Exchange// Billie Eilish

By bilstan

1M 28.7K 108K

"YOOO FIN WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY ABOUT USING MY-" a girl with silver hair yelled, barging into the bathroom... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Potential Q&A

Chapter 37

10.7K 347 2.5K
By bilstan



Ellie's POV

"You want me to what?" Mav yelled and we shushed him quickly as other people in the diner looked at us.

"Please just for tonight Mav" I begged "I'll buy you whatever you want, just do me a solid"

"Girl you have another thing coming for you if you think imma put my gay ass on hold and pretend to be your boyfriend, while your girl is going to be there too!"

"Mav I'm fine with it" Billie told him "well... not really but if Eleanor's mum is anything like her aunt—"

"She's worse" I added.

"-then doing this will be better than Eleanor showing up, holding hands with me with a big ass rainbow behind us"

"That doesn't seem that bad" Mav shrugged "but lets say I come and pretend to be your boyfriend, isn't it going to be sus that my name is Billie and so is Billie's"

"Fuck we didn't even think about that!" I groaned, banging my head on the table for the fifth time today.

"And I'm not trying to add to this problem but aren't Billie's parents coming? What are you going to tell them?"

"This will never work, let's go with plan B. Mav come but bring a rainbow, Billie and I will hold hands when they open the door to greet us, better yet let's be making out or damn near fucking when they do. And give the great Eloise Reed the shock of her life, followed by my disownment"

"Baby, we'll figure this out. I'll make sure of it" Billie ran her hand through my hair and massaged the back of my neck "Let's just call them and say I'm sick or my parents are or something"

"That won't stop them, when I was eleven I had to go to school with a chest infection because attendance was the more important than my health and two days later it progressed to bronchitis and it was my fault"

"Well damn" Mav said with wide eyes "obviously your mama is one hard ass bitch. Fine" he sighed "I'll pretend to be your—" he cringed slightly "-your boyfriend. Ew even saying that made me feel gross"

"Don't be so happy to be fake dating me" I shot him a playful glare "but thankyou Mav!" I leant over the table to give him a huge kiss on the cheek.

"Get the fuck off me, we aren't 'dating' yet" he said, and air quoted 'dating'.

"Baby?" Billie asked. After getting home from lunch with Mav we decided to nap but my brain is going a million miles an hour with 'what ifs' about tonight so I can't really sleep.

"Yeah?" I rolled over to look at Billie, propping myself onto my elbows.

"Why is your relationship with your parents or more so your mum so strained? I mean from what you've told me about her I get it, but at the same time we've never really talked about it in detail"

"We haven't really have we? Well it's really your average successful parents and lonely child story to be honest. Their company was always first, still is really and I was always second. I'd spend birthdays with my friends or extended family, but my parents were rarely thereafter like age six or seven. I went to boarding school as soon as they could enrol me and that was when I was eleven. Then when I'd come back for holidays they'd be spent alone at home, alone on a holiday or learning the ins and outs of my parents company or as they liked to call 'my future'. Even though I showed absolutely no interest in money or inheritance it was still forced onto me like everything else in my life that was 'important'.

But my attitude towards the company never changed, still hasn't. I don't give a shit about being a millionaire before I'm twenty-one or owning various investment properties around the globe, I don't want to go to business school and have my soul sucked out of me when my parents retire, and I have to take over. But who cares about what poor, little, spoilt Eleanor thinks? Not once in my life have my parents ever listened to me. And it's not even my dad, he's great when mums not around but the second she is, he's on her side like a lap dog"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that shit my love, and you still are. You don't deserve any of this, your mum can't see that you are your own person and that's fucked. I wish I could make them change and be more open-minded E"

"Yeah me too"

My mum always told me when dealing with business 'bend the truth in order to get the best result' and that's what I'm planning to do tonight. After some long, hard thinking while Billie slept, I came up with a plan, tell my parents I broke up with my supposed boyfriend. Why I didn't think of this any sooner, I have no idea. And as for my imaginary boyfriends name being the same as my real girlfriends, is just going to be a 'crazy coincidence'.

