The Night Howlers (Black Ops...

By Bryannaakins560

657 4 2

This old, abandoned theater wasn't much of a home, but it was enough of a shelter for my sister and I to recu... More

BIO Page
Ein Gebrochenes Herz
Wir sind nicht alleine...
Author's Note: Collaboration wanted!
Vom Fleisch Zum Stein
Sorry about the delay....
Traurig Aber Schön
Die Stücke Aufheben
Wachsender Verdacht
Sorry I have been M.I.A. :-/
Die Gesellschaft der Wölfe (Part 1)
Rosemary's Pic
Zelma's Pic
Die Gesellschaft der Wölfe (Part 2)
Die Gesellschaft der Wölfe (PART 3)
Die Todeswache (Part 1)

Die Wölfe Verhören

20 0 0
By Bryannaakins560

Die Wölfe Verhören

Interrogating the Wolves

20 Minutes Later....

The girls were roped to a pair of chairs with their hands crossed behind their backs and tied in knots. Their mouths were taped closed and their ankles were taped to the chairs' arms as well as tied up.

Doctor Richtofen, of course, did the tying up and taping. He was the most paranoid and skeptical of the two sisters. But it was his idea to simply be friendly and play along and see if their motives were benign or if they had some sort of ulterior motive behind their actions. If so, then they are merely acting friendly and putting on a mask for the men.

Now that the sisters were immobilized and unconscious, this was the time to speak freely about the sisters and discuss their thoughts and focus on what they should do now.

"My plan has vorked to perfection." Richtofen crossed his arms.

"For now." Tank corrected, getting pissed when the doctor rolled his eyes. "I still think we should move on, get as far away from these girls as possible."

"That sounds like good plan," Nikolai agreed with him. "We cannot hang around these girls if they have some sinister plans we have yet to figure out."

"We do not know if what the Wolfe sisters say is the truth. Did they really lose their father and mother?" Takeo asked.

"We don't know for sure, Tak." Tank pointed out. "But we can't stick around to find out."

"I suggest ve get our answers now...vhile we have zhe opportunity to do so." Richtofen said in a monotone, listening to everyone's thoughts while collecting his own.

When they turned around and broke from their circle, the girls were still asleep. So Richtofen grabbed his pair of prepared serum and injected them into the girls' necks. Then he removed both of the strips of tape that covered their mouths. Rosie was the first to come out of her induced sleep. Her eyelids twitched for a moment as she tossed her head heavily.

"Hello...? Hello....?" Richtofen said loosely.

"Hey, Rosie!" Tank snapped, causing the others to shush him.

"Vhat is zhe matter mit jou, Dempshey?!" The doctor smacked him with the back of his hand.

"Doctor...Doctor?" Rosie mumbled as her eyes slowly opened.

"Ja, it is me, kleiner (little one)..."

"W-wwhere am I...? Why am I tied up? Why is Tank pissed at---"

"Shush, my dear...don't pay no mind to zhis, zhis dummkopf."

"Why is he mad? Are those...needles? What the--?"

"Like I said, never jou mind about him. Ve just have some quvestions vor jou und jour sister."

"O-o-okay, fine. Shoot. Just get it over with and untie me."

"Vhy are jou here? Tell us vhy are jou really here."

When Rosemary opened her mouth, suddenly, she was startled by her sister's violent shaking and writhing about trying to free herself.

After panting heavily, she finally spoke. "That's none o' their business, Rosie. Don't tell 'em anything."

"Zhen so be it. Nikolai...?"

He handed him an MR6 pistol and the doctor aimed at Zelma's forehead. "This is horseshit."

"Shut up, Zee."

"You ain't gonna pull the trigger."

"Shut. The Fuck. Up. Zee."

"Are jou vready to die vor poor, little Rosemary?"

"Yes." Zelma never blinked as she kept her eyes locked on the doctor and not his pistol. Then, there came a soft click; the gun was empty.

But the click made Zelma quickly turn her head and close her eyes tightly.

The doctor saw a single tear drip from both of her eyes.

"Just as I zhought."

He grabbed a full mag from Dempsey's belt, cocked his pistol and aimed it at Rosemary as her eyes contracted and her breathing rapidly sped up.

"Now, let us try zhis again, shall we?"

Rosemary whimpered and cried as she hyperventilated.

"ALRIGHT, OKAY!!! I'll talk, I'll talk. I will tell you everything, just don't kill me!...Please..."

The doctor gave the gun back to Nikolai.

"You are one fucked up doctor, y'know that?!" Zelma cursed.

"Zelma, you've done enough talking for me already. You're lucky he didn't pull the trigger on me, so shut the fuck up and let me do the goddamned talking!"

Her sister was shellshocked. She hardly ever called her by her first name, nor did she ever get pissed off at her. So Zelma smartened up and kept quiet.

After Rosemary took a few, deep breaths, she finally spoke. "Okay. I'm ready. Tell me what you want to know."

"Why were you dressed like a man?" Nikolai asked.

"Yeah, why use a disguise?" Tank grumbled.

"Well, that's kinda...personal..."

"We got all night, honey." Tank said with sarcasm. "It's not like you're going anywhere, either."

"Ugh, fine. It-it was about two months ago. We came across a few survivors. A couple of Americans were lost and trying to find their platoon. My sister was asleep one night and one of the guys pulled me aside and said that he just wanted to talk to me. So after we did, he kept...complimenting me, getting all touchy and just being a bit too flirty. So when I walked away, he grabbed my wrist and threw me to the ground. His buddy held a gun to me and....They had their way with me and my sister couldn't help me. I was raped...over and over...until I heard my sister near a bush, trying to do her business. The buddy left and that's when I screamed as forcefully as I could. She killed him and beat the other guy within an inch of dying before strangling him and slit his throat afterwards....

"It was my idea to hide my gender. To put on a brave face as my sister's skinnier, muscular brother." Rosie finished and the guys were dumbfounded.

"I...I do apologize, kleiner. We did not know zhat was zhe reason for zhis deceit. And your scars...have truth behind zhem. I zhink all of us owe you both und apology. I'm sorry."

"So am I, Rosie. I-I didn't know."

"I am sorry, Rose." Takeo bowed.

"I am sorry, too, Rosie." Nikolai said. "You must remember that you survived this traumatic experience. You are stronger from it. Remember that."

"I will." Rosie nodded.

"So that story about losing your parents was true, too?" Nikolai asked.

"Every word of it."

"And your sister losing her husband?" Tank asked her.

She nodded. "I can't speak for her, guys. She was very close to Axel. Only she can tell you more. But it'll come in time."

"Axel was my husband. Knew him for three years, married for seven. We fought the hordes together. With mom and dad."

"You loved and you lost, sisters," Nikolai said. "But they are always with you, in your hearts."

"Thank you, Nikolai. That's...really sweet."

"I hate to interrupt this touching moment, but we're still tied up here."

"Yeah, so?" Tank shrugged.

"I would appreciate if you untied us because I am starting to lose feeling in my hands and feet." Rosie said politely.

"Oh, of course, my dears." Richtofen got out his knife.

"Please hurry," Zelma hissed hastily. "I am not having my hands and feet amputated anytime soon."

"Oh, come now, mein liebchen (my sweetheart). It vill be wunderbar. Und look at zhe bright side: ve could call you Stumpy!!"

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