The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

9 3 0
By Musics4lifes

His scarlet red eyes followed my every movement, sharp teeth blistered out ready for any veins. I couldn't believe it was Lord Delaney...his son? What could be the reason for him wanting to start this revolution.

"Your son is your...boss?" I looked at Lord Angus

"Please, like I would listen to anyone below me," Lord Angus rolled his eyes. "He is my grandfather," he smirked.

Wait what? I could feel my brain trying to unravel this mess of confusion. "How were you able to switch roles without anyone knowing?"

"Simple, we never really left the country unless importance have risen but even so, I would have my grandfather go to the meetings and I disguised as the butler," Lord Angus explained.

"If you're the grandson...what happened to your father?" I asked him.

"Murdered by Lord Lazarus Thornes for which he will pay," Lord Angus's eyes lit up in flames and could swear I saw a red energy of aura around him. His eyes sparking up in vengeful fire flames with an evil smile he spread on his face.

I glanced over at the grandfather, Lord Delaney and him two had a fire aura glowing around him. Something was not right about this image. I must follow along so that I can gain their trust and find a way to destroy them.

"So Lilith," Lord Delaney started, "Angus tells me you want to join our cause. Why should I trust you when you have killed our people?" He narrowed his eyes at me seeking for the truth. If eyes could kill, his eyes were definitely in it for the kill.

"Lord Delaney, I do apologize for all the mess I have caused. You see, I do work for the SIA and than I came across Lord Thornes. I had them brainwash me without even knowing it, until Lord Angus told me the real truth behind your guy's plan. You guys are vampires and deserve to live as such. Having pity rules is like a spit on your kind. I for one could not stand if someone made rules about who I was. Now knowing what your actual plans are, I also would like to recruit Drake to go against his father and join the cause," I explained in all false honesty. If I am going to put on a show, I must play the part after all

As Lord Delaney strokes his chin, he starts to think about what I stated. "I can understand where the misunderstanding happened, perhaps we could work together. It would be foolish to waste this opportunity of course. With your powers, we can be unstoppable. Though, I'm sure you are already informed, but in order for me to really trust you, you must eliminate your friends. If Drake refuses to join our cause, he must be eliminated as well. Do you understand, girl?"

I nodded, "Of course Lord Delaney, though I do have one question though it is off the topic."

"Ask away," he said with a hint of annoyance.

"If you are the grandfather, how...why do you look so young? No offense, but shouldn't you look older?" I was puzzled about the aging of vampires and how it really works.

"I was turned at a young age, I was about sixteen which I was gifted with vampirism, I'm only fifteen thousand years old after all," he said as if it wasn't a big deal.

Holy shit, fifteen thousand? In that case, he will be stronger than I imagined. "Impressive, my lord," I said with a fake smile. "What is it that you would like me to do?"

"Go seek Drake and get him to join our cause...if he will that is," he said nonchalantly. "Angus, show Lilith the room she will be meeting him in," he ordered.

"Yes my lord," he bowed and off the two of us went.

During the walk to wherever he was taking me, I figured I could conjure up some conversation. "What do you think of your grandfather?" I wondered.

"What I feel does not matter," he said without a hint of emotion.

"Of course it does. Emotions are what makes us alive. I mean sure, you're technically dead in a way but you still feel, right? Anger, happy, sad, something of course," I said.

"I was raised by not showing or feeling emotions," he said nonchalantly as if it was a normal thing.

"How were you raised? Surely you were at least loved by your family, that's an example of emotions," I told him.

"Like I said, I was raised not feeling or showing emotions," he said.

Wow, so he was not loved nor was able to embrace the emotion of love. No wonder why Lord Angus is how he is. "But you know anger because of what Lord Thornes did," I questioned him even though I knew the answer. "Just because you weren't raised with emotions does not mean you can't start now. Sure you know anger, but is being angry the way you want to live your life? Don't you want to know the feeling of love, being loved, finding love? Surely you want to be happy, right?"

"My grandfather was the one raised me and taught me the way we are supposed to act. Love is a weakness, happiness is a weakness, emotions get in the way thus should always be shoved down," this time Lord Angus stopped and looked at me.

As I looked at him, I could see a hint of sadness and this time, I actually felt a bit sorry for him. "Don't you want to be loved though? Find that special someone and one day have a family of your own?"

"Love never lasts, surely you would know," he hinted at my family who are now dead.

"That is where you are wrong Lord Angus and there is something we can connect to. My family was murdered and so was yours. Yes, my family loved me just as much as I loved them. Yes, they are not here but that does not take away the love we have. I will always love my family regardless of them being here or not. It is not something that just vanishes or stops."

"Tell me, how was your family murdered?" Lord Angus asked.

I gave a big sigh, the million dollar question that I still have no answer for. "I don't know..." I looked down.

"If you did know, wouldn't you want revenge? To kill whoever was responsible for murdering your family?"

Damn...he did have a good point. "I could lie to tell you no, but even I can't lie about it. Yes, I would end the person or whoever it was behind that attack but it is just more than just my parents. They were after me and they were just in the wrong place. The prophecy is what really started it. Lord Angus, may I ask, why was your father murdered?"