When Billie woke up, I told her my plan and she was more than relieved that we didn't have to pretend I was dating Mav. She also informed her parents, Fin and Claudia that my mum is extremely homophobic and to not mention anything about Billie and I being together.

Knowing my mother's reaction if Billie showed up in sweats and a hoodie to one of her dinners, I convinced her to dress up for the occasion. And my god am I glad she did.

"Baby you look so good right now" I told her, biting my lip.

"Don't Eleanor" she pulled my lip from my teeth "don't look at me like that or we'll never leave"

"I'm not looking at you in anyway" I lied with a grin.

"Sure, and I'm not horny right now"

"You should really wear bralettes to bed more often Bil" I tugged on the strap hidden underneath her jacket.

"We'd never get any sleep" she teased and kissed my nose.

"I'd be fine with that" I winked "but I need to go have a shower and get dressed so bye, love you" I gave her a chaste kiss and left her alone and horny in her bedroom.

"Billie stop it!" I tried taking her hand out of my skirt as we sat in the back of Fins car while he drove us.

"Just let me get it out of my system before we get to your parents" she whined into my neck, stroking my inner thigh "this is your fault really, being a teasing little hoe in my room earlier"

"That was just a bit of fun" I laughed and gave her a kiss.

"Yeah it's so much fun being left high and dry. But seriously Eleanor baby, why wear a skirt this short if you weren't begging me to have my hand up it"

"Billie shut up! You might be whispering but we are in a car, meaning Claudia and I can hear everything you say" Finneas yelled at her.

"Fuck off dork! I have had to put up with you and Claudia being gross since the day you two met, let me have my fun!" she yelled back, equally as loud and made sure to kick the back of Finneas' chair like a child on a flight.

"Get out of my car if you want to have fun!"

"Promise you'll move out and I will!"

I'm not even surprised by the extravagance and size of the house when we drive through the gate and onto the driveway. Eloise Reed knows what houses she likes and buys them without a second thought.

"Wow... and I thought we were rich" Billie looked at the house then at me.

"Mums always liked to showcase her wealth"

"I can see that" Billie nodded as Fin pulled into a space.

Before we got out Billie gave me a sweet kiss and pulled away but not before giving me another quick peck "I love you ok? Don't forget that especially not tonight, my family all love you and if you get to fed up with your mother we can leave straight away"

I pulled Billie in for a deep kiss and bit her bottom lip gently, pulling away and letting it snap back "thank you, but I just want to warn you about mum. She's worse than Rebecca Bil, so I'm just gonna say sorry in advance for the fucked-up shit she says"

"I don't care, now come on. Let's go meet the in-laws"

Maggie and Patrick were talking to Fin and Claudia as we joined them at the front of the house.

"I just want to say in advance, I'm terribly sorry for the messed-up things my mum will say" I told them as we approached the front door.

"I'm sure she's not that bad" Maggie reassured me and patted my shoulder.

"Oh she's a fucking witch ass bitch" Billie nodded and kissed my cheek "one more for good luck?" she asked and puckered her lips for a kiss. But before I could even lean in for a kiss then door swung open startling us all.

"Ellie my darling! So good to finally see you again" my mum smiled fakely and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek "and so good to finally meet the gracious family looking after my sweet Eleanor" she said and greeted Maggie and Patrick first.

"You must be Finneas and Billie" she said to Finneas and Claudia who were literally holding hands.

"Mum! That's Finneas and Claudia his girlfriend. I told you this morning she was joining us" how do you even assume that Claudia is related to the O'Connell's, she has raven black hair and they all have dirty/strawberry blonde hair.

"Oh my bad, must have slipped my mind we were having another guest" she apologised and looked Claudia up and down "but the more the merrier!"

"So you must be Billie then dear" she smiled.

"Yeah" was all Billie said before looking at me.

