The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

Bởi Musics4lifes

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Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 24

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Bởi Musics4lifes

"What is the meaning behind this!" Lord Lazarus Thornes shouted from where he was sitting.

"For far too long, we have been following your rules blindly, not being able to live free as vampires should be! Humans are not our friends, they are our snacks and slaves! They are under us you old fool. You wanted peace and you have forced onto everyone else. Today, we have a new ruler and that ruler will be me, Lord Delaney. Today should be known as the day we vampires live free and true!" he cheered.

"What are you going to do with my boy?" Lord Thornes said softly as he was defeated.

"That all depends on the boy," Lord Delaney looked at Drake. "What side will you join?"

"I will be joining the vampires," Drake answered.

As Lord Delaney nodded, he said, "Lord Angus, uncuff Drake," he ordered Angus.

As Angus went to uncuff Drake, I looked at his father and what it showed was defeated. He didn't seem to have no fight within him ever since Drake stated he was siding with the vampires.

"Lilith now, if you may," Lord Delaney nodded to my friends and uncle. "Finish them."

"You want the all powerful me to defeat someone who has a disadvantage? Shouldn't everyone witness the power that I hold?" I questioned him.

Lord Delaney thought about it and nodded. "You are right Lilith. Angus, uncuff them so that Lilith could show everyone her abilities."

As soon as Angus uncuff them I nodded to him. It was time to act.

"Angus, now!" I told him.

"Brother and sisters! I know there are some who does not see the same vision as Lord Delaney and would rather live how we have been. For those who do, stand to my right, your left. Let your voices be heard and let him know we will not allow this!"

Vampires started to move, from all over the stadium to their left. I know Angus said there was some but I didn't expect this many! I was awed in how many were sick and tired from how they were being treated from Lord Delaney.

"This is unacceptable!" Lord Delaney shrieked with anger. "You fools! You shall all die for your betrayal to me and to the vampire kind! Lilith, burn them all!"

I started laughing. Laughing so hard I could feel my face turn red. "Burn...them...all?" I laughed once more. Once I was able to calm down, I continued speaking. "You really think you are in any control to demand something of me? Actually, scratch that. You honestly believe that I would betray my friends and uncle to join such silly pack that wants to kill humankind? Have you even read the prophecy? Pretty sure that you are the fool here, 'Lord Delaney,'" I used my fingers as quotes to shame his title.

"Guards, kill them all!" Lord Delaney demanded.

Suddenly every guard there were battling each other. It amazed me how so many guards switched to our side. There was about half of them who joined us and half who stayed on Lord Delaney's side. Each were battling each other.

I ran to my friends and quickly thought of heat that could burn off the chains. "Damn it," I mumbled. "Fire won't work."

"Allow me," Angus quickly ran to our side and unlocked the chains. "I quickly stole these from Delaney," he smirked.

"Wow, Drake wasn't lying when he said you joined us," Stefan said.

"What's the plan now?" Calico asked me with his thick Irish accent.

"We fight," I said.

"Lilith, your fire won't hold much damage to them with their armor," Angus warned me.

"Great, well it is a good thing I have my dagger," I reached down and pulled out my trusty dagger.

I turned around to go stop the guards until someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Stefan..." I said but got interrupted when Stefan connected his lips to mine having that heated passion coming back.

"I've been needing that for awhile," Stefan said after disconnecting our lips.

"We will have more once this is done," I smiled then giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. I ran off to go encounter the guards and stop this mess once and for all.

I ran up behind a guard who had his back turned from me and quickly yanked him with my dagger and made a perfect hit right through his armor. As he turned around, he turned into dust. Interesting, my dagger seems to be stronger than it usually was. I will after to ask Angus about this.

Suddenly I was struck from behind as another guard hit me like a hurricane. I rapidly turned around and went for a low kick. He went down than my senses told me to duck, so I ducked. A punch came over my head. I stood back up and went for a punch to the guard's stomach and hit him like a tidal wave. He flew back into the wooden wall of the arena. As the guard hit the wall, a wooden piece struck through him and pierced his heart, he then turned into dust.

I looked around my surroundings and saw Kyle in trouble. I rapidly ran to him to back him up. Kyle was using his fists, punching rapidly like there was no tomorrow. I was pretty sure the rogue vampire's face was more bloodier than a squashed tomato. Another guard sneaked up behind Kyle to stab him with his sword. Without even thinking I blasted a fireball and hit him directly in the back. He dropped the sword and turned around, glaring at me with his sharp, pointy teeth sticking out. I started to run to him and as soon as he was in distance, I jumped in the air and kicked him right in his gut which made him flew backwards. He stood up rapidly and used his fast ability to get to me. He grabbed my neck harsh raising me above ground. I tried to bring fire into this but it didn't cause much affect to the rogue vampire.

