ONLY FOR YOU // Merlin/Merthu...

By ambyssall

86K 2.1K 641

description edited 7/13/2022 hi, it's ya boy ambyssall. merlin is my comfort show and i am a gay little boy w... More

Golden Eyes
Truth be Told
I'll Be Here Forever
Brothers at Heart
Literally just Merthur
Idiots. They're Idiots.
Double Trouble
Arthur, You Clotpole
some angy men
i need you
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a brush with death
a/n: i was tagged!
well, this is unfortunate
the siren's song
[clown emoji]

More Merthur

4.3K 124 26
By ambyssall

<< sup bois, kry's back with another merthur fic. this one is pretty long, and uh merlin's good with daggers. oh, and a gambeson is like a quilted, padded shirt that the knights wore under plated or chain armor >>

Walking into the main room of his chambers, Gaius bustled about, collecting potions and stray herbs and whatnot.

"Gaius, what're you doing?" Merlin said, from where he sat on the table. He was balancing a dagger on the tip of his finger, surprisingly with no magic involved. He squinted at Gaius, who didn't stop moving around.

"Busy day. Some people in the lower town have caught a strange illness," he explained very briefly. He continued to pack potions of assorted colors into his bag, the clinking sounds annoying Merlin.

"Do you need me to come with you? If it's a bad illness, magic might help—" Merlin asked, but was cut off.

"No, no. The symptoms are very similar to a cold, yet it's not a cold, as it's rather warm. No, I'll just send someone for you if I do need you. Go see if Arthur needs anything," Gaius said in a rather rushed tone, then hurried out the door, the vials and bottles in his bag rattling around haphazardly.

Merlin snorted and flicked the dagger into the air, watching as it spun before falling, catching it perfectly. He sighed, wishing he was as good with a sword as he was with daggers. It was annoying, how Arthur thought he was horrid at fighting, just because he was hopeless with a sword. Daggers were so much easier to use.

He sheathed the dagger, adjusting his belt so the carved wooden hilt was mostly hidden by his jacket, yet it was still within reach. He slid off the table and walked towards the door, heading over to Arthur's chambers.


"Sire," Merlin said, inclining his head as he quietly closed the door behind him, glancing about the room. Everything seemed to be in order, and surprisingly, Arthur seemed excited for something.

The king turned to look at his manservant, and his grin widened. That was when Merlin realized that grin wasn't a nice grin. He was plotting something.

"Merlin! Good, you're here. I've decided it's a good day that you finally get some proper training, as you seem determined to get yourself killed on one of our hunting trips," he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Merlin noted he was already in chainmail, his sword on the table next to him.

"Oh... Have you? I thought today was a training day for you and the knights," Merlin said, not really wanting to make a fool of himself while attempting to use the weapons he's seen them train with.

"Yes, I'll work with them as well, but while they spar, I can see how you've improved. You're bound to have learned something after having to fight against bandits so many times," Arthur said, waving his hand airily. He turned away, glancing out the window while grabbing his sword, motioning for Merlin to help him put it on.

He did so, tightening the belt maybe a hole too tight, smirking when Arthur swatted him away, fixing it. Merlin took another step back, watching Arthur. "Anything else you need?"

"Well, there are some things you need. You'll need chainmail, and the weapons are already down at the training area. Ooh, maybe we'll get you your own sword after this." Arthur eyed Merlin, then strode over to his dresser, throwing it open and grabbing the chainmail that was just dropped on the bottom, tossing the bundle at Merlin. It struck him in the chest, but he managed to catch it.

"What? Where'd this come from?" He asked, walking over to Arthur's bed and spreading out the chainmail top, noticing the armguards. They had a small Pendragon crest carved into them.

"Recently had them made. Gaius let Gwen borrow some of your clothing to get the dimensions."

"Oh. Thank you, I guess?"

"Absolutely right. That's your armor from now on— Make sure you wear it on hunting trips, so you don't get yourself killed."

"Why do you think I'd get killed?"

"Because you're a clumsy oaf that I have to save all the time."

