flower. h.s ✔️

By vanillasoy

3.5M 81K 275K

// "...Harry? I thought you went home." "Turns out home isn't a place anymore, Flower." // In which a drug d... More

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twenty two.

44.1K 1.1K 3.4K
By vanillasoy

You know those times where you go to bed happy because you had a proper good day and then you wake up still in a pretty good mood, mainly because nothings happened to change that yet, I mean apart from actually getting out of bed which is always hard, but then; all of a sudden one little thing happens and it's not even that big but your mood just plummets?

That is exactly what just happened to me.

I've only been up maybe forty five minutes and after last night, hello a voluntary hug from Harry, I thought I'd be walking on a blissful rose coloured cloud experiencing my first true taste of love.

Not that I was in love with Harry, I just had a very big crush which was a little bit childish but somehow considering I don't think he ever intends to or even tries to, he makes me happy.

But that didn't really matter now because it was only, I glanced at the clock on the oven, 9:37am and my good mood had evaporated and I was sulking in the kitchen because not only was Oliver still here according to his car in the driveway.

But so was my Father.

I hadn't seen either of them but I assumed my Father was in his office and Oliver was either still asleep or in there too and as for Harry, well.

He was nowhere to be seen either.

Although I had to admit I was a little bit glad about that considering how we left things last night, or rather how I was left a flaming pile of mush in my room as Harry smirked to himself and returned to his own room.

Just call me Daddy.

That wasn't a normal thing to say to someone.

Or at least it wasn't a normal thing to say to just anyone.

Did that mean Harry had a "daddy kink"? What even was that technically, apart from the weird shit I'd seen online of people calling middle aged male celebrities "Daddy".


I jumped as a pair of fingers were snapped in my face and I almost dropped my mug of coffee as I focused in on who was talking to me and I swallowed thickly and took a step back automatically, my back smacking into the drawer handle painfully.

"Jesus, listen to me when I speak Pops." Oliver moaned and I pressed my lips together.

"Sorry." I apologised quietly, where was Harry?

"Jack's here." Oliver told me and I nodded.

"I know, I saw his car when I got up."

"Said you have to come to New York for your uni course next year," Oliver grinned and I shifted uncomfortably, "He also said you'd stay with Max and I, and I can't think of anything better."

"It's not a hundred percent decided yet." I attempted to placate Oliver, I knew I had to be careful with what I said to him, I knew he told my Father everything. They were weirdly close.

"What do you mean?" Oliver frowned.

"It's either New York or Washington." I shrugged, finishing off my coffee and peering round his thick body to look for Harry but unfortunately I couldn't see him.

"Well Jack said New York so that's that, which is fun cause we can pick up where we left off all those years ago."

I couldn't help but crinkle my nose as I looked for Harry again, where was he? He couldn't still be asleep, he's never slept in this long before.

"Your little boyfriend is talking to Jack." Oliver drawled making my eyes snap to him immediately, a smug look on his face. "Getting a real bollocking."

"He's not my boyfriend." I regretted the words immediately as they left my mouth, although I was preoccupied with why Harry was getting yelled at because I'm sure there was yelling.

"That's good to hear, not that it would have stopped me anyway." Oliver shrugged and I looked at him in disgust. "What are you doing tonight?"

"She's busy."

I jumped as Harry suddenly appeared in the door and my eyes glued themselves to him immediately and I smiled, watching as his lips twitched despite the fact he had a face like thunder.

"Doing what?" Oliver snapped.

"Uni thing, it's like a study brief thing." I lied, aware of Harry smirking out the corner of my eye.

"Shame we'll just have to see if you've still got no gag reflex another time." Oliver smirked at me and I rolled my eyes, no we won't.

"You know that Styles? Poppy can take anything down her throat no problem, it's a real talent." Oliver smiled slowly at Harry who simply stared back at him and I briefly admired his ability to make his face completely stoic.

"Fun." Harry simply said making Oliver groan and roll his eyes before he gave me one last look and left the kitchen, I'm sure to suck up to my Father some more.

"You alrigh'?"

Harry directed his attention to me and I nodded, licking my lips as I made sure Oliver wasn't lingering and my Father hadn't suddenly appeared.

"Why were you with my Father?" I asked curiously, "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, don't fret your pretty little head."

I pressed my lips together as my cheeks flushed but I nodded nevertheless. At least my mood was back to being a little bit better. But I still wasn't going to bring up what Harry said last night and admittedly I wanted to see if he did.

"The zoo or the aquarium?" Harry suddenly said, his eyes on his phone for a few seconds before he looked up at me.


