The Betrayal

By user70513038

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After the incident with Master Chen during the tournament of elements Lloyd starts to feel alienated from his... More

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By user70513038

Cole had withdrawn himself from everyone since they've gotten back from Master Yang's temple. I offered him what comfort I could that is till Alya gave me a call. "Adrien the second clue is about the Sword of Sactuary!" She shouted in my ear causing me to pull it away from my ear

"Whoa whoa Alya calm down. Repeat that last bit" I told her calmly going to find the others who where still practicing Airjitzu or, as Jay was calling it, Cycondo a very dumb name I know.

"The next clue is talking about the Sword of Sancutary. You can see you foes next move in it's blade. But there is a tiny problem the only way to get to it to go through the blind mans eye because it is a dimension parraell to our own called Cloud Kingdom. "Alya said

"The Sword of Sanctuary "Misako gasped

"Yes that's what I just said. Anywho if the Ninja want to get to it before that sleezey slimeball Morro does they'll only have six hours now to ascend the Wailing alps to reach the entryway to the Cloud Kingdom" Alya said

"Aye the lass speak wizardy here" Zane said in a pirate voice

I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you fixed him" Kai elbowed Jay

"I did then I made him better" Jay laughed

I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. Is this how Lloyd felt when we first started out as a team annoyed to pieces. "Well from where we are currently it will take us two hours to get there" I told her

"Then get a move on because I doubt that Morro will let you get to the sword without a fight" Alya said

"By the way how are you and Mari doing?" I asked

"I'm fine and Mari has been better she's worried about Lloyd" Alya said

"Yeah I know how she feels" I said

"Well Got to crack that last clue call you later" Alya said hanging up

I put my phone away. "Wow that girl really is something" Kai said

"Don't you have Skylor?" I asked bluntly

"We erm we broke up a few days ago we weren't going to work out" Kai sheepishly said

I sighed. Nya had set course for the Wailing alps so I decided to look them up. Turned out they were called that because the sound of the wind against the mountain sounded like wailing. Okay. We reached the Alps after two hours of the guys competing against one another at being the best at airjitzu. I strapped them into their mechs as we prepared to drop them onto the side of the mountain. "Remember you guys only have one shot at this so don't miss "I told them giving Zane the timer for how much time they had left.

They all nodded. "Maybe I should sit this one out" Cole said

"No first off enough with use this new form as an advantage for you and your team you'll see it will come in handy" I told him dragging him to a mech and strapping him in

Cole was mulling over my words a bit. Once they were all dropped I ran to the control room to watch. Sadly I was still training, Wu is a really tough teacher, so I couldn't go with the guys. Once they got into the Blind Mans Eye, Wu went back to training Nya and I. Turns out I didn't need much training compared to Nya who needed a lot. But the thing was I had to let go of my burden which was sadly not going to be easy since it had to deal with my Mother, I never got to say a proper goodbye to her before she left. But this was my chance to make peace with those ghosts, literally.

We had caught a ghost while the guys had been gone so that was progress right. I told Alya about that and she stormed over here faster than a bullet train and got the answers we wanted from him. The first had taken the Realm Crystal with him to his tomb, but the Crystal was fractured and the Drakon of the past was to blame and they figured that Gong the kwamii would know of it's whereabouts. So Lloyd was a get one get the other free. I clutched the Dragon of Balance Miraculous in my pocket. But this was all so they could release the preeminant. "Well there you go "Alya huffed dusting her hands off

I was against the wall while Ronin looked on impressed, "Is she taken?" Ronin asked

"Yes" I hissed

"Yes that means getting her will be fun" Ronin said before Alya punched him on the gut.

"Thank you he was getting annoying" I told her

"No problem" Alya said grabbing her laptop and continued looking for what the third and final symbol could mean.