"For taking the lives away from the humans, snacking on them. When he was to turn himself in, he didn't. Authorities were killed by him for trying to arrest him. Eventually he was brought in when he was outnumbered and was sentenced to death," he answered.

"That's the difference," I whispered.

"What is?" Lord Angus asked me sincerely.

"Your father broke the law and murdered not just humans but also his own kind, my family were innocents and yet were murdered because of what I am," I answered.

"Though you say you agree with how vampires should live and not abide by the laws," Lord Angus questioned me, watching me closely.

Fuck, I can't let my cover blow. "I did, and I still do. But, it was himself that caused the murdered. It was not because of you or Lord Thornes. His actions led to his own death."

"That's not what my grandfather says," he said and this time I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"And what does this Lord Almighty Delaney say about it? Enlighten me," I said sarcastically.

"I was still young when my father was murdered, I was about fourteen when it happened. My father was yelling at me because I accidentally dropped his glass cup that was filled with blood. I was sure he was going to beat me as he usually would when I slip up. That was when authorities came in right before I was going to get hit and captured him. I didn't do anything as I was frightened by my father who was about to beat my head in as he has done before. Since I didn't even remotely try to help, I got beat up by my grandfather and he said I was at fault for the death of my father," he finished explaining and I could see a tear about to fall off.

Yeah, I definitely feel sorry for him now. His life was just horrid and what he has been through was devastating. No wonder he is how he is, he was abused his whole life. "I'm sorry," I said and without thinking, I gave him a hug. "It was not your fault for what happened and I don't care who says otherwise. You were just a child who was abused, it was never your fault."

It was quiet for awhile. I took a glance at his face and I could now see a young adult with an inner child within him. I could see tears starting to spill out and all I could do was hug him and patted his back. This may be the first time since that incident that he has felt emotions. No one should have to go through what he did. Now I can perfectly see how he is and the reason for it.

We finally broke off and proceeded to walk me to the room where I am to meet Drake. Maybe if I can get through Angus, he can join us and taking down his grandfather and then perhaps he will be free of the abuse. Maybe even turn to a new leaf.

As Lord Angus dropped me off he turned around to go get Drake. Before he left the room, he turned around and said, "Thank you, Lilith," then left the room to go get him.

What felt like ten minutes, the door opened and in came Drake and Lord Angus. I felt my heart beat fast when I saw him. He was a bit bruised up but nothing too serious. When Drake saw me, he lifted a small smile.

"Lord Angus, would it be alright if I could speak to Drake alone?" I was hoping he would say yes.

To my shock he replied with, "Normally I wouldn't allow this but for you, sure. I'll be outside if you need me," he nodded and left the room.

"Wow, was he just being nice to you?" Drake asked with a shocked tone.

"Long story, and what do you has happened?" I asked him so I know where to start.

"Lord Angus was the butler and his grandfather was the actual leader who trapped us in the portal and came here. Guessing now he wants us killed but since I am talking to you, that I don't know," he answered.

Wow, he knew most of it, and yet seemed calmed. "Right, also I am acting like I am on their side and that we are joining together to kill your father," I saw Drake's eyes bulge out, "relax, I am only pretending. They agreed and said if you join the cause they will spare you," I said hesitant to leave out a bit of info.

"I'm guessing there was a but," Drake stated with a fact.

"Lord Delaney said he can fully trust me is if I murder our friends and ally myself to kill your father and to make sure no SIA agents come back and bother them so they can live their lives in draining humans," I said.

"So what is the plan exactly?" he said.

"First I am going to see if we can get Angus on our side. Long story short, he said something and he was raised in a way that no one should ever experience. Also," I took out the note I wrote down and handed it to him, "this is the other part of the plan," I said.

Drake opened up the note and read through it and questioned, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, and you make sure this goes exactly how it goes," I told him. "This would be our best shot," I told him.

"Best shot at exactly what?" Lord Angus walked in glaring at us.

"Lord Angus, I thought you said I could speak to Drake in private," I said innocently.

"I did, until I saw you hand him a note. Now give it," he demanded.

Well shit. Drake looked at me and I nodded. He put the note in Angus's palm and with a sneer, Lord Angus read the note.

"I knew it, you were never going to join!" Lord Angus said.

I jumped out of my chair ready to call on fire until Lord Angus put his hands up.

"I want to join you guys," he said.

"Excuse me?" I said and put my hands back down. "What did you just say?"

"I want to join you guys. I don't want to be apart of this. I never wanted to be in this!" He waved his arms everywhere, pointing out the mess that has been going on.

"How do I know I could trust you?" I crossed my arms.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I want to feel. What you said, it got through to me. I realize the errors in my way, I don't want to be apart of this no more. I want to feel happy, love, joy, not this anger, sadness, hatred, that controls me.

"And what about Lord Thornes?" I said.

