WAR //yautja x human reader\\

By xsaice

128K 4.2K 771

*y/n joined the army, with the dreams of adventure. she sure did get an overwhelming amount of adventure wit... More

‼️ 34 ‼️


2.6K 108 28
By xsaice

Everytime I come onto wattpad I always have notifcations. Well not always but I often check them. Being the very anxious person I am I feel so bad that I havent updated this book whrn people want more. Like damn. So I kept kicking myself over to get this one out lol. I finnally have some what of a small plot beginning with some ;) ;) if you know what I mean.

Anyways enjoy the chapter friend.


Sitting atop the bed, the beast looked up at me, the hound. One of those dog like aliens that had attacked me at camp. Did this mean-

He shoved me towards the bed while the creature watched me with hungry and pleading eyes.

I unwillingly sat down on the bed with my legs hung over the side. I was a mer meter away from the houd as the creature watched me.

"Do not fear it Ooman, it has not been commanded to attack."

"What are you? Who are you?" I guestered to the creature,  who looked back down at me.

"Sleep. Will need energy soon ooman." Was his responce to my two questions, great. I love this alien already!!!

He then took his chance and left the room, leaving me with his dog of some sorts.

Now why will I need energy?? Do I need to fight someone or something??? What the fuc-

The hound moved closer to me. Its mucels littarelly bulging from its movements. I sighed and took my eyes and mind of the dog. An ache formed in my head as I got some time to myself.

Laying down as I rubbed my tempels and got under the weird fur felts of the bed, I started to feel tired. Maybe I did need sleep or rest. It wouldnt hurt would it?

The hound cuddled up to my legs and started a slow pur, unoticeable at first but grew as the minutes went by.

Just think its a cat. Just think its a cat

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(Changing pov cuz I cant handle-)
You woke up with an utterly sore back. It wad the worst one yet or so you thought. The pretty much gaurd dog at your legs was still sound asleep. Its little purs made it almost seem caring and loving. Almost. Then before you had completely humanised the situation you came to the smart observational conclusion. Youre on a fucking alien space ship in outter space. You should be panicking like a crazy person!

Like bruh WHAT. You couldnt believe it. Until the eventd started to roll back in your mind. Everything came together. Which begged the question; what the hell happened to the others?

You darted up at that, eyes eide with unsteady breathing. From this, the hell hound (you really need a better nic name than that) at your feet, jerked away with a growl. Then once seeing there was no danger it steadied down.

You figured it had one job, keep eyes on you. Or make sure you didnt leave or even think about getting away. With a quickening heart rate you watched the hound calm back down and sink back onto your legs.

As you moved in the furs to get up, you found it was extreamly comfortable. It was a waste to leave it. You were even debaiting the fact of if you should 'sleep in' on an alien ship with your life possibly in danger. It would br fiiinnne right? Right?

"Ooman, ready?" He barged through the door making you actually jump and fall of the bed. A noticeable growl came from the hound as it looked at the complete monster standing in the doorway.

"I guess?? I have nothing too ready.." you mumbled back clucthing at the ground to get back on your feet. Taking a deep breath to relax your already stressed nerves, you looked up at the creature.

"Other yuatja will come. They will see you soon."


"Yuat-ja, my race. Oomans are not smart." He commented with a shrug of his sholders. With that, he walked out of the room.

You repeated the word softly to yourself a few times, till you got the basic pronunciation of it down pact.

Other yautja will come see me? Why do they want to see me? What  do i have to do with this??

Letting out a sigh of defeat you walked towards the door, shoulders slumped. You tried fixing your hait on the way out. Maybe thats what the male yautja meant by get ready? You honestly had no clue with this one, he left you in the dark.

Sitting on the table seemed a some what human like dish. You stared at it for a while, it deffently wasnt something from earth. You could tell by the rather plue tinge to the cooked meat sitting down in some lettuce? Or so you guessed something close to that.

"Ooman eat. You need to be re-"

"I know" you annoyingly shot back. Though the action, once you had realised what you had done, had you cover your mouth and whisper a quiet apology. Though with his hearing, it wouldnt have been exactly quite. Without another thpught in mind, you shut up and started eating with the only cutlery you had been given; a fork.

A small 'hmm' sound came from him as he let you dwell on the amount of disrespect you had directed at him.

"Do NOT do that around the others, if you do- youre as good as dead." He warned, his voice almost booming at some parts, getting his point across much much stronger than you had though. The words echoed arpund in your head.

Just dont be sassy and youll be okay.

The 'meat' itself was quite good, jucie and full of flavour. It didnt take long for it to all be gone. The lettuce on the other hand, oh well that was a completely different story.

It tasted like fucking leather.

It was gripy and honestly sour??? In the end, the taste took you so much by surprised you endes up spitting the whole thing out.

With a choking gag of actual pain, you managed to speak out "i think im d-  done."

You feared your face had gone red from the amount of coughing you had just inhibited. Your eyes were even a little teary. It was abnormally sour towards you.

"Weak ooman." He laughed out while he stood to take your dish away from you.

"Compose youself, they will be here soon Ooman." Hr later commented. You guessed you looked stupider than you felt.

So all you had to do now was wait. And wait... and wait.

It was an hour before they came, an hour. Ohhhh theyll be here soon he said. Compose yourself. What a load of bullshit!

When they finnally did come, you were not expected it in the slightest. They had martches through the door like it wa snothing and there was at least 3 of them. Not as big as the male yuatja you had known for longer but still, empressive.

So now we are here.

You sat quietly in the chair you had not left for an hour while a series of clicks eradticated from the room. More so from the large yuatja. The three who had walked in had longer trunks????? (Ive been away from this community for away and i have forgotten what theyre called, actually having an inner panic attack rn) In a way they had the trates of old people? Like it was odd. They just looked... old to you. Made the yautja here was just young. Then again did they have an age system?? Theyre aliens how would you know??

"Ooman, did you hear that?" One barked, is tone dark and deel. Almost fightening

You sqeaked and shook your head.

One of the three sighed and shared a look with the others. "Do you know what you are really dealing with down there?" You guessed what they were tlking about, xenomorphs. A cold shiver shaked its way through you as a thoughtful and detailed responce gathered in your head.

"Honestly, I think we have no idea what we were dealing with. We only knew certain information. Which is why one of my- my squad has given birth? To them-" starting to tear up knowly you cut yourself off and looked down.

"Had I have known.."


I dont make typos YOU make typos, dont @   

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