Misako tried to help her, but Alya wasn't to keen on letting her help. "All I want is to set things right with my son "Misako said

"Please after what you did to him I highly doubt he'll willingly call you mom again" Alya sneered

I then started thinking about my feelings for Lloyd. I thought them over and realized that this was  puppy love and it would eventually fade away and I'd fall for the right person. But as I thought that my heart throbbed in pain. I shoved it to the back of my head for now.

"Guys I hope your boosters aren't cold cause we are coming in hot" Kai's voice said over the system

I ran up ontot the deck and turns out Morro told them the same thing as our ghost had told us. "Wait how did you get a ghost to talk" Jay asked

"I did the work it wasn't hard "Alya said walking out onto the deck

"But the sword?" I asked

"Morro has it... INCOMING " Cole said a cannonball hit the deck.

""Oh no they didn't" Alya growled

"Stand back" I sighed


Alya went full on rage mode on the ghost ship. "That's why" I sighed

The ninja started to help her out with the ghost ship. But thanks to Alya we got the Sword Of Sanctuary from Morro. "Hey Slimeball this is for possessing my friend!" Alya said punching a possessed Lloyd off the cliff.

"Was that really necassary?" I asked her

"Yes it is and will be if I see him possessing Lloyd the next time we see him cause like Hawkmoth I doubt he'll just give up Lloyd's body after that so he'd better prepare for a world of hurt" Alya cursed slamming her fist into her open palm

"Um" I started to say

"And it won't end there either I'll find his bloody body resurect him then use his as my punching bag for the rest of time" Alya growled

I just slowly backed away from her. "She's nuts" Jay said

"No she's just Alya"I said with a groan

I started to think about everything that had happened so far where could his tomb be. "Ah hah got you you little bugger the Tomb of the First is in the Caves of Dispair. Specifically in the unexplored section in the eastern parts of the mining catacombs" "Alya told us

"Wow she's good even if she is scary as heck." Cole said

"Thank you gentlemen "Alya said in a fake english accent before she bowed.

Misako looked slightly put off about this. She huffed a bit. "Well we'll need both of you to come on this one" Kai said

"Phone check, weapon check, deepstone armor check and check "Alya said grabbing three small daggers,"Well come on we got the master of power to save"

"She's one heck of a girl "Cole said

"You should see her during akuma attacks "I whispered back grabbing my deep stone dagger

I was dragged onto Zane's ice dragon while Alya was placed onto Kai's fire dragon as we flew off towards the mine. "Seems as if things have come full circle" Zane said once we reached the mine

"Maybe maybe not who can say for sure" I said with a shrug pressing the skull

"He's right maybe coming back here was also destiny like the light temple" Alya said

The guys looked at her. "I got the story out of Lloyd about a month before this happened not that big of a deal "Alya said putting her phone on record

"Claws out" I said transforming into Chat Noir

"By the way nice cat suit"Alya said having avoided my transformation

We entered the tunnel. "Yo peeps on the road to saving the Green Ninja and stopping the plot of the Former Master of wind Morro from becoming  reality. We know that the secret of the tomb was hidden by the scroll of Airjitzu and the Sword of Sanctuary. And the location of the tombs is here in the catacombs of the Caves of Dispair. Right now Ladybug and Drakon are holding down the fort back in Ninjago. So we have hero Chat Noir with us on this adventure. But the Ghost Morro could also be here as well" Alya said as we came upon seven prelit lanterns

"Whoa now that's freaky" Jay said

Kai went to grab one. "Wait this could be one of the three deadly tests!" Alya stopped him

He withdrew his hand away from the lanterns before going back to grab the handle of one, it was safe. Then went Alya, Cole, Myself, Zane, Cole and lastly Jay. "Whew just like I thought just a lantern" Jay said

The lantern casted off an eerie white glow. We all caught up to Kai who'd gone on ahead of us. Kai had bent down and examined some rocks from a gaping hole in the side of the wall. "Looks like a cave in" I said

"Ugh what is that smell?" Jay asked

"My senses pick up traces Kethaonl a highly falmmable gas released from deep-well mining" Zane said

