The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

De Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

5 3 1
De Musics4lifes

Darkness, black void was all that I could see...or could not see. Pain was all I could feel. If I could feel the pain that means I am not dead...right? I could not open my eyes, not only because of the pain but afraid of what I may see. At random points in time, I would hear faint voices but I was not sure who they belonged to. All of a sudden I could hear a metal sound creaking and a breeze hitting me.

"Is she alive?" A thick Australian accent questioned. I couldn't recognize who it was.

"When Lord Angus Delaney brought her in, he said she was. He only knocked her out cold, not kill her...yet that is," another thick Australian accent answered.

"What are we going to do with her?" One of them questioned.

"She will pay for what she has done. She has intervened too much and been trouble for far too long. Whatever Lord Angus Delaney does, she has had it coming for some time," the other one said.

When it got quiet, I could feel two cold fingers on my neck and took me a lot to remain still so that they can believe I am still out cold. The one who went to reach for a pulse announced to the other one that I was alive. After that, I heard the metal screeching noise again into a shut.

I waited for a few moments to see if they or anyone else decided to come back. Once I felt it was safe as can be, I slowly opened my eyes. I take a glance around my surroundings and could see that I was trapped in a cell. Oh just fucking dandy. I couldn't believe it was the butler. Of course in any game or mystery movies that tries to solve who committed the murder, it is always the butler. What I still could not wrap my head around was, if Angus Delaney is still alive, who is the corpse in the burial chambers back at the mansion?

After a few long minutes of waiting to see if someone was coming back to check up on me, I heard nothing but silence. I slowly got into a sitting position and scooted back to the wall. Where was I? I couldn't see anything that could remarkably tell me where I could be. I looked down at myself and realized, I am not even wearing the right clothes. Hold up, did someone strip me down naked and gave me these...rugs? I looked at my shirt and saw that it was a plan white shirt and for my bottom wear, old worn out sweats.

I looked to my right and there was a standing curtain and a bucket. What was the bucket for? Then it hit me. is absurd! They expect me to use the bucket as a fucking toliet? What am I? Some hostage? Wait...I am a hostage...well shit. I still refuse to downgrade myself like that by using some fucking bucket for my...'goings.' This is just not right. I mean at least they provided a curtain.

I tried to move my arms and I could see them chained up along with my legs. Well great, even if I do end up using that damn bucket I hardly have move to start the process. Assholes. You're seriously bitching about the damn bucket while your friends could be dead and you being locked up, you are one freak. "You have no idea..." I mumbled back to myself.

Think Lilith, think. How does one escape a cage and get the fuck out of here. I am weaponless so fighting seems out of the question. First I need to find out where I am before I can provide a detailed plan to escape this hell hole.

"Ah the prisoner is awake, splendid. I wonder when you would wake up. Lord Angus Delaney will be pleased to know," a guard came over to my cage.

"Where am I?" I really hope I am still in England.

"Australia...mate," he spat mate out.

Australia? How long was I fucking out for? "How long was I out for?"

"A couple of days, he must've gotten you good. Though sedatives also came in handy, to make sure you were really out," he smirked.

"Why are you doing this," I asked quietly.

"Lord Thornes has had it coming for decades with how he has been ruling. He thinks he is better than everyone else. Plus his rules are bizarre. We are vampires, humans are our food source. That is how we survive. Hunt, kill, drink, sex, that is our daily lifestyle.

"How long are you planning to keep me here?" Any information would be great.

"I am not here to answer your questions. Though, if you give me something, perhaps I can give you some back," he smirked.

"Give...oh my god, you mean?" Gross! Like I would touch something so filthy as that creature. Not saying because he is a vampire, but he really does look like he has been living in a dumpster.

"Come on, it would just be a quickie," he winked.

Than a plan hit me. Maybe I can distract him. "Sure, why not. Not like anything good is on TV." I made my way near the bucket.

The guard took a pair of keys and unlocked the gate and stepped through. He closed the gate and stalked over to me. "You are going to be fun," he smiled.

Oh you have no idea. "Come on you big strong sexy vamp, I know you want some of this," I gave him a sexy smirk with a wink. Gross.

Has he walked over to me and was a few inches, I turned around and bent down letting him get a good view of my ass. I could hear him unzip his pants and knew it was time. I rapidly grabbed the bucket and quickly turned around and bashed him across the head with the bucket. The keys dropped onto the ground and so did the guard. While he was down, I quickly bent down and grabbed the keys and put it in my sweats pockets.

