A game, or real life? (Ezio x...

Por BlueAngel161

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You've been having weird dreams of him. He's always been on your mind, even though you've never seen him befo... Más

the Beginning of a long Journey
Requiescat in Pace, Giovanni
A tense confession
It's me, Mario!
Back to Firenze
I'm so confused...
Actions speak louder than words
The truth comes forth
Special preparations
A bright future filled with setbacks
Nature's way of unfolding
We are Assassins
Fabled security
The end of our journey?
Farewell, Monteriggioni...
A Teacher? Me?
Tumultuous years
Mentor, Master Assassin, responsibilities
Long-deserved peace
A journey back to what once was
All set for travelling
A perilous homecoming
Troubled winds; Resilient eagle
Friends far from home
New weapons; New friends; New clues
Familiar faces, familiar sights
Unsolved mysteries; Untold secrets
Hate can only last so long
The end of our journey
Life moves on
There cannot be happiness without grief
Don't leave me...
Even roses wither away...
New beginnings...

The price of truth

454 16 17
Por BlueAngel161

A/N: this will not be an easy chapter to read. Warning: mentions of decapitation ahead. 

This is also my longest chapter to date, with 6700+ words. 

Furthermore, this chapter was directly inspired from chapters 49 to 52 from Oliver Bowden's Assassin's Creed: Revelations


Tiber Island Headquarters


Luglio MDXI (July 1511)

My dearest mother,

It is so good to finally be able to read your letters. Things here have been rather quiet. Ever since the Borgias were thrown out of power, Templars have been finding it hard to grow. Every week, we deal with minor threats.

It is good to hear of your journey's success. Father's letters kept coming in from so many cities, I wondered when you would finally settle in so we could write back. But alas, I must admit that Aurora and I are rather disappointed to know that Masyaf was a dead end. Without the keys, at least. And now, not only you must retrieve them, but also deal with a big Templar presence and a group of Byzantines trying to get back into power. I know the recruits that you sent to Constantinopoli mentioned how bad things were getting, but I never thought it would be this bad. I fear only two people might not be enough to end this war, but then again, I know you are not alone. Yusuf Tazim is a good man who has helped several of our comrades in the past. I know he will do well by you. And it will be an honor to finally meet the man my comrades speak so highly of.

Things have been so different here without you both. The Headquarters is so silent. Diana thinks I am exaggerating, but the truth is I really do miss you both. If I could, I would have gone straight to you both and help. Even though I love her more than anything, being apart from my parents has been the hardest experience I have ever been through. Aurora tries to act all tough, but she feels the same way. Please, come back soon to us.

Con affetto (Affectionately)

Leandro Auditore

Ohh, my poor baby... I hugged the letter close to my heart, sighing. This was the only piece I had of him in the last year and a half. This was pure torture. All I wanted was to pull him in for a big hug, but he was still so far away... And who even knows how much longer it might take for us to go back to Roma. Ugh, this sucks... I was about to put the letter down, when suddenly... BOOM!! I jumped in surprise at the sound of an explosion coming from the nearby room. I put the letter down and ran towards it, only to stop in my tracks by the doorframe. Yusuf was laughing his ass off, while a dirty-faced Ezio gave him one of the most annoyed looks I had ever seen. It was honestly too much. I began laughing as well.

"Ohh, not you too!!" Ezio groaned out, placing the small vials down on the table. Yusuf kept laughing like a maniac, to the point where he even fell off the chair. Ezio only sighed in response, causing me to giggle.

"You need to be more careful when adding the gunpowder, Ezio." I smirked out as I walked over to him.

"I know that, but it is not easy." He groaned out, leaning back so he could lay on the carpeted floor. "I always had bombs made for me. Doing them myself is different."

"I know, I know." I giggled as I sat on the pillows next to him. "You'll get the hang of it, I promise." Ezio didn't reply, giving me one of his adorable pouts. Silence surrounded us for a few moments as I looked down at him, taking special care to take in every detail of his handsome face. His blackened cheeks, his gorgeous brown eyes, his messy graying bangs... Without even realizing it, I began to run my fingers through his soft hair, relishing in the sight of him closing his eyes in bliss. "When are you headed out to find the last key, by the way?" I decided to ask after a few moments of silence.

