š’‚š’•š’•š’“š’‚š’„š’•š’Šš’š’ | jori āœ“...

By wheeinight

153K 3.8K 3K

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revamping the story!!!


4.9K 147 98
By wheeinight

revamped! 23/11/2020


The girls both find themselves sprawled on the couches of Tori's living room, each laying on opposite ones from each other with Jade's feet on the coffee table for support and Tori's body stretched comfortingly across the other couch, head resting against one of the dark velvety pillows. Jade catches sight of the brunette for a split moment, a slow lift of a brow before releasing an impatient groan from her mouth.

"Tori, can we watch anything but this?" she grunts lowly, catching Tori's attention within a second.

The brunette struggles to sit herself up on the couch, narrowing her eyes in the direction towards Jade. "You don't like Celebrities Underwater?"

Jade shakes her head dispprovingly, motioning an aggressive point towards the television. "No, because what's the fun of waiting for celebrities to drown when they aren't?"

Tori frowns, reaching over to grab the remote from the coffee table next to Jade's feet, turning the TV off and after all that came was silence that flooded between the two girls with the welcome of some of the awkward tension returning. Tori's head quickly races with ideas to be able to rid of the awkwardnesst that she could sense, biting at her lip in the meantime. However, her eyes light up as she turns towards the dark-haired girl.

"Why don't I..." she starts, glancing out the window and noticing how dark it was outside. A smirk plays at her lips. "Why don't we just watch a movie? Maybe we can invite Cat for a little sleepover tonight?"

Jade groans once again, this time much more louder to ensure Tori's lack of taste in movies. "I am not in the mood to watch happy, bubbly fairy tales and princesses living in magical sugar castles, Tori!"

The words cause Tori to scowl with displeasure, remembering the time where she somehow dreamt of living in the a magical sugar castle by the time she was 16. Obviously it didn't happen, and she had to be Trina's assistant for a month, whom the girl practically drowned Tori with ridiculous tasks that she had to do for her. Luckily, Tori was able to break out of her hands from winning a contest hosted by Kesha𑁋what an unexpected night.

Tori smirks and Jade catches her glance, trying to read whatever expression was on the brunette's face. Both of their eyes meet in an instant, causing both of them to look away and shift uncomfortably in their seat.

So Tori shrugs, "Well, why not put a horror movie on?"

Jade snorts mockingly, "Are you kidding me? Cat would be instantly killed from watching one."

"Okay, then let's not invite Cat. It can just be a movie night for the two of us," Tori corrects herself, already feeling the immediate regret of suggesting slowly course throughout her. The idea of her and Jade alone in one room for some reason frightened her, but she has taught herself to not be scared of a person like Jade.

Jade tilts her head slightly to the side, releasing a small grin towards the brunette. "Alright, Vega, you have a deal."

Nodding, Tori stands up and Jade's eyes follow her, watching as Tori sways her hips left and right on her way towards the kitchen. The sight makes Jade bite her lip cautiously as she switches her gaze back towards the pure blackness of the television to take her mind off of Tori𑁋it seemed way harder than necessary and she wasn't entirely sure why.

"Why don't you browse through some good horror movies on the TV while I make some popcorn for us?" Tori asks brightly from the kitchen, placing her hands steadily on the cold surface of the counters as her eyes saunter around the house.

"Only if you promise not to freak out and dump all that popcorn to waste while the movie is playing." Jade mutters annoyingly, crossing her arms together.

Tori only rolls her eyes, grinning to herself, hurrying towards her pantry to grab some popcorn to mircrowave. "I promise."

Chuckling lightly, Jade leans over to grab the remote from the couch of where Tori sat at, turning it on and clicking the Guide button on it, finding herself browsing through a variety of lists of horror movies to watch. Jade knew Tori probably didn't want to watch anything super horrifying like The Scissoring𑁋Jade's favourite movie of all time, so she decides to pick an old classic𑁋a movie that someone has at least watched once in their life.

The Grudge.

"Perfect," she mutters to herself in amusement. "Absolutely perfect."

"Hmm?" Tori calls out, not looking as to what Jade was doing in the other room, instead focusing on putting a bowl of popcorn inside of the microwave. She punches in a time to the microwave before finally looking up to see the menacing smirk on Jade's face.

"Nothing, I just found a perfect movie. It's a pure classic and one of the best to this day."

Tori swallows a nervous lump in her throat, lifting a brow to the comment. "Should I be concerned for my safety?"

"No, not really, unless you want to get nightmares tonight, then I recommend worrying." Jade's smirk and serious gaze towards her deepens, causing a muffled groan to escape from Tori's mouth.


The microwave dings loudly, causing Tori to quickly jump off the couch and sprint towards the kitchen. She opens the microwave, touching the hot bowl briefly and flinching from the sudden hotness, a low yelp leaving her mouth. She reaches over towards the handle of the oven, grabbing a thick cloth to take it out with. Tori walks back into the living room area, placing the bowl of popcorn on the centre of the table as the smell of popcorn quickly fills the atmosphere of the room.

