From Me To You: A Tale Untold

By Nablai

680 178 254

Santosh and Ibrahim are two individuals brought together through violence in the Kashmir Valley. With both nu... More



185 33 52
By Nablai

2nd April, 2019

10:30 pm.

Dear diary,

Today was an interesting day at the office.  An intern- Megha, spilled some tea on her dress.  In her haste and panic trying to clean it, she dropped the stack of newly edited articles over it. It was amusing and fun trying to see her face. I ofcourse, helped with the cleaning and she was so profuse in her gratitude. I wanted to laugh, but couldn't. As lead of their group, I couldn't be seen laughing at this incident. So... I just smiled, patted her shoulder and went about my business of checking on the other interns.

Had a meeting with Trishala-- my colleague and best friend regarding the layout of the latest design of the Intern Magazine, made by the interns to assist them in blending with our team. Skimmed through a couple of designs, before choosing one. The design of Intern Magazine was simple, sober and elegant. The title was straightforward-- "Now's the 'Turn' of the Interns." Just like me.
Sighs... Sometimes I wish I wasn't so involved with my job. Gets crazy at times... But then, this is what I love doing. My love, my life revolves around my job. I do hear whispers going around the office like, "Santosh is a nerd. Santosh doesn't have a life. She's delusional working for so many hours. She's just a lady! Wonder what on earth she thinks of herself?" I think I'm used to them by now.

There was a time when critiques used to hurt me. Used to cry for days to no end. Just shows that I've come a long way... I used to think I was at fault. And now, I tend to ignore most of the rumours. Unless, it is an advice from the people I trust like: Trishala, Lavanya, Nikhil... Can count my folks (the ones I blindly trust ) off my fingers. Even though they are few, but they are gems in their own, special kinda way. 

Came home and didn't expect to see mummy making my favourite aloo methi. Was wondering what was the special occasion, until she cleverly brought up the topic about getting married again... and I hate her for it! Sometimes I wonder how on earth do I tolerate her shit. And then I remember she's my mummy and I love her. But I sometimes wonder if all mothers are nagging like her or is mine the only one? Do you know more, Diary? Have you seen them? 

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