"During the night." He explained. "It will be easier to avoid curious glances that way."

"And I take it you'll be going after the last key soon after." I sighed out. I knew what it meant. Cappadocia wasn't next door, unfortunately. It would take a while for him to get there, but it was more than necessary. Without this one last effort, we'd never open Altaïr's library. And after so much effort...we couldn't let it all be for nothing.

"You know we have to, (y/n)." he said softly, just as I felt his gentle touch against my cheek. "We will be returning to Constantinopoli soon afterwards."

"I know." I nodded, cracking a smile. "It's just that it'll be hard to stay away. I've grown fond of this city."

"Me too...me too..." he smiled tenderly. "But we both know Roma is waiting for us; Sooner or later, we will have to go back."

"Sfortunatamente (Unfortunately)..." I lay on the pillows next to him, letting out a soft sigh. I knew it better than anyone here how fond I grew of this city. Cracking my eyes open, I watched as Yusuf began to clean up the mess Ezio made, shaking his head with an amused smirk painting his lips. I made so many good friends over these past few months, but...the one I'd miss the most was Yusuf. Yes...I'd definitely miss him the most.

As expected, Ezio got up a few hours before sunrise. I got up with him, and took the opportunity to watch the sunrise up from Galata Tower while I waited for his return. And to be honest, it got me thinking. Deep down, I knew exactly what Ezio wasn't telling me. I read The Secret Crusade, after all. I read about what happened to Sef, Malik and Maria. But my main question was why he was keeping this from me. What had he seen, exactly, that got him so freaked out? I allowed myself to fall back and down onto the cool stone, gazing up at the still-dark sky with thoughtful eyes. Soon, I'd no longer be seeing this sky. My nose would no longer be tempted by the divine smells coming from the Grand Bazaar; My eyes would no longer be swooned by the beauty of Constantinopoli. Instead, they'd gaze up at the ancient majesty that is Masyaf Castle, completely abandoned and covered in snow. I'd see the symbol of the Levantine Assassin Brotherhood still drawn out in stone by the main entrance of the castle, the empty, naked walls still echoing with past conversations. What had Masyaf truly become after Maria's death? Though Niccolò's journal briefly explained it, one can never compare writings to visions. One single image can tell so, so much more than a thousand words. And I guess Altaïr knew this too. After all, why else would he leave memories engraved in those keys if not to show them to us? To teach us something?

I could still see it, feel it all so vividly...Maria losing the strength to stand on her feet, Altaïr's arms around her, her vision quickly becoming blurry, the ever-growing numbness that came with death...her soft, reassuring words to him. "Strength, Altaïr..." I lightly muttered those words out. Such a simple phrase that forever remained branded into my thoughts. They were the parting words of a mother, a wife, a friend. They were the parting words of a woman Altaïr would never stop loving, no matter how much time went by. I sighed as the thought crossed my mind. What would things be like had she survived? Had she not been killed then and there? Would they perhaps, be able to vanquish Abbas together? Or would they still have run away to Alexandria, alongside Darim? Ahh, so many questions indeed... But alas, Ezio should be almost back by now. And so, it was with a heavy heart that I stood from the smooth, cool stone of the Galata tower and headed to the platform. I gazed at the beauty of the sea one last time before I finally steeled my heart, and jumped.

"Why do you still refuse to show me the 3rd key, Ezio?" I finally snapped as I sat down beside him in his office, watching as his temper too, grew short. He had just shown me the 4th key, in which Altaïr, barely walking due to his old age, goes back to Masyaf and defeats Abbas. But there were so many damned questions that remained, and yet Ezio refused to answer. I was sick of this!!

"I have already told you I will show it to you soon. But not now." He shook his head, and I watched as he began to place the keys away in a small satchel. Just as he reached for the key I had not yet seen, I placed my hand on his wrist.

"Ezio, did you forget that I read the Secret Crusade? I know what happens to Altaïr and his family." I shook my head. "Not to mention I literally see her death every time I close my eyes." I gritted my teeth. "There is nothing you will show me that will surprise me still."

"Won't there really...?" he slowly began to ask, his tone growing deeper. "You would not say so had you seen the contents of this key."

