Your Unstable Dose of G/t (fl...

By MakeFluffNotVore

50.9K 489 443

The (mostly) gentler and fluffier side of gt. Irregular updating schedule and shitty quality though so consid... More

Surely it's a dream?
Error 404
Smaller than you'd think
What goes Around...
Comes Around
A little too Warm
The Illusion of the Mind
Taken In
To the Hopeful Ones
To the Faults
Till Dawn
Best Served Cold
It's Snowing Somewhere Else
2nd Thoughts
Blooming Fire
My Sweet Tiny Valentine
Smells like Dopamine
Floating Trees
Stay safe...
Don't Sue me Lmao
Something New
...don't ask
We'll meet again
Some sunny day.
Smol Brain
Big Brain
To be continued.
Bonus Points.
Bro idk how to title stop asking for one >:c

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1K 16 11
By MakeFluffNotVore

"That girl didn't deserve that..."

"What did you say?" I faked a smile as I shook my head, wishing that those words never reached her ears. "Anyways, us and the other girls are going to that bar again. Care to join?" I shook my head again, oblivious to the screeching girls that was shrieking there heads off. "Aww come on, I've told you this like, a thousand times. Our fake IDs worked perfectly! And you would wish that you'd had joined earlier when you taste their booze!" ... why do I keep up with this charade?

"Nahh, you know my dad. He's always nagging and threatening me with that fake police badge of his, but the worse thing is that he takes away my phone..." She shrugs her shoulders as she walks over to the other girls to talk to, leaving me a moment to catch my breath. I don't know how I got into this... I never wanted to be a bully... I just, wanted friends...

Walking through the hallway as footsteps echoed through the school, me and my 'friends' boycotted the class and left early to taste that famous booze that bar had. Nevertheless, I stopped myself before we got to the place; sometimes pretending that I had something important to do or just slip off from the group in plain sight. Of course, they'd ask for the reason why I disappeared and I would always give the same excuse: 'I got lost.'

They'd buy it and laugh at my stupidity before throwing it all off their head the next hour, and return to our usual past-time of bullying helpless girls. They'd jeer and throw punches and the target, then ask for their money before walking away from the victim with a unconscious tread of malice. The people in this entourage has done many hedious things, some of which I still can't comprehend... but maybe one of the things I'll never forget was how one of them ate a tiny. (I really argued with myself with that line, and again I do not ever tolerate bullying or voring tinies.)

See, our school was mixed; which meant us humans and the tinies had classes together and ate together. But under the sugarcoating of the school authorities, it was still a hellish place to be in for a tiny. Bullying occured regularly everyday, tinies begging for their lives as empty threats from students loomed over them and rarely will there ever be a case, but sadly, tinies have gotten killed 'accidentally'.

The school had, without a hitch, prepared for such situations. Regardless of how much the teachers claim how 'safe' the school was, not once had there ever been a tiny that never gotten taunted or even faced with death every, single, day. And here I am, a phony female. Begging for a conversation from anyone by any means, even if it meant playing along with hedious acts that should be considered crime the moment it happened. I tried to talk to some tinies, but no matter how much shorter or gentler I tried to become, they'd always have their faces painted with fear and everytime, I walk away understanding how much harder it was to be tiny; a life so easy to sniff out.

And so, as a last resort, I went to the hooligans. Proclaimed myself as an individual delinquent and walked through those hellish years laughing off every mistake I made, voluntarily. It's not like I never thought of leaving the group, I've already stuck my head too much into the jaws of a lion. Ever since then, I've been trying to find and excuse to excuse myself from the group and unsurprisingly? I failed.

My parents weren't much help, they never stayed at home for too long as they were all caught up in their daily grind of work. They'd come home at 1 in the morning and leave at the dusk of dawn, someimtes leaving behind a note to even ask how I was doing. No, they never cared, and never will care. Why? I'll never know... sigh... what am I doing with my life.... "Hey girls check it out!"

My ears perked up as I lifted my head from my tilted neck, dreading as to what atrocities they'll do this time.... no... "Hey tiny, haven't you heard of the... what's it called? 'Giant's only' Walkway?" The girl was clearly frozen in place, not moving at all while her eyes watered. "Aww... are you crying now? Hey, what say we give you a cold treat? Something that'll cheer you up." The girl stayed speechless and seemed as if she would die from fear. The leader of the group was ruthless, she never gave a damn about anything; not even killing tinies. "Then why don't I choose where to put you... does a fridge sound good?"

The tiny took a step back, obviously frightened but closed her eyes as she braced for the gigantic hand that whisked her away to the school kitchen. And slowly with every deafening step, her expression turned eerie calm. Her face now showed no emotions; she had accepted death. A knife soon impaled my corrupt heart as I battled with my inner wisdom over what I should do; I couldn't just go up to the tinies' captor and run away with her in my hands, I'm far too unathletic to outrun those girls and... who would I... speak to once I leave the only people who even gave a damn about me?... I.... no, this isn't right.