It felt like my face was turning blue. I was starting to lack in oxygen and could no longer breathe. My vision was starting to darken until suddenly I heard a snap as if someone broke two sticks in halves. I fell to the ground and my vision started to clear up. I looked up and saw Kyle standing above me. He reached down to pull me up which I gladly accepted.

As I stood up, another guard came rushing towards us but was suddenly knocked to the side and stabbed with a black sharp weapon. Looking at who was controlling it, I saw that it was Stefan using his limbs as a sword. He gave me his boyish smile look which caused butterflies inside me, but right now was not the time to be gushing all over him.

"You think you can defeat me?" Lord Delaney shouted at me. "You are clearly wrong you stupid girl! Guards, get her!"

All around me, there were many guards rushing towards me. No room to escape, no room to run. I concentrated on the power of fire, calling my element to me. Suddenly something jumped into my head. I was in my head, looking at an image. It showed fire footprints in a circle and than another image popped up and it was a fire circle with a force of pushing back. Suddenly back to my alert self, I could see the enemies rushing towards me.

Still puzzled as to what happened, I knew it was for a reason. I concentrated the fire beneath me and beneath the guards, spreading around us. Once they got closer, I concentrated on that ring of fire from the image in my head and casted it directly around the rogue vampires. Once the fire hit their flesh, they started shrieking in agony. They each got down on their knees and shrieked even louder until they all exploded into dust.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled to myself in confusion. What exactly was that? Exactly how did I know about those movements and better yet, how did my head have known to conjure that up? When you think you understand yourself, you find out you never really do.

"Impossible..." Lord Delaney mumbled. "This fucking girl is getting on my last nerves. Guards! Unleash the beast now!"

"But boss, weren't we saving for..." a guard next to him spoke up.

Lord Delaney slapped him hard that he flew a feet away, "I said now! Kill her and not let her win!" Lord Delaney eyes glared at me.

Walking over to my friends and uncle, they have seemed to be finishing up their fights. Suddenly I felt the ground moving and I stood my ground the best I could trying not to stumble over. "What is going on?" My nerves were getting the best out of me.

I turned around and saw a giant a serpent? Slithering its way over to Angus. It stood tall about fifteen feet and had blue scales with green around it. The eyes were blistering orange and teeth sharpened.

"You must be kidding me..." I was really starting to get really annoyed. How does one even get serpents? Watching it closely, I could see it was getting close to Angus. "Angus watch out!"

The serpent warped Angus around with its tail and threw him right into the wall. "No!" I yelled. I rushed to the serpent ready to end it.

I called fire to me and started blasting fire balls. I could hear the serpent shriek and its eyes were glowing far more than usual. It started to slither to me. Once it got in reach, it used its tail to wrap me around. I tried to move but was not fast enough and was caught within its tail. I struggled to get free but it kept on getting tighter and tighter. I had to think quick. I was struggling to breathe.

I concentrated on fire and warmth. As my hands were feeling the heat from the fire, I made it to where it would cover my full body. Knowing I had one shot, I blasted myself with full on fire. Not surprised I was not burning myself, I looked at the serpent's tail and could see it turning red. In retaliation, the serpent threw me at the wooden wall.

Not feeling much damaged, I quickly stood back up. I continue to blast fireballs. Unlike the usual times I would throw fireballs, this time it came out a lot bigger and a lot more stronger.

"Guards kill her!" Lord Delaney commanded.

More guards came running out aligned with the serpent. I was definitely outnumbered. Suddenly I felt a quick small wind to both of my sides. I looked to my left and right and saw Kyle, Stefan, Calico, and Drake by my side. Kyle had his fists, Stefan had both limbs into swords, Calico had his dagger and Drake had a mace.

"We will handle the guards," Stefan told me. "Go get the serpent." I looked at him and gave him a smile with a nod right after.

