Dead Beat~//n.mara


36.5K 1.3K 256

Desiree did everything herself she never needed anyone to help her. Even when she got pregnant with her high... More

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786 34 4

[Trigger Warning: Violence]

Things didn't stay hostile for long. Wes settled down and didn't get mad anymore. Probably at as because Desiree did everything she could to try and keep Nick and Wes apart. It was working really well, at least until the holidays.

Desiree sat on the couch catching up on some work.

"I think I'm really getting the hang of this kid thing." Wes said as he emerged from Meri's room a sippy cup in hand. Desiree smiled and closed her laptop. She was happy that Wes was starting to make an effort with Meri.

"Now that she's finally asleep we can watch our show." Wes plopped down next to Des and wrapped her in his strong arms. He placed a loving kiss on her cheek and started up Netflix.

Desiree was almost falling asleep when she got a text.

Nick 💙
I know the giant don't
like it when I come over
but I'm downstairs and I
need to talk to you

Ok I'm coming

But I know u ain't
just call Wes a giant😂

Nick 💙
Did I lie?

"I'll be right back babe, I uh, left my laptop charger in your car."

"Ok. You want me to pause it, or...?"

"No you're good. I'll be right back." Des hated lying to Wes, especially about little things like this, but it was the only way to keep confrontation from happening. Des high-tailed it to the lobby and found Nick standing behind a plant.

"Hey, what did you need to talk about?" Desiree tucked a piece of fallen hair behind her ear. Even in her "disheveled" appearance she was still beautiful. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had little pieces of her hair frame her face perfectly.

"Well. I know that it's getting close to Thanksgiving and this is your first year..."

Desiree already knew what was coming. She had been dreading it a lot. It was her first Thanksgiving without her mom. She had been avoiding the holidays altogether. The thought of celebrating without her number one by her side was unbearable.

"I already know what you're gonna say, Nick. The answer is no."

"Oh." Nick hung his head and gave the back of his neck a scratch. "All I was going to ask was if you wanted me to fly you and Meri home. I'd figured you'd want to be with your brother."

"Oh." Desiree was a bit taken aback. Nick was being really thoughtful.

"Yeah, but since you don't want me to, I guess I'll just leave..."

"No wait. That's not what I thought you were gonna say... But yeah. That'd be really nice. And y'know if you ever get tired of Percy, you could come over and hang with me. I'm sure my mom would love to see Meri again."

"Of course. Thanks Nick this is really thoughtful."

"Anything for you Des." Nick smiled. Desiree quickly attacked Nick's torso with a hug. Nick was surprised, but his arms naturally fell into the small of her back and he deepened the hug. He shouldn't be enjoying it so much, on account of her boyfriend, but it was harmless. At least it was harmless to Des.

Soon the two adults pulled away, much to Nick's chagrin.

"All right I should get back. Meri's sleeping."

"All right Ma, give her a kiss for me." Nick waved.

"Will do." Desiree waved back and head back upstairs to her apartment.

"Why were you gone so long?" Wesley asked from his place on the couch. He wasn't relaxed like he was when she left. Instead he sat still with his head in his hands. He looked like he had a headache, but Des couldn't see his face.

"Oh I couldn't find the charger in there, it's probably in my backpack."

"Really?" Wes looked up, an unreadable expression on his face. "Because how could you have checked if you didn't even take the keys with you when you left."

Des just stared she didn't know how to get her way out of this. She would just have to tell the truth. "Wes..."

"And you know you left her phone up here right?" Wes noticeably got angrier to the point where it frightened Des to just look at him. "So you're still seeing him?"

Wes was blunt. He didn't even try to dance around the fact that he had snooped through her phone and was upset that she saw Nick. Des definitely was not going to back down to him after he violated her privacy.

"Yes. I am. And the only reason why I didn't tell you is to keep y'all from fighting all the time. And for you to go I'm my phone and look at my messages is a really insecure thing to do."

"You're calling me insecure now, when you're cheating on me?"

"What? Where did you get that from?" Desiree shouted, but quickly lowered her voice as to not wake her sleeping daughter.

"I saw the messages Desiree and you're not going to try and get out of this." Wes got a firm grip on Desiree's arm, similar to the one he had her in before.

"Ow that hurts." Desiree strained to get out of his grasp. Wes loosened his grip on her and Des tried to catch her breath.

Wes got close to the girls face and lowly spoke to her. "What did he want?"

"He... he just wanted t-to know if I wanted to go home with him for the holidays." Desiree stammered. Wes scowled at the thought.

"Oh so you're going to leave me now? Am I not good enough for you? You can't just be happy staying with me? You gotta go an sneak off with him?" Wes' voice crescendoed sending a chill up Des' spine.

"That's n-not it. My family is there and..."

"Don't you get it? I'm your family now! You don't need him to do shit for you anymore. If you want to go somewhere, you tell me. Okay!?"

Des was scared. She had never seen Wes so angry before, and over something so trivial at that. She knew he was being unreasonable and she knew that she shouldn't accept his treatment of her. But she also knew when to keep her mouth shut. She was scared that if she said something more it'd be more than a bruise on her arm once the dispute was finished.

Desiree nodded her head, signifying that she fully understood what Wes was saying. Wes gave Des a once-over, let out a heavy sigh then finally let her go.

"Good. But I need to go. I'll be back later babe." Wes leaned in to give Des a kiss on the forehead and she flinched. Wes pulled back from her and just walked out of the apartment.

And just like that he was gone again. He lashes out, tries to apologize, then leaves. Leaving Desiree just as dumbfounded as the first time it happened.

Lo's Hoes
Oof I made Wes terrible but oh well it's cuz he's terrible. Anyways thanks for supporting this story y'all don't know how much I truly appreciate and love all my readers and commenters I never thought this story would get more than a couple hundred views but we've surpassed 1k and I'm really grateful because I love this story and where it's going, and I hope y'all do too. Let me know leave a comment and vote Luvs

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