I calmed myself down by taking in deep breaths, I couldn't just stand there and act as a bystander no more! No, my selfishness wouldn't get the better of me this time. I can't let them cloud my mind. "And here we are!" Gulp. I didn't even realise how close I was to the kitchen before stepping into it... come on Tef you can do this... deep breaths. "So! How would you like your death? A quick and cold one orrrr, a slow and death-gripping death that slowly lulls you into internal slumber?" ... The tin- she remained silent. "Oh? Gave up on life have you? Well then, have a happy death experience!" 

"NO!" I rushed past the girls towards the leader, all still shocked from the screech of my desperate and obsolete voice. "Tefeul, what are you doin-" Aghh! I sent a right hook up her nose while I wrestled back the trembling little girl from her grip. "Hey! After her!" I took off towards the entrance of the school as the rebels followed quick on my heels. With the adrenaline pumping in my veins and the screams heard behind me, curious heads poked out of classrooms. Teachers with dazed expressions let their eyes wonder on our running forms. I looked down temporarily to check on the trembling student, and with her eyes closed, I hugged her securely against my chest as I burst out of the school.

I looked back and see the girls gone, probably because of a teacher or so, but I can't stop yet. I left and right for cars as I crossed the busy street, bustling with humans and tinies alike. Nobody minded the many tinies that sat on their shoulders- carriers they called them-, not a single soul was seen walking below human heights just as the laww decreed; it would be too dangerous. Cars passed as the arised pillars lagged behind. My pulse starting slowing down as I reached my residence, turning the doorknob to the empty house.

Turning on the lights and keeping my shoes in the shoe rack, I stepped onto the carpeted floor as I slowly walked up the stairs. My parents would be home a littler later, if not... they won't at all. Cold leftover was placed on the wooden table, with a note of apologies. I took up the plate of loveless pizza and started warming it up in the oven while I sat down, gently placing the little girl onto the table... was she okay? I squinted my eyes to look at her figure, happy that she had her nutrition properly; unlike some unlucky individuals. Sighing as I lowered my head onto the table, I closed my eyes as I waited for the oven to finish heating. But why, why was the little girl out in the halls in the fist place?... "Eeek!"

My head shot up as I adjusted to the sight of the frightened girl right before my palms. "O-oh hi. I... I'm sorry about the rough handling... I just had to... save you." I really hoped my apology reached her, some tinies might live their lives paranoid just from what she experienced. "It... hasn't been long since I rescued you from her grasps, do you have someone waiting for you?" She looks up into my eyes, hands trembling and legs failing; crying her eyes out. "O-oh I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ask... " Agh! Stupid insensitive brain! I mentally slapped my head as I gently picked her up to cradle her back... I know, it seemed weird considering the difference in size... but I know it helps. Maybe something bad happened to her family... I'll have to ask her later...

Her sobs and sniffles lessened as her eyes swelled from the excessive crying, but she had seemed to calm down. "I'm so, so sorry... I was dumb to ask you that.." She shook her head while standing up, hand holding onto my fingers as pillars of support. "It's... *sniff* not your fault..." The atmosphere thickened as the air grew tense. "It's getting a little bit late, do you..." WHY DO I KEEP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS?! "You... can a bath while the nights' still young, why don't I prepare a bath for you while the pizza heats up?" Her face showed no signs of approval or consent, so I took it as a yes... I have to give the girl some space... "This'll be a little bit bumpy." I warned as I slowly took at step up the stairs at a time. I reached for the bathroom door and pulled out a towel, cutting it into a tiny little piece for her to use. "Hold on, I'll get you something to bathe in." I lowered my hands to the bathroom sink as she walked off on her own... awkward. Swinging open the door to my room, I pulled out a miniature bathtub and some doll clothes... because I was a girl (Sorry for stereotyping!). 

"Here, I'll wait outside the door. Call me if you need any help." She just nodded her head as she stepped into bathtub filled with lukewarm water. Closing the door and slumping down onto the ground, my nervous heart seemed to calm down a bit. Was I doing everything right? I don't want her to feel like she's unwelcomed... thinking back now, I always had a soft spot for tinies. Even though it wasn't often, I still remembered some instances where I helped them out when I was little. I guess I kinda feel responsible, being huge compared to them and all. The smallest and tiniest danger me as a giantess might be fatal for them; they need people like us to help them move around, to protect them from dangers and be there to help them through hard times... kinda like what I'm doing right now. It had been easier to communicate with them though... maybe because of my size. I always wanted to become a medium between the human species... this brings back my childhood memories... "H-hey! I'm d-done."