"Then show it to me!!" I growled out. "Show it to me, so that I might understand why is it that Altaïr has flashbacks of Maria as he's walking towards the castle! Show me why I could see her death happening all over again at the bottom of the main staircase in Masyaf castle just as Altaïr kills Abbas."

"You know what happened, (y/n). It should not be all that hard to piece the two together." He shook his head, then proceeded to place the third key in his bag.

"Yes, I do know what happened. I do know that Maria fucking dies in Altaïr's arms. That Malik's head is presented to them and that Altaïr is accused of murdering him." My temper was growing thinner with each passing second. "What I don't understand, my dearest, is why you keep such secrets from me. What did Altaïr show you in the disk that made you flee?!"

"It does not matter now." He shook his head as he put the satchel away. "We are running out of time. A ship has been prepared for us to sail to Cappadocia."

"Don't you dare dodge my question, Ezio Auditore da Firenze." My hands began to shake. "Tell me! What do you know that I don't?!"

"This is not the time, (y/n)!" His tone began to rise. "Perdoname (Forgive me), but not now! We need to head to Cappadocia as soon as possible. And I promise you, as soon as we return, I will show you everything. But now, time is a luxury we cannot afford to waste arguing!" He finally said. A thick silence surrounded us for a few moments, but it was enough for me to notice that we weren't alone. Indeed, all of our recruits were giving us worried glances, including Yusuf. And just as he began to walk towards us, I decided to stand up.

"Cazzo (Fuck)..." I sighed. "Let's go to Sofia's then. I'd like to properly say goodbye to her..."

"...bene (fine)." He finally said. He raised his hand, and just as he was about to touch my shoulder, I began to walk away. I ignored every gaze as I walked to the main entrance of the hideout, putting my hood on. I was still hurt, of course. But alas, Ezio did have a point. The last key remained in Cappadocia, at the hands of Manuel Palaiologos. It'd be our greatest challenge by far, and right now, arguing was the last thing we needed. This was all so frustrating though!!

We spent the entire day at Sofia's bookshop, just spending time with her after all she did for us. We took the time to relax, read a book, but mostly, I needed this time to think. And oh, a lot of thinking, I did. Sofia was a crucial key to the success of our mission. Without her, we never would've found the keys to the library of Altaïr. We never would've even been able to get any further than one, possibly 2 of the 5 keys had we not received her aid. She was so precious to me, and from the way Ezio looked at her, I could tell how much she mattered to him too. It was a conflicting sight, to see him smiling so tenderly whenever he looked at Sofia. In a way, I'm glad to see him happy. But my jealousy couldn't be tamed, and the light ache in my heart was enough for me to grimace. One look at Sofia was enough for me to know: I wouldn't rest properly were I to go with Ezio and leave Sofia unprotected. My decision was made. My heart beat strong, and my convictions, unchanging. I would stay here in Constantinopoli to look after her. I would stay here and look after her, should anything go wrong. And so, that night, I told Ezio my decision. It took him by surprise, to say the least. But his reaction to it probably surprised me even more. He seemed relieved when I explained myself, like a huge boulder had been lifted off his shoulders. He had thought about it too, I realized with a soft smile. Though a lot of conflicts remained between us, we paid no mind to it that night as I rested my head on his chest, relishing in the comforting peace that brought the warmth of the sheets, along with the feeling of his arms around mine.

Yes....we might've argued...but nothing else mattered that night.

Early in the afternoon, we received word from one of Suleiman's messengers that a ship awaited Ezio at the docks, and so we wasted no time getting ready for the voyage. Even though we knew that Ezio would need to travel light, I still wanted to make sure that he'd be ready. I walked by my husband's side as we made our way to the docks, but much to my amusement, we weren't the only ones who knew about the ship. "Sayin (Mister) Auditore!" we heard a cheerful voice coming from above us just as we walked beneath a bridge, and I didn't even need to look to know who it was. I smiled as Yusuf jumped down to join us, greeting Ezio with a solid handshake. "Word around the city is you're leaving us!"

"Is nothing I do a secret?" Ezio smirked out, before we continued our way.

"Not to worry, brother. Suleiman's spies are almost as good as our own." The Turkish Assassin replied playfully. But alas, Yusuf's expression grew serious as he continued to speak. "The captain of your ship is a friend. But neither of you are going anywhere just yet. The Janissaries have raised the chain across the mouth of the Haliç, and ordered a full blockade until you are caught."