Jade slumps her body down onto the floor excitedly, grabbing the bowl of popcorn and setting it next to her, grabbing a few pieces and plopping it into her mouth. Tori's eyes widen momentarily to the girl's excitement before preparing her physically and mentally for the movie.

Walking towards the light switch, Tori switches off the lights, with the only source of light coming from the bright television that showcased the cover of the movie they would be watching. Tori had never been fond of horror movies, ever, yet she tried to make the company of Jade soothe her. She sighs, wandering back into the living room and sitting herself down on the floor next to Jade with the bowl of popcorn sitting in between them, giving a substantial amount of distance in between.

"Let's start," Jade declares eagerly, grabbing the remote from next to her as her finger lands on the play button. However she stops a moment to think, mind wandering upon Tori's sake. "If it uh... if you think it's too scary for you to handle then let me know, okay?"

Tori's eyes widen to the sudden sense of care in Jade's voice. She could feel her own heart begin to soften.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks."

Jade softly smiles unbeknownst to the darkness around them, pressing on the play button before plopping a couple of more pieces of popcorn in her mouth, the loud crunching echoing across the house and becoming the only sound that Tori could hear besides the overdriven beating of her own racing heart. She felt a mixture of nervousness from the movie and from how close she was to Jade.

Tori sneaks a momentary glance towards from the side without turning her head, noticing a familiar gleam in her murky green eyes despite how dark is nearly completely pitch black. Her gaze stays before lingering back towards the television, watching the introduction scene unfold before her.

Jade sworn she could've felt a slight touch towards her. She briefly side-glances towards Tori whose gaze was fixed on the television, watching intently with anxious eyes as various colours and shapes appeared on the screen. And for some reason, she could feel this light string between her and the brunette that only drew her consciousness more towards Tori. She quickly shakes it off, switching back to watch the movie.

The first part of the movie wasn't too bad𑁋not many jumpscares or any scenes that were appalling. However, when there were jumpscares and not even ones that were too graphic for her, Tori would jump in her spot and scoot ever so slowly and closer towards Jade, and Jade didn't even notice until she looked back to see Tori's reaction.

"What the hell..." Tori mutters under her breath as the scene unraveled before her eyes. "Oh my, God!"

The brunette shrieks and jumps once again from her spot, nearly accidentally smacking Jade on the arm with her hands as she lifts them up to cover her eyes, however still having an eye opened. Jade merely smirks right next to her, appealing at her fright as if was the most enjoyable sight to see.

Suddenly, a loud noise crashes upon the screen and Tori felt like she could feel the house shaking, as if an earthquake was striking them at this very moment. Tori lets out a muffled scream as she jumps and moves closer to Jade, grabbing her arm in fright and squeezing it tightly. She suddenly felt like she needed her protection𑁋as if Jade would protect her𑁋even though it was all just a movie and wasn't real. It felt real to Tori though, sending images to her head of something like this happening in real life.

Jade flinches from the touch as she glances down to Tori's hand locked and squishing around her arm. She had the oppurtunity to rip it off but Tori notices with guilt and immediately let go, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing it inside her mouth to cover up the tension.

Tori's chest heaves up and down as if it was running a marathon, equally at the same pace as her heart if not faster. She squints her eyes to cloud her vision from the scenes on the television screen, teeth gritting against each other anxiously in her mouth.

"Tori," Jade calls out softly but also incredibly quiet that the brunette could barely hear her over the sounds from the television. Tori doesn't seem to hear at first, but Jade's voice somehow snaps her out of the frightened state into a slightly calmer one.

"Uh-huh?" Tori mutters back.

"Are you alright?" Jade asks her slowly with concern, though hesistating briefly as to why she was even asking in the first place.

"Yup. Totally fine. Why... why do you ask?" Tori replies bluntly before releasing a loud sigh. "Oh, for crying out loud, I am scared out of my mind for God's sake! Why in the world did you choose this movie?"

Jade chuckles, eyes lingering on the brunette. "It's quite cute seeing you scared."

Tori lightly smacks the girl's hand causing Jade to retreat it back towards her, declaring defensively, "Shut up!"

A satisfied smirk spreads on Jade's face as Tori's breathing becomes noticeably heavy.

Tori lays her hand flat on the floor next to her and Jade. Tilting her head slightly, the urge to place her hand on top somehow rolled into her mind and she wasn't entirely sure why. She attempts to rid of the thought, but the horrified well-being of Tori confided in her, so she just releases a low sigh.

And so that is what she does𑁋Jade hesistantly lays her hand flat on top of Tori's, wanting to calm down the brunette down and to squeeze it whenever a part that was too graphic to come up from. Jade's fingers graze over her wrist comfortingly and to Tori's surprise, she could feel herself becoming slightly less afraid. It felt unreal.

Butterflies erupts inside of Tori's stomach as she looks down in utter dismay to Jade's hand placed on top of hers. Her warmth causes Tori to shiver briefly before her touch finally began to settle in.