"I don't want him dead. In fact, when he came in power, everything was peaceful...minus the rogues of course. I actually liked how things were but it was my grandfather who said otherwise. I will even turn myself in after this is all over and face whatever consequence there is," he said with confidence.

"Have you ever killed an innocent?" I asked him.

"I never killed anyone at all, it was only my grandfather and whoever told to kill someone," he said with truth.

"Drake, what do you think about this?"

Drake watched Angus carefully, watched everybody move and gesture he made. After thinking about it for a few moments, he has reached an answer. "I believe we can trust him," he nodded.

"Welcome to the team Lord Angus," I extended my arm out.

Lord Angus took my hand and shook it, "I am not Lord Angus, just call me Angus," he smiled.

"Are you not the Lord?" I questioned.

"No, my grandfather has been the real lord this whole time," he responded.

"Speaking of, where are we anyways?" I wondered.

"Australia," he answered.

"Holy shit," I said with full shocked which Drake snickered at.

"Well his grandfather is the Lord of Australia," Drake shrugged.

"Guess that explains the accents here, how did you manage to get me here anyhow?" I asked Angus.

When I asked him, his face showed that he felt ashamed, "My grandfather has a fae that helps him out, so he got the fae to teleport us back to Australia after I knocked you out. The fae was always with us even when I was disguised as the butler," he answered. "I really am sorry about that, Lilith Moonlight," he looked down.

I could see it in his eyes that he really meant the apology, "I forgive you Angus. Plus you are wanting to be better, so we are willing to give you that chance."

"So, what is the plan now exactly since we gained a new member?" Drake asked me.

"We continue with the original plan. Now that we have Angus, things are starting to look better now." Knowing Angus was a bit puzzled, I filled him in fully on the plan.

"I do see a bit of an issue," Angus said.

"Which is?" I wanted him to continue.

"My grandfather knows about your affinity with fire, in case you betray him, he will have his men wear armor. Though it is not fully fireproof, it will deflect more damage from it.

"Would you possibly know where my weapons are kept?" I asked Angus.

He nodded, "Of course. Once Drake goes back to the cell, I will take you to retrieve them."

"You wouldn't know anyone else that wants a change of heart, would you?" Drake directed his question to Angus.

"Possibly, I may know some were forced into this without choice. I may be able to convince them to join us. But we must be discreet," Angus said.

I thought for a moment, then an idea hit me, "I got it. Do you at least know one person?" Angus nodded so I continued, "Write down on a piece of paper about joining us and than have that person give it to someone who may want to join us and so on. It won't have a trace back and we will get more allies."

Angus nodded with my idea and took out a notepad and pencil then scribbled down what I told him. Once I looked at the note to make sure it was good, I gave him my approval.

After our plan was finished, Angus guided Drake back to his cell so that he can let the others know what was going on. I couldn't believe how well my plan is actually going. I could actually have a chance and beat Lord Delaney after all. Even better, Angus joined us. Tonight will be the battle and now I have to get prepared for it. Angus already mentioned that on his way back he is going to drop off the note to someone he knows that will join our cause and stand up for what is right. I have no idea what to expect nor do I have an idea how many would actually join us and help us take down Lord Delaney. Now I just hope my plan will actually work, otherwise we are screwed.

Angus finally came back and informed me that he had given the note to his trusty source.

"Now to get your weapon, we will need to be fast. Lord Delaney will want to be informed soon and hates being delayed," Angus stated.

"We should hurry than. We can not give him any doubt whatsoever. How far is this room?" I asked him.

"Near his chambers, it is in the weaponry room, if we hurry, we should be just fine," Angus said.

We quickly left the conference room and followed Angus to where the weapons room was. As we stopped in front of a room which held a passkey, Angus looked around his surroundings before rapidly putting in his card. A green light lit and we quickly went inside the room and closed the door. I looked around the room and saw different sorts of weapons such as; swords, axes, daggers, throwing knives, etc... None of them were mine though.

"Lilith, over here," Angus waved his hand for me to come to him. Angus opened up a safe and inside was my specialty dagger. "I believe this is yours."

I nodded at him with a smile. I picked up my dagger and tuck it within my boot where it rightfully belonged. "Thank you," I said.

"Now we need to get back to Lord Delaney and report back before he sends out someone to look for us," Angus stated.

We left the arms room and looked at our surroundings. Luckily, there was no one around us. Angus and I headed back to Lord Delaney to inform him. I was surprised no trouble came at all and actually started to feel good about this plan.

As we made it to Lord Delaney chambers, we walked in to see him sitting on his throne exactly how I saw him last.

"Ah, Angus, I assume everything went well?" Lord Delaney directed his question to Angus.

"Yes, Lord Delaney," he nodded.

"And the boy?" This time Lord Delaney directed the question to me.

"As soon as I explained to Drake about the situation and the reasoning why behind it, he easily agreed to it. He also wants to live as how vampires should have always lived," I answered.

"Good, because tonight is when everything starts coming together and we finally get what we want. Once you kill off your friends, we kill end Lord Lazarus Thornes, once and for all," Lord Delaney gave an evil smile showing off his sharp teeth.

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