NOSEBLEED • rewrite


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REWRITE When the world goes to shit, its brings the most unexpected groups of people together What happens wh... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter One

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The beginning

"Do we really have to the rain?,"

"Its a bit late now don't you think?" Rina snaps back so quickly Im afraid to make any quick movements or she will whip around and bite my head off, or something just as violent

I shrug and keep trailing behind her while pulling my burgundy blazer tighter to my chest in a weak attempt to keep my shirt from soaking and becoming see through, that's the last thing I need today

"You was the one who dragged me out of the house in this weather and now you're the one who's mad." I cuss at her under my breath, shaking my head in her direction causing her small lips to form a guilty smile, any shred of anger disappearing into thin air. How can I stay mad at her when she's pulls these cute expressions?. She knows what she's doing and it's working, she just knows how to press my buttons and then act like she's the innocent one in all of this

"I thought it was just a little sprinkle." She laughs, also pulling her jacket closer but lucky for her, she was smart enough to come prepared with her thick winter jacket and god awful, bright pink wool hat she wears everywhere without fail

But at least one of us wont be getting sick

"It's been raining since 2 am." I scoff, she raises an eyebrow at me while crossing her arms like a mother would do while scolding a child. My eyes grow slightly wide as I realise what I just said, I already know whats about to come out of her tiny yet overly massive mouth

"Why were you awake at that time hm?" she nudges me while wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manor "Was there a certain boy involved with that reason beginning with J perhaps?"

She wiggles her brows as she elbows me light and I cant help but blush, the redness creeping from my neck to my ears and cheeks too quickly for me to even play it off as the cold air getting to my face.The nights events replay in my mind, not really helping my situation. I didn't realise I had completely zoned out until the blonde haired girl waves her small hand in front of my face multiple times

"Earth to Hana," she chimes while giddily skipping beside me, her mood making a whole 180 at the mention of Jackson "So, is it official yet?" she practically sings, her finger tips dancing in her perfectly curled hair

She looks like a giddy school girl gossiping about boys for the first time when its actually the twentieth time she's mentioned the boys name in the last two days

I cant help but roll my eyes at the smaller girl, a small smile gracing my features as she huffs out a breath, clearly understanding that I don't quite know the answer to that either. Jackson and I have a weird relationship, it's the weird in between of being best friends and being a little more. It doesn't really matter to me anyway, I will always be his friend even if the feelings aren't reciprocated

"You haven't confessed your undying love yet have you?"

I scoff loudly and flick Rina on the forehead "Must you be so dramatic, we are just friends and it will most likely stay that way." I reply, putting emphasis on the important words

her smile falters slightly making me feel a little guilty for shooting her ship down, shes always rooted for us to be together since we were 13 but she needs to accept that that ship may not leave the docks for another good few years

"Well if you're not together by time you are 30, I will marry you myself." she chimes hooking her arm with mine and pulling me towards the school while ignoring my comments about how id never marry her even if my life depended on it

As soon as we reach the school gates we spot Lisa, Seungmin and Jongin waiting around, my heart sinks a little when Jackson is nowhere to be seen. Jongin breaks me out of my trance by motioning to my shirt with a greasy smirk slowly appearing on his face

"See through is a good look on you." he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively making me look down, my lips parting when I see that my white shirt has become almost sheer, exposing my pink bra to everyone. Great.

"Yah! you pervert." I yell while slapping his arm repeatedly, trying my best to cover up my chest with my blazer. Jongin laughs loudly and throws his hands up in defence, he manages to dodge a few of my hits, slipping away from as soon as he sees the opportunity. I'll get him next time

Without realising it I had started to shiver, my nose burning it's so cold out, I hug my jacket to myself and begin to trail behind behind Jongin. I really wish I brought--

Before I can finish my thought a sudden sense of warmth wraps around me, I sigh deeply before turning my head to the side to see Jackson wrapping his coat around me with a bright smile adorning his features. I'm past the point of blushing and getting butterflies whenever he's around, his presence brings me peace, like I can finally relax which isn't something that comes so easily to me