"They raised the chain for me?" Ezio asked lightheartedly, though I could tell he wasn't taking this warning lightly.

"We will celebrate later." Yusuf smirked. "I have something for you." He said just as we walked past a narrow alleyway. Yusuf looked around for a few moments as to make sure there was nobody around before finally pulling something from a leather satchel. I quickly recognized it as a bomb. "Careful. This has fifty times the kick of our usual bombs."

"Bene (Good). I know what to do." Ezio nodded.

"The excitement is palpable." Yusuf lightly smirked, and while Ezio put the bomb away, he began to walk away. But Ezio quickly stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Yusuf, wait. Un favore (A favor)." Ezio said softly, causing me to look at him in curiosity. Yusuf was all ears. "There is a woman running a bookshop at the old Polo trading post. Sofia. I ask that you look after her, and after my (y/n). I would be able to sleep assured knowing that you will be there for them." He said, causing my gaze to soften. Oh, Ezio...

Yusuf's gaze softened as well at the request, and as a soft, reassuring smile began to paint his lips, he replied. "Of course."

"Gather your men. This will attract some attention." Ezio said at last, and I knew we had no time to waste. Yet still, he pulled me close just as I was about to walk away. Planting a soft kiss against my lips, he whispered. "I will be back as soon as I can. Please, amore mio (my love)...sii cauta (be careful)..."

"I should be asking you that..." I cracked a smile. I stood on my tiptoes and pulled him in for another kiss, sighing in content as he more-than-eagerly returned it. "Come back to us soon, Ezio..." I breathed out against the deliciousness of his lips, and before I lost control and kissed him again, I let him go. It hurt, to part from the warmth of his body. To part from the steadiness of his hold, from the smooth temptation that was his skin. But I had to. He needed to go. And so, with a heavy heart, we finally made way to the docks.

I waited alongside Yusuf and my recruits as Ezio made the first step, by discreetly assassinating a couple of Janissaries standing by a grand tower that held a humongous metal chain, and I instantly knew what he was about to do as my eyes widened slightly. He was going to blow it up, release the chain and let it sink into the depths of the ocean, allowing free access to the vast horizon for whoever wanted to leave. Ezio didn't even hesitate as he gently placed the bomb and, after taking a few steps back for safety, blew it up with a precise shot of his hidden pistol. The result was immediate as the guards, spooked by the deafening explosion, frantically looked around while the heavy chain gave in to the pressure of its own weight and collapsed into the depths of the ocean, destroying everything in its path. But it wasn't enough as guards began to rush towards the culprit, and so, it was our turn to act as we jumped down from our hiding spot and bravely fought, taking down soldier after soldier. It was pure chaos as ships were suddenly set ablaze by my husband's doing, and as they exploded and burned into pieces, one single ship began to sail away. In a feat of great acrobatics and balance, he fearlessly leapt from burning ship to another, until I could no longer see him. I didn't even hesitate as I began to climb into a higher ground, quickly followed by Yusuf. It wasn't difficult for us to find a rooftop that had a perfect view over the sea. Yet, even though our view was partially obscured by the smoke of burning caravans, I could still see the golden sails of the lucky escaper, and I knew Ezio had made it. Call me crazy, but, I knew what he was capable of. And seeing that caravan shrinking in the distance only proved that its precious cargo was on board. I smiled softly as I watched it leave. "Be careful, Ezio..."

My dearest diary,

I don't trust this. This...silence...it's too quiet, too peaceful. Normally, I love silence. But this silence...it's too unsettling. I went over to Suleiman's for a quick visit a couple of weeks back, and what he told me only increased my suspicion. Things have been quiet since his uncle Ahmet wasn't around. And adding the small chat Ezio had with Ahmet...that guy smelled fishy. Furthermore, wasn't it weird? That the moment Ezio leaves Constantinopoli, Ahmed sets sail as well? I fear what might happen in Cappadocia. I fear for him. Fidati di me (Trust me), he'd probably say. But how does one trust in a single man's ability when he stands before an entire army?

