Florida Kilos

By negreaux_dada

97.4K 3.4K 317

Marina is a single mother struggling to get by from day to day. Losing her job was another thing to add to he... More

Kinda Outta Luck
Damn You
Big Bad Wolf
You Can Be The Boss
Put The Radio On
Ghetto Baby
Cruel World
Dark Paradise
Million Dollar Man
My Best Days
My Best Days Cont.
Playing Dangerous
Last Girl On Earth
Be My Daddy
Black Beauty
Live Or Die
Live Or Die pt. 2
Gods and Monsters
Hit and Run
Without You
Off To The Races
Off To The Races pt. 2
Lust For Life
Lust For Life pt.2
Honeymoon Pt. 2

The Other Woman

3.1K 115 37
By negreaux_dada

I drove to Rich and Mary's house to drop off Amalita. Ama was in her carseat playing with Daisy," Mommy?" I peeped at her in the rearview mirror," Yeah baby?"
"Is Tony your boyfriend?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head," No he's just a friend." "Aawwwe." I raised my eyebrow," Why the long face?" I glanced at her and her mouth was pouted," Cause I want him to be my daddy."

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say to her. I continued to pay attention to the road. Once we made it, Ama hopped out of her seat and out the car. I got out of the car as well and we both walked up to the front door. Ama knocked and waited for someone to answer. Rich opened up the door and greeted us. He gave me and Ama a hug," Mary's in the kitchen Ama. She's waiting for ya." Ama ran to the kitchen as Rich and I went to the living room.

"So you are sleeping with him?" I furrowed my brows at Rich. He had his arms crossed and was standing above me," No! no, he just wants to help me." Rich shook his head," No man just wants to 'help' a woman without getting something out of it Marina." I rolled my eyes and stood up from the couch," I don't need your judgement Richard. I didn't ask for his help–" "Then decline it!" "I did!! He won't take no for an answer." 

Rich rubbed his head," So you're cool with being the other woman?" I scrunched up my nose," Who ever said I was the other woman." Rich twisted his mouth up," Don't play dumb Marina–You're smarter than that," He threw up his hands and huffed," Hell–You're smarter than this!"

"Listen, he's keeping me and Ama from being on the street–" "Mary and I already told you you can stay with us!"
"You've guys already helped enough."
Rich shook his head," So you'd rather take help from a complete stranger than your own friends?"
I sighed," That's not what I'm saying Rich–"

"Then what!?" Rich was close to my face. Too close. I backed away from him and I grabbed my purse from the coffee table," I don't have to explain myself to you or anyone. If you don't like what I'm doing then don't speak to me," I opened the front door," Go talk to those fake ass bitches at work." With that I shut the door and stormed off to my car.

When I arrived at the mansion, I put on my uniform and began my duties. I was getting the hang of a routine at the mansion. It didn't take me long to clean a room, most of them were rarely ever used," Marina," I turned to the face that spoke to me;It was one of Tony's men, the one with the mustache,"Tony wants to see you in his office."

I set my stuff down and followed the man up the stairs. When we made it to the office, he opened the door for me and I went in. Tony was the only one in there this time," Yes Tony?" He was sitting at his desk but got up when I came in," Spend the day with me." I stayed still not knowing what to say," Did ju hear me?"

Tony made his way closer to me, cinching the gap between us. He grasped my hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb," Marina?"
I continued to look down until he held my head up with his other hand. I moved my head away from his touch,"Tony stop." I pulled my hand away from his and backed away," I can't keep doing this. I'm not setting a good example for my daughter. Thank you for the money, but we're good."

I walked out of the office and back down to the den. Finishing my duties in that room and moving onto the other rooms of the house. I avoided Tony at all costs, it was already bad enough that everyone was gossiping. 

Once I finished my work. I changed my clothes and got out of the mansion. I drove to Mary and Rich's house like usual. Mary opened the door and Ama was right behind her. She ran into my arms and I picked her up," Ama ask her about what we talked about earlier." Mary stated as we walked further into the house.

