Loving You

Per LeelooLeon

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WARNING!!! Strong language and mature contents are described in this short novel. I'm not a professional writ... Més

Chapter One
Change of Title
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nineteen

1 0 0
Per LeelooLeon

19- I love you


     My head is killing me. I don't remeber much from yesterday but I could remember that I mixed whiskey with vodka and beer. Not a good combination I suppose. I took a look around me and I'm in my matterss but in the shower. How did I get here? I took it out and showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed. Thank God I always have spare clothes on my bathroom cabinet.

     I entered my room and it was a mess. What the hell happened yesterday? I walked towards my door, well avoided stepping on clothes, glass or broken furniture. I made it downstairs and everyone was looking at everyone but silent. Like they were deep in thought.

"What the hell happened yesterday guys?" I asked and everyone ignored me.

     I sighed and went to the kitchen to eat something. Even the kitchen was a mess. This looks like a me situation and it isn't the first time I black out from drinking too much. I started to clean a little when I remembered Athena. She was crying but I don't know why. I grabbed my car keys and went to my house.

     When I got there, I felt dread in the pit of my stomach but I still can't pin point why. I got inside and my painting and photos of Athena were the first things I saw. If someone saw this, they'll call me a stalker, an obsessive man or even a psycho but I call it art. I'm addicted to her. I'm making a mural about her with a thousand photos of her. I always take 10 to 20 photos when I'm with her, she never notices but I never show mu camera to her. I'm sure she'll freak too if she sees this.

     I was about to start painting when I remember last night. It night me like a roller coaster and I widened my eyes and felt my stomach give out when I remembered what I told her. I said so many hurtful things to her that she never deserved because it was my fault, not hers and she even took the blame too. I remember her cussing and it made me take a deep breath because she might have been pissed to do it and I just called her names, even a whore.

     I grabbed my phone and called her, she didn't answer so I called her again, and again, and a fourth time but she never pick up the phone. I told myself to paint a little because she might be angry to answer me so I did. I finished the painting because now that I've seen her body, I can complete it and it was a masterpiece I called "Addicted to you".

     I was about to start doing the mural when my phone rang. It was Paige. I ignored it but she was annoyingly calling over and over. I answered because she was driving me insane.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Where are you?" She said and her voice was rough like she'd been crying.

"In the house" I said.

"I'm in the frat and you're not here" I sighed.

"I'm in my house" I corrected myself.

"Don't go anywhere, I'm on my way" she said and before I tell her to not come she hung up.

     Why is she so annoying? I waited for her annoying ass to arrive but when she did, she wasn't alone. That gay guy was with her too. Why are they here?

     I went outside and when he saw me, hia nostrils flared and stalked towards me.

"Why are you he-" I started but he interrupted me.

"I'm going to fucking kill you motherfucker" he snapped and punched me. Hard.

"Peter, stop" Paige said and pulled him, Peter back.

"Let me kill him, he deserves it" he punched me again and I threw one at him too. Hitting him on his left cheek.

     He threw himself back at me and we both fell to the ground. How dare he come to my house and assault me?

"Peter please stop, this won't make it better, please" what the hell are they talking about.

"No, he deserves this for hurting her" oh so he's defending her. I guess I do deserve it.

"Please Peter, don't do this, she won't forgive you when she wakes up" Now I'm confused.

     He stopped punching me and looked at my eye and what I saw made me freeze. He was panicked about something and it involves Athena. I feel it in my blood.

"What happened?" I got up and asked.

"You don't know?" He shot back.

"Peter, let me tell him" Paige said and he walked towards his car.

"Tell me what?" I asked her.

"You remember what happened yesterday?" She said.

"Yes, I remembered like an hour ago. Why?" I said.

"Well, after you guys argued on your bathroom, she left and shw didn't have her car with her, Peter had it and she walked home" she sniffed and tears were running down her cheeks.

"What happened?" I'm dreading it but I need to hear it.

"She was walking on the rain and freezing and she found refugee" she sniffed again and said "She was attacked".

"No, don't say it Paige" I feel my stomach giving up and I don't want to hear it.

"Too damn bad because you need to hear it. She has fractured ribs, a broken cheek bone, her left arm is broken in three different places, a stab on her left thigh and she was" she's sobbing at this point.

"You're lying" I said and when I saw her eyes, I saw the truth, she wasn't lying.

"I'm not, she was raped, and left to bleed and die on a dumpster" she said and my legs gave out and I threw up by my side and I felt like mu stomach was throwing up every food I ate after I met her because I couldn't stop throwing up.

