A Surprise and A Betrayal (✓)

By piadreamer

18.6K 1K 860

This story takes place after the Malec wedding. 5 years have went by and it's soon going to be their 6th year... More

1. Love is Unconditional
2. Sweetness Overloaded
3. Certain and Uncertain
4. Confrontations and Truths
5. Emotions- War of Hearts
6. Lightwoods Reunion
7. When Sizzy meets Alec
8. A Dose of Malec
9. A Little bit of Happiness and Little bit of Chaos
10. Emotions speak louder than words
11. A Reunion to Cherish
12. Family isn't always blood
14. Parabatai : Wherever we are, we are as one.
15. Let's have some Madnus
16. Angels and Immortality
17. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
18. Silver is the color of the moon.
19. Let me confine you in my arms.
20. The Sins I've done.
21. A dream to live or reality to deny.
22. Demons only reside in hell.
23. I get to love you.
24. The Power Couple.

13. Not bonded by blood, but united by love.

533 35 38
By piadreamer

Before Izzy could say, her phone buzzed and her expressions went from excited to soft.

"What?" Alec asked.

"Mom and Luke are here, you're ready, Alec?"

Alec sighed. "Let's get this over with!"

"With what? What's going on?" Jace asked, having a light frown on his forehead.

"Please be patient, Jace," Alec said calmly. "I'll be talking to you and Clary at last about it, just know that it's important and you both are part of it."

Jace exchanged a look with Clary, but feeling his Parabatai's nervousness, he let it go and nodded reassuringly.

"Thank you. For now, I need to talk to Mom and Luke. Iz, where are they?"

"They're in my office," Izzy said, holding Alec's hand, and giving it a gentle squeeze. Alec smiled then left the room.


Maryse was leaning against the desk, a deep frown on her forehead while Luke was pacing in front, waiting for Izzy to arrive.

"I'm really worried Luke, what are they gonna think?" Maryse spoke. "Are you sure we've made the right decision? I know it's what we both want, but I'm scared. Plus, we have no idea what Izzy wants to talk about." Worry was laced in her voice as she bit her nails.

Luke sighed, walked towards her, and cupped her face. "Calm down Maryse, don't freak out like this. Let's hear what Izzy had to say first, our news can wait, okay? There's no rush for it."

"But Lucian-"

"Hey," he gently tucked the strands behind her ears then leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Just calm down."

Maryse nodded and let out a deep sigh. Gently, she put her hands around Luke's waist and looked deeply into his eyes. Slowly, Luke started leaning in and locked their lips in a slow and gentle kiss as his fingers trailed towards the thick strap of her dress and pulled it down, exposing her bare shoulders then broke their kiss and started trailing soft kisses from her neck to the shoulder and down towards her chest.

Alec was walking towards the office, his hands were sweaty, and he was able to hear his heartbeats as the distance became shorter and shorter. As soon as he reached the office, he halted, scrunched his eyes shut, and put his hand over it as warmness cascaded all over his face. Biting his lower lip, he cleared the throat.

Startled, Maryse and Luke pulled away from each other and glanced at the doorway when they heard the clearing of the throat and their eyes widened when they noticed Alec standing there.

"Alec..." Maryse breathed out, voice filled with shock.

"Are you people... decent?" Alec stuttered out.

Maryse quickly fixed her dress, exchanged a look with Luke and then turned towards Alec after clearing her throat. "Yeah, come in."

Alec peeked through his fingers to make sure they were decent and when he was sure, he sighed and slowly walked towards them and hugged both his parents.

"Hey mum, Sorry to cut your vacation short."

"Alec, it's nice to see you after a long time. What are you doing in New York? Izzy didn't tell us."

"I was actually going to surprise you both, but..." he trailed off.

"You saw nothing!" Luke exclaimed, and Alec put up his hand in surrender. "Anyway, where's Magnus?"

"In Idris, it's just me. I wanted to talk to you peop... what's that?" He frowned when a bright light reflected on his face. Reaching out, he held Maryse's hand when he noticed that was the source, but his eyes widened when he saw a beautiful Graymark ring on her ring finger. "M... Mum? Luke?"

Maryse exchanged a look with Luke, worry visible in her eyes. "Alec, we can-"

"By the Angel! You guys are engaged. Oh, Angel! I'm so happy for you, Mum." without wasting a second, he hugged her tightly and Maryse's shoulder relaxed.

"You're not against it, son?"

"Why would I be? You deserve this happiness, Mom."

"Thank you, Alec." Maryse had tears pooling at the edge of her eyes when they broke the hug.

"It's beautiful!" Alec said while examining the ring. "When did you two... you know?"

"Luke proposed to me a few days ago, we were going to come here after the end of the vacations, to talk to you people about it. But Izzy called us, so we reached here as soon as we could." Maryse explained.

