Humans and Bots

By transformersprimegal

34.1K 926 390

The bots bring home a Relic they got from the Cons, But when Miko touches it, well things get....a bit comple... More

Humans and Bots pt 1 A strange Relic
Humans and Bots Part 3 A Strange new point of veiw
A strange new point of view part 2
a strange new point of veiw Part 3
A strange new point of veiw Part 6
Humans and Bots Part 7 -Dude...-
Humans are weird....
Humans and Bots: School?!
Who's your daddy?
School always starts off well enough....
Teenage Drea- Nightmares
The Things We Did Last Night
The Principal Of It All!
Missing Home.
Unexpected Return.
Papa-mus Prime
Eyeliner And My Chemical Romance.
Sometimes Silence Is Golden

Humans and Bots part 2 A strange relic pt 2

2.9K 79 21
By transformersprimegal

Hello welcome Back to my crazy world so to speak! here is another chapter please enjoy! oh ya and same speech stuff as before you know                         {Com link}     "out loud talking"  Author 'Thoughts'   and of course /Bumblebee's beep's / 

enough of my blabbing let's continue! Oh and     Warning:shipping of Arcee and Bumblebee + fluff

"Yes!...ok..Truth Or Dare Bee!" Miko yelled 

'Oh no not me, OK let's see which is less likely to bite be in the after burner later...hmm i guess truth" Bumblebee thought before replying / Truth / Bumblebee beeped 

"he say's Truth" Raf translated to Miko once she looked at him with a look as to say what-did-he-just-say-i-don't-speak-beep

"Oh OK......hmm what to ask what to ask?" Miko pondered "ah ha Bumblebee do you ever wish  you could fly?" Miko asked, this surprised everyone.

usually Miko would be the one to ask the extremely stupid,personal or rude question but that question was actually pretty blank and non personal "well do ya?" she asked again

/Uh...No i'm quite happy staying on the ground, where i can feel the ground underneath me/ Bumblebee said knowing that he had to tell the truth, and it was the truth he didin't  really like heights that much he wasn't  scared or freaked out of heights just a little bit Uncomfortable

"He said and i quote  Uh...No i'm quite happy staying on the ground, where i can feel the ground underneath me"  Arcee told Miko and Jack  who looked a little lost at what all the beeps and whirs meant

"OK.....well that wasn't very...BAM!" Miko said in a bit of an disappointed tone"but i guess Truth is never really POW! all ways...Oh well Bee spin the bottle!" she immediately went back to her peppy tone of voice and her mood seemed to shoot up as well 

Bumblebee lightly spun the bottle around and stayed spinning for a little while but then it finally landed on Arcee

/Ha who knew it would land on to bot's in a row!/ Bumblebee beeped with enthusiasm

" ya" Arcee giggled

/So Arcee Truth Or Dare?/ Bumblebee whirred excitedly ' oh what should i ask her if she chooses truth and what should i dare her on dare...maybe to take one of Ratchets wrenches? no i don't wsnt her to get in trouble Ratchet would have her beautiful helm AHHH Gr i need to stop thinking like that!' Bumblebee thought to himself

"How about Dare?!" she said "i feel....Rebelous right now" she said in a playful growl 

/ Ok don't bite my head off there Arcee/ Bumblebee beeped in a teasing manor

" i don't know i might" she teased back as they both laughed

"is it just me or do you two think they like each other?" Miko whispered too Jack and Raf

"What, no, there giant alien robotic organisms from another planet.....i don't think they have crushes" Jack replied a little weird did out by the thought

"Oh is that so!" Arcee Growled playfully again as she tackled Bumblebee to the ground in a play fight

"Oh really Jack,Don't like each other at all,cause they can feel happy and sad and angry but not fall in love,HA" Miko spat out in a mocking way

"What no the're just  Friends wrestling and laughing....." he trailed off as the three kids watched the two roll a way in a  mock play fight 

Arcee was on top of Bumblebee trying to pin him down,and they kept losing balance and rolling away,trying to pin each other  then the both rolled away in opposite direction's and laid sprawled out on the floor beside each other laughing,well Arcee was laughing and bee was making beeps that couldn't be anything but his version of laughing they just laid there for a second just giggling and looking at the plain white ceiling of the base before they got up still laughing and playfully pushed each other until they got to the kid's who were giggling slightly

"OK, will you two stop flirting and play the game" Miko yelled teasingly up at the two bot's who blushed a little,well there equivalent of blushing anyway.

/OK,OK um I dare you two ......ah prank bulkhead when he get's back!/ Bumblebee smirked underneath his battle mask 

"Oh ya Dare excepted!" Arcee said with a sly smile just then her com link interrupted her

{Arcee come in} Ratchet's voice could be heard on the com

{Arcee can you send a bridge....please} Ratchet asked hesitating on the last part

{Wait did you just say..Please?!} Arcee asked in disbelief {Who are you and what have you done with Ratchet, our grumpy medic!} she teased as she walked over to the ground bridge controls 

{Ha Ha, now will you bridge us back already!} he answered back with a snap in his voice 

{that's the Ratchet i know} Arcee laughed as she opened up the ground bridge

Optimus ,Ratchet and  Bulkhead stepped through the ground bridge back to base without a scratch,but really caught Arcee,Bumblebee and the kid's eye was a strange looking object Optimus was carrying 

"um Optimus,Sir, whats that thing?" Arcee asked pointing at the strange object in the prime's hand

Another chapter down and ready to read! hope you like it i will be writing more soon so stay calm and read on ( i'm so sorry that was bad!)  i also hope you guys like that this chapter was longer than my others well ya (Enough of me blabbing Jeez!) 

Thanks for putting up with me-Transformersprimegal!

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