For the remainder of the movie, Jade's hand still laid on top of Tori's. And as the credits rolled in at the end, Jade just lifts her hand up to brush any remaining popcorn bits that may have landed on her. Tori saddens for a moment to the loss of touch but quickly regains herself with a small smile as the last minutes of the movie she didn't find it quite as terrifying as the first half, and she wonders if it was because she somehow found a bit of warmth of Jade's presence with her. 

"So," Jade starts, biting her lip and facing the brunette. "what did you think?"

Tori stares at her with wide eyes, a series of sounds leaving her mouth, "What did I think? I felt like I was suffering through a heart attack! I have never seen a movie that truly terrifying before!"

Jade releases a loud laugh as the brunette just continues to glare at her before chuckling along with a light blush to her cheek. The both of them begin to clean up the living room, picking up any stray bits of popcorn and fixing up the couches before heading upstairs towards the bathroom to fix themselves for bed, with Jade reluctantly following behind slowly as she takes in the small details of Tori's home that she hasn't noticed before𑁋for example, she noticed a picture hanging on the wall that showed a younger Tori with a birthday hat on. Jade feels her own heart pound a bit faster, those nonexistent memories of her low preteen years slowly crawling back to her like a snake.

"That was my 11th birthday," Tori suddenly says, walking back to where Jade was standing and looking up at the picture frame on the wall. "I can probably say it was one of the best birthday parties I've ever had."

Jade loses herself in thought, continuing to stare at the photo of Tori before muttering, "I've never had a birthday party before."

Tori frowns, gaze switching from the picture and back to Jade.

"Why not?"

Jade shrugs helplessly, "I never found the joy of celebrating being a year older when we all know that shit hits the fan at some point," Her voice wavered and Tori immediately noticed. "We're all going to die𑁋it can happen tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. I-I just don't see the point."

Tori sighs, "That's what I call 'enjoying life' while it lasts. If I'm going to die tomorrow, I may as well feel happy one last time."

Jade didn't know why she shivered to her words. She shakes her head, trying to dismiss everything that just happened.

"Let's just... get ready for bed."

Before Tori could say something back, she stops herself before turning around and heading deeper into the hallway. She follows Tori into the bathroom, glancing at herself in the mirror with a low sigh before copying in Tori's actions with brushing her teeth. Luckily, Tori had an extra toothbrush to lend to Jade while she was staying at her house.

When they were done, they both headed towards Tori's room bright room, which Jade still found quite unusual from the amount of bright colours compared to her own room which was pitch black.

Tori swiftly settles in within her sheets as Jade grabs an extra blanket and pillow before heading towards Tori's door. The brunette catches the sight of Jade leaving, a slight moment of hesitation before she looks down at her own bed and back to Jade.

"Jade, wait." she calls, making the raven-haired girl to freeze in the middle of the room.

"Yeah?" Jade asks nervously, feeling something inside of her that she knows what the girl is going to ask.

Tori gulps, slowly opening her mouth to speak, "You can stay... sleep in here if you'd like. The couches aren't too comfortable and I speak from experience," She smiles to the thought. "There's plenty of room on my bed."

Jade stands frozen in the middle of Tori's room before just nodding in response and trailing towards Tori's bed, setting the pillow and blanket she grabbed back down as she slowly slips in next to her, however quite a large space settled in between the both of them.

Tori turns on her side so that she was face-to-face with Jade who stares at her back with a small smile on her face. A small blush appears on both of their faces, however both not noticing them at all because the room was almost completely dark.

"Goodnight, Jade." Tori mutters nearly silently before turning back around so that her back facing Jade once again.

Jade just releases a quiet sigh. "Goodnight, Tori."

Tori closed her eyes, hoping that she would fall asleep right away. Except she doesn't, with the events of the movie slowly crawling back to her. However she just lets her eyes stay closed, only hearing the breathing of Jade from behind her and her own, which appeared noticeably shaky and loud.

Even Jade notices, "Tori."

Tori lightly jumps to her name, opening her eyes back up, "Y-Yeah?"

Some silence floats around before Jade continues, "If you have a nightmare then... wake me up, okay?"

It takes Tori a moment to figure out what Jade just offered.

"Okay... I will. Thank you, Jade."

Tori closes her eyes back, but this time, a grin settles onto her face. She still doesn't fall asleep right away, but she allows the silence takeover her and Jade's low breathing and offer wash over her like a blanket.

Jade, however, was waiting a few minutes to make sure the brunette was fast asleep, or so she thinks. And after waiting patiently for a couple of moments, she scoots closer towards Tori, closing the space between them until she was just a few centimetres away from Tori's back. And to the brunette, she felt the sudden shift of the bed before she could hear Jade's breathing a bit more louder, and she wasn't sure whether or not the girl scooted closer or further away. She could only hope that she scooted closer.

Jade could smell Tori's sweet scent as she closes her eyes, letting the warm of Tori's body heat wash over her. And as badly as she had the urge to wrap her arms around Tori's waist to rid of any upcoming nightmares, she knew herself that she couldn't.

At least at this very moment, she wanted to let the girl sleep peacefully.

Because Jade knows quite well to herself that all she brought was pain with her touch and her words, and she didn't know how to get rid of it.


A beautiful sight. Jade smiles to herself in her sleep.


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