Alec smiled, walked towards Luke, and gave him a bone-crushing hug. "I'm happy for you both. Take care of her Luke, she's all yours now." He whispered in his ears.

"I will boy, don't worry," Luke reassured. "Alec, since you're here, I'm happy that you took it positively, but I wanted to say something." He looked at Maryse then at Alec who nodded, so he continued.

"You're well aware that Jocelyn had a special place in my heart, the way I loved her, no one can take her place, but that doesn't mean Maryse means any less to me. I love her, that's why I decided to marry her. In all these years, I've seen her in a completely different way, the way she was before all the chaos of The Circle began. She has completed me, and I want to spend the rest of my remaining life with her. I just hope that Clary will also take it positively." He was in tears by the end of his speech.

Alec put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Don't worry Luke, I'm sure Clary will be happy to hear about it."

"Umm, Alec, where's your sister? She told us to wait here, it's been long now. She said she wanted to talk." Maryse asked with a worried tone, looking between both men.

"It's... it's not Izzy, it's me. I wanted to talk to you all, it's more like permission."

Maryse frowned. "Is everything okay, sweetheart?"

"No, it's not." Alec took a deep breath before speaking again. "It's... related to what happened a month ago!" Alec looked at them, then started explaining to them about Magnus' emotional health, his nightmares, everything that happened over the course of one month. His constant fear of losing him in a battle, to death, his emotional condition because of it, then his own research and wish to become immortal, not just for Magnus, but for himself too. His findings, to the procedure of becoming immortal. Everything. When he was done he looked at them, ready to argue if needed, but to his surprise, they had a look of understanding, neither shock nor anger.

"Are... are you both okay with it? Me becoming immortal? Mom? Luke?" He asked with a shaky breath.

Maryse walked towards her son and hugged him, having a constant smile on her face.

"If that's what you want, if that'll make you happy, then I have no problem with it. Seeing you with Magnus, seeing your love for each other, I couldn't be any prouder, Alec. Do what makes you happy." She said and kissed him on the cheeks.

"I agree, Alec. If you're happy, we don't have any problem with it."

Alec's eyes were pooling with tears. "Thank you, thank you so much. It means a lot to have your support."

"Does anyone else know?" Maryse inquired.

"Izzy and Simon do. Now you both too. I'm still worried though. Dad, I wanted to talk to him in person but... "

"I'm sure he'll be happy too, Alec. He was more supportive of you and Magnus than me." She said to reassure him.

"Yeah, I hope so. Max will be here in the evening, it's gonna be really difficult to explain to him all this. I hope he understands." He sighed nervously.

"Don't worry, honey, everyone loves you, they'll respect your decision."

"I just hope everything goes well."

"Everything will, Alec." She reassured him and kissed her son's cheek.

"What about you both, when are you telling everyone about your engagement?"

Luke and Maryse exchanged a look. "We're not sure about that, Alec," Luke said. "If something goes wrong, we're just..."

"Luke, Mom, relax. I'm sure everyone is going to be really happy. Announce it at dinner tonight, everyone's going to be there. That's what you people have planned anyway, right?"

"You're right, boy. Maryse, we should tell everyone tonight itself, let's think this through." Luke said, to which Maryse nodded.

"I'll get back to Izzy and Clary to prepare a surprise for Magnus. You guys have a good day."

They all hugged each other once again, then Alec left to talk to Izzy while the newly engaged couple went to Maryse's bookshop to discuss how they are going to tell everyone.


Izzy was pacing in her room, her six-inch sharp heels creating a deep straight line partition on her fluffy silver carpet. Her worries about her brother were getting the best of her, if Alec wouldn't have walked-in in her room at the time, she would have broken her heels because of her constant pacing.

"Alec! What happened? Did they take it well!?" She asked worriedly.

"It went better than I thought Izzy!" He said with a bright smile on his face.

Izzy relaxed instantly, but she knew her brother well. "But...?"

Alec sighed and shook his head. "But I'm still worried about others, especially Max and Jace."

"Don't worry big brother, they'll understand."

Alec sighed and nodded. "Let's talk about what you both girls have in mind for my dinner surprise."


The next hurdle for Alec was his dad whom he decided to talk to on a video chat. Even if they have grown distant, his opinion still mattered to him. To his surprise, their talk went well. Robert was surprised by his decision, but he respected his choice, and supported him with it, giving him and Magnus his blessings for a happy life and future.

Alec was already exhausted and frustrated by repeating the same conversation with everyone repeatedly, but he knew it was necessary and by the end of it, only three people were remaining.


Max reached earlier than he was supposed to, excited to meet his siblings after a long time, oblivious that Alec and his mom are there too because Izzy being Izzy hadn't told him anything in order to see the look of pure happiness on his younger brothers face.

Max had grown up to be a strong and brave shadowhunter. He's in his teenage years and very enthusiastic, just like his siblings. He ran towards the ops center eager to meet his siblings when he bumped into someone and hit both of them hard.

