Drunk On You || punk!cas joc...

By wingsandhunters

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Castiel and Dean have grown up together since they were four years old. Now the two have become completely di... More

Chapter one - Bee
Chapter Two - Blue dye and fallings out
Chapter Three - Date Night
Chapter four - Expelled
Chapter five - New Schools
Chapter Seven - The Camping Trip
Chapter Eight - The morning after
Chapter Nine - Many Much Moosen
Chapter Ten - Cheerleader
Chapter Eleven - Drunk On You Pt 1
Chapter twelve - Drunk on you pt 2
Chapter Thirteen - Last Night
Chapter Fourteen - The Halloween Masked Ball
Chapter Fifteen - Gotcha
Chapter Sixteen - Ideas
Chapter Seventeen - The Beach
Chapter Eighteen - Blind Man's Bluff
Chapter nineteen - Happy Friggin' New Year
Chapter Twenty - Punk-Rockmantic
Chapter Twenty-One - The bag
Chapter Twenty-Two - Sun, Sex and ... more sex
Chapter Twenty-Three - The last french-fry
Chapter Twenty-Four - Slam you into perdition
Forgive me Father for I Have Sinned
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Worst Date in the History of Dates
Chapter Twenty-Six - The Dirty Sex
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Home
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Satan's Little Helpers
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Caramel Latte with Cream
Chapter Thirty - "Happy" Valentines
Chapter Thirty-One - Ignorant Slut and Growley
Chapter - Thirty-Two - Post-Graduation Depression
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lingerie
Chapter Thirty-Four - One of a Kind
Chapter Thirty-Five - Momma Novak
Chapter Thirty-Six - Graduation
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Incest Kinkfest
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Pre-Prom
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Prom
Chapter Forty - No Happy Endings
Chapter Forty-One - Phone Sex
Chapter Forty-Two - Surprise
Chapter Forty-Three - Festival
Chapter Forty-Four - Your Gay is Showing
Chapter Forty-Five - The Groupie
Chapter Forty-Five - Drugs, Sex and Rock and Roll
Chapter Forty-Six - A Letter to Home
Chapter Forty-Seven - Furniture Shopping
Chapter Forty-Eight - Hell and back
Chapter Forty-Nine - Blue Eyed Best Friend
Chapter Fifty - Five steps
Chapter Fifty-One - Nostalgia
Chapter Fifty-Two - Pink-Lipped Man
Chapter Fifty-Three - The First Step
Chapter Fifty-Four - They try to make me go to rehab and i said "okay mom"
Chapter Fifty-Five - Back in the closet
Chapter Fifty-Six - Welcome Home
Chapter Fifty-Seven - The Beehive
Chapter Fifty-Eight - The Wedding Bells
Chapter Fifty-Nine - The Best Day of Your Life So Far
What became of the likely lads

Chapter Six - Gym Shorts

27.4K 1.1K 2.3K
By wingsandhunters

Cas (POV)

What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?


Dean (POV)



Cas (POV)

Calm down Castiel, it’s probably nothing. He was probably just still in shock from you appearing in his school out of the blue and he was overly happy about you being there. He doesn’t like you like that Castiel, he is your best friend. He knows that you are straight; he knows that it would never work between the two of you and he doesn’t like you like that. Calm down. Don’t go crazy, don’t go crazy. Breathe. That’s it Castiel! In, out, in, out, in, out. It’s okay Castiel, he’ll call you and probably just say something funny like he was joking with you to mess with your head. Yeah, that’s probably what he will do because he is a dick like that.

I was still sat on the floor where he left me only half an hour a go, still in shock by what just happened when Zandriel walked in from work, dressed in a nurse’s outfit.I looked up at her, the same look of horror and shock still plastered my face and she stopped dead in her tracks, looking down at me with her eyebrows raised.

“Bee…. Is something wrong?” She asks, smiling a little, amused by the look on my face.

“I-I don’t know what happened.” I stutter out, finally being able to speak for the first time in what seemed like forever.

“What do you mean?” She asks, coming into the living room fully and plopping down on the sofa, sighing contently as she did so.

“H-he kissed me.” I mumble more to myself then her and I realise my mistake straight away. I look at her scared of what she was going to say but a huge grin splits out on her face.

“He? I’m sorry who is he?” She giggles I gulp and shake my head.

