"I wanted grapes." Gracie said.
"Of course you did." Brandon said.
"But we finally settled on a fudge and raspberry." Becky said.
"So yummy." Gracie said. "The best."
"It was good." Seth said.
"We did a huge day with the Deadboys, I taught bunches to do burpees and box jumps." Gracie said.
"Wow, coaching all ready." Holly said.
"Believe it or not she's a pretty good coach." Becky said.
"I have pretty good teachers." Gracie said.
"You do." Holly said as the timer sounded. "Sounds like dinner is done."
They moved into the kitchen and sat at the table.
"How is your back?" Seth asked.
"Healing well." Bob said.
"Good." Seth said.
Becky helped her dish up the food and they sat eating and talking.

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