Of Course I Love You

Von shewasaskatergirl

108K 1.3K 130

Christen is the captain of the Stanford soccer team and Tobin Heath happens to be the new freshman. A preath... Mehr

New Girl
You'll Be Mine, Just Wait
Aye, aye captain
Odds Are
Welcome to New York
Author's Note
I Want to Know You
Things I Wish I Could Say
The L Bomb
Sister's Approval
She's Crazy
Shirley Shirley
For awhile
Messy road


3.9K 52 4
Von shewasaskatergirl

Tobin's POV

I'm very happy. The girl of my dreams is cuddled into my side after our amazing night together. I think I love her...but it's too soon right? Maybe I just really like her a lot and I don't kn-

"Toby just wanted to s- OH MY GOD". My eyes were wide and my mouth hung open as Jess stood at the door. I quickly covered Chris and I completely and let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh hey Jess"

"Don't you get Jess me! You're naked! With Christen!"

"We got hot and-"

"Nope. Don't even wanna know" her face scrunched in disgust as she walked back out the door. I heard a small giggle beside me and I smiled because she's so freaking cute. My girlfriend opened her eyes to look into mine. Her eyes are beautiful, they're green but grey at the same time and they really stand out with her tan skin.

"What are you staring at Heath?"

My lips curved into a smile over her raspy morning voice "my beautiful girlfriend". Her face flushed as she hid it into the crook of my neck.


Christen's POV

I groaned as my phone began ringing. It was my mom.

"Hey mom"

"Hey sweetie. Tyler is going to be home at 3. I need you home to help set up"

"Set up for what?"

"We're going to have a little family cookout. Invite Tobin!"

I glanced at the girl beside me and took her hand into my free one. "I can ask but she might be busy"

"Alright sweetie. I'll see you soon"

"Okay bye mom"

I hung the phone up and decided to straddle Tobin's waist. It was comfy sitting like that and I liked having her under me. She placed her hands on my hips as she always had and then slowly ran them up and down my thighs.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"My sister is coming home for a few days. My mom wants some family to come over to see her"

She smiled and I lost it. Her gorgeous smile gets me every time. "That sounds fun babe".

I smiled back at her. I love seeing her so happy she's absolutely adorable. "Well do you maybe wanna come? It's gonna be my sisters friends and then some family members. You can keep me company?"

I didn't know it was possible but her smile grew even wider. She sat up a bit and kissed my lips gently. "I'd love to"

I sighed in relief. I honestly didn't know if she'd want to meet my whole family. "You're the best. Just a warning my sister might interrogate you".

I watched her confidence falter slightly and her cheeks flush. "I got this".

I kissed her lips once again and I didn't want to stop. Her lips were addictive and it took so much in me to pull away.


"Yes my love"

"Can we talk?". She gulped slightly and I saw her give me a nervous smile.

"Don't you have to be home? We can always talk later if you need to leave".

"No. I've got an hour or so. I want to talk now".

"Okay but let's go somewhere else". She stood up and rummaged through her massive closet. She threw me some sweatpants that seemed expensive and an off-white hoodie. I wasn't too familiar with the brand but I knew it was not cheap. I quickly slipped her clothing on and I never felt more comfortable. They smelt amazing and she was never going to have these back. She put on some nike sweats and a soccer hoodie.

She came over to me and picked me up bridal style.

"You're crazy Tobin". We both started laughing as she ran around with me in her arms. She was strong and her muscles were so sexy. She carried me until we got to a room that I haven't been in before. She opened the door and I was in shock. We were now outside as she ran me to the beach. Her backyard was awesome. She had a pool with a pool house and so many more amenities. My favorite was the path that lead to their own private beach.

She set me down on the sand and sat next to me.

"I just thought this would be a nicer way to talk than in my bedroom". She smiled at me and I couldn't help but to smile back. Tobin Heath was a mystery that I was ready to figure out.

"This is beautiful. I want to talk about what we talked about in New York". Her face fell softly as she stared out at the ocean waves.

"Okay". Her voice seemed almost scared as she agreed to speak of who she really was. I took her hand into mine and I could see her visibly relax at the contact. "What do you want to know?".

"What's your family like?"

She frowned slightly but let out a deep sigh. "My dad doesn't talk to me much. He's an extremely wealthy man and he sends me thousands of dollars monthly as his form of contact. I think that's his way to say 'hey I'm your dad. I sorta care about you so take this money and don't actually talk to me'. I haven't had a real conversation with him in years. He's never around. I spent every summer here because he didn't want to deal with me".

My heart was breaking at the emotion she put into her words. I could tell this ate her up inside. How could someone not care for her? "What about your mom? Is she the same way?"

"No. My mom was the kindest person anyone could've known. She was beautiful and smart. She graduated from Harvard medical school and immediately became one of the most successful doctors in the country".

"Was?" My heart broke further as a tear rolled down her cheek. I quickly wiped the tear away with my finger and squeezed her hand tighter. "Tobs, it's alright if you don't want to talk about this".

"No". She paused for a moment and looked right into my eyes. "I want you to know who I am Chris. I want you to see me". I nodded my head and gave her a light smile.

"Okay but take your time". She smiled at my words and gave me a light nod in understanding.

"My mom passed away when I was 10. We were the perfect family. My dad was a rich business man who always made time for his family first. My mother was a brilliant doctor who had a heart of gold. My sister was 15 at the time and was an absolute genius. Then there was me, I shined in the athletic field. My mother would always have to travel due to people in other states begging for her work. One night she was on her way home from Connecticut when she was hit by a drunk driver". The tears slipped down her face and I couldn't help but break at the sight.

"She slipped into a coma and remained for a year in an ICU. I prayed everyday for her to wake up. I cried and screamed and begged for my mom not to be taken away from me. She was my best friend, Chris. The doctors told me she'd be okay and me being young I believed she'd be alright eventually. Then one night we got the call that she failed to recover. She died". She took another long breathe and I was speechless.

"Tobin I'm so sorry".

"After she died my world fell apart. I missed countless days of school and stopped playing soccer all together. I didn't want to play. She was the one that pushed me to play and every constant second I was reminded of her. Every damn time I touched that stupid ball".

"What got you to play again?"

"Honestly my father. After my mom passed he became an awful person. He blamed everyone for her death, including me. He said I would go no where so I wanted to prove him wrong. I wasn't that smart in school so applied myself on the field. I worked every single day to become the best. I wanted to be great just to shove it in that asshole's face. I think that's why I still push myself so much to be perfect. I know he probably isn't watching but I want to make it big just so he can sit and watch".

"And you will Tobin. I see the passion in you every time you step on that field. It's amazing if I'm being honest. I love that about you because when you care you put your whole heart and sole into it. I admire you immensely for that". She smiled deeply and squeezed my hand but her face quickly fell.

"I'm scared Chris and I haven't been scared in so long"

"What are you scared of?". She pause for a moment and returned eyes to the sand.



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