Dead Beat~//n.mara


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Desiree did everything herself she never needed anyone to help her. Even when she got pregnant with her high... More

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Desiree was running late. Well that's one thing that hasn't changed with the move. Desiree was not a morning person and neither was her daughter so getting out of the house in the morning was usually a bit of a struggle.

Desiree had her blazer slung over her arm, her heels in her hands, and Meridee in her car seat. She exited her apartment and made her way down the stairs out to the front where her Uber was waiting for her.

"Desiree?" The Uber driver asked.

"Yes. Yes." Desiree said frantically as she climbed into the backseat and strapped Meridee into the seat next to her. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's fine. It wasn't too long. First day of work?" The man asked as he pulled out of Desiree's complex.

"Hopefully if this interview goes well. I could potentially start today."

"Well good luck Miss."

"Thank you."


When Desiree got to the complex she quickly got out and rated Samuel five stars (it was the right thing to do after he ran a red light trying to get her to the interview on time). Des checked in at the front desk and was able to check Meri into the on-sight daycare (which was one of the reasons she chose this particular office to interview at).

"Bye Baby, be good." Desiree kissed Meridee's forehead and raced upstairs for her interview.


"Thanks so much for interviewing with us Ms. Coleman, you have a very extensive resume and I think you'll be a great fit on our team, the only thing is we don't need any more editors, but we do need more producers. Would you be interested? You're clearly qualified." Desiree's new boss Ms. Madden offered.

"Seriously? This is such an honor, of course. This is kind of my dream." Desiree said feeling a bit ready eyed.

"Well I'm glad I could make your dream come true, you deserve it." Desiree and Madden stand.

"Thank you so much. C-can we hug?" Desiree asks nervously.

"Sure." Ms. Madden chuckles and the two share a quick but sweet hug. When they pull away Desiree sighs.

"Well, when can you start? Is tomorrow fine."

"Y-yes. Of course."

"Great be here at 8 am. We're going to let you shadow a retiring professional for a few days, then you can take on his project where he's leaving it off. And don't worry it's a new project so you can make it however you want. I have faith in you Ms. Coleman."

"Thank you so much. You won't be disappointed."

"I know. Enjoy the rest of your day Ms. Coleman."

"You too." Desiree walked down the hallway to the elevators and back to the daycare to get Meri.

"Hi I'm signing out Meridee." Desiree says to the teacher and Meri comes back in her car seat.

"Hey Baby, did you have fun today? You wanna go see Daddy? Yeah?!" Meridee smiles then Desiree directed her attention toward the daycare teacher Ms. Sunshine. "Was she alright?"

"Yes she was perfect. She ate her snack and played nicely with all the children." Ms. Sunshine smiled.

"That's great. Thank you, we'll be back tomorrow."

"No problem, bye Meridee." Ms. Sunshine waves to the toddler inside the car seat and then went back to look after the other kids.

Desiree ordered a car and had it take them to Nick's place.


Nick heard the doorbell ring a few times and went to answer it even though he wasn't expecting anyone. When he opened the door he saw his two favorite girls.

"Hey! What're you guys doing here?"

"I think Meri missed her daddy, right Meri?" Desiree said as she walked into the boys' house.

"Oh really? You missed me baby?" Nick asked as he kissed his daughter then sat her down in his lap. "How'd your interview go?"

"I thought you'd never ask. It went great. I start tomorrow, and they hired me as a producer!" Desiree squealed.

"Really? That's great!" Nick said happy for the girl. He knew that it was always Des' dream to do something like this and he was glad he could see her dreams coming true.

Nick embraced Des out of excitement and Desiree feels bad for enjoying it so much. When she decided to move to LA she just wanted her and Nick's relationship to be a one of strictly co-parents, but she couldn't help to start falling for his caring nature.

"You said you start tomorrow; do you need me to watch Meridee?"

"No you don't have to my office has an on-site daycare center."

'Well that's convenient,' Nick thought.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. I mean who wouldn't want to spend all their time with the most beautiful girl in the world." Nick said showering Meridee's face with kisses. "Tied with her beautiful mother of course." Nick smirked making googly eyes at Des.

"Stop." Desiree blushed and rolled her eyes, Nick was always quite the charmer.

"Well we gotta celebrate. You want some wine? We can get some wine? And whatever you wanna eat I'll cook for you. And I can get the guys to come hangout with us."

"That all sounds great Nick, but me and Meri gotta go home. I'm really tired."

"Cmon Des. Just let me cook you dinner. Then I'll take you both home. How's that sound?" Nick wagered.

Desiree tapped her chin and hummed, "That depends, do you have your mom's chicken Alfredo recipe."

Nick smirked, "You know I do Baby Girl." Nick went into the kitchen got out some pots and pans, turned on some 112 on the speaker, and got to cooking.


After an evening filled with loud and obnoxious singing, dancing, cooking, laughing, and catching up it was around 9 and Des, Nick, and Meri were all cuddled up on the couch watching Pinocchio.

"Man I forgot how morbid this movie was." Des chuckled. She looked down at Nick and saw her daughter's face squished against Nick's stomach. Desiree sighed, she had to admit this was really cute, but she did not thinks this through.

"What's wrong Mamas?" Nick whispered.

"Oh it's nothing. It's just that Meridee is a really light sleeper, so if we try to put her in the car now, I know for sure she'll wake up."

Nick nodded then thought for a minute. "What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?"

"Eight, why?"

"This is what we're gonna do. You and Meri spend the night, then tomorrow morning we'll get up early go swing bye your place so you can shower then I'll take you to work, sound good?"

"You'd do all that for me?"

"Of course I would."

"Thanks Nicky." Desiree smiled giving Nick a kiss on the cheek.

"Bringing back the pet names I see." Nick smirked."

"You still call me Mamas, so it's only fair." Des chuckled and stroked Meri's back.

"Touché." Nick and Desiree finished then movie then successfully got Meri upstairs and in bed with them without waking f her up.

"Nick can I borrow some night clothes."

"By that do you mean just one of my hoodies?"

"You know me so well." Desiree chuckled. She threw off her skirt and blouse and quickly pulled a blue champion hoodie over her head. Nick couldn't help but look. He noticed that Desiree's figure was still great even after having a kid.

"I know you're looking at me Nick. Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." Desiree looked over her shoulder at the boy. It was dark but she could tell he was blushing.

"Sorry Ma. But you look good."

"Thank you." Desiree said and climbed into bed next to her baby and baby father. It felt like they were a cute little family. It felt like things were how they should be. Desiree hopes this feeling could last forever.

"Goodnight Des."

"Night Nick."

Lo's Hoes

They are s'cute 🥺 comment and vote babes

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