"Sure that's what all Nindriods say" Cole teased Zane

Alya and I shared a look Miss Mendelieve had talked about this stuff in class anything that produced heat that wasn't protected by the oils that are on human skin or technology was very dangerous around the substance. "If you're implying the smell came from me-" Zane started to say

"Look some of the rocks have been shifted" Kai said

We clambered through the hole and onto a makeshift walkway. Alya walked down it like it was no biggy. "Alya you said that you'd turn back when we told you "I told her

"Talk to the rear" She said, "This is not only about my best friend but also finding out more about Team Miraculouses past I'm not passing this up"

I sighed can she not be stubborn for one moment. We soon came upon a large cave with a boiling geyser right smack dab in the middle of i. There was ash everywhere.

"The Geyser it has to be kethanol. We have to move it could go at any moment" Alya said attatching a headband to her head and putting her phone there.

She began to look for a way out. "Hang on no way. Guy look what I just found"Alya said calling us over to her we saw a skeleton with a mop of black hair.

"No way is that..." I started to say

"The first master" Kai said,"But what about the crystal"

"It's not him dooffus it's Morro now my plan to hurt that guy for what he's doing to my friend will come into fruition" Alya evilly chuckled rubbing her hands together

I could only sigh at her. "Sensei Wu did say that he never did come back from looking for the first's tomb... Oh crud "I brought out my deepstone bo staff and Alya prepped her daggers because this screamed trap.

We saw Ghoultar the ghost we formerly had in our possession slammed his a ghostly scythe down before the whole cave began to rumble. We leapt from the chaos well that's "Look up!" Alya shouted

I looked up and saw an opening in the roof of the place. I grabbed her and extending my baton I shot us right through it while the others airjitzued up. We then started to run off down the cave system. Soon heat was beating down on all of us as we ran. Only for us to fall into a mine cart which took off down the track. My stomach dropped as we went over a hill and we all began screaming in horror hey in that kind of situation you really can't comprehend situations that well. We went for a loop and were airborne for ten seconds. before everyone but Jay landed back into he cart.  I hauled him back into the cart. "Thanks"Jay panted

Then Ghoultar showed up again and well he didn't last long since Jay took care of him. "Guys we are coming upon a dead end"Cole shouted

"Never say that word again!" Jay screeched

"Use your blades as breaks!" Zane ordered

I slammed my baton into the ground but it felt like we were going faster.. The cave opened up dramatically into a large cavern. The track curled inwards and the cart stopped mid-air launching us into the sir and into the after affects of the explosion earlier a large pool of Lava.Suddenly an all to familiar ship appeared it was Ronin's which spat out a rope ladder. I grabbed along with grabbing Alya. "WoooHooo! What a rush can we do that again" Alya said laughing like a madman 

"I could kiss Ronin after I clobber him" Cole said

I climbed into the ship with Alya. "Hello Ninja and Chat Noir I can guess that you have some choice words for me after I took the sword. Well it wasn't me, but Morro who'd taken control of my body. But to make things right I'm giving you R.E.X as a peace offering. "He said, "He also messed with Alya's computer as well but R.E.X will take you the proper location of the tomb."

"That's it resurecting and killing him won't do anymore I'm going to give him a punishment worse than death itself now "Alya growled

I tuned the rest of her rant out in favor of sitting down and just taking in the ride. Alya did the same once she was done. "Good Luck Ninja" Ronin said before his face dissapeared. We ascended the volcano and headed to the proper tomb which was at the bottom of the ocean.

The ride took a few hours Jay gave Misako a call and Alya uploaded our journey so far onto the Ladyblog. "Whoa in less than ten minutes it already has ten thousand views" Alya gaped at her phone.

I looked at it as the ship slid underwater. Soon we where very deep down under and Alya was live streaming it to her viewers who were on pins and needles about our adventure even Ladybug had tuned in to it"We'll follow your progress on the Ladyblog"Misako said as we reached a dark murky part of the ocean so dark that Rex's spotlight could barely penetrate it.

