Niall Horan Imagines

By hipstah_horan

878K 12.8K 2.9K

Niall Horan imagines, that will surely make you hormonally emotional and cry. :) More

New Family Member
Broken Promises
Red Carpet
Broken Arm
Cheating Fool
Long Nights
Christmas Surprise
Katniss Evermean
New Year's Eve
Lonely Nights
must read.
reaaaad... pls
Just Another Fan
Away On Tour Disaster/pt.1
Might wanna read
Away On Tour Disaster/pt. 2
He Flirts With You
His Hugs
Long Nights /pt.2
Kim Kardashian
For Zayn ❤️
Authors Note ://
Birthday - Requested
You're Perfect To Me
Living In The Moment -Requested
Away On Tour Disaster / pt.3
Away On Tour Disaster/ pt.4
You're Beautiful
Away On Tour Disaster/ pt.5
Derby- Requested
First Time Meeting Him/ pt.1
First Time Meeting Him/ pt.2
Liking The Bad Boy
Break The Rules
Wedding - Request
First Time Meeting Him/ pt.3
The L Word
He, Him, His/ pt.1
Her, She, Her's/ pt.2
Car Ride - Requested
Baking/ pt. 2
Sick Of It/ pt. 1
Sick Of It/ pt.2
Sick Of It/ pt.3
Good Day
Shut Up Niall
Love Triangle?
Best Friend's Brother/ pt. 1
Best Friend's Brother/ pt. 2
Best Friend's Brother/ final part.
Thank You!
Questions, Comments, and Concerns?


66.8K 642 265
By hipstah_horan

"This is Niall, please leave a message and I'll call you back.... (y/n) stop laughing at me...," you laugh slightly but it comes out as choked sobs, at Niall yelling at you because you were making fun of him while he was setting his voicemail.


"Hey Ni.. it's me again," you sniffle.

"It's been two years and I still miss you. I've payed your phone bill so I could hear your voice. I know you'd be shaking your head in disapproval right now, because I'm still crying," you let out a little chuckle, " the boys and their girlfriends come and visit me everyday, to make sure I'm ok. I'm glad they are. I love you so much Ni, why'd you have to go? You probably want me to move on and get married, don't cha? Well I could nev-,"

"I'm sorry your message is too long. We'll have to hang up now," The monotone lady says, and then the line goes dead. Quiet sobs echoes through out yours and Niall's flat.

"(Y/N)," Zayn's familiar voice calls out.
It was his turn to come and check on you.

"Yeah," you sniffle.

"Are you ok?" he asks, while coming over, and sitting down next to you. He wraps his arms around you, and hugs you tightly.

"I-I'm fine," you stutter.

"He really loved you. You know that?" he asks, while squeezing your shoulders.

"Yeah. And I loved him just as much. Those ten years we were together were the best," you cry once more, while you look down at your engagement ring. Niall had proposed to you a year before his death.

"Well I have to get home. Perrie and the baby are waiting for me. I love you (Y/N). Louis will be over tomorrow," Zayn says while tightly hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

"Love you too," You mumble into his shoulder. With that Zayn got up and left. Leaving you there on your couch staring at a picture of you and Niall.

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