"You fucking bitch," he groaned. "I will fucking kill you!" He stood back up and used his left hand to grab me by the throat.

"Robert!" Lord Angus Delaney yelled. "What in the fucking hell you think you are doing!" He said furiously.

" Lord, forgive me. She wanted to have fun and I didn't think there was any harm, but clearly I was wrong." He let go of me and give me a death glare.

"Over my dead body! You basically tried to rape me!" I defended myself. Okay so maybe that was not clearly the truth but his boss doesn't need to know that.

"Get out here right now!" Angus yelled. As the guard stepped back and went through the gate, he faced his boss while taking tiny steps away showing fear.

"I'm sorry Lord Angus, it will never happen again," he said with fear.

"Leave now and if I ever see you disobey another order, you will be history," Angus glared.

"You're lucky that bucket wasn't filled!" I yelled at the guard who was running away. I now kind of wish I have used it, that would of been a lot more joyful.

"Shut your mouth bitch," Angus spat out. "You're nothing but trash and trash must be thrown out."

I was not going to show him any fear regardless of how I was feeling on the inside. On the inside, I felt like using the bucket but I will not give him the satisfaction. Perhaps while he is here, maybe I can get some information out of him.

"How are you alive? We saw your corpse in the burial chamber," I wondered.

"Why would I answer you?" He responded.

"Well I would rather binge watch but since my schedule has cleared up until my death comes, I figured we could have some Q and A, you know? Besides, you're going to kill me either way," I shrugged.

"Let's just say, it was to arrange it. When the leader behind the rogue vampires happened, I joined forces. I found a warlock who could mask a corpse to look like someone else. After that, it was pretty easy. He than made a glamour for me that could change my persona. I had him make me look like that butler Chives so that I could be in his place," he answered.

So he isn't behind the leader of the rogues, just a spawn. God damn it. "Wait...what happened to the real Chives?"

"You see, in life there are choices to make. I gave him the choice to join the cause. He refused so I killed him. Remember when I said when we used a corpse to look like me? It was actually Chives, the warlock glamour it to look like me," he smiled as if he thought he was some genius.

"So let me get this straight, you are just a pawn in someone else's game? But why? You're one of the lords, you have power yourself, why would you want to kill Lord Thornes?"

"He is the ultimate ruler you pathetic excuse. Have you ever picked up a history book about the supernatural? No, you have not because you grew up thinking you were one of those tasty humans. He is in charge of all the Lords. Humans are supposed to be our snacks but he wants us to live side by side with them! Pathetic and weak if you ask me. With him gone, I will become the ultimate ruler," Angus smirked.

"Exactly how do you know you would be the ultimate ruler? Perhaps the leader of the rogues will end you after he gets what he wants," I said.

"Unlikely and why you may ask? That does not concern you."

"What do you want with me? I have not even done anything to you," I told him.

"When the prophecy came and mentioned you, at first I didn't think you would be a problem. Sure when I first met you with that humanoid, fae, and whatever that other thing is, I knew who you were. But when you started killing our kind, I knew you would be a problem," he responded.

As I was running out of things to say, an idea hit me. "To be fair...Lord Angus," that shocked him when I gave him his title, "I was just doing a job from the SIA, I had no idea what was the backstory of that. If I would of known..."

"What? Join us?" he gave a harsh laugh.

"I would of. You guys are standing up for something for your own kind, I personally don't see anything wrong with that," I told him which he gave a surprised look. "You guys should be able to live as the creatures you are. I may not be a vampire but; if I was, I would not want to abide some stupid laws that forbids me being who I am. If humans are meant to snacks, who am I to stop you? If I was a vampire, I would like to live for who I am and snack on anyone that I want."

"Guess you aren't as stupid as you look," Angus shrugged.

Was that supposed to be a compliment? "With my powers, having me by your side, we can get rid of Lord Thornes in our ass's and have you as the rightful true lord. But what I don't get is, you have worked with him for how long? And you never once tried to attack him with your group, why wait this long?"

"That I have tried, but the leader refuses to see it that way," he rolled his eyes. "The leader says Lord Thornes is getting together with the other lords to build up a stronger army to go against us."

"Some leader, I'm sorry but that is the truth. He knows he is getting a larger army and yet instead of attacking soon, you guys would rather wait? That sounds more of a fair fight which also could be a disadvantage for you all."