I can't sleep. My visions are only getting worse. Maria, Maria, Maria....Maria...Altaïr keeps whispering against my ear. Whispering that word...that very same name that's been haunting my existence for over 3 decades. It's been driving me crazy. "SHUT UP!!!", I found myself screaming as I let out my frustrations, my confusion, on an innocent training dummy. But he wouldn't shut up. He kept whispering, over and over and over... luckily Yusuf was around to help me. He brought be back, we talked it out. He's gone now, but...I still can't find any sleep. Why does Altaïr haunt me still? Why?! Why do I see his breathtaking golden eyes gazing at me with such tenderness? Should I even be seeing this, as a married woman? To dream about another man? Oh God, what must Ezio be truly thinking about me...?

I've tried countless times to make sense of all my visions. I remember seeing Altaïr's library, Malik's severed head being held by Abbas when truly, I was supposed to see Cesare holding Mario's head. I remember meeting him, falling in love with him, marrying him in Limassol...I remember the birth of his first son, the absolute raw love Maria felt for her children, the cold nights of Mongolia...and I remember Altaïr's gaze as she let out her last breath. Such despair that clawed at his being...so much fear... I could feel how she didn't want to leave him like that. "Strength, Altaïr..." before numbness washed over her, and then, there was only darkness. Sometimes, I dare myself to think: what if I were he-

I suddenly stopped myself from writing down that last word as I found myself breathing heavily. I was writing furiously, like a hand possessed. "What if I were her?" That's what you want to write, isn't it?, I found myself thinking. Oh god, I trembled at the thought. Yes, the thought crossed my mind before, but it sounded so...absurd! Like the irrational thought of a disturbed mind. Yet...how could I possibly explain that sight that I've never been able to forget ever since I left Leonardo's workshop to Forlì, all those years ago in 1488? How could I possibly explain the sight of that figure in those beige-colored robes, her graying hair covered by a deep green veil, that looked so much like me that we could be twins? The 3rd key – the thought suddenly popped into my mind. The 3rd key bears all the answers. Should I really though? Should I break Ezio's trust like that and look for the answers? Though my mind was in a deep conflict, my body had already made its decision. My feet carried me outside, into the hideout, where Ezio's four keys remained hidden away in his office. They glowed so invitingly...I grabbed the 3rd key and placed it in my satchel, before I grabbed the Apple as well. The cursed artifact still tried to tempt me with its whispers, but I paid no mind to it as I headed to Sofia's bookshop like I did every day for the past month and a half. Yusuf was already there, standing watch on the rooftop. I greeted him with a wave before I got in, smiling softly at the sight of Sofia sitting behind her desk, reading. "(y/n)!" She greeted happily just as I began to walk down the stairs, and in no-time, she was standing before me with open arms. Oh, how could I refuse that? I hugged her with a light giggle.

"You sound cheerful today!" I smiled.

"You cannot imagine!! I have so many plans!" she said excitedly, urging me to her desk. "I have just been approved to make more copies of the books Ezio found! Finally mankind will recover the piece of knowledge it lost all those years ago!" she explained, causing my gaze to soften. This is why we loved her so much.

"Oh, Sofia." I hugged her once more. "Che meravigliosa notizia (Such wonderful news)!"

"Speaking of which, I have a new set of books awaiting." she said as we stepped into the courtyard. And right next to the stairs, there was a small bundle of pillows next to a small pile of books. I smiled. My little corner. "I am certain you will love these."

"Grazie mille (Thank you so much), Sofia." I smiled tenderly. "I will get right into it then." I said, and with that, I proceeded to let my old bones sink into the soothing comfort of the pillows, and just as I grabbed the first book, Sofia left me a freshly-brewed cup of caffè (coffee) before returning to her tasks at hand. Oh, what would we do without her...

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't focus. It wasn't the book's fault, god no. The story was absolutely insightful, proof of how much Sofia got to know me over these last few months, but...my gaze still lingered on my satchel, no matter how much I tried to avoid it. Fuck it!, I finally snapped as I put my book down, probably making the worst decision in my whole life as I grabbed the key from the satchel. I looked at it for a few moments, wondering whether I should give in and let its message slither into my mind. But it seemed that the key decided in my stead. Or at least...so I thought.