"Oh, really?" Merlin snorted. "Should I call you my Prince Charming then?" He laughed, brushing his fingers over the shining links of the chainmail.

"What about knight in shining armor? After all, I look amazing in my full armor," Arthur did a little spin, despite only being in his chainmail. Merlin laughed, grabbing his own chainmail and armguards, starting to turn towards the door.

"Hang on, where are you going?" Arthur was suddenly behind him, with a hand on his shoulder.

"Uh, going to find a gambeson? You didn't give me one," Merlin said, turning back to face Arthur.

"Oh, forget about that. I had the tailor make one as well, and don't bother to change up in your tower. Just go back there." Arthur tilted his head in the direction of where he usually changed, walking back to his dresser. He opened it once more and pulled out a rich red gambeson, holding it out for Merlin to look at. The quilted, padded layer seemed like it would fit Merlin well, he just had to put it on to see.

He walked over and took it, starting towards the divider. "How'd I not notice that some of my clothes were missing for like, a week?"

"It was only really a day, actually. Gwen took the measurements, then gave the clothes right back. I told her to give the measurements to the tailor, so he could make the gambeson," Arthur explained, as Merlin vanished behind the decorated wooden screen.

He came out a couple moments later, wearing the gambeson with the chainmail over it, and the armguards over the chainmail. "Everything fits surprisingly well. Who was the tailor?"

"Jason, the court's tailor. He makes all of the stuff for the knights, nobles, and royals," Arthur said with a shrug.

"Jason? What? You shouldn't have wasted so much on this. You could have told me, and I'd have found some cheaper tailor in the lower town or something."

"Then it'd be uncomfortable. Jason and Gwen pretty much make everything for the knights. Morgana's been pretty helpful, eager to learn about metalworking, even if she really just enjoys making and getting free jewelry, since that's what they usually make."

"I still probably could have found someone cheaper!"

"Calm down. Are you forgetting I'm a king? It wasn't anything at all!" Arthur laughed, punching Merlin lightly in the shoulder. Merlin soon joined in with the laughter, leaning closer to Arthur slightly. He truly was happy, glad that he was willing to do this all for him.

"Well, now that you're done reprimanding me for something that didn't need reprimanding, shall we head down to the training area?" Arthur extended his hand to Merlin, much like he was asking for a dance.

"Stop that, Arthur!" Merlin continued to laugh, swatting his hand away, just like he had done earlier.

"All right all right. Still, get going."


The sounds of swords clanging against each other rang around the area, along with the deep laughter of knights, making fun of each other. The weather was quite nice, actually, if a little bit warmer than they wanted it to be.

Arthur weaved his way around the sparring pairs, commenting on something they could be doing better, and how to improve their technique. He smiled when Gwaine managed to knock down Percival, which is quite a feat for the drunkard, but then Percival swung his legs around and knocked Gwaine down as well, causing Arthur to start laughing.

"Never let your guard down until your opponent surrenders, Gwaine. And good job, Percival, for not surrendering when there's a wide opening," Arthur said, correcting Gwaine and praising Percival, before moving on, walking over to where Merlin was struggling to even land a good blow on a dummy.

"Merlin." He sighed and shook his head when his manservant huffed and roughly stabbed the sword into the ground, whirling to face Arthur with a snarled, "What."

"You need to calm down. Being frustrated isn't helping anything," Arthur said, glancing at the dummy. Sure, he was hitting it, but not quite slashing properly, and the placements of the blows weren't in prime targets.

"Shut up. I'm doing my best, but I just can't get the hang of it! I've been practicing for an hour, and I've hardly gotten anywhere!" It wasn't like Merlin to get so angry, but seeing the other knights sparring with ease annoyed him, and he knew some of the younger knights were making fun of him when Arthur wasn't looking. All in all it wasn't a very pleasant situation, and Merlin was pretty pissed.

Arthur sighed, looking away while trying not to shake his head in disappointment. He wanted Merlin to learn how to use a sword, so he could defend himself. It would also make Arthur feel much better about taking Merlin along on all their adventures.