"We're almost at the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master" Zane said

"Heck yes!" Alya cheered

"Wow talk about nerves of steel" Cole shivered

"We are heading to your location as we speak" Wu said

"Great we are all powerless except Nya and Chat till he uses his power. Cole's a Ghost, Kai can't swim, we have no magical sword, What could go wrong?" Jay put out there

"Hush child" Alya said smacking him upside the head

"But there is a riddle. A spinjitzu master can a spinjitzu master cannot to move forward don't look ahead to find his resting spot" Misako said

"Huh that's food for thought" Cole said

Alya was already pondering the riddle.,"Speaking of food we are about to become some" Jay said as a giant octopus advanced on us

"Nya use your powers" Alya said

"I can't it could crush us" Nya said

"We need to go faster "I said pushing the acceleration lever all the way forward causing me to stumble back

Then a tentacle smashed the back window so that it started to crack. "Hold on!" Cole said as we went for a rock archway. "I'm not going swimming for a while."Alya groaned

I let out a weak chuckle as we ascended to the surface. "If you want to hide a tomb this looks like the place to do it" Cole said

We all clambered out and onto solid ground even of we were  still underwater. "Um am I the only on disturbed by the fact that we are traspassing on sacred ground?" Alya asked,"Not to mention that Moor and his goons are worse than we are seeing how they have evil intent and we have an intent to protect Ninjao"

I shrugged. "Destination reached. Auto return initiated" R.E.X. said before turning around the other way leaving us high and dry.

"Our weapons where in there" Zane said

Alya and I raised an eyebrow at them. "I still have my weapon" I said holding out my deepstone staff and Alya her daggers.

They glared at us. "I didn't put mine down" Alya said

"Brother sharpens brother""Cole said

Nya and Alya glared at Cole. "I mean Sibling sharpen sibling" Cole corrected himself

The rock walls had tiny glowing lights in them that lit our way as we traveled down a passage way. It brought us to a room with sixteen different doors and above each door way was a different symbol. "The first test" I said

"Yup" Alya nervously said

"Why did it have to be a test couldn't it be with dragons we are good with dragons for the most part" Jay said looking at Alya

"A spinjitzu master can" Alya said after we failed with Zane.

"Guys do spinjitzu" Alya said

"What about you and Chat?"Kai asked

"Please as if I haven't been paying attention to Lloyd's fighting style "Alya said

"Well in that case" Jay said going over to the door with a tornado on it

"Don't it's a Zoetrope it like a stone aged version of animation" Alya said

"Leave it to the blogger" I said

Alya blushed, I took film at my old school before I went to Paris with my family. I had to do a research paper on it" Alya said

Zane did spinjitzu. He came to a stop and pointed to a door with a yin-yang symbol. We all went through it to come to an entirely new room. Then on a pedestal was a golden staff. "The staff of the first spinjitzu master" Kai said

"The second test" Alya and Zane said in unison

"This has to be what a spinjitzu master cannot" I said bringing my hand to my chin

I then heard a click and and saw that Kai had stepped on a stone that had sunk a bit. Uh oh. Stone spikes shot at us. Then it only got worse then it hit me a spinjitzu master is taught to never quit. I grabbed all four ninja before it got any worse that a flaming earth pit traps, and stone spikes. I tossed them down a hole and jumped in after them since I saw Morro head down it. Alya had already spotted him and stormed after him.I hit a slide of ice and slid into a pile of limbs at the bottom. "Was that necassary?" Kai groaned

"Yes it was" I grumbled disentagling myself from the pile

The area had ice jutting out in many areas. "A maze" Alya gaped

Kai walked over to his reflection. "Whoa if this any indicator I'm guessing we won't be escaping anytime soon" Kai said looking at his reflection

I went over to the ice and saw my reflection. I looked older than that time we  got hit by the Tomorrows Tea. "I look older but my attire is different."Zane said

"If I had to guess this shows us what we  look far off into the future" Alya said looking at her reflection

Like the rest of us she was wearing  Sensei robes. I looked at my outfit in the future. I looked a lot older than I currently was hence the age lines. I saw Lloyd next to me holding my shoulders in an affectionate way. I looked behind me expecting to see Morro, but saw nothing. I looked back and saw a small child with us that Lloyd picked up. I smiled that means everything turned out okay. I sighed in relief suddenly realizing the last part of the riddle. "Cataclysm" I said touching the ground below us we fell through the ground.

