We're Brothers (Justin Bieber...

By dawinabieber

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This story is inspired from Step Brothers and Evil Bieb Vs Mama's Boy in JBFF&JBFF+ I just love their stories... More

We're Brothers (Justin Bieber and Jason Mccan)
New Brother
Best Friend?
Asthma & Homeless Guy?
The Tour
Human Nature
Change of Heart
Care and Carnival
I need Dad
Introduce to the world.
Justin's Pain
School and Bullies
You don't know shit!
I love you
I'm Sorry
Remember Me
Don't Come Out
Belongs To Me
Secret Revealed
Not Your Fault
We're Brothers (The End)
New Story
New Story!

It's On!

963 36 12
By dawinabieber

Jason POV

I watch my brother as he look at me in horror. I gave him my glare as my eyes water, waiting to fall down my cheek. “Well?” I ask impatient. He looks down at his hands and sniffles. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said above whisper. I clench my jaw. “Don’t fucking lie to me Justin Drew! I know everything. They told me what happen. Now, just fucking tell me what that asshole did to you this time?”. “It’s nothing Jason. Just forget about it.” He said. I scoff as I make my way to him. “No! I didn’t want to push you about this before but after what I had heard, I’m not going to stop until you tell me!” I hiss.

Justin looks up at me with tears falling down his face. “Just ..just pretend that it was just a lie. That you didn’t hear that stupid side of me.” He said pleading. I look at him disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” I growl and he flinch at that. “What are you asking me Justin? You think I’m stupid? I’m not going to fucking ignore what I had heard. You almost kill yourself forgot sake!” I yell. His eyes went wide. “Don’t scream! Mom might hear it!” he yell back standing up from his bed now.

“Let her! Let her know. She deserve to know. You shouldn’t have keep all this from her. You know what, I’m going to tell her now.” I yell as I make my way to the door. Seconds later, I felt a hand wrap around my right leg. I stop instantly and look down at my leg to see my twin holding it while looking up at me with tears running down his face. It broke my heart. Literally broke my heart. I’ve seen Justin break down a lot but this tim it actually hurts me deeply to see my brother like this. “Ja..jason ple..please..please don’t tell her.” He beg and sob.

I look up and frown. “Let go!” I said with no emotion in my voice but my heart was breaking to pieces seeing my brother like this, a few months ago, I wouldn’t care but now, he means a lot to me. He’s my brother, my family.

“Please Jason .. please .. it would..would break her heart.. I don’t want to do that..please..” he sob harder and begin to cough violently as he let go of my leg to hold his chest. I quickly rush to his bedside to look for his inhaler and once I found it, I rush to his side and hand the inhaler, he inhale the a few time. I rub his back softly to calm him down. Once he finally calm down, he stare at the door with blank face. I sigh as I seat on the floor in front of him and stare at my twin. “I won’t tell her.” I said softly. His head snap at me waiting for me to continue. “I won’t tell her if you tell me what happen. The whole thing.” I said sternly. He sigh as he close his eyes and take a breath. He nod slowly opening his eyes.

“He just burn my lyrics book. That’s all.” he said tiredly. I frown. “You mean that book that you always bring with you?” I ask as I remember the book that Justin always brought with him and he always writes something in it but I never ask him what he wrote, all I remember that Mom once told me that no one ever touches that book other than Justin. It’s like his diary or something. Mom also told me that the book was very important to Justin. There’s one night that I saw Justin seat on the balcony writing on that book while crying but that time I thought he was just being his pussy self. I didn’t care about him that time. He nod weakly. “What do you mean he burns it?” I ask confuse.

Justin send me a glare. “It means he freaking burns it Jason. He steps on it like a piece of shit and finally burns it while everyone cheer for it like it was some damn amazing thing to do. Ignoring my pleading. I beg him to stop hoping anyone, anyone that was there to at least feel bad and help me but no one, no one said anything but cheer about it!” he said as angry tears run down his cheek. He wipes it away harshly “You know how I felt? I felt like a piece of trash just like my book that he burns. No one give a damn about how I felt. They just want to laugh at me and take me as a joke. It hurts Jason, it fucking hurts and I don’t even know how did I manage to deal with all these for so many years. You know what the pathetic part is?” he ask as more tears falls.