“Never mind. It’s nothing. “I say a bit too quickly and she gives me a nudge with her foot wanting me to carry on with the conversation.

“C’mon Cassie, stop being such a stubborn bastard and tell me what’s what. Did Dean finally pluck up the courage to kiss you then?” I looked at her quickly, my eyes still wide in shock went even wider then I thought was possible.

“What do you mean pluck up the courage?” I ask her suspiciously and her grin widens even more.

“Me, Luci and Mike have been betting for about two years when he will finally kiss you. The way he looks at you is like the way I look at food. Love, passion and a whole lot of lust.” She smacked her lips together and started drooling before running out of the living room, grabbing a bar of chocolate from the fridge in the kitchen and coming back in before plopping herself back down on the sofa.

“What do you mean pluck up the courage?” I repeat myself.

“I’ve just told you Cas, he li-i-ikes you.” She mocks and winks at me. I blush bright red and without another word I run up to my room. “C’mon Cas, stop being such a big baby!”

“SHUT UP.” I cry back down the stairs before slamming the door of my room and collapsing head first on my bed, burying my face in my pillow. What a disaster.

-the next day-

I couldn’t ride with Dean to school, that would have been way to awkward and I didn’t think he would turn up anyway so I asked Zandriel to drive me instead before she started work and she reluctantly agreed after arguing with me about facing my problems and just talking to Dean. No way in hell was I ready to do that yet. She drove me too school and dropped me off before whizzing off again so I trudged into school by myself, hoping that I didn’t run into Dean at all. No such luck. Dean was everywhere. He was on every trophy the school had and I saw him inside the jocks walking past, even though it wasn’t actually Dean and then I saw him, standing with his friends with an arm slung over Lisa’s slim shoulders. What should I do?! I’ll go up to them, pretend like nothing’s happened, that is what I’m best at. C’mon you can do it Cas.

“Hey guys.” I say to them all, trying not to make eye-contact with Dean.

“Hey again Castiel, first day huh?” One of Dean’s friends asked me and I nodded coolly before leaning on one of the lockers. I took a glance at Dean who was looking down at the floor, pale as a white sheet of paper and looking as if he was about to faint at any second. Sigh.

“Dean, can I talk to you?” I ask in a small voice and he looks up at me, gulps and nods before following me down the hall a bit. I didn’t know what I was going to say to him, but I knew I had to sort this out. I couldn’t lose him, I just couldn’t. He was the only thing keeping me same in the crazy world.

“Look, Cas I’m so sorry! I wasn’t thinking straight and I was just overcome with all these feelings all at once but I promise you it was nothing and I don’t like you like that I promise. I’m so sorry.” He says without a breath and I sigh in relief at his words and hug him tightly.

“It’s okay Dean. I was just shocked but I’m glad that you don’t think of me in that way.” I smile at him and I thought I saw a flicker of something on his face but it was gone in an instant so I couldn’t quite make out on what it was before he smiled back in relief.

“Thank the lord!” He praised loudly so everyone looked at us. “I thought I’d ruined everything bee. So… are we okay?” I nod my head at him, keeping the smile on my face through his whole outburst.

“Of course we are okay. Just… never do that again.” I laugh loudly and he laughs with me and shakes his head.

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” He reassures before we head back to his friends and start talking just like normal. I felt so much better now, like everything was all sorted and things would go back to normal. Dean and I would just forget about this whole ordeal and still be best friends like nothing ever happened. I would have my best friend back and I could stop worrying about if he liked me or not. He obviously didn’t, it was just a spur of the moment thing. His hormones got the better of him. Right? Right.

Dean (POV)

At least he’s not angry with you anymore. He said he was glad I didn’t think of him in that way Brain. Well yeah, but at least you’re friends again. Better to be best friends then to not have him at all, right? I suppose, but I want him all.

All I could think about was the kiss, the feel of his lips on mine. His sweet perfect taste and his rough chapped lips. I wanted to do it over and over again and if I could go back in time and do it again I would but I never wanted to risk losing Castiel ever again. He was too precious to me to lose, we had been best friends too long to lose him over something as petty as a little crush. But it’s not a little crush Dean, is it? You love him and you have done for two whole years. Not helping Mr Brain! You never know, he could be thinking the same way as you right not but he’s just trying to hide it because you blabbed about the fact that you didn’t mean it. I doubt that. Well, at least you have him back. Exactly.