"You really need to start wrapping up" He chuckles, brushing his soaked brown hair off of his forehead

"I need too yeah, but will I?" I reply, raising an eyebrow

"Of course you won't"

"You know me too well" I laugh, he just shrugs and gives a smirk, his cocky side coming out for a split second but it's gone just as fast as it appeared

"Yah! We're already late as it is!" Lisa Chimes while swinging the large doors open. My eyebrows almost jump into my hairline, Jackson and I sharing a look

"Since when do you care about being late?" I furrow my eyes brows at her, she just laughs at our expressions

"Since I joined the dance squad" she almost whispers before pressing her lips into a thin line. She's been trying to get on the dance squad for years, she's always been amazing but the school has very high standards

"Oh my god," I gasp as my lips form a large smile "I'm so happy for you"

"Me too" Jackson adds, his smile mirroring mine

Lisa begins talking about the upcoming competition and how it's the most stressful thing, the glimmer in her eye making it hard for me to keep the smile off of my face. We finally reach our first class, everyone had already taken their seats making it 10x more awkward when we walk into the deadly silent room

I look to the board, crossing my fingers and toes, hoping that I'm not on the detention list since this is the third time I've been late this week and it's only Thursday

But of course, My name, along with a few others including my friends, is written in big bold white letters. I sigh deeply before slumping down into my seat, pushing my bag under the desk and cuddling more into Jackson's jacket. I completely zone out when Mrs Yeon starts lecturing us, I really don't have the energy to listen to her drone on. I should have stayed home or went to sleep a lot sooner then 4 am, 2 hours of sleep isn't going to get me through the day

But I'll survive, hopefully


As soon as I take a seat at our usual lunch table my head hits the table, a long yawn escaping my mouth. I think I may have slept in all of my lessons, Seungmin ,being the sweetheart he is, woke me up every time with his sickeningly sweet smile

The rest of them just left me to sleep, finding it hilarious that I can't stay awake for longer then 20 minutes

"So do you think it's real?"

These words make my ears perk up, my head rising slowly to face Seungmin who's looks as serious as ever. I sigh deeply, knowing full well what conversation they are about to have. I rest my cheek on my hand, ready to shoot down their theories about the so called apocalypse

"The apocalypse?" Rina states, her face set into a serious deep frown. She's genuinely scared we are all going to die, everyone is, it's all the students have been speaking about for days. I can't say I haven't dreamt of it happening because of all the movies and shows I've watched

Ever since the That video of the "corpse eating the man" went viral, everyone, even the news, has been going on about our pending doom

It's concerning how gullible our generation is

"Yeah, they were showing more videos on the news this morning" Jongin joins in while shoving his lunch into his mouth, seeming just as unbothered by the conversation as I am. But he still believes it, obviously

"My dad turned it off but I managed to hear about the illness and biting shit going on," Jackson starts making everyone the their head towards him "it's spreading and there's more and more videos coming out....I think we should be worried"

I unconsciously roll my eyes before sighing "has the government made any comments?" I ask, knowing full well the answer will be no

"No not yet, but they obviously don't want to worry everyone," Seungmin says, I watch as his face slightly scrunches while he pushes his food tray away from him "and they won't, just think about it, if they release a statement then the whole country will go insane" he starts speaking really fast making Lisa rub his back a little

He's such an over thinker, a worrier, but he does make a whole lot of sense. But it's going to take more then a few bad videos to convince me

"He does have a point," Jackson nods his head in Seungmins direction in reassurance but there's something else on his mind "but I don't know what to believe, I'm leaning more towards the world is going to shit but there's no solid evidence"

"Thank god someone with a bit of sense" I sight under my breath, earning a flick to the forehead, curtesy of a stressed looking Rina. I rub the spot while glaring at the girl

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see" Lisa states, her eyes never leaving the juice box in front of her. Jongin laughs a little before taking the juice box and sipping on it

"I don't want to wait and see, I want to be prep--" before he can finish the sentence he's cut off by the cafeteria bursting into whispers. I turn my head towards the doors to see, as expected, the popular guys