"Chat!" Kai shouted as we fell

I luckily forcefully absorbed into my baton so he didn't get hurt in case of water. Which there was a lot of. We then came upon the First spinjitzu master. "Whoa" Alya and I gasped

We all knelled at his grave. I saw the realm crystal as my Miraculous beeped warning me that I had four minutes left till I transformed back into Adrien. "Whoa no way the three "Alya said looking at the walls.

I saw drawings of Ladybug, Drakon and I on the wall along with an inscription on it. ButI can't read old Ninjagan. Zane took the Crystal in his hand and stared at it. "How does it work" Kai asked

"How it works is that you'll hand over the crystal or say good bye to your friend" We all spun around to see Morro holding Lloyd over a cliff. "Sorry "Lloyd weakly coughed

Oh god he sounds really bad. "So what will it be tick tock you don't have all day" Morro said

Either way he'd win. I cursed under my breath at Morro. We couldgive him the crystal but that would usher in the Preminant. Then I could use Plagg and Gong to destroy the crystal but that would mean we wouldn't get Lloyd back. I looked at Lloyd he was to weak to do anything. And we couldn't attack him thanks to that dumb sword. Alya had a determined look on her face.

"Looks like the choice is up to you Kai" Morro spat, "So chose"

Kai let out a frustrated noise like a strangled cat, believe me I know what that sounds like. Lloyd had fallen unconcious if it wasn't for Morro he'd have fallen into the freezing cold water. I then looked over to the wall that had glass on it and saw our reflections it was us, but all of us were different genders. What the? My genderbent version made eye contact with me. I'm not sure why I looked at it did it have to with our future or something?

"Stop stalling" Morro spat his lips curling up into a snarl,"Give me the realm Crystal or else!"

"We're not stalling you slime ball we are thinking!" Alya shouted at him

My transformation came undone I caught Plagg in my hands and instantly gave him Camenbert to recharge. He quickly ate his stinky cheese. Alya wasn't looking at me or else everyone would know who I was. "Claws out!" I said once Plagg finished eating

"What are we going to do?" Cole asked

"This guy is starting to be a pain in the behind. When this is over I swear..."Alya cursed

"I'll join you"Cole said slamming his fist into his palm causing a few rocks to rise up

""Your powers" I quietly gasped

Kai called a tiny burst of sparks to his hand. I slipped the dragon of Balance into Alya's pocket Making sure my opposite was doing the same with her's she was. "Yeah but like Lloyd they are weak" Alya said

"Leave that to me just be ready" Kai said grasping the crystal tightly

"Time's up! You leave me no choice-"Morro started to say letting go of Lloyd

"Wait!"Kai shouted he held the crystal behind his back and slowly began to heat it up to some unimaginable temparture.

Kai you sneaky little devil. "We'll give you the Realm Crystal" Kai said as the crystal turned an angry shade of red.

Kai then threw it at Morro, who let go of Lloyd who crumpled to his feet, to grab the crystal only to throw it away due to the intense heat it bounced off a rock shelf before landing in the river. "The Realm Crystal!" Morro cried enraged,"What have you done!?"

Before anyone could do anything Lloyd got to his feet and kicked the sword of sanctuary out of  Morro's hands. Morro just sent Lloyd toppling off the cliff with his winds and into the water. I ran to get Lloyd who'd gone under. I dove into the water after him to see him and his genderbent version floating side by side I then looked directly across from me to see my gender opposite. I felt like I had to get the girl Lloyd not the Lloyd I'd come to know. I grabbed her and went up the side my opposite had come from I surfaced with the opposite Lloyd.