“That I .. I don’t even know what I ever did for them to hate me. For them to make my life a living hell. I didn’t ask to be born, I didn’t ask for dad to leaves us, I didn’t as to be poor, I didn’t ask for all that but somehow I’ve been punish for it.” He said and pause for a moment to catch a breath.

“How do you expect me to cope with all this Jason? Someone sneaks in to my room to maybe kill me or something few days a go. I almost got rape a few weeks ago, my nightmares doesn’t seems to ever leave me alone since I was 6. The media never stops making out shit about me. I’m tired. I’m tired trying to be happy all the time. Mom said be nice, be nice to people no matter how they treat you, no matter how they hurt you, no matter how unfair the world is being to you but look what I got in return Jason?” he said as he look at me in the eyes like he was asking for answer.

He sigh as he look down in defeat. “I don’t even know anymore Jase. Sometimes I do hope that they don’t show up that day. So, I won’t have to live in this cruel world today.” He said and I look at him in shock at what he has just said. Tears falls down my cheek.

“What do you mean by that Jay?” I ask in shock. “I wish I died that day.” He said and that’s when I lost it. I slap him across the face making him hold his cheek as he looks at me wide eyes. I glare at him. “Is that what you wish for? Wow. Have you ever thought about mom? You won’t tell her about the bullying, the self-harming, the day you almost killed yourself because you don’t want to hurt her. What do you think she will felt if you did die that day huh? Don’t you think she will blame herself for not being a good mother? For not knowing that his only son is hurting. Don’t you think she will hurt so badly? Have you ever thought that she will be alone because you decide to be selfish and left her? Have you?!” I yell. He didn’t answer me as he just let out sniffles but didn’t look up at me.

“Answer me!” I yell again. He snap his head to look at me with tears rapidly runs down his cheek. “I’m ..i’m..i’m …” he tried to speak but he couldn’t spilled it out. He quickly inhale the inhaler as he struggle to breath. I frown as I pull him in to a hug. I hug him tightly as he sob in to my chest. “I know your hurting Justin. I will never knew what you went through but taking your life is not the answer. Have you ever heard that life’s gets harder when we grow older? And what kills you make you stronger?” I ask softly rubbing his back. I felt him nod. “Yeah? All this will make you stronger Justin. It may hurt now but you have a big heart bro, don’t let the world change that.” I said soothingly.

He nod again and pull away slowly from me. I gave him a smile but soon turns serious. “I’m going to fucking teach that asshole. You’ll see.” I growl. “Jason please don’t. I’m fine now okay. Just forget about it.” Justin plead as his voice crack due to all the crying. “Nope. I warn him too many times already and he just fucking ignore it.” I hissed. “But jase..” I glare at Justin before he could finish. “Don’t try to stop me. I let him go so many times already. He fucking messes with you when I clearly fucking told him to stop, he sends you to the hospital for I don’t know how many times and now he’s gone too far. No! I will make him pay for this Justin. You just keep quiet and see what happens.” I warn him as he just look at me in defeat knowing he can’t say anything to change my mind anymore.


Justin POV

I sigh as I close my locker. I finally decided to come to school and Jason was always with me and he promised to. I don’t mind going to school but the people just makes me hate being here. “Justin!” someone shouts my name making me turn around searching for the voice. My three best friends runs towards us. They do their handshake with Jason but I just look anywhere else. “Umm Justin?” Ryan said as I look at him and glare. He sigh and look at me looking guilty. “I know you’re mad at me Jay but I had to tell Jason. You were making us worried, when Jason said that you mention about killing yourself. I just got scared.” He said softly. He looks anywhere else but me. Chaz and Christian just look at me with pleading eyes. Jason frown at us. I sigh again. “I’m not mad.. let’s just forget about it.” I said and walk away to my class leaving them behind. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I just felt so down and I just don’t feel like talking to anyone.

“Yo Bieber!” someone yelled my name and I froze at that voice. Oh god. Why can’t they let me be in peace? Seconds later they came near me and let out a chuckle. “Haven’t seen you around these few days. We kinda miss you, you know?” He said amuse. “Just leave me alone Drake.” I said just above whisper. He laugh as his crew join him. “Well, I don’t want to. It’s fun messing with you. And why would I wanna stop when it brings entertainment to everyone here.” He said again.