Ama got really excited squirming in my arms," Mommy can I have a sleepover with Mary!?Please!" I put my index finger on my chin tapping it," Hmmmm. I don't knooo–" "Pleeeaasse." I gave her a big smile," Of course you can sweetheart."
"Yaaay!!" She wrapped her little arms around my neck and squeezed me tight.

I stayed there for a while until I heard Rich come in. He entered into the kitchen. He went over to kiss Mary on the lips and gave Ama a hug. I immediately grabbed my things and got up from the kitchen table," I'll see you tomorrow Mary," I went over to Ama and gave her kiss on the head and her cheek," Bye mommy." "Bye baby."

I walked out of the kitchen and out of the house. I got into my car and drove to the hotel. When I got in, I set my stuff down in the lounge chair and took off my shoes. I stripped from my clothes and put on a loose button up shirt instead. It was a satin material and felt so nice against my body.

I laid down on the bed, I grabbed the room phone and dialed the room service number," Hi can I get a salad and spaghetti please. Thank you." I hung up the phone and continued to rest on the bed. 

Suddenly I heard a knock," That was quick." I shot up from the bed and went to the door. I opened it, but it wasn't who I expected. I shut the door, but it didn't close. His foot was lodged between the door and the frame," Go away." "I just want to talk–" I rolled my eyes," About what?"
"Ju and me." I glanced at him, he was making that sad puppy face," There is no you and me, Tony."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a red velvet box," A present for ju–and there's more where that came from." He tried to hand me the box through the cracked door but I pushed it away," I don't want more. I want you to go away." He put the box back into his pocket," Okay I'll go–After we talk."

He stared at me, not budging at all. I sighed as I opened the door completely. I quickly walked away and sat on the bed. He shut the door and walked to where I was; sitting close beside me," What do you want?" He gazed at me with those dark eyes," I want ju." "You are with Mrs. Montana. You're suppose to be with Elvira not me."

He shook his head,"Me and Elvira–is nothing–it's over. Jou're the woman I've been searching for." He grabbed my hand,"Chu are kind, loving, a beautiful mother–" He started to place kisses on my hand, but I pulled it away,"You're still married Tony. I-I can't—"

Abruptly, he lifted his left hand and exposed his fingers. He ripped the wedding band from his left finger and tossed it across the room," Not anymore okay?" I still sat there," I'm still the other woman Tony."
He shook his head again," Jou're not. Ju the only woman. The only woman I want."

I looked at his now bare left hand. Maybe he was telling the truth. Not even Caesar was this persistent when trying to get with me," Let me take care of ju pussycat."

He grabbed my hand once again. I exhaled the deep breath I was holding in. Words wouldn't form out of my mouth so I nodded my head. He got up from the bed and kissed my cheek. He grasped my hand and pulled me up from the bed as well," Get dressed and get yo things–I told ju yesterday was jour last day here."

I followed his directions, I put on my pants from earlier today and tucked my shirt into them. I put on my shoes and grabbed me and Ama's bags from the closet. Tony grabbed my purse for me and the hotel key," Wait–I have room service coming." Tony swatted his hand," I'll get you something better."

He opened the door for me and we left the room. We left out of the hotel and to the parking lot. The tall latino man with the mustache stepped out of the driver's seat of a very fancy car," Ernie, ju take her car and her things to the house I told ju about," Tony glanced down at his Rolex watch," We'll be back in a couple of hours–okay?" "Yes sir Tony." He grabbed my things for me and placed them in my car," Thank you." I gave him a small smile and he returned the gesture.

Tony walked over to the driver's seat of the fancy car," Get in." I opened the passenger door and sat down in the seat," What are we doing?" He glanced at me and smiled," I'm going to turn ju into the queen that ju are."
He shifted the gears and pulled out of the parking lot. Speeding off to God known's where.

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