"D'yeh' wanna go to the zoo or the aquarium?" Harry repeated and I blinked as I stared at him, we were actively going out...together?

"Oh! Uh, the aquarium?" I decided on, zoo's kinda made me miserable.

"Cool, ready to go now? Or do you need to..." Harry trailed off as he waved his hands around towards me making me frown, "Do stuff."

I laughed a little at Harry's poor explanation but shook my head nevertheless.

"I'm good, just need to get my jacket and shoes." I smiled, I was suddenly really quite excited.

"Welcome to wear mine again if you want." Harry offered, the words leaving his mouth in a quiet mumble as I passed him and I looked up at him curiously as I pulled my boots on.

"Don't be silly, it's your coat." I said as I reached for my denim jacket off the hook. Although the offer was very tempting.

"I have other coats Poppy." Harry laughed and I eyed him for a few moments.

Why was he offering?

"I'm good." I reassured him and pulled my own jacket on, making sure I had my phone and card before heading towards the door, glancing back to find Harry staring at me with a slight frown on his face.

Had I done something wrong?

I offered a tentative smile as I pulled the door open and that seemed to kick start Harry into motion as he followed me out and I waited as he unlocked the car with a flash of orange lights and I pulled the door open, sliding onto the cool leather.

Maybe I should have taken up his offer the jacket. But I admit, seeing it on Harry was a better sight.

"Wanna stop and get breakfast?" Harry asked once he'd turned out of my street and I hummed. I really needed to get back into the habit of eating breakfast.

"Primrose Bakery do the best croissants." I informed Harry who glanced at me as he stopped at a red light. "They're on Gloucester Avenue."

"Holy shit it smells good in here."

Harry stated the moment we stepped into the bakery making me giddy and I nodded rapidly.

"Right?! They do the best lemon and poppy seed loaf, it's literally to die for!" I told Harry excitedly, reaching out to squeeze his forearm making him look down at me in shock and I flushed in embarrassment and pulled my hand away. "Sorry."

"Don't be." Harry muttered but I was, way to be weird Poppy. "What are you gunna get?"

"Probably the wholemeal jam croissant and a coffee. You?"

"The chocolate croissant, is that good?" Harry asked and I nodded immediately.

"Very! It's always gooey on the inside and warm." I told him, "I'll get this."

"Don't be stupid."

"Hello Poppy, haven't seen you for a while."

Both Harry and Mary behind the till spoke at the same time and I grinned brightly at her, aware of Harry looking at me like I had two heads.

"Hi Mary! How are you? I know, I've been trying to be healthy, which turns out is incredibly boring." I explained making the older lady behind the till laugh and nod her head.

"That it is. What can I get for you today my lovely?" Mary asked.

"Jam croissant and soy cappuccino, a chocolate croissant and.." I trailed off glancing at Harry as I racked my brain. "A black tea, please."

I smiled triumphantly as Harry nodded slightly at my guess of his morning drink, Mary reading back our order before telling us the total and I reached for my card only to have Harry smack his onto the reader before I could.

"I'll bring it over my love." Mary smiled and I thanked her before glaring at Harry's back as he headed towards a window seat.

"How do you know everyone?" Harry muttered and I swallowed, "Better yet how are you so fucking nice to everyone?"

"I've been here a lot in my life." I licked my lips, why wouldn't you be nice to people? "Mum used to get me my birthday cake from here every year without fail and I also worked here one summer."

I shrugged aware that Harry hadn't taken his eyes off me, and the mention of Mum took my mood back down a few notches but I tried to shake it off.

"Thank you." I smiled at the waitress who brought our drinks over, she was new. But then again I hadn't been in here in a few months. "Oh I've also taken several classes here."

"For what?" Harry frowned and I bit my tongue from saying something stupid.

"I did a Christmas themed decorating class once with Mum when I was younger and then I also did a Mothers Day one as well." I explained.

I used to do a lot with Mum, and now I did nothing at all.

"That's cool." Harry nodded and I smiled slightly at him before looking out the window and took a sip of my coffee.

"I used to be baker." Harry said just as our breakfast arrived and my stomach rumbled immediately.

"You did?" I couldn't help the shock in my voice as I looked over at him.

"Oh yeh' not always been a bad boy you know."

I laughed at Harry as his lips twitched up into a smirk and I knew that was the best I was going to get and I'd take it.

"Get you to make the Christmas cake then." I joked making Harry roll his eyes.

"Oi don't push it, I'm taking you to the fucking aquarium."

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