I clench my fist. “I’m not a dummy that you could use as an entertainment.” I snap and soon as I did that, I regret instantly seeing his eyes colour went darker. “You got a lot of nerve today huh Bieber? Well, why don’t we take this somewhere else?” he smirk as he motion his crew with his hands. They rush to me as they hold both of my hands and my legs. I struggle to get out of their grip. But their too strong. 4 against 1. “Let go!” I scream catching everyone’s attention and as always, they just ignored and look amused by what’s happening.

Drake laugh loudly with his crew and the entire students in that hallway. I close my eyes try to calm myself. God. Why do they hate me so much? “Fucking let him go now!” a voice growl loudly making me flinch. I know that voice. I open my eyes slowly to see Jason at the end of the hallway looking pissed than ever. My three best friends just look at him in shock as they stood behind him. “Just let him go Drake.” Ryan said now clenching his jaw. Drake look at them amuse. “You think I’m scared of you bunch of Gaylord?” he said making the others laugh and I don’t even know what’s funny. “You want to?” Jason said with venom in his voice. I gulp. This is not going to end well. “Yeah. I love to see it actually.” Drake said cockily. Jason then smirk. “Sure. Tell me when and where. And one on one. If you use any of your minions than it’s clear you’re a fucking pussy.” Jason said. Drake glare at him, his face doesn’t look amuse anymore.

He then smirk. “Sure. I can do that.”. “Good. If you lose, you don’t fucking lay a finger on my brother or any fucking human being in this school anymore.” Jason make a deal. Drake nod. “Can do but if you lose…” Drake trail off. He looks at me and point his finger at me. “This fag will be my personal punching bag for the rest of his fucking life.” He said smirking giving me the evil look. My eyes went wide as the words leave his mouth. I turn to Jason than also has his smirk drop from his face. Jason nod. What? The crew release me as I drop on the floor. “The school students will be our audience, so just wait for me to inform when and where.” I heard Drake said and their feet shuffle away. I felt someone hold my shoulder. “Justin?” Jason’s voice said softly.

“Why did you do that Jase?” I ask not looking at him. “I’m sorry Justin but you don’t have to worry I will win the fight and he won’t bother you anymore.” He said confidently. I look up at him and frown. “I don’t care about me Jason! Don’t you understand what you get yourself in too? He’s going to hurt you Jason. He almost did before, right before my eyes. Now your going to fight him.” I yell at him not caring anyone’s who’s watching.

“That’s not him Jay. That’s his minion who did it but this time it’s between me and him. He won’t stand a chance.” He said firmly. “How do you know that? How do you know that he’s not a good fighter? He’s been a bully for as long as I can remember. He beats up people all the time Jase. This is not a good idea. Just take back the challenge and let me be his punching bag instead, I don’t care anymore.” I said firmly. “Well I fucking care!” he growl suddenly.

 He close his eyes taking a deep breath trying to calm himself down. “I care Justin. I’m your brother. Your twin. I promised you I will protect you didn’t I? I know I have hurt you a lot before this Justin and trust me when I say I regret every bit of it and this is me trying to redeem myself for being the worst brother ever. You never give up on me Justin, you never give up making me feel loved, making me feel complete like I am now with the love from my family. So, I won’t give up on you. I will make that fucker pay for making your life miserable, for ever making you went through those toughs’ times.” He whisper the last part and I know what he’s talking about.

I nod in defeat as I didn’t know what to say anymore. Let’s just hope everything will be alright.



Hello Lovelies.

Gosh! It’s been so long that I’ve update this story. I’m so so sorry. I just wanted to find more ideas so I won’t end this story really fast. I know this chapter is not that long as always but it’s too long, it won’t be interesting anymore. I hope you guys understand.


How do you feel about Jason’s change of attitude now?

He is like the sweetest brother ever isn’t he ??


Justin’s mind is not in a good place now, he’s stressing out if you can see there. Poor baby. :)

Anyways, any ideas you guys like to contribute please do tell me.

Comment and Vote guys!

Love you guys !!!

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