I walked towards a figure sitting alone in a stone bench. Altaïr had asked that we meet up here, and he sounded so distressed. Malik was nowhere to be found after we freed him from the dungeons, Darim was away, and Sef...ohh, my poor baby...our little Sef's been dead for over two years and we didn't know. Thinking about him made my sight cloudy with fresh tears, but I had cried too much already. It was time for me to be strong now. If not for myself, then for Altaïr.

I finally got close enough to recognize the lonely figure as my beloved Altaïr, looking down at his feet as he hid his features beneath his hood. He finally noticed my presence as I stood only a few feet away from him. Oh, his eyes...he looked so distressed, so...mournful... I furrowed my brows in concern. "The Templars have retaken their archive on Cyprus. Abbas sent no reinforcements. It was a massacre..." Altaïr finally explained, but his voice dripped with pain as he lowered his gaze. Oh God, no...

"Oh my God..." I breathed out as I knelt down before him, lightly placing my hand on his knee.

"Maria, when we left Masyaf ten years ago, this Order was strong. But all our progress has been undone..." His gaze finally met mine, but he looked so broken.

"Abbas must answer for this." I shook my head. Yes, Abbas needed to pay. He killed our son, turned the Brotherhood against us, accused Altaïr of treachery... he was the true poison to the Brotherhood. He was the snake that we needed to eradicate.

"Answer to whom? The Assassins obey his command now." He suddenly stood up and began pacing around. His anger was growing, I could tell. He was clouded by his grief, by his inability to do anything.

"Resist your desire for revenge, Altaïr." I said softly as I stood straight, following him with my gaze as he paced around. "Speak truth and they will see their error."

"He executed our youngest son, Maria! He deserves to die!" Altaïr finally snapped, his voice cracking as it dripped with anger and grief. I froze. Of course I knew that! Did you not think I wanted revenge myself? He was my son too!, I found myself thinking.

"Perhaps!" I ended up saying a few moments later, taking a deep breath in hopes of soothing my nerves. Altaïr needed a supportive wife right now. "But if you cannot win back the Order by honorable means, its foundation will crumble." I countered, and to that, he said nothing. At least for now. I stepped closer to him as he lowered his head.

"You are right..." He finally said, softly, before I felt the soothing warmth of his hands against mine. "Thirty years ago, I let passion overtake my reasoning. And it caused a rift that has never fully healed..."

"Speak wisely, my love..." I said then, my voice no louder than a whisper as I lightly brushed my forehead against his. "...and a wise man will listen..."

Altaïr didn't waste time as we began to make way back to Masyaf castle, our former home. Where once the sounds of clashing swords echoed through the tall walls surrounding the courtyard, there were now only drunkards corrupting our uniform. I shook my head as I watched. What had Abbas done...?

Assassins that weren't as drunk as the others immediately began to follow us as we walked to the back of the castle, to the gardens. We shared so many memories there, so many wonderful moments... however, my small reverie was cut short as Abbas joined us.

"Why break into my fortress?!" the aging Assassin seethed as his faithful minions stood behind him. Pitiful.

"We demand to know the truth. Why was Sef killed?" Altaïr asked firmly, never once drawing his gaze away from his target. The man he once called friend. But before he could reply, one of the Assassins stepped forth holding a rugged bag. Abbas feigned shock upon looking at its contents, only making my stomach churn. My heart was pounding, and I could tell, so was Altaïr's. And when Abbas pulled the contents out of the bag... God...

"Poor Malik!" Abbas sighed out as he held our friend's severed head on his hands. His beard and hair were still so long from spending two years in jail for a crime he didn't commit. "Why bring him out of the dungeons only to kill him yourself?" He asked, before placing the head back in the bag.

"He is lying!!" Altaïr roared. "I did not kill Malik! He was innocent!!"

"Was he?" Abbas asked back. "Altaïr, clouded by his grief over the loss of his sweet little Sef...went as far as to kill his best friend. There are also witnesses declaring they overheard you and the infidel plotting against us. Against him." He seethed, only making my blood boil in anger. Ohh, you're such a sweet little victim, aren't you...? "Hand over the Apple, Altaïr!" he ordered.

"Ahh, but the truth is out already!" Altaïr shook his head. "Do you not see what is happening right before you?! Sef was murdered because of a single man's lust for power! He does not wish to enlighten you, but to control you!!"