Lloyd's p.o.v.

I was brought to the surface of the river I'd fallen into. I felt weak and drained like I hadn't used my powers for a while. I looked next to me and saw a female Chat Noir. "Who?" I asked

"I'll tell you later" She said swimming towards shore.

"Your baton" I coughed

"Take it easy there buddy if you've been through anything close to what My Greenbean has been through you'll need your strength" She said

 I leaned against her as she catapulted us out of the water last minute before we went over the edge. "At least your safe "She said

"Who are you?"I weakly asked leaning against her shoulder

"I'm Chatte Noir" She said

"Nice to meet you. I'm the green ninja from this world and well I'm guessing you know this but I'm also Drakon over here. " I whispered before my vision started to come and go.

"Take it easy champ" Kai's voice said I reeled at the thought of hi getting close to me after what had happened.

Alya's p.o.v.

Okay I've been closer to death more times this past week then I've ever been with the akuma's back home. But when a female Chat dragged Lloyd out of the river I took a wild guess about what had happened. When the realm Crystal touched the water it created a space vortex which opened a doorway to a paralell dimension to our own to open meaning our Chat has to be there while their Chat is here. Wow I think I went over my own head with that statement. Lloyd was extremely weak and was having trouble standing. Morro summoned the Realm Crystal to his hand before vanishing. "Great "I cursed

"Alin?" The girl said

"Sorry but I'm not him. I'm Alya. Nice to meet you" I told her

"Chatte Noir" She said

"It's okay we got Lloyd back and what ever place you came from has their green bean back now to. Now let's follow Morro" I told her


"I know time right but we don't have that right now "I told her

I grabbed one of Lloyd's arms and slung it over my shoulder. Chatte did the same thing to Lloyd's other arm so his weight was evenly distributed between the two of us. "Come on Lloyd your Uncle is coming sadly with your bio mother to pick us up "I grunted

Lloyd's face solemed. "You two won't have to talk I'll stop that" I told him

"Thank you Alya "Lloyd weakly said

We exited out a very bright corridor. Passing the Ice Mirrors of Future. I saw an older version of Lloyd hugging this Chat Noir not the one we'd come to know. Oh god. I shook it off for now. "Alya right the me in this world placed something in your pocket" Chatte said

"How do..?" I asked clutching the Miraculous

"Cause I did the same in my world" She said in a duh tone.

I handed it to and she placed the ear cuffs on Lloyd's ears. I had long since stopped live feeding my blog to anyone but a select few private veiwers a.k.a Wu. We soon got back to the Bounty. I loaded Lloyd off on his bed and went to check my blog it had several trillion views both in Ninjago and around the world. "Whoa" I said

The Chatte came to me. "You know?" she asked

"Kinda If I had to guess your name is Adrina Agreste" I told her

"Right in the Agreste bit but the Adrina bit is totally wrong." Her transformation wore off, "My name is actually Ari Agreste"

"Nice to meet you" I told her

"Checking your blog?"

"Yup it got trillions of views and everyone is now happy that Lloyd is now safe. And the Dupain-Cheng's want him to call them" I said bringing up their phone number on my cellphone.

I told them Lloyd was resting since Morro had been using Lloyd like a slave driver uses his slaves. "But given some rest he'll be as right as rain "I told them

"Thank you Alya and your parents told you to never do something like that again. " Mr Dupain said

"Not going to happen anytime soon not till Morro is squashed like an ant under my foot." I growled.

"Easy there" Mr Dupain said

"Believe me sir he's pushed the envelope way to far this time" I said hanging up and walking to Lloyd's room only to see Misako about to enter it.

