Dancing With The Stars

By TheNomadOfNowhere

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A book on the Zodiac signs and their basic meanings and personality traits. Copied and marginally altered fro... More



73 3 0
By TheNomadOfNowhere

*marginally altered*

Virgo, the virgin (23rd August - 23 September)

Mercury, Earth

Virgo's element is Mercury, the messenger of the gods,who was forever darting hither and thither. It's no surprise that those born under the sign of the Virgin have fascinating eyes that seem to take in everything at once. And they change their facial expressions at the drop of a hat; a sympathetic smile for someone who needs comforting one moment,a  wide grin for someone they're sharing a joke with the next. That's Virgo. With Earth as their element, it's no surprise that they love routine and cleanliness, law and order. They are forever scrubbing and washing and are so neat and tidy, often dressed in their hallmark grey or blue, they could have stepped straight from a clothes shop window. They tend to be the most critical sign of the zodiac, ever ready to have a go at other and being the first to point out their msitakes (which they never make themselves). Given the chance, they will organize things down to the last detail and are frst to take the credit for the works others have done at their behest. However, when the need ariess, they will work harder than anyone else to make sure that schedule is kept and a job done to the best it can be. Their darting eyes are first to pick out a flaw in others, no matter how small, and the quick wit and use of double entendre they have at their command, enables them to point these flaws out in a way that makes anyone unfortunate enough to be at the receiving end believe that Virgo knows every skeleton in the cupboard. Curiously, despite their ability to discomfort people, Virgos need interesting friends around them all the time - and their not afraid to use them to increase their store of knowledge and to up their bank balance. But don't even think about exploiting a Virgo - they will cast their vast circle of friends and select the one who can best help them get their own back. When it comes to matters of the heart, Virgo are as pernickety in choosing a partner as they are in every other aspect of their lives. Their ideal partner will have class and cash - in marriage, love is an added bonus for the virgins of the Zodiac. Once they have tied the knot they will try to carry on with their busy social lives they enjoyed in their bachelor days, showing to their trophy partners just how lucky they are to have landed a popular, sociable Virgo. With a deep-rooted need for security, Virgo is well matched with Capricorn, a sign that complements the Virgin and will strive to achieve their mutual goals. They will massage each others egos - but whether they do so with even an ounce of sincerity is questionable. Virgo's share a love of beauty with Taureans who will make suitable marriage partners. Not Gemini's or Sagittarians though; Virgos may well dally with one or other of them for a while, but in the long term, though they may build a lasting friendship, Virgo will not trust either sign one hundred percent. Scorpios are a bit too deep and secretive for Virgos and as for those born under Aries - the two should steer clear of each other in the romantic stakes for match critical Virgo with fiery Aries and the sparks will not just fly, they will explode! Virgos are well organized, they make excellent secretaries - knowing exactly where everything is and having an instinct of knowing when it will be needed. But with their tendency to take over, many bosses find themselves regretting the day they hired Mr or Mrs Perfect! And if you are a moment or two late for an appointment, be it a business or hospital one and the receptionist slaps your fingers for your tardiness - It's even money that he or she is a Virgo!

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