"Do not listen to this man's lies!" Abbas roared back, and much to my dismay, the Assassins preferred to listen to Abbas instead of the truth. "Hand it over, Altaïr, and I will tell you why Sef was killed."

"....very well, Abbas. Take it." Much to my surprise, Altaïr took the Apple from his pouch and presented it to him, glowing brighter than ever before as if it fed on its surroundings' anger. It was truly a terrifying sight. Yet, this was so unexpected of him. One of Abbas' minions stepped forth to collect the precious artifact, who then proceeded to whisper something against Altaïr's ear. I couldn't tell what he said, but Altaïr's reaction was immediate as a blinding light came from within the Apple and consumed his entire being, causing the man to scream in pain.

"Altaïr!!" I exclaimed, but he didn't seem to be listening. I rushed over to him and stood between him and the Assassin, yet his focus wasn't on me. "Altair!! No!!" I cried out as I clutched his shoulders, trying to shake him back to reality. But it was no use. His eyes were glued to the man standing behind me, a golden light enveloping the man's entire body. Suddenly, I let out a choked gasp as I felt a surge of pain wash through me. Shock and pain had overrun my senses to the point that I barely felt warm droplets of blood splattering onto my neck. I fell onto the ground, my legs no longer able of carrying my weight. Moving was excruciating, even breathing. But none of that seemed to matter anymore. All that mattered was the man holding me in his arms and cupping my cheek. I clang to his white tunic as life seemed to slip away from my grasp. And as I looked into his gorgeous eyes, as I felt tears landing on my cheeks, I smiled.

"S...S-Strength...Altaïr..." I managed to say before closing my eyes, no longer able to hear his broken calls as a thick curtain of darkness enveloped my senses. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I couldn't hear anything anymore. Was this...death?

I let out a choked scream as I suddenly snapped out of it. I was trembling, I was crying...it was...it was all true...I could see it now, oh so clearly...this was why Ezio refused to show me the key... he was scared...

I looked back at the key that still rested on my knees, no longer glowing like before as it had nothing more to show me. Tears began to pool in my eyes. Could I really be her...? That woman who had captured Altaïr's heart like no other woman had before...? I rushed to put everything away in my satchel and proceeded to hide it beneath the pillows before I rushed to the main room, still trembling from the vision. I immediately earned Sofia's attention the moment I stepped foot into the room, her worried eyes gazing into my own questioningly. But before I could even say anything, the door suddenly burst open. I didn't even have time to draw my sword as I felt a searing pain coming from my shoulder. A bullet wound, I realized with a grimace as Byzantine soldiers poured into the bookstore. It was an all-out attack, and only I could do anything about it. 

"Go to the back, Sofia!" I ordered as I swiftly drew my sword to counter a Janissary's downward strike. I tried to fight with everything I had. I managed to kill three thugs in the main room, but they were overpowering me, giving me no choice but to back up. I killed two more by the entrance to the courtyard, then one more within. But my next opponent was a Janissary, and I was getting tired. He laid heavy blow after heavy blow, until my arms couldn't stand it anymore. I hadn't slept and I was emotionally shaken, so fighting was clearly not what I should've been doing. My moves were getting predictable, I knew it, and my worst fears became true as I felt a searing pain coming from my abdomen, sending me down onto the floor. My hand instinctively flew over to cover the wound, which to my dismay, was already soaking my clothes. I backed up, more and more until my back hit the wall. I was surrounded...

"It is quite a shame, really..." The Janissary commented as he knelt before me, grabbing me roughly by the chin. "To see a desert flower such as you wither away..."

"So, Ahmet..." I winced out. "H-He was the best choice?"

"He may be pitiful, but he has powerful friends." The soldier shrugged. "Friends who would pay handsomely to see your pretty head on a pike..." The Janissary suddenly received a kick to the face that had him flying over, revealing, much to my relief, a panting and bloodied Yusuf. He fought off the two Byzantine thugs that had me surrounded, who fell in no-time.

"(y/n)!" Yusuf exclaimed as he quickly sheathed his sword, kneeling by my side. He observed my wounds, and oh, merely moving was excruciating. "You need a doctor, quickly." He said seriously, trying to do what he could to stop the bleeding.

"N-No, Yusuf..." I shook my head, holding his hand. "Protect Sofia..."