"Always thought Billie was a boy's name but what do I know" mum said laughing but stopped when she realised, she was the only one laughing at her poor attempt of a joke. The tension grew thick and we all stood there awkwardly "speaking of boys where is that boyfriend of yours Ellie? His name's Billie too isn't it?"

"What the fuck is going on?" I heard Finneas ask quietly.

"Oh well I never got the chance to tell you but a few days after Aunt Becky told you about my boyfriend" ew "we actually broke up, caught him cheating on me" I told her.

"Well it must be from the weight you packed from the last time I saw you. Have you been going to gym?" of course she turns it onto me. I can't even be the victim in an imaginary relationship.

"Oh fuck no!" Billie started and I shot a handout, holding her back. Mum looked at her surprised from the outburst and Billie cleared her throat "sorry, there was a bee on my arm, I'm terrified of the stinging things"

"Right" mum gave Billie one last look and then smiled "follow me to the back patio, and dinner shouldn't be too long. George is just on a call to the board at the moment, he should be back any minute"

Following mum outside I stopped walking when the last person I expected to see here was sitting at the head of the table.

"Nana?" I exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Surprise dear!" she smiled warmly but I knew it was just for show because Billie's famiy was behind me "come give your nana a hug, won't you?" walking over to her I gave her a hug and pulled away as quickly as I could.

I had mentally prepared myself for my mother tonight but not my nana. She's worse than Aunt Rebecca and mum combined.

"Everyone this is my nana Josephine"

"Nana these are the O'Connell's who I've been staying with"

While they all greeted each other I excused myself to go to the bathroom and hopefully flush myself into the toilet and far, far away from this nightmare. Not only do I have to deal with mums absurd comments but now nanas. Tonight I've already received a comment about my weight and no doubt there will be more to come as well as everything else.

"Eleanor?" I heard Billie knock on the door softly.

"Come in"

"Aw my love" Billie crouched in front of me as I sat on the toilet "your nana's a real character, already commented on my blue hair"

"Oh my god I'm sorry" I groaned.

"It's fine she just called me a Smurf, not that bad" Billie laughed "are you ok though my love?"

"Yeah" I sighed "just didn't expect Nana to be here, wasn't prepared for that one. Oh and as much as I love you sticking up for me when mum makes comments about me, don't because she'll get suspicious as to why your defending me so hastily. But thank you for that little outburst earlier Bil" I smiled and gave her a kiss.

"Well it pisses me off when perfection isn't seen" she said making me blush.

"Shut up" I pushed her away and got up.

After joining everyone downstairs I saw that dad had joined us and gave him a big hug. Because he's the parent that actually deserves my love. Mum announced that dinner was going to be served now and we all took our seat. I was seated with dad on my left and Billie on my right.

"Ellie darling I got our chef to make this meal for you, it's vegan and gluten free like what you ate back home" mum set a plate infront of me and I looked at it then back at her confused.

"You mean what you forced me to eat back home? I eat vegan food but I'm not gluten free, but Billie here is, again like I told you this morning, but I guess that slipped your mind too?" I swapped Billie's plate for mine which had lamb chops on it.

"I guess it must of" Mum brushed me off and sat down.

"So how's school Ellie? Did you settle in alright? I hear that public schools are rougher than boarding schools" Nana asked as she shovelled a piece of lamb in her mouth which I hope she chokes on.

"I settled in fine and it's actually much better than my old school"

"How so?" she pressed, looking at me with her beady eyes.

"I actually have friends, and it's not an all-girls school where bitchyness is at an all-time high"

"Your mother and I went to all girls schools and had no problems, must of just been you" nana smirked and I heard Billie cough next to me 'raggedy ass bitch'.

"My case and point exactly" I shot back with a smile.

"And what about you Billie? How's school?"

"Uh it's good" Billie nodded "doing well and all that"

"Any colleges in mind"

"Not really" Billie said vaguely, and mum cut in.

"You don't want to go to college and get a degree?"

"Haven't made up my mind yet really" Billie shrugged.

"We don't really put focus on what the kids do after school, as long as they make their own money and are happy" Maggie told mum who rolled her eyes slightly.