I opened the door slowly, so I wouldn't scare her. "Wow, you look amazing in that..." IS THAT THE ONLY THING I CAN SA- ..."You don't have to fawn all over me, you even speak like my mom..." The frown on her face showed discomfort and uneasiness, I guess I should ease myself.. "Here, get on." I lowered my hand for her to climb up on, because I KNOW she doesn't like being grabbed. She hesitates a little before stepping on, face still bogged down with sadness in her eyes. "You can wait in my room while I bring up the pizza, or would you like to come with me?" She doesn't reply, instead pointing at the stairs. Breathing a mouthful of air, I cupped my hand over her while I descended down the stairs.

The microwave starts beeping right on time, indicating a not-so-fresh but heated pizza. Placing her onto a table nearby, I grabbed some gloves to pull out the contents. Her expression wavers as the smell hits her nose, does she like pizza? "Would you like to eat it here?" She nods as a sign of approval while her dreary frown slowly fades away. "Careful, it's still hot.." I guess I do sound like a mom. I took out a slice and tore a little, blowing on it as I handed it to her. Her posture suddenly relaxed as if the tension in the room was lifted off her shoulders, gratefully accepting the tiny piece of food that was presented to her. "I always liked pizza."

Her voice was soft, but audible. "Your... parents took you to a tinys' pizza place when you were small?" She nods her head. "Thanks for saving me earlier... I thought I was a goner." I smile a little, honestly happy that I choose to save her. "I must be troubling you right no-" "No not at all..." A smile creeps up her face; shocking me. "You are not like the others, the world needs more people like you." I make a sheepish face, trying very hard to take the compliment. "And yes, as you might've already guessed... my parents aren't... with me anymore." The pizza I had been eating suddenly didn't taste so good... "S-so you don't have a place to stay at anymore?" She solemnly nods her head... eh, not like my parents will care anyways. "Would you like to stay with me?" The question shot through her ears and for a second, she freezes up. "W-what? Are you sure? Wouldn't that trouble you a lot?" I shook my head as I smiled." But on one condition." Her face pales... "N-no I don't mean anything demanding or bad I just want... you to be... my... friend." Fear immediately seeps away from her face, replaced with sympathy. "Of course, that's the least I could give..."

"You know what, I'm gonna ditch the pizza, I've lost my appetite." She giggles and laugh a little while the anxiety around the room completely disappears, and little by little, the house seemed like a brighter place to be. I reached for her... stopping halfway, no.... she doesn't like being grabbed. "It's fine, I trust you; I'm your friend after all!" Happiness swells in my heart as I gently pick her up, gently pressing her against myself to give her a sense of safety. "Well... this is my room.."

It honestly wasn't much: a bed, a cabinet filled with clothes and a table with a table lamp for me to study on... and of course, my childhood toys. "Well... this looks plain." Her snarky comment makes me chuckle. "Well, get used to it. You're gonna live here for a while." Closing the door behind me, I mesmerizingly lowered her onto the soft bed while she giggled at me comeback. "Would... you mind if you slept with me?" She snuggles into the blankets while flipping around a little. "Of course, where else would I find a gigantic heater?" Her joke striked deep within me... she likes my heat? "O-okay???" Switching off the lights, I got into bed while settling her right next to my face. "I know this position is weird, you can tell me if you're not comfortab-" She shakes her head while getting closer towards me. "I hadn't felt a bed this soft in a while, the best I can do is live with you and your cringy attitude." 

Her joke cracks me up, giving me a good laugh... but it died down when I thought about what would happen next. "I wonder. What will we do tomorrow? We technically live in the same school, and I guess I can keep helping you get around... but what happens after we graduate... where do we get the money to keep supporting you..." Her eyes dimmed a little before giving a shrug while lying down- is that even possible? "I don't care about the things in the future, and I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad..." True... "Eh, we'll just screw around with life before it throws a real challenge at us, I'm sure we can get past without worrying every single day." I breathe in a breath of disbelief, but she was right. There was no point thinking about the future.

"We'll deal with life tomorrow, I'm tired..." She states the fact of the present, and I was surprised because... "I haven't even learnt your name yet, why do you trust me so much?" She smiles with a tender side of understanding. "Well... maybe because I'm Amy and you're the one Amy trusts." I... "I don't know what to say... my... my name's Tefeul." She laughs a little at the mention of my name. "Well that's a funny name.... enough talking! I want to sleep!" She turns to a side while cutting off our conversation right then and there. Hahhh..... how long has it been? Since someone slept with me? I covered my hand over her small body as a 'heater'. She stiffens a bit, but relaxes after muttering a word of thanks. "Good night, the one Tefeul trusts."

Hi... I know it's been a while. But hey, it's something? Right? No? Anyways, I had some spare time so I thought eh, why the heck not. This story was requested by peculiargirl5, feel free PM me! Until then, stay fluffy. (Sorry if this story was sloppy! I did it all within one sitting, while being exceptionally tempted by procrastination.) >:)

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