Love Is Blind(Book 2)

By Keasiia

2.1M 70.5K 49.1K

Book 2. Please DO NOT read if you have NOT read Book 1 because you will be confused.(UNFORTUNATELY WATTPAD DE... More

Part 3||Chapter 1
Part 3||Chapter 2
Part 3||Chapter 3
Part 3||Chapter 4
Part 3||Chapter 5
Part 3||Chapter 6
Part 3||Chapter 7
Part 3||Chapter 8
Part 3||Chapter 9
Part 3||Chapter 10
Part 3||Chapter 11
Part 3||Chapter 12
Part 3||Chapter 13
Part 3||Chapter 14
Part 3||Chapter 15
Part 3||Chapter 16
Part 4||Chapter 1
Part 4||Chapter 2
Part 4||Chapter 3
Part 4||Chapter 4
Part 4||Chapter 5
Part 4||Chapter 6
Part 4||Chapter 7
Part 4||Chapter 8
Part 4||Chapter 9
Part 4||Chapter 10
Part 4||Chapter 11
Author NOTE!
Part 4||Chapter 13
Part 4||Chapter 14
Author Note!
Part 4||Chapter 15
Part 4||Chapter 16
Part 4||Chapter 17
Part 4||Chapter 18
Part 4||Chapter 19
Part 4||Chapter 20
Book 3 Part 5||Chapter 1

Part 4||Chapter 12

47.6K 1.8K 868
By Keasiia



"Liza!" Cam said as he gently shook her.
"No stop" Liza gasped as her eyes opened. She grabbed Cams hand thinking it was Rik.
"Cam..." she said as she started breathing hard as she stared at him.
"Yea?...What's wrong?" Cam asked. She looked scared as she grabbed his hand tighter. She quickly let go as she shook her head. She turned on her side turning her back to him. She sniffled as tears fell from her eyes.
" crying?" He asked becoming concern. She didn't say nothing as she continue to cry. He knew she wasn't crying about Elijah, because this was more of a hurt cry.

"Liza...why you crying? What happened?" Cam asked but she just cried. He sucked his teeth as he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her towards him. The covers fell down exposing her bottom half. She wasn't wearing any bottoms, just a pair of underwear and a spaghetti strap tank top. His face instantly scrunched up as he stared at her bruised thighs.

"What's that" he asked as he tried to grabbed her thigh noticing bruising on her inner thighs. Liza quickly covered herself.
"What happened to your thigh? " he asked. Liza shook her head. She sniffled as she wiped her eyes.
"'s an allergic reaction from some body wash I used." She lied.
"You fucking lying. What happened?" He asked.
"NOTHING!" She screamed as tears fell. Cam shook his head.
"Whatever, keep lying. That's all you do is fucking lie. Get dress so I can drop you off" Cam said as he stood up. He scratched his neck as he looked down at her.
"I should of never fucking came here" she mumbled as she yanked the blanket off her. She slipped her pants back on and threw on her sweater.

"Maybe you shouldn't have" Cam shrugged as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. Liza looked up at him. He shook his head as he looked down at the ground.
"You ready?" He asked. He didn't bother looking at her. Liza didn't say nothing as she stormed out of the room.


"You wanted to get something to eat before I drop you off?" Cam asked as they sat at a red light.
"Nope! I don't need shit from you or nobody" she said with an attitude.
"What's the attitude about? I ain't do shit to you once again." Cam said.
"Fuck you Cam. I have my reasons for my attitude." Liza said. Cam shook his head. He couldn't wait to drop her ass off.

Soon after he pulled up to Elijah home. Before he even stopped the car completely Liza was opening the door trying to get out. He quickly slammed on the brakes.
"Yo, what are you doing" Cam yelled as he grabbed her arm. Liza yanked away as she got out his car and slammed his car door. He shook his head as he watched Liza storm towards the front door. He quickly sent Elijah a text.

Liza at the front door. She got an attitude for no reason. Tryna jump out my car while it's moving smfh.

Elijah shook his head as he stood up.

Smfh iight
Thanks man

He tossed his phone on the couch as he headed to the front door. He opened the door wondering why she didn't ring the bell. Liza sat with her legs crossed Indian style right on the welcome mat. Elijah just stared at her before looking up. Cam nodded his head and Elijah returned the gesture as Cam pulled off.