"Yes it shows" she nodded "and you Finneas? What do you do with your time?"

"I actually write and produce for artists" he told her.

"Wow any big names?"

"Depends what you define as big" he shrugged.

Dinner continued with mum and nana prying into everyone's lives, more so my own. It was going ok until Billie asked me for the bowl of mashed potatoes.

"E can you pass me the mashed potatoes please?" nodding I passed her the bowl "thanks baby" she took it from my hands and the clatter of metal made me look up.

"Baby?" mum asked as she looked at Billie and I.

"Yeah Billie uses pet names all the time" I said calmly.

"Right..." she trailed off and took a sip of her wine.

After dinner Billie and I took a walk around the property because mum wouldn't stop boasting about the beach view that we just had to see. It rarely happens but I'm going to have to agree with her, because the view is pretty insane. The beach is right in front of us and reflecting the moonlight that's hitting it.

"Sorry for calling you baby" Billie wrapped her arms around my front as we swayed in the silence slightly.

"No you're not" I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm not, but your mums reaction was priceless. I mean how dramatic can you be to literally drop your cutlery onto your plate because your daughter got called 'baby' by another girl. Shit's insane"

"Welcome to having Eloise Reed in your life. Insanely dramatic. It's getting cold can we go back?" I leant against Billie for more warmth.

"Yeah, my love, but in a few minutes" she kissed my neck and I sighed closing my eyes.

After walking back to the house I left Billie with everyone in the living room to go find dad who was on another call again.

"No! Don't say that" I heard him from outside. But it doesn't sound like he's on a business call. Hiding behind the door I watched as dad paced back and forth while running his hand through his hair.

"I do though! I love you" he what? Is he having an affair? My father is cheating on my mother with another woman? I mean I know she's a witch, but I never expected this, I always thought they'd get a divorce or something, not resort to an affair. I quickly walked back to living room but knocked into someone.

"Eleanor? What's wrong?" Billie asked.

"Nothing..." I whispered and kept walking until I got to the kitchen.

"E what happened?"

"Nothing happened" I shook my head in shock "nothing at all" I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine before flicking the lid off and taking a huge mouthful.

"Princess slow down" Billie tried taking the bottle away from me, but I took a step back and another mouthful "I'm not going to ask you again Eleanor, what happened that has upset you this much?"

"My dad" I said and took another sip "is having an affair with another women" I shook my head not believing the words coming out of my mouth.

"Oh no baby" Billie wrapped her arms around me "are you sure?"

"I overheard him saying 'I love you' and other shit. He doesn't even say that to my mum so yeah I think so"

"Even if this is true, I will be there with you every step of the way" Billie nodded and pecked my lips. Wrapping my arms around her neck I deepened the kiss and jump onto the counter, locking my legs around her waist.

Billie's hands trailed from my waist to under my skirt and grabbing my thighs then ass making me moan into her mouth.

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Mum yelled making Billie and I jump away from each other.

"I-I can explain" I hopped off the counter and straightened my skirt.

"The hell you will Eleanor Evangeline Reed!" mum stormed over and grabbed my arm to drag me into the living room.

"Ellie what's going on?" Fin asked as I was practically thrown onto the couch by my raging mother.

"What's going on is that your little spawn of Satan here was forcing herself onto my daughter!" mum pointed an accusing finger at Billie who rolled her eyes and sat next to me.

"She was not forcing herself onto me mother! Don't make assumptions" I defended.

"Well it's more realistic than assuming my daughter is gay" she shot back.

"And if I am?"

"Then you're no daughter of mine"

"Eloise you're being very harsh here" Maggie cut in.

"What's going on?" Dad asked as he entered the room.

"Your daughter has caught your disease" nana glared at him. Disease? What is she talking about?

"What disease Josephine? I'm not sick and Ellie looks heathy to me"

"Your daughter is a fag like you!" Mum yelled and we all looked at her with shock.

"What?" I stood up and looked at dad "you were on the phone just then to a man?"