And that was how it was going to say, no more stolen kisses, no more looking at him like he’s the only thing I want and no more touchy feely stuff. If he saw me do these things he would know for certain that I did actually like him and he was probably still contemplating on whether I was lying or not. I had to make it seem like I only kissed him because it was the spur of the moment, because I had nothing else to say or do. I needed to put this whole thing behind me and just enjoy Castiel’s company as a best friend because that was all I was going to get off him. I needed to get over myself.


Me and Castiel had most lessons together as he was put in most of my classes. By the time gym class came we had spent most of the day together anyway so we walked their together. We walked into the changing rooms and Cas went to the coach about borrowing some kit. The only kit that we had left was a size small so Cas had to squeeze into them. I turned away when he started getting changed and talked to my friends to make it seem like I wasn’t interested in seeing him in his boxers at all. I heard grunting behind me and finally turned around to see Cas squeezed into the tiniest shorts I’ve ever seen. They were all the way up his thigh so you could see all the tattoos on his legs and when he turned around I almost drooled. HIS ASS! HOLY SHIT. Dean calm down, you’re gonna get a boner … again! SHUT UP LET ME ENJOY THIS. I stared with my mouth open as he bent down to pick up his bag and hang them up on a hook but closed it again when he turned back around to me.

“You’re shorts are a bit… short.” I snort and he grumbles moodily before stalking off outside after all the other students. I laugh loudly before running up behind him, smacking his arse and running off. He yelped and started running after me, shouting his fake abuses while I was still laughing. You just smacked his arse? I thought you were going to try to stop all this touchy feely stuff. Oh give me a break, did you see him bum! Holy shit, it was so firm and-

“AGHHHH!” I fell to the ground when Cas jumped on top of my and tackled me to the ground.

“STOP MESSING YOU TWO AND START RUNNING.” I started running off and Castiel looked at the field and all the students in a look of disgust.


“Yes, run boy run!” The coach shouted.

“Running’s not really my thing.” Cas said, scrunching his nose slightly.

“Do I look like I care. Go on get!” He started running and he finally caught up with me as we were just going past the cheerleaders who were all waving at us flirtatiously. Cas stopped dead in tracks and turned to face them, grinning stupidly and waving back. They all giggled and twirled their hair in their fingers before I grabbed bee’s arm and started pulling him away from the fit cheerleaders.

“Buzz kill!” Cas muttered to me and I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“Leave the cheerleaders alone bee, they need to practice.”

“Holy shit, you mean they do the twirly shit where they show us their panties. C’mon Dean lets go back!” He started running backwards, looking at the cheerleaders again and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and winking at them which made them all a giggling mess.

“I love you in them shorts Castiel.” One girl named Steph said, shaking her hips slightly. Cas looks down at his shorts and shrugs casually.

“I like your tattoos Castiel.” Another girl named Megan said and he nodded and smirked at her.

“And your piercings.” My own girlfriend said and I made a yell of protest. She giggled at me but kept her eyes on Castiel’s legs and tight shirt.

“Erm, excuse me woman! You’re only meant to have eyes for me!” I say to her, giving her a fake glare.

“You’re his best friend.” She shrugs.

“Yeah so!” I laugh.

“I would love to have a sleepover with the both of you sometime.” She grinned at me wickedly and Castiel laughed loudly while I blushed and shook my head at the floor. “Seriously.” She whispered to me, winked and nodded suggestively.

“Lisa no!” I cry.

“LISA YES!” Cas cry’s back and the cheerleaders all laugh loudly while I roll my eyes and throw my arms up in the air dramatically.

“Alright, you called it!” I laugh before running off again, leaving Castiel in the dirt… and by dirt I meant fit ass cheerleaders who were all touching him and flirting with him. Little bitches. Get off him. Calm down Winchester, that’s your girlfriend you’re talking about. Okay okay, I get your point. But I hope she wasn’t being serious about that ‘sleepover’ with Castiel because I don’t think I would be able to keep my hands off Cas. That would be amazing. Yes Mr Brain. Yes it would.

A/N: Yay I finally finished this chapter which took me hours to do! Time for me to go to bed hahaha. Love you guys, night night!

KIK: wingsandhunters

Instagram: supernaturallyblonde

Tumblr: wingsandhunters

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