"Liza get up" Elijah said as he stared down at her. Liza started crying out of no where. Elijah sighed as he ran his hand down his face.
"Liza...I said get up" he said with more base in his voice, but she didn't move.
"LIZA!" Elijah yelled. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs at a quick pace.
"Liza?" Jada said as she rushed to the door.
"Oh my gosh...Liza" Jada said as she kneeled down hugging a crying Liza. Liza didn't hug her back, she just cried.
"Liza what's wrong?" Jada said as she moved her wild curly hair out of her face.
"Ain't nothing wrong with her. She wanna cry now cause she don't wanna face shit" Elijah said.

"Elijah!" Jada said as she glanced back at him.
"Jada Move! Liza get ya ass up!" He yelled. Jada sucked her teeth as she stood up looking at him like he was dumb. Liza continued to ignore him, this only enraged him.
"YO! Get the fuck up" Elijah snatched her up to her feet by her arm. She stood still as she continued to cried.

"Go Liza before I slap the shit out of you" he yelled. She quickly stepped inside still crying.
"Liza, what's wrong-" Jada tried to console her but Elijah snapped.
"Jada Stop! Ain't shit wrong with her. Her ass wanna cry cause she got really thought I wouldn't find out...HUH!" He yelled.
"Fucking with my homie? Are you fucking stupid? What type of dumb shit you on? I should slap the shit out you" He threatened as he raised his hand at her. Liza quickly flinched.
"NO STOP!" Jada yelled as she stepped between them. She guided Liza towards the stairs.

"Jada stay the fuck out of it!" He yelled.
"No! When you learn to talk to her like a human being, that's when I'll stay out of it. Talk instead of fucking yelling at her all the time" Jada said. Elijah waved her off.
"Whatever yo...Liza go up stairs...we'll talk in a lil" he said as he went back into the living room. Jada shook her head. She watched Liza as she headed up the stairs.

"You're so fucking stupid I swear" Jada said as she stormed into the living room.
"Jada, stop fucking talking to me. I ain't got time for your shit right now so hush" he said as he typed away on his phone. Jada quickly walked up to him. She snatched his phone and threw it across the room not giving a fuck if it shattered.

"STOP FUCKING TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT!" She yelled. Elijah squinted his eyes at her.
"I'm not some bitch in the street, stop talking to me like that!" She said.
"You done?" He asked with a bored expressing. Jada reacted quick and slapped the shit out of him. He quickly jumped up yoking her up.
"Get the fuck off me!" She yelled as he pinned her on the couch.

"Or what?" He said. Jada wasn't scared. If anything she was mad he had her hands pinned down. She wanted to slap the shit out of him again. He pecked her lips. Jada quickly turned her head.
"Don't put your fucking lips on me until you learn to respect me" she said. Elijah sucked his teeth as he let her arms go. But he still hovered over her.

"You know I respect you so stop" he said.
"No you don't! Talking to me crazy for what?" She said. He sighed.
"I'm know how I get when I'm mad" he said. Here he go, always trying to make excuses for his actions.
"Whatever Elijah. You can't even admit your wrongs. Let me up" Jada said.
"I said I'm sorry. You know I love you...I'm sorry if you felt disrespected ok" he said as he tried to kiss her lips.

"Stop" Jada mumbled.
"I can't kiss you now" He asked.
"I don't wanna kiss you right now" Jada said. Elijah huffed as he put some of his weight on her as he buried his head in her neck.
"Stop Elijah" Jada said.
"I'm sorry ok... I love you" He said as he kissed her neck. Jada just laid there.
"Tell me you love me" he said as he kissed her lips. This time she didn't turn her head but she didn't kiss him back.
"I love you...can you let me up now" she said. He nodded as he sat up.

"Don't think I forgot you just slapped the shit out of me. That shit ain't cool J" he said. Jada gave him a glance and remained quiet before heading up the stairs.


Jada knocked on Liza's door. Jada could hear the shower in the distance so she walked back towards her and Elijah's bedroom. She went through her messages and Liah has yet to reply from a few days ago, so she texted her again.

Hey Liah. Are you ok?

Jada sent the text to her cousin and hoped she replied this time. She's been texting Liah for the past 2 weeks and she hasn't been answering. The first two days she would read the text but not reply. But than she stopped reading them causing Jada to worry. Jada quickly jumped up grabbing her purse. She was about to pop up on her.

"I be right back. JoJo still sleep in his bed" Jada said to Elijah.
"Where you going?" He asked.
"I'll be right back" she said as she headed towards the door.
"Jada! But where are you going?" He asked as he approached her. She sighed as she adjusted her mini backpack purse on her shoulder.