"Maybe... We should try another weapon. Have you handled daggers before?" Arthur said after a moment of thinking. He was surprised to see Merlin brighten at his suggestion.

"Yes! I— Well, I think I'm pretty good at using one," Merlin said, grinning, pulling out his dagger. "I even have this one, which I found in the lower towns. A really nice merchant was there, and he had all sorts of trinkets and small weapons."

"It looks nice," Arthur acknowledged, holding out his hand. Merlin handed it to him, and he held it up, turning it to admire the rosewood handle, glossy and carved with, well, roses. The pommel was a diamond-like shape, blunt, but could be used to hit someone. The hilt was the same gold as the pommel, also a diamond-like shape.

And the blade. The blade seemed like it was iron or silver, sharpened to a fine edge. It was elegant and trim, yet seemed strong enough for both slashing and stabbing. Arthur smiled approvingly, brushing his finger lightly on it, parallel to the blade.

"Seems sharp. How much did it cost?" He asked, looking up at Merlin.

"Uh." He looked sheepish. "Quite a lot, actually. Not as much as it should have been, but still a lot."

Arthur squinted. "How much."

"It might have been, uh, a couple months wages..?" Merlin said, his voice a little bit higher than usual at the look on Arthur's face.

"Really? You could have told me! I would have helped pay for it," the king huffed, frowning at Merlin. "You're not supposed to waste your hard earned money on pretty gifts for yourself."

"But it looks amazing! My old dagger was blunt and chipped, plus the pommel fell off, and the handle narrowed towards the missing pommel," Merlin explained, grabbing his dagger back from Arthur. "It doesn't matter. Should I show you my technique?"

Arthur eyed him a moment more before shrugging and stepping back. "Go ahead," he said, motioning to the dummy.

Merlin grinned again and spun to face the already battered dummy, adjusting his grip on his dagger. He worked much better with the smaller weapon, slashing and stabbing with fluid motions. Arthur was impressed at how easy Merlin made it look, despite the rather complex moves he was using.

"That was pretty impressive," Arthur praised, patting Merlin's shoulder.

"Thanks. I prefer daggers to swords. It feels... More natural, I suppose. I dunno how to explain it, really," Merlin said with a shrug, twirling his dagger in his hand.

"I guess that makes sense. I still prefer swords, but that's mainly because of my training as a knight. I'm sure if I had practiced more with a dagger I'd feel differently," Arthur replied, then slid his arm around Merlin's shoulders and pulled him in, messing up his hair with his other hand. "But hey, now I know you won't get killed on a hunt."

Merlin yelped and swatted at Arthur, managing to escape his arms. He glared at his king for a moment, then shook his head and chuckled. "Since when have I tried to die on a hunt?"

"Well, let me think. Oh, a couple pf months ago, we were attacked by some bandits, and you were stabbed in the chest?" Arthur jabbed him in the spot where he had been stabbed, in his right lung.

"We're talking about that time?" Said Gwaine, who had swaggered over at some point. "If I remember correctly, Princess, you sobbed over Merlin's body and begged him not to die. You also rarely left his side while Gaius fixed him up, and while he was out for a week."

Arthur flushed a rather dark pink at that while some of the other knights, gathered closer as well, began to snicker. "We didn't need that to get out, Gwaine."

He snorted. "Oh, but it's all right Princess. Merlin's done the same. You got knocked out cold, then had trouble breathing. We found Merlin screaming his voice raw, refusing to let go of you."

Now it was Merlin's turn to blush, not looking at Arthur, who had looked at him with wide eyes. "I uh— Yeah. That might have happened. Once."

Gwaine opened his mouth to say something more, but Merlin brandished his dagger at the knight while Arthur said, "All right— That's enough. Training's over," before turning and slinking off into the palace.

Merlin coughed and skittered off before the knights could taunt him any more.


"... Uh, Arthur?" Merlin said quietly, closing the door at the same volume of his words. He was confused about what Gwaine had said, about Arthur panicking while he was horribly injured.