"She is fine, but you need help." He shook his head. Ugh, it hurt so much I had to close my eyes in a vain attempt to withstand the pain. My hands were trembling, I was starting to sweat... I cracked my eyes open, only to scream in terror as the Janissary from earlier suddenly stabbed Yusuf in the back. My poor friend collapsed into my arms, and I could do nothing else but to hold him as close as I possibly could, regardless of the pain I felt.

"Nononono, Yusuf..." I pleaded, pushing his bangs away to reveal his eyes. His breathing was ragged, and his eyes, clamped shut due to the pain. I looked at the Janissary as I held him close, trying to figure out what his next move was. More thugs burst in and grabbed a screaming and struggling Sofia by the arms. They took her away, and I couldn't do anything else but watch. Tears ran down my cheeks. What kind of friend was I...?

"What about them?" A thug asked the Janissary as he stood by the stairs. I felt the soldier's piercing gaze on us for a few moments, before he began to walk away.

"Leave them. They will die anyways." He said it so nonchalantly as they proceeded to leave, but I wasn't having it. We needed to survive...we needed to make it out...

"Yusuf...Yusuf please..." I breathed out, internally sighing in relief when he cracked his eyes open. "We need to get you help... we need... w-we need..."

"(y/n)..." his voice was so soft... "L-Leave while you still can...g-go warn...the den..."

"N-No, I can't..." tears began to run down my cheeks. "I-I can't leave you...b-besides...I can barely move myself..."

"...then this is it..." he whispered, causing me to tear up only more. Don't you dare, you Turkish bastard...! "...it's funny..." he cracked a smile. "...so many plans...s-so many wishes..."

"...they're not yet lost, Yusuf..." I shook my head. "We need to stay awake for as long as we can...for Ezio..."

"....e-evet (y-yes)...for Ezio..." he breathed out. God, this couldn't end like this...! Not again!! I couldn't protect Malik, and now I couldn't protect Yusuf? What kind of a friend was I...? But the worst part probably was that if I'd die, I'd die without seeing Ezio's face. At least before, I was being held by Altaïr, but now...now I'd die, fearing I'd never get to truly say how sorry I was. All those fights, so much wasted time...now, as my vision began to blur, I wondered: how much longer did I still have left...?

Silence consumed us for what felt like an eternity, leaving only the sounds of our ragged breathing as they slowly but surely grew shallower. This was it...I thought I'd be able to see Aurora and Leandro once more, but...I guess I'd die without seeing them like before. What must've Darim felt back then? I couldn't leave my babies...But then again, did I even have a choice here...?

There was a sudden noise. One that sounded so far away...I cracked my eyes. Steps, yes. They were steps. Who could it be...? I shakily raised a hand, wincing at the effort as I reached to grab one of Yusuf's throwing knives. It hurt so much...yet still, I raised my arm. I aimed, and....I let out a soft cry at the sight of who it was. "E-Ezio..." I breathed out as I let the throwing knife slip away from my fingers and onto the floor. Immediately, he was on his knees, by my side. Tears flowed freely down my face as I took in every detail of his beautiful face like it'd be the last time.

"(Y/n)...what happened?" Ezio asked, urgently. "Who did this?!"

"....b-byzantine thugs..." I said softly. "A-Ahmet..." But none of that mattered now. As I heard more and more steps coming in from the main room of the bookshop, I looked at Yusuf. "...s-save him..."I softly pleaded. "...h-he saved me..."

"We will. We will, lo prometto (I promise)." Ezio nodded. My recruits stepped into the room, then proceeded to gently carry Yusuf away. I, however, could barely even feel anything as I was carried away in my husband's arms. "Hold on, (y/n)!! We will get you a doctor! Hold on!!" he pleaded, but...his voice sounded so far away... "Please, baby! We are so close, hang on!!" Oh, Ezio...

"E-Ezio...." I breathed out. My eyelids felt so heavy... "M-My satchel... it's hidden...beneath the pillows... I-I couldn't let them have the Apple a-and the key..."

"Do not give up on me now, (y/n), suplico (I beg of you)!" I could barely even hear him anymore, but he sounded so sad, so desperate... Oh, my love, don't cry...

"Perdoname (Forgive me)...amore mio (my love)..." I breathed out before suddenly, everything went back. 

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