
By imcdna

76 4 0

Once upon a time, five people agreed to be part of a secret experiment. The experiment was meant to give them... More

It Begins....
The First Problem
Back to Normal
The Call


11 1 0
By imcdna

Emily Green held up the paper. The contract assured her that no one she knew could be harmed by this experiment. It also said that she would be given financial aid if any complications arose from the experiments that resulted in her losing her job or going into a hospital. Similarly, it promised help if anything happened as a result of the experiment.

She read the entire thing. According to the contract, she would follow any safety measures if the experiment was successful. She understood that signing meant that she could no longer back out. Also, this was classified, and she couldn't tell anyone until she was told that she could.

Emily sighed, looking at the contract. It made her very nervous. However, she knew that it was a very good idea to sign. And so it was that she took a pen, and she wrote her signature on the line provided. It was shaky, but that was pretty much to be expected, considering how comfortable she was with this.


Miranda Davis stared at the contract. She hated just about every word of it. However, this sounded pretty good. Maybe she could pass off any medical issues a results of this experiment. She already had modern medicine to blame her kids' ailments on. It would be nice to have something like that for herself.

She didn't much like the contract, but it would benefit her to go through with this. And so, she signed her name. The signature was perfectly neat and legible. Some people allowed for their signatures to be sloppy and illegible. She didn't. Her signature was perfect. When you looked at it, you could tell that it was her name. It looked like it.

She placed the contract off to the side. She would mail it later that day. In fact, she would do it as soon as possible. It was always best to do things as soon as possible. Some of these youths allowed themselves to be lazy, putting things off to do later. She knew better. Most people didn't.


Ruby Taylor looked at the contract. She skimmed through it, getting the important details. She then nodded. This seemed risky. She didn't even know what she would be doing. However, she grabbed a pen and wrote her signature. 

Perhaps it was her curiosity as to what the experiment actually entailed that made her sign. Or, perhaps, it was her faith that everything would be alright. She smiled, wondering if she'd get into heaven even if she died because of something that she offered herself up for, without knowing what it was.

She put the contract into her desk drawer, then rose. It was time to be productive.

Despite the plan to be productive, Ruby fell back onto her bed. She then sat up, removing her earrings. Sleeping now means that I can be more productive later! she told herself, knowing that it was a lie. Well, maybe she could be productive tomorrow. She deserved some sleep.


Lucas Johnson stared, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, at the contract. No way would he sign this! The benefits and requirements all pretty much made sense; however, he didn't want to sign it due to the things that the benefits were about. How could this experiment put him in the hospital? How could it affect his work life? It was extremely concerning to him.

But, as he was looking at it, the more reasonable part of his brain kicked in. If they actually thought that any of these things were likely to happen, then they would probably not offer these benefits. He pondered this for a moment. This was foolish to do. However, he wanted to do it. So, he did.

He lifted up a pen, and signed his name. It was a little bit shaky, but that was alright. It was his. It would work. Besides, he had written it in pen, so he couldn't exactly do it again.


Smith Whitmore stood by his window. He looked through the contract, then thought about it. He figured that, judging by the contract, this was very dangerous. He had no way of knowing for sure if the promises that it contained were entirely true; however, he figured that it seemed just fine. 

He walked over to his office, and went to a paper on his desk. It was in a pile, but not too far from the top, so it wasn't much of an issue. The paper was covered in his signature, dozens of times. He picked up a pen, and wrote his signature a few times. Once he was happy with it, he wrote it on the contract. 


Ruby sat in the room that she had been guided to. She turned, looking at the young man sitting next to her. "Hi," she said.

He looked at her, seeming surprised. Then he smiled. "Hi," he said to her. "What's your name?"

"Ruby," she said. "How are you?"

"Good," the man replied. "Except for I'm sitting in this chair," he added.

Ruby laughed. "Oh, you're right," she said. "These chairs are quite uncomfortable, aren't they?" Suddenly, her eyes widened, and her mouth formed a perfect oh. "Where are my manners?" she asked. "What's your name?"

The man seemed about to answer; then, the door nearby opened. A man poked his head through. "Smith Whitmore?" he asked.

The man chuckled, turning to Ruby. "Well, I guess they were listening to us," he said.

Then, he turned to leave.

Ruby nodded. She liked that name. She then turned to the woman on the other side of her. "Hi I'm Ruby what do you think about this place aren't these chairs so uncomfortable I detest them where do you think he's going?" Having gotten all of this out, she gasped slightly for breath.

The woman beside her looked at her, and she just laughed. "Youths," she said, clearly amused.

Ruby sighed, turning to look ahead. This would be a long day if they couldn't go home soon.


So, these are some of the characters. Hopefully, the next chapter will be out pretty soon (tomorrow, if not today), so you can know a little bit more about them. 

I hope you've enjoyed, and thank you for checking out my story! It's not the first one I've written, but it's the first that's not fan-fiction. So thank you for reading it!😀

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