"To check on Liah...she ain't answering my texts, I'm worried about her" she said. Elijah shook his head as he walked away from her.
"Whatever man" he mumbled. He hated that about Jada, she always forgave Liah after she did her wrong time after time.
"I might dislike her sometimes, but I'll never stop loving her...I just wanna make sure she's ok." Jada said. She waiting or Elijah to reply but he didn't. She shook her head as she left.


It didn't take her long to get to Liahs apartment. She knew she had to be home because her car was parked outside.
"Liah?" Jada called out as she knocked on the door and rung the bell. Jada looked through the blinds that was slightly opened. She saw movement.

"LIAH!" Jada yelled as she knocked on the window. Liah slightly rolled her eyes when she realized who was knocking. Liah slowly made her was to the door. She cracked her door open coming face to face with her cousin.
"What Jada?" Liah said in a low voice.
"Liah...hey. I came by to check on you. You ok? Can I come in?" Jada asked. Liah slowly opened the door allowing Jada into the dimmed apartment.
"How are you?" Jada asked as she looked at her cousin. Her heart ached for Liah, Jada didn't know if it was stress or her illness getting to her. Liah looked skinnier. Her real hair was out and it looked thinned out.

"I'm ok Jada." Liah said as she slowly walked back into the living room. She sat on the couch and crossed her legs. She stared off.
"You sure you ok? You different" Jada said. Liah slightly chuckled as she looked up at Jada.
"Stress would do that to ya." She said. Jada remained quiet.

"How is she? How's my baby...Jigz don't answer my calls, texts or nothing. Why is he trying to punish me?" Liah asked as tears fell from her eyes. Jada's heart ached when she said that.
"Awww Liah" Jada said as she consoled her. Liah cover her face as she broke down in tears.
"I-I just wanna see her. I just wanna hug her and smell her. He won't even let me talk to her." She cried. Jada instantly felt bad because she was seeing Amaza basically everyday.

"He took my baby from me, so it feels like I ain't got shit else to live for." Liah said.
"Don't say that. You got a lot to live for Liah...Amaza misses you. And I know she wants to see you just as bad as you want to see her. But she can't see you like this Liah. You need help." Jada said. Liah wipes her eyes as she giggled.
"I do have something to live for huh...I remember when she was born...she gave my life meaning when I thought it was useless." Tear fell from both their eyes. Liah smiled as she grabbed the picture frame off her side table. It was a picture of her and Amaza a few months ago.

"I wanna be this happy again...I wanna see my baby smile like this again...maybe soon I will."Liah smiled as she handed the picture to Jada. Jada smiled. She could see that they both was truly happy. Liah stood up walking towards the kitchen. She pulled a cigarette out the pack and placed it between her lips before lighting it. She let out a heavy breath as she came back into the living room. She sighed as she sat back down.

"I never hit her...ever. I yelled...I cursed...I looked away when she had her arms out crying for me...but I ain't never hurt my baby" Liah cried as she rest her forehead in her palm.
"He tried to make me look like the fucking bad guy! I ain't never hurt her! I fucked up by taking that damn molly one day....I liked the feeling it gave me and I couldn't stop. I'll admit I chose that shit over her and I hate myself for that shit!" Liah yelled.

"I know you would never hurt Amaza...I know...and I never once thought that" Jada said. Liah looked over at Jada. She quickly got up hugging Jada.
"Thank you" Liah said in a shaky voice.
"Thank you...for always being there...thank you" Liah kept repeating.
"I'll always be here..." Jada said as they pulled apart. Liah nodded as she took a pull from her cigarette.

"I'm sorry...about the smoke. Nasty habit I know" Liah said as she put the cigarette out. They sat there in silence.
"Let me help you Liah" Jada said as she touched Liahs hand.
"Hmm what you mean?" Liah asked.
"I know this lady...her name is Doris Smith. She can help you" Jada said.
"That therapist?" Liah asked.
"Yea...I think it would be good. She can get you into a rehab center. That will help you with everything, from the whole molly situation to you dealing with your HIV status" Jada said. Liah looked off.
"I ain't got the money right now-
"I got it...I want you to get better. Amaza wants you to get better. She misses you Liah...she really does." Jada admitted. Tears continued to fall from Liahs eyes.
"I just don't want no one judging me" Liah said. Jada embraces her in a hug.
"Only God can judge you Liah...only God can judge you." Jada said.




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