"How do you—"

"You make it pretty bloody obvious George! And I've only kept you around, so the family name isn't tainted, and we don't lose investors but to hell with it if my only daughter is gay too!"

"Maybe we should leave" Finneas grabbed Claudia's hand and shot his parents a pleading look who nodded quickly.

"Not so fast! Did you two know about this scandal?" mum asked Maggie and Patrick.

"We are aware of their relationship yes" Patrick nodded "and accept the girls with open hearts and minds"

"Unbelievable" Nana shook her head "I told you not to let her come here Eloise! You had one daughter and couldn't even raise her right! What kind of mother does that make me? This is embarrassing"

"Embarrassing?" Billie asked breaking her silence "no" she shook her head and took my hand in hers "what's embarrassing is your lack of mental capacity to understand and show love. You didn't raise Eleanor, she raised herself and did a pretty fucking good job at it. All you did was pay people off to keep her away from you instead of paying her with love and affection. I can't even fathom how such a kind, caring, gentle and lovable soul was created by you, but it happened and I'm glad as hell it did because I'd have never met my love"

"Love? You call this love? Do you seriously love this blue haired abomination Eleanor?" mum asked me, her nostrils flared.

"Of course I do, how could I not?" I looked at Billie and gave her a small smile immediately while squeezing her hand.

"This is disgusting!" Nana yelled from her chair and threw her wine glass onto the floor making it smash everywhere.

Screaming I stood in front of Billie to block her from the flying glass.

"Out! Get out of my house!" mum yelled, pointing towards the door "you too George, your no longer my husband. My lawyers will send you the paperwork"

"Fine by me Eloise, but don't think I don't know about your affair with Tom" dad smirked and grabbed his keys from the table.

"Tom the pool boy? That's so cliché! Even for you" I said shocked.

"I need some damn popcorn for this shit" Billie said making me stifle a laugh.

"I can't believe this" nana shook her head "my legacy has become a joke! My daughter marries a gay man, gives birth to a gay girl and sleeps with the help? Oh no! No one will be hearing about this and I'll make sure of it!"

"Aight, well imma head out" Billie waved and dragged her parents with her "I'll meet you at the car baby" she gave me a kiss making sure to deepen it to spite my mother and nana.

"I think I'm going to faint" I heard mum say and I pulled away from Billie laughing. No matter the situation she always makes me feel better and makes me laugh and when I'm being shunned from my family.

"I'll be out in a sec, I love you" I whispered back to her. Before she left the room she pointed to herself then held up a heart with her hands then pointed at me while mouthing 'I love you' like a dork.

"I'll be outside to Ellie, I'm sorry you had to find out this way" dad kissed my cheek and walked out.

"I'm going to go home too—"

"Home? You now call their house your home? The circus really has come to town if you think they're your family and where they live is your home"

"Well it is, because I live with people who love me and accept me! More than you have ever done for me"

"I have done so much for you Eleanor! But you're to blind to see that. You could have been a millionaire in the next few years, you could have had the company. But no" she shook her head and pointed a crooked finger in my face "you decided to fall in love with a girl, who is going nowhere in life. Why couldn't you at least have fallen in love with a Daughter from the Richardson's or the Jennings's?" she asked, referring to the families who were long time partners of the company.

"Because I don't care about money like you and the rest of this family! I'm not like you, Aunt Rebecca and nana. And for the record Billie got early acceptance into not one but two motherfucking Julliard programs and before you ask, unlike you she didn't have to sleep with anyone to get accepted because my girl has real fucking talent" and with that I left.

"Your no daughter of mine anymore Eleanor!" my mother screamed as I opened the front door.

"When was I ever?" I yelled back and ran into Billie's awaiting arms "I wanna go home"

"I know baby" she whispered and kissed my cheek.

A/N Hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Hope everyone is well, and please if you're apart of the instagram fandom for Billie please be nice to each other, some people are acting like lil keyboard warriors and it's really shitty. And I'll die if Billie deactivates her account.

Vote, comment and share!

Bilstan <3

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