"Merlin." Arthur spun around, but didn't move from where he was standing at the window. He motioned for Merlin to come closer.

Merlin did so, taking a breath. "Was what Gwaine said true?"

Arthur paused. "You tell me."

Merlin waited a moment more, searching Arthur's expression. He took another breath, then answered, "Yes, it was. I was so afraid I'd lose— Afraid you'd die. We can't have Camelot without a king, can we?" He said with a halfhearted smile.

"No, we can't," Arthur agreed, watching Merlin just as his manservant was watching him. "So yes, what Gwaine said was true. I begged you to stay alive, since good manservants are rather hard to come by these days."

Merlin tried to laugh, but he found that breathing was rather difficult, due to the fact that Arthur had taken a step closer to him, the two of them quite close to each other. He gave a little cough, feeling like he should step back, but his feet wouldn't work.

"Was that... The only reason you didn't want me to die..?" Arthur said slowly, hesitating. He had no idea why he was asking these things, nor why he hoped Merlin would say something different.

Now Merlin managed to laugh, but it was tight and high-pitched, rather nervous sounding. "No, why would you think that? You're an arrogant prat." Yet as he spoke, he also began walking backwards, swallowing visibly as Arthur followed. He made an error in judgement and managed to get himself pinned to the door with Arthur only a few inches away from him.

"Because you're not acting like it." Arthur was struggling to not apologize for putting Merlin in this situation and run away and maybe cry. He wished Merlin would say what he wanted to hear, but he knew Merlin wouldn't—

"I uh— Well, I might... I might care about you, a bit," Merlin said, with quite a few pauses. "And you dying would leave me quite distraught."

"You care about me?" Arthur also wished Merlin would look at him, rather than anywhere but him.

"Uh, yes, I suppose. Don't ask me why, since you're an arrogant prat, but uh, yeah," Merlin stammered out, pressing back against the door.

"I care about you. A lot, actually, and I don't know why either. You're a servant, after all. But whenever you get hurt, or lost, or something else happens to you, then I panic. I get scared, praying to any being that would listen that you're all right," Arthur murmured, leaning ever so slightly closer to Merlin. His hands were on either side of Merlin, level with his chest.

Merlin laughed again, still in the same, pinched, breathy tone. He was scared, not knowing what was going on. "U— Uh, thanks? I uh... Well, I care about you, quite a lot, despite what I said."

"And yet, I wish you cared more," Arthur breathed, leaning forwards more, before stopping, his lips just barely brushing Merlin's. "Oh, god. I wish I— We—"

Merlin stared at Arthur, who seemed to have an internal conflict. His eyes swirled with emotion, and he trembled lightly, wanting so desperately to close the distance, but he wouldn't. He wouldn't take advantage of Merlin, despite knowing he could. He mind was foggy, trying to step away from his manservant and turn away, order him to never speak of this, and promise to never work one-on-one with him again.

And then, Merlin leaned forwards, catching Arthur's lips with his own. He let out a breath through his nose, relaxing when Arthur responded, pushing his back against the wall again.

"Arthur," he whispered against the kings lips, eyes closed. He didn't know what they were doing, or why. He just knew that his emotions were lifting him off the ground, his head fluttering wildly.

"Merlin," Arthur responded. Merlin could feel his lips move as he spoke.

"What are we doing," Merlin asked in a flat tone, not opening his eyes. He needed to know what started this. Maybe it was Gwaine's teasing. Maybe it was because they both wanted this.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this. Wanted you," Arthur said, his voice much more emotional than Merlin's. He brought his arms from the wall, wrapping then around Merlin's hips and pulling him closer to Arthur, the two of them stumbling across the room, over to the windows.

Arthur laughed and kissed Merlin again, overjoyed. He watched as Merlin pulled away after a moment with a sigh, content.

"Stay here tonight?"

"Of course. Anything for you, sire."

<< aaaand that was the end. hope you enjoyed! quick reminder, requests are welcome! i have none at the moment, so any sent in should probably get done within a week, which seems to be my usual updating time >>

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