We started rushing except my friends and uncle went after the guards while I went back to the serpent. I used that new ability making the grounds on me heat which inflicted pain onto the serpent. It started to slither around but each way it came, the fiery heat would follow. While the serpent was distracted, I blasted some more fireballs right at its ugly fucking face. It then started to shirek even louder. Its tail was swaying back and forth rapidly knocking guards into the wall. Knowing I had it distracted, I quickly and stealthlike went to the back of the serpent and onto its tail. Yuck, it is all slimy, my subconscious mind thought. Ignoring the disgust feeling of this serpent, I proceeded to climb up the giant serpent.

I used my hands to grab onto the scales as they were thick enough to grab and hold onto. I pulled myself up and continue to grab the scale above me. All of a sudden the serpent started to move rapidly and I gripped onto the scale tightly to make sure I don't fall off it. I looked down and could see I was about twelve feet above ground. Looking up, I was almost to the top.

As I grabbed the very last scale, I pulled myself up once more and used the serpent's head as balance. Finally reaching the top, I put both hands on the serpent's head and started to concentrate fire. I could feel every ounce from the head to my toes, nothing but the ability of my fire. I could feel it unleashing out and into the serpent's head. Suddenly the giant serpent went berserk, moving its head from side to side trying to throw me off. I held my place and continue absorbing more fire into the serpent's head. I could feel the giant snake losing its energy. I sensed that the snake was about to fall so I decided to jump off the snake while it was falling and was caught in the arms of my lover.

"" I said while taking breathes. After having to put such energy into the snake and then jumping from a high distance, it wears you out.

Finally catching my breath, I see a guard rushing up behind Stefan. Without thinking, I pushed Stefan out of the way and wailed into the rogue vampire knocking him into the ground. I picked up his weapon that he dropped and quickly stabbed him in the heart and watched him turn into dust.

"Thanks Lilith," he gave a small smile.

I looked around us and saw much more rogue vampires approaching. "Don't thank me just yet. I don't see an end to all this."

"There must be a way," Calico came up beside us. "We must do something about these guards."

"But what exactly can we do?" Kyle approached next.

"I have an idea," Drake came up following Kyle.

"Which is?" I said. Seriously, if someone has an idea, why can they just say it and not have a pause after stating they have an idea.

"How much energy can you use at this moment?" Drake asked me.

"Depends, what is the plan exactly?" I was quite curious to see where he was going.

"If you can hold up a wall made out fire, that could stop the rogue vampires from getting in here," he explained his idea.

"Alright, let's say I put up that wall of fire, what would be step two? How would it exactly get this fight to end? How can we end this fight?" It feels like more questions are being raised by the second and yet not an answer to that.

"Just go step by step girl," Calico said calmly. "You can not always know each step but you can make each step."

I guess that makes sense. There is no way to find out the next step until the previous step has been made. But, could I even put up a wall of fire?

"Lilith, hurry!" Stefan shouted in warning.

I looked ahead of us and saw more rogue vampires were gaining ground. Knowing I didn't have another second to spare, I quickly rushed ahead of others and put out my hands. I concentrated my fire and imagined a wall in my head in hopes it would portray that. Squeezing my eyes, I gave out my energy into putting up the wall of fire to stop the enemies from getting closer.

"Holy shit..." Kyle said from behind me.

Slowly opening up my eyes, I looked up and saw a huge wall of fire with a good length to where the vampire rogues could not get inside. Ready to collapse, Stefan came by my side and put my arm around his neck.

"That was amazing, Lilith," Stefan smiled.

"Good because now I feel drained," I replied back.

As Stefan guided me back to the others, I was able to stand on my own. Contemplating on what the next move would be. I saw someone jump in the air and over my wall of fire.

"You bitch!" Lord Delaney yelled.

I could see Lord Delaney using his vampire speed, rushing over to us. He used the force to push us all away hitting the wooden wall. Trying to stand up while pain was stinging me, I could see Lord Delaney grabbing onto Stefan's throat raising him in the air.

"No!" I tried to stand up, ignoring the pain that was covering my whole body.

"You betrayed me! You and that pathetic excuse of a grandson of mine! We could of had it all, Lilith! The power that I could have shared with you, you traded that for nothing!" Lord Delaney snarled.

"You wanted chaos! Nothing but destruction would come from that! Couldn't you see why that was wrong! You could have lived in peace like you were before!"

"Vampires don't know no peace! You stupid girl!" Lord Delaney said.

"Please...don't do this!" I pleaded in hopes he wouldn't kill the man that I loved. Having my tears drop one after another. "Please..."

"It's too late," Lord Delaney snarled. He grabbed onto Stefan's head and snapped his neck to the side and then proceeded to throw his limp body at the wooden wall.

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