Girls and Red lipstick

By hope_fieldman

45.8K 1K 212

Toni's the new girl. Cheryl's the favourite student. They are complete opposites. Their worlds collide as the... More

Moods and cigarettes
a bitch and an emo
sunshine and new friends
sleepovers and goodbyes
ice cream and fucked up families
parties and heart eyes
bars and bridges
jealously and love
mistakes and arguments
make ups and quitting
besties and tattoos
goodbye for now
new friends and long distance
Shes back
sex and emptyness
coffee and awkwardness
first dates and surprises
the second first time
a new home
little talks
miss you

the big day

958 30 9
By hope_fieldman

Her red hair was perfectly curled and pinned into position and she looked amazing. She had a glow that she'd never seen in herself before. Her white lace dress was so beautiful that it looks amazing even just hanging on the door. It was almost time for one of the most important moments of her life. A moment that she'd dreamed about ever since she was a little girl. "Wow" Veronica snd Betty said as they zipped up Cheryl's dressed and looked at her in the mirror. She looked perfect. A wave of nerves came over Cheryl and she felt all weird inside. "We will give you a minute" the girls said noticing her need to be alone for a second. As she stood looking at herself in her mirror she thoughts about everything. About how she was lucky enough to be marrying someone who she adored with all of her heart. About how she had a perfect little family. About how every moment of her life no matter how big or small led her to meet Toni. She felt all emotional but couldn't let herself cry. As she took a deep breath she heard the door open behind her. She heard a familiar gasp and turned around to see Toni standing in a white silk robe. "What are you doing?" Cheryl said hiding behind the door of the bathroom in her room. "you can't see me!!" she continued. "I had to see you. I couldn't wait" Toni replied. Cheryl slowly edged out of the bathroom until she was stood in front of her. "This is all kinds of unlucky" Cheryl said frantically. "Well i don't believe in luck" Toni whispered softly as she smiled at her soon to be wife. "you know...when it thought about my wedding day i always thought that i'd be the most beautiful bride...but i'm not" Toni said as she softly grabbed Cheryl's hands and stepped towards her. "Your cute" she replied smiling at her. "But what are you doing here? We don't have long and you're not even dressed" Cheryl said. When something important was about to happen she always got panicky and twitchy. "i've got plenty of time. I just needed to see you" Toni whispered. "I am so in love with you" She continued as she stared into Cheryl's eyes. "I'm came here to tell you that and also to say that we should have a proper wedding day kiss, one that we can't really have out there because our friends and family would be too jealous" she continued with a smirk. Cheryl giggled at her. "Come here baby" she whispered as she wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled her in to kiss her. It was passionate and long and something about it felt different. When their lips touched something felt different but in a good way. Maybe it's because they were basically wives not.

"I love you so much" Cheryl replied pulling away. "but now you do need to go and get ready" she continued as she pushed Toni gently towards the door. Toni smiled at her and walked over to the door of the room. "See you out there" she whispered with a wink and then disappeared out into the hallway.


Sweetpea and fangs linked Toni's arms and walked her down the aisle. Heads turned as she stepped closer and closer to the alter. Her heart pounded faster and faster and she felt herself getting all nervous. It was the kind of excited nervous feeling that you get before something amazing is about to happen. She reached the end of the aisle and turned to see Leo and Nancie sat next to betty and veronica. They looked so cute that Toni couldn't help but smile from ear to ear when she looked at them. She gave them a little wave and they both waved back. "Mama" Heidi said in her little baby voice as she reached out her hands towards Toni. She was almost two now so she could say a few words and she was starting to walk. Veronica sat her on her knee and gave her a teddy to play with which kept her occupied.

Toni waited for about a minute but it felt like the longest time ever. Every second that passed made her feel more nervous. Eventually the music started playing and the doors at the end of the hallway opened. There she stood, in her dress with her bouquet of flowers and the biggest smiles you've ever seen. She started walking towards Toni and tears streamed down both of their faces. They were so happy they couldn't hold in their emotions.

"hi" Cheryl whispered softly as she reached the front and stood next to Toni. "you look-" Toni started before she realised there were no words to describe how beautiful she looked. "So do you" Cheryl whispered and they both turned to face the wedding officiator.

The guy did all the usual waffling on that they had to do and all Toni was thinking about was the fact that she was marrying the love of her life. All cheryl was thinking about was the fact that she was marrying the love of her life.

"And you may kiss the bride" he said and they both leaned in to kiss one another. Cheryl's hands were placed on Toni's face and they both smiled as they kissed each other. The congregation cheered and clapped as they walked out of the room into the function room. "The wedding photographer will be along shortly" the wedding planner said as she walked out of the room. The girls smiled at eachother and hugged eachother tightly. "I can't believe that you are my wife" Cheryl said as she pecked Tonis lips. "me too" Toni said. They were both so in love and so smitten that nothing else mattered to them in the whole world about from each other and their little family.