"That is where you are wrong. You see, there are thousands of us, hundreds of thousands who would be willing to join us in each of the other territories," he replied.

Well shit. "With me by your side, it would even increase your chances. How I see it, you let me join your cause and end Lord Thornes. Once he is gone, I will leave and report back to the SIA. Keep the killings of humans on a low level for sometime until I can get the SIA off your guys back. Everyone wins."

"Well this just turned the tables. How do you know we won't kill you after the deed is done?"

"The same way that you won't know if I will kill you afterwards. We both don't know and just have to take chances. I could easily dust you but I can promise you I won't. Scouts honor," I raised my hand as if I was a scout.

I could tell he was thinking on the proposal. My only way out of here is him agreeing. After a few moments of silence, he made up his mind.

"Let me report this to my leader and see what he says," he answered.

Before he left, I asked him one more question. "Out of curiosity, where are my friends?"

"They are locked up awaiting for their deaths, which would be sometime today," he smiled.

"So you guys did have something to do with the portal incident," I said it more of a fact than a question.

"Of course, while you somehow escape through, once the portal closed, we had them come to us. In doing so, we were able to capture them," he replied.

Than another idea hit me. "If your leader agrees with me joining your guys's cause, perhaps I can talk to into Lord Thornes son in joining the cause as well. What would be better than having the Lord's son turn his back on his own father? Surely that will be the most painful thing he would ever experience."

"I must say Ms. Moonlight, I do like the way you think," he smirked. "Let me talk this over with the leader and I will get back to you." As he turned around I had one more request.

"One last thing, could you have your vampires stay away from me? Because if one more tries to take advantage of me, with or without my abilities, I will kill them," that was a promise.

He looked at me and gave a short nod. I waited a few more moments to make sure no one, especially him comes back. After a few minutes has passed, it was time to get my plan in motion. I went back to the bucket and curtain and pulled it shut, getting the most privacy as I would get.

I carefully pulled out the key ring out from the pocket from my sweats and studied them. Now which ones would get the cuffs off? I counted six different keys which was too many for me to try. If I am going to do this, I will have to time it just perfectly.

I squatted down and put my hands and the key ring inside of the bucket. As I try to fit the first key, it was no fit. I tried the second key and this time it fit in the hole but it wouldn't fit. The third key I recognized for when the guard used it to open my cell gate so I knew it would not be this one. I then tried the fourth key and this time it fitted and was turn-able. Now knowing this one unlocks it, I made sure my cuffs remained locked.

Now for the tricky part. Knowing I couldn't use the bucket this time, I carefully moved the bucket out of the way. I aimed awkwardly with the same fourth key to see if it would unlock the leg cuffs. The key didn't fit so at least I now know that it was meant for the handcuffs. I tried the fifth key and it didn't even fit inside the lock. Oh please be the last key, please. I prayed to the goddess that this one would work. As I put in the sixth key inside the leg cuffs, it not only fit but was able to unlock it.

Now for the hardest part. I have to get those two keys off the key ring. Knowing I only have one shot at it, I quickly grabbed the fourth key and unlocked my hands, freeing them. I concentrated on my fire to go to my hands so that I could melt them off. My fire came easily and I was able to melt the fourth key off. Now for the sixth key. I could hear footsteps from the distance and knew I had to hurry. Once more I concentrated on my fire to melt the last key off from the key ring. As footsteps were starting to become louder and louder with each step, I had to move fast. Finally I was able to melt off the last key. I quickly put my hands back in the cuffs and used the fourth key to lock it up. I then rapidly put the keys back in the pockets of my sweats.

"What do you think you are doing?" Angus came back.

I stood back up moving the curtain away. "Can't a girl try to use the bucket in peace without anyone disturbing me?"

"" he said knowingly he felt awkward about it now. "I spoke to the leader," changing the subject. "He said he will agree but you must prove your worth that you are really on our side."

"And exactly what does he want me to do?" Even I was nervous on the request.

"He wants you to be the one who kills your friends," he replied, eyeing me to see if I would react.

"What about Drake though?"

"You may try to convince him to see if he is willing to join our cause. But, if he does not..."

"I kill him as well," I interrupted him and gave him a shrug.

"When does this start?"

"This evening when the sun goes down. They will be executed in front of Lord Thornes as he is coming on a business meeting and that will be when we make our move," he smiled.

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