"Excuse me but what are you doing?!"I shouted

"I'm going to see my son" She said

"You gave up all rights to that according to this paperwork "I told her bringing out a copy of the official statement given by both the Ninjago Governmeant and the Parisian Government. It had her signatures on them and everything approving them.

"I was in grief and I.." She started to sat till I slapped her

"As was Lloyd but no you not only put work over family again you rubbed it in his face by going out with that Hugo Morron. Loosing Sensei Garmadon his own father is always harsher on the child didn't you know that yet you ignored your own son leaving him to fall into depression for your own pitiful needs. You don't even deserve to be a mother. " I spat at her

"But..." She said

I cut her off again. "Ever come near Lloyd again and I will personally see to it you end up in jail for child abuse and Child abandonment. On top of going against the restraining order that will be placed on you" I growled

Her stomped away angry on her way something fell from her pocket. I picked it up and examined it. After a few hours the results showed that it was a medicine that bent a persons will to another's will. That witch. I put it into an evidence satchel and put the recording of our conversation even when she dropped the package to when I picked it up and sent it to the police station. She wasn't going to get away with this not on my watch. Once I was done I closed my laptop and picked up a scroll on the various realms while I watched over Lloyd.

Back to Lloyd's p.o.v.

I woke up and saw that Alya was right next to me reading about the Sixteen realms. "Hey" I said

"Hey your self" She said

"What happened?" I asked

She showed me what had happened in the Tomb I paled a bit as I watched. "Wait how did she not Chat not come here?" I asked

Alya explained her theory which for some reason made sense. "But I don't think that Ladybug's Miraculous Cure is going to fix that part but it will fix everything else" Alya explained

"Make sense" I groaned feeling a headache coming on.

Alya handed me a glass of water. "Be grateful that I watched my dad at work as a kid or else you'd be a lot worse" Alya said

"Right your dad's a doctor" I moaned in pain

"Well how bout while I get you some food Ari stays here with you and the two of you can talk " Alya said

"Ari?" I asked

The female Chat Noir or Chatte as she is called in hr world "Alya said

"I guess" I groaned, "But why the not leaving me alone thing?"

"Misako tried to give you something that would have forced you to come back that was not of your own will" She said

I paled a bit. "Thank you Alya" I said

"Not a problem besides we are all getting extra credit because we are literlly in the making of history "Alya said

Then a girl with long blonde hair entered the room. "Lloyd this is Ari. Ari this is Lloyd. Keep it PG you two" She said before leaving

"ALYA!"We both shouted

So while we waited for Alya to get back we talked about My opposite Lidya's life and her opposite Adrien's life. It was actually really fun.  I don't know when, but I ended up in her lap while we talked. "I got pizza" Alya said coming back in with four boxes of pizza,"When once this is all over I want a Serenitea as strong as it can be made legally"

"Herehere" Ari and I agreed

Alya then filed us in on what had happened with everyone back at Borg Towers. "They are all fine but this fight is heading towards Stiix and there is nothing we can do about it"Alya said

"I need to cal Ladybug" I said grabbing Alya's phone and dialing her number.

"You've reached Ladybug who is "

Ladybug it's my Lloyd we are heading towards Stiix meet us at Steep Wisdom" I told her

"Alright see you then" Ladybug said hanging up

I deleted the number from Alya's history before handing it back to her. "Thanks" I told her

Alya took it back and tried to find it. "Sorry Alya it has to be a kept a secret" I told her

"Well it official we are doing this then" Ari said

"Yup" Alya said getting a slice of pizza from the box and biting into it.

"Well of it means anything I can't think of anyone I'd rather do this with" I told them taking a second slice of pizza.

"Same" Alya said

We all shared a grin before we fell asleep for the night.

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Being told she would never have what it takes to be Ladybug begins to take its toll on Marinette. What will happen when she decides to return her Mir...
118K 2.8K 23
One fateful day in Paris, Ladybug is having her monthly check-up meeting with Master Fu; learning that every Ladybug in Chat Noir in history have be...