The door opened and Leo raced in. Nancie followed behind him holding Veronica's hand. Toni picked Leo up and hugged him tightly and they Cheryl hugged him. "Look at our baby girl" Toni said as she bent down to Nancie's heart. Her little smile made their hearts melt. "Congratulations!" Betty and Veronica said simultaneously as they hugged the newly weds.


Cheryl walked in the door first and Toni walked in after her closing and locking the door behind her. The deluxe wedding suit that they were staying in for the night was huge. It had a huge bed and a huge bath and a huge bay window with a great view. It reminded Toni of the view from her art room in the blossom cottage that Cheryl gave her on her 18th birthday, all those years ago. Toni walked over to Cheryl and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind. "I love you so much" she whispered as she slowly span her around. Toni stood on her tip toes with her hands around Cheryl's neck. She slowly leaned in smiling and softly kissed her. "You know..." Cheryl said as she pulled away but still stood really close together. "i've dreamed of this day for my whole life, but no version that i came up with in my head was half as perfect as today was. And that's not because of the venue or my dress or the food or the music, but because of you. Meeting you and falling in love with you and building a life with you has been the most wonderful thing. You changed my life the first moment that i met you and i can't wait to be your wife forever" she whispered as she played with Toni's hair and swayed gently. Toni smiled at her and hugged her tightly. "and i can't wait to be your wife forever too" she replied. They both giggled at each other. It still felt weird to them that they were wives.

Toni slowly span Cheryl round and began unhooking the buttons on the back of Cheryl's wedding dress. It took her a while but eventually she unhooked them all and Cheryl stepped out of her dress. Toni looked at her in her lingerie and seductively bit her bottom lip. Cheryl smiled at her and span her round to unzip her dress. They both stood admiring each other for a few seconds. Cheryl grabbed Toni's hands and intertwined their fingers. She walked Toni to the huge king sized bed and pushed her down onto it gently. She leaned over and kissed her softly as she climbed onto the bed. They lay side by side looking into each other's eyes and kissing each other and holding each other. In that moment they felt so at peace and so in love that nothing else in the world mattered to them.


They lay opposite each other with the duvet over them just looking at each other. Cheryl traced her finger along the outline of one of Toni's tattoos on her back. Toni didn't take her eyes off her. She couldn't.

Toni noticed one single tear fall from Cheryl's eye and onto the pillow she was lying one. "hey are y crying?" she asked with a frown as she sat up and grabbed her hands. "yeah i'm more than okay" she replied smiling as she sat up. She shuffled closer to her and wrapped her arms around her neck. "then why are you crying?" Toni asked softly as she tucked a piece of hair behind Cheryl's ear. "just because of the way you look at me" she started. "No one looks at me the way you do and when you look at me like your looking at me right now i feel whole" she continued and Toni smiled at her. Toni leaned in and kissed her softly. She pushed her down gently do that she was lying on top of her. Toni slowly kissed her jawline and her neck before kissing her again passionately this time. Cheryl placed her arms on the side of Toni's face as she kissed her.

Every second she spent with her she fell more and more in live with her. The way she looked at her, the way she kissed her, the way she held her and the way she made her feel was a type of way that someone could only dream of.


"wow" Cheryl whispered as she breathed heavily and hugged Toni close to her. "why is that so much better now that we're married?" she continued which made Toni laugh. "what can i say i have many talents" she replied as she stood up and put on her white silk robe. Cheryl giggled. "where are you going?" she wined like a child as Toni checked her hair in the mirror. "Well in approximately 3 minutes your going to get hungry because you always do after we have sex so, i'm going to get snacks" she said as she grabbed her bank card and walked over to the bed. Cheryl's heart melted and she sunk into the sheets in the bed. She was so in love with her. "I'll be back in 5" Toni said as she lent over and softly pecked Cheryl's lips. Before she could pull away Cheryl wrapped her arms around Toni's neck and kissed her hard. "Okay i'll be 2 minutes" Toni replied and Cheryl laughed. She walked over to the door and opened it. Toni turned around to look at her wife once more before walking out.

A few minutes later Toni walked back in the room. She was holding a bottle of champagne in one hand and a huge bowl of chocolate strawberries on the other hand. "Every else was gonna take too long so this is the best i could do" she said as she closed the door behind her and sat down on the bed. "This is perfect" Cheryl whispered as she looked around the room for champagne glasses. "Did you get glasses?" Cheryl asked and Toni shook her head. "oh well" she said popping the cork of the bottle and taking a swig from it. It poured out too fast and some of it dribbled out of her mouth. Cheryl giggled. "classy as always babe" she said sarcastically which made Toni laugh.

They sat talking and feeding each other strawberries and giggling. They cuddled and held eachother.

This day had been perfect and neither of them wanted it to end.

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