How cliché

'The popular bad boys with a reputation that all the girls and some guys instantly fall In love with and the quiet girl with an attitude not wanting anything to do with them'

I pretty much live in that universe, the only difference being that I don't plan on running into them and falling hopelessly in love with one, or a few. I'll be keeping my distance until graduation thank you very much

"well, at least the apocalypse will save us from this hell"

we all chuckle and shake our heads at Jackson's statement


"no talking please" Mrs Yeon calls, I give a quick nod before turning back to face the front, making eye contact with everyone in the room, my eyes lingering on Jackson as he grins goofily at Lisa, I watch as they talk quietly with a small smile

I used to be jealous of their relationship but they have both made it clear that they don't like each other like that, they just get along well due to having the same personality. Both of them being loud and dramatic, I honestly have no idea how we all became friends

My thoughts are broken by loud voices coming from outside then class, the room falls silent as all our heads turn towards the door. Mrs Yeon lets out a loud sigh and pushes herself out of my her chair, making long strides towards the floor while muttering curses thinking no one can hear her. She straightens herself up before swinging the door open

"In here, all of you" she says so coldly it makes me doubt if she's actually a human being or a robot, that woman has always been void of emotion and I don't understand how she even became a teacher in the first place

To no surprise the gang of popular boys come strolling in, I think they call themselves some sort of name but I don't know it, I don't care enough to ask either. They take their seats scattered around the room while still having their loud conversation, the chair beside me scrapes across the floor making me slightly jump, I turn my head to the side to see a pale boy with black hair that nearly covers his eyes

He gives an awkward, tight lipped smile before plonking himself down and resting his head on the table, closing his eyes softly. He lets out a small content sigh

Looks like I'm not the only one planning to sleep through the whole hour

"Quiet please"

Everyone finally stops talking, only a few quiet whispers fill the air. Ten minutes pass by and I haven't managed to actually sleep yet, mainly because the guy beside me will be way to close if I rest my head on the table and I can't sleep sitting up, I don't understand how anyone can

"I must be going, stay here" Mrs Yeon says In a rushed manor, springing to her feet quicker then lightning. Her eyebrows furrow deeply as she swings her coat over her shoulders, Lisa asks her what's wrong but she just holds her hand up to silence the girl

Before anyone can say anything she runs out the door without a single word leaving us alone without any anyone to watch over us. I glance around to see no one, not even Rina who loves being in peoples business, caring about what just happened. Does no one think that was weird? Teachers don't just leave like that for no reason

Being the curious girl I am, I climb to my feet and make my way over to the window. I lean against the edge and glance around the teachers parking lot, Mrs Yeon sprints out of the door and jumps into her car so fast she managed to drop her folders all over the floor

The weird thing being that she didn't even bother to pick them up

My ears perk up when a faint scream echoes through the building, I jump a little and look behind me, no one else seemed to have noticed the noise. I shake my head, thinking I'm just imagining things

That is until another one rings out, this time it's louder. My head whips back around to the window where I see a girl running as if she's being chased by a crazed axe murderer. There's tears streaming down her face, I look closer to see there's blood covering her white shirt

She stumbles a little while looking behind her causing my eyes to automatically follow her line of sight

I rub my eyes to make sure I'm seeing these things, real things, not just figments of my imagination.

Chasing her is a group of fast but still oddly slow people, blood covering their faces and clothes. I squint and lean forward, making sure to get a good view of what's going on. As if it's a horror movie, the girl falls flat on her stomach yet she still tries to drag herself across the cement away from the people.

"He...uhm Guys..I think you should see this" I say yet no one seems to notice, I lean forward a little more as if it's going to make my eyesight any better. The people have now caught up to the girl, all of them crouched over

A string of screams leave her mouth as she tried to kick them off, I watch as one of them clamps their teeth onto the girls arm. What the hell is wrong with these people?

The Male pulls away, blood spurting from the girls arm, her blood also streaming down his extremely pale chin

It's just like those videos on the internet, the ones I thought was fake...yet here I am, seeing it with my own eyes

Maybe, just maybe, the 'illness and infection' is in fact as real as it gets

"hey, i think you need to see this!"



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