"No, you're lying. Please tell me you're lying Paige. You tell me right now that you just want me to feel like shit and you're taking revenge on me" I bedded but ger crying eyes were telling me that ut was real, that it did happen and that Athena is on a hospital bed probably dying.

"I'm so sorry Cade, but it's true. I didn't want it ro be real but it is and we can't change what happened but to be with her when she wakes up and pray that she'll forgive you because I sure as hell won't if she doesn't wake up" she said and I looked up at her.

"She will wake up, right?" I asked.

"The doctors don't know if she will because she lost so much blood and she's in a comma and we're still looking for somebody to give her blood. She's an O negative and that type of blood is hard to find" she said and I ran towards my car because I need to be with her, I know someone who is O nevative and she won't like who it is but she has to accept it because is for her own good. Britney.

"Caden!" I heard both of them call me but I ignored them. I really need to get to the hospital. Damn it, I don't know which hospital she is.

     I called Paige to ask her which hospital she is and she told me she doesn't know the name but it's the one who it's 10 minutes away from campus. New Kingdom Hospital. I think I broke at least five speed limits but I didn't care, she needed me and I will be there for her even if she doesn't want nothing to do with me after she wakes up.

     I parked on the other side of the hospital because I don't have time to get in line to get a parking ticket and got in.

"Athena-" I damn it I don't know her last name. "A girl named Athena, where is she?"

"Sorry, but only family can visit" the front desk lady said.

"Athena Floros, I'm her fiance, he can come in" I heard Peter say behind me and the lady nodded.

     I guess Peter knew where she was because he didn't wait for directions, he just walked towards the elevators. He pressed 3 and we went up. The elevator stopped and I wanted to kick out the person who stopped us but it was an elderly woman and a younger man. I calmed myself but becane desperate. Why does elevators are so slow?

     We made it to the third floor and noticed that no one was on this floor. Where is her family? Does she even have one? I remember her telling me something about her mother but I didn't pushed her to tell me. Peter opened a door and there was another door that was locked much to my displeasure.

"Why is the door locked? What if something happens and she needs attention?" I asked.

"All the nurses and doctors have a badge and it can open every door in here. Well not all of them but doors they need access to" Peter said and I could see a tear rolling down his left eye.

     She had tubes on her nose and mouth, a YESO on her left arm, he left thigh had a bandage all around it, and the bandage on her cheek covered her entire right side of the face. That made my legs to almost give out.

"What have I done?" I asked to myself but with this complete silence, they heard me.

"You just lost the most precious human being in the world, or we all did. No one knows, is up to her" I know he meant if she wakes up but I didn't say nothing about it. I don't deserve her just like she doesn't deserve what she's going through.

     What felt like an eternity later, the machines she was hooked up with went crazy. I panicked because the heart monitor went flat.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked out loud, yelled I think when the doctors entered the locked door and closed it again.

     They worked their magic and used the thing the use to charge their dying patients and my heart began to hurt and my breathing was labored. She wasn't responding and when they opened the door again I pushed the male nurse away and entered.

     Once inside, they tried to stop me but I just pushed them all. I got to the bed and held her close to me, afraid that it'll be the last time I'll hold her in my arms. I couldn't stop my tears because I for once in my life after all those years ago, became afraid.

"Athena I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for hurting you, for calling you names when I knew you weren't any of it. I'm sorry for treating you like trash. I'm sorry for saying I used you for your body. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry for not returning the I love you you said to me. I'm sorry for being an asshole and I'm sorry this happened to you but please don't leave. Don't leave me please. I love you Athena. I have loved you ever since I met you but couldn't admit it because I don't know how to live properly and because I'm just a stubborn man. Please come back to me, don't leave me" I cried while holding her and no one tried to get me out of the room.

     I don't know how long I've been holding ber bit I suspect it's been only barely 2 minutes. Her heart monitor caught a heart beat and I stilled. Did she responded to me? I let go of her carefully and the doctor put the stethoscope on and put it on her chest, and his fingers in her right wrist.

"I've got a pulse" I fell to the floor and didn't care that people were watching, I cried. I cried for her, for me and for my past because I was never taught how to treat a woman. That's probably the reason Jennifer left me in the first place.

     I got up and let the older female nurse guide out of the room. Outside the room, behind the glass Paige was waiting for me with open arms which I willingly walked into amd sighed because she's okay for now.

"Thank you" I said more to God because I've never believed in jim but today I do. That was a miracle and can't deny it even if I want to.

     Now we wait for her to wake up.


2183 words

New Kingdom Hospital doesn't exist, I invented it because I'm not from New York and I don't know the names of the hospitals and it's late for me to google them. Plus it's better when people have their own imagination of places.


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