"Ow! Hey, careful there, young boy!" Jace said with a chuckle.

"Jace!" Max said excitedly and hugged him. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Maxie!"

"Hey, don't call me that!"

"Someone's here early!" Izzy said as she walked toward her brothers.

"Izzy! I've missed you!" He ran towards her and hugged her, to which Izzy gave a wholehearted smile.

"I missed you too, big boy. You know what, your surprise is waiting for you."

"But what is it? You didn't say anything!" He pouted.

"Your surprise is here, Max," Alec said while walking towards his siblings.

Max's eyes went wide seeing his eldest brother after a really long time. "ALEC!" He exclaimed and ran towards his brother making them both stumble and almost losing the balance.

"Woah, hey there! Easy, bud." Alec said with a chuckle.

"Alec, I've missed you so much!" Max said and hugged him tightly.

"Looks like we're not that important to him, Izzy!" Jace said with a mocking tone.

"Hey, don't tease our brother Jace," Alec said defensively.

"Is Mumbai Institute treating you that bad, big boy?" Izzy asked her brother.

"No, it's not bad, but it's boring there. I don't have many friends, and it's way too hot, unlike New York. I want to come back here." He said with a sad voice.

"Then ask Robert, Maxie! He's the one who sent you there!" Jace said.

Max glared at his brother for using the name 'Maxie' again and again but sighed knowing Jace would never back away. "I already did, but he says I have to be there until the Clave wants me there to be!"

"You know you've been sent there because of your brilliant work at California Institute, besides you're the one who wanted to travel all around, and that's the place you grew up learning right, what happened now?" Alec interfered.

"Nothing... it's just... I miss you all." Max confessed.

"Aww... our little brother is homesick!" Izzy said while shuffling her fingers in his hair.

"Hey! Izzyyy! I hate you, and don't touch my hair." He pouted, leaving others smiling at his adorable side.

"Okay, enough. Come on Max, let's get out of here, we have a lot to talk about." Alec said to Max to which he agreed happily. He then looked at Izzy who smiled and nodded at him.

As it turned out, Max do was a little difficult to talk to, but he was understanding compared to kids of his age, as their previous talk about 'Magnus' years ago, he was 'cool with it' about Alec becoming immortal. Alec couldn't be happier at this. The rest of their time was spent talking about their lives or more precisely Max's complaints about Mumbai Institute. When they came back it was dinner time, so they reached the dinner hall directly.

Max's eyes went wide seeing Maryse and Luke there. "Mom!" He shouted and ran towards her, hugging her as tightly as possible.

"Hey, big boy!" She kissed her youngest son on top of his head.

Alec walked in and stood beside Izzy, she raised an eyebrow at him questioningly to which he smiled widely and nodded, making her smile reach her both eyes.

Everyone was present in the hall, making it look like a grand get-together. Maryse and Luke exchanged a nervous look then Maryse stepped forward gathering her courage to speak.

"Kids, there's something me and Luke wanted to tell you all."

Everyone looked at them with curiosity.

"Mom, is everything okay?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, it's umm..." She looked at Luke who seemed as scared as her.

"Mom, Luke, relax," Alec said gently and gave her a reassuring nod. Everyone looked between them with deep frowns.

Maryse took a deep breath before speaking. "Luke and I... we are engaged!" there was a moment of silence that was finally broken by Izzy's loud squeal.

"By the angel! Mom, I'm so happy." She hugged her tightly then examined the ring. "It's gorgeous!" Maryse looked at her daughter with tear-filled eyes and a wide smile on her face.

"Congratulations, both of you, I'm so happy for you both! You both deserve to be happy." Jace said and hugged them both, and so did Simon.

"So you both are going to be married now?" max asked. "Like dad and you were?"

"Yes, max." Maryse bit her lip. "Are you okay with it?"

"On one condition."

Maryse gulped, glanced at everyone, and then back at Max. "And that is?"

"Can I be your suggenes?"

"Oh, Max..." Maryse bent down and hugged her son tightly, as tears kept falling on her face. "Yes, you can son. Yes, you can."

"Kiddo?" Luke asked, still scared for her reaction.

Clary stood silently, without saying anything she hugged Luke tightly, before letting him go and speaking.

"I couldn't be more happy for you, Luke. You deserve to be happy, Mom would be happy for you too. You are the best father I could have asked for." She had a pool of tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, kiddo." He said and kissed her forehead.

Izzy squealed again, louder this time. "So, we have a wedding to plan now." Everyone laughed at her excitement level.

When everyone got busy talking with the newly engaged couple, Izzy cornered her brother for a private talk.

"What is it, Izzy?" Alec asked.

"When are you gonna talk to Jace and Clary?"

Alec sighed. "After dinner."

Izzy squeezed his arms gently, then they went back to have dinner with their family.

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