More than Best Friends?

Galing kay Linchu13

484 35 26

Track team members Kyle and Yuki are best friends, but when Kyle discovers that Yuki has been keeping a secr... Higit pa

Chapter 1 - Secret Discovered
Chapter 2 - Space
Chapter 3 - Mending Broken Ends
Chapter 4 - Afflicted
Chapter 5 - Confusion
Chapter 6 - Absence
Chapter 7 - Envy
Chapter 8 - Investigation
Chapter 9 - Confession ❤️
Chapter 10 - Getting Steamy 🍋
Halloween Special! 🎃
Chapter 12 - Flashback ⚠️🍋
Chapter 13 - Reflections ⚠️
Chapter 14 - Bully ⚠️
Chapter 15 - Tears ⚠️
Chapter 16 - Test?
Chapter 17 - The Skating Rink
Chapter 18 - The Other Guy
Chapter 19 - Late Night Confession ❤️
Chapter 20 - Café Date
Chapter 21 - Caught in the Act?
Chapter 22 - When They First Met
Chapter 23 - Unlikely Duo
Chapter 24 - Don't Let it Slip
Chapter 25 - Preparation
Chapter 26 - A Special Night 🍋
Chapter 27 - Restricted Rating ⚠️
Chapter 28 - The Cultural Festival
Chapter 29 - Some Time to Think ⚠️
Chapter 30 - Anatomy Lesson

Chapter 11 - Double Date ⚠️

17 1 1
Galing kay Linchu13

❤️- A cute and fluffy double date! A long chapter of couples - specifically Yuki and Kyle - being cute together! I was working on this section for quite a while before uploading it, I wanted to make sure everything was just right!

⚠️ - Warning for brief mentions of coercive sex. It is consensual, but only due to coercion.

The next morning at East Horizon Academy, Kyle and Yuki walked around the halls while holding hands and occasionally exchanging loving glances.  Other students pointed and gasped, and some cooed in awe of their public display of affection.  They walked for a few minutes before running into Pe and her boyfriend Henry.

"Yuu-Kun!" Pe called out to Yuki and waved.  "Good morning!"  Henry didn't say anything, but acknowledged the other couple's presence with a curt nod, gripping Pe's hand tighter.  "You look very happy today!  I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Thanks," Yuki said, leaning a bit closer to Kyle.  Pe noticed, and both she and Kyle immediately remembered the brief interaction they had had a couple of weeks before.

"It's you!" Kyle exclaimed suddenly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude, I just never caught your name."

"Oh, how rude of me!  I just realized I never asked your name as well!  I'm Pe, and this is Henry," Pe said and gestured to Henry, who was visibly uncomfortable.  His eyes darted to anywhere but at Yuki and Kyle, which was a bit unsettling to Kyle, but Yuki was used to Henry's nervous behavior.  "Honey, say hello," Pe continued, gently squeezing his hand.

"Uh...hi..." Henry muttered, still averting his gaze.  He used his free hand to tug at his shirt collar.  Kyle noticed a faint British accent from Henry's greeting.

"Sorry about that," Pe said, shaking her head, "He's just a little shy around new people."

"It's fine," Kyle started, "By the way, I'm Kyle, Yuki's... uh..."  He tried to finish the sentence, but could only blush and cover his face.

"He's my boyfriend now," Yuki almost shouted, holding up their interlocked hands and smirking.

"Oh, congratulations!  Yuu-Kun, I'm so happy for you!  It's about time," Pe said in delight, winking at the last part.  Yuki's face turned pink.   "I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to go to the carnival sometime!  The fair is in town again, and Henry was going to take me, but it would be great if you two came with us!"

"That sounds awesome!" Kyle said, sparkles in his cerulean eyes, "Yuki, I'm gonna win you one of those big-ass plushie things!"  He clenched his free hand into a fist, a determined expression on his face.  Yuki chuckled, Pe giggled, and Henry stood there awkwardly.  Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the few minutes left before the first class.

"We'd better get going, I'll text you more details later, Yuu-Kun," Pe said, waving goodbye. Henry gently tugged her along in the other direction, clearly wanting to leave the situation.

"Okay, bye," Yuki said and waved back; Kyle waved back as well.  They kept walking towards Mr. Omperponk's classroom when Kyle turned to Yuki.

"I've got this weird feeling in my gut about Henry," Kyle said with a concerned expression on his face.  He looked behind them and saw Henry with his arm now around Pe's lower back, the two receding from view.

"What do you mean?" Yuki asked, "He's always like that."

"Well, if you say so, but something about him doesn't seem right."  Yuki shrugged at Kyle's comment.

"I haven't noticed anything strange about him," Yuki continued, "They've been together for a couple of years now, and they look really happy.  I think Pe would tell me if something was wrong."

"You're probably right, you know them better than I do," Kyle said, smiling.


Soon enough the weekend had arrived, and it was time to meet up at the county fair.  Kyle and Yuki were already at the fair entrance, waiting for their friends to arrive.  It was a warm spring evening, and the clear sky was a light shade of tangerine.  The bright lights of the fair were already on, allowing the event to be seen from quite a distance; vibrant hues of every color peppered each ride and attraction.  Kyle then spotted Pe and Henry walking towards them.  Pe looked cheery as always, and Henry even had a small smile on his face.  Maybe there wasn't anything weird going on, after all, Kyle thought.

"Yuu-Kun!  Kyle!  It's good to see you again," Pe greeted them, "I'm so excited!  Let's go in!"

The four of them walked in together, but it was then that Kyle noticed what Pe was wearing.  It certainly didn't make her look bad, but there was a visible cleavage line peeking out from the top of the tight blouse she was wearing.  It accentuated her... assets, a little excessively, in Kyle's opinion.  A necklace with a large pendant rested near the top of her shirt and bounced with every step she took, only drawing more attention to that area.  Suddenly, Kyle felt a hand on his shoulder and flinched at the unknown contact.

"What are you looking at, mate?" Henry suddenly asked, cocking his head slightly at him.  Kyle almost shuddered; it was the first time Henry had talked to him before, so his British accent was even more noticeable now.  He thought he was overthinking the situation, but he sensed a strange glint in Henry's eyes.

"Sorry," Kyle stuttered and shook his head, "It's nothing."

"Hope that's all it is, chap.  You keep your eyes on what's yours, yeah?  She's mine." Kyle heard slightly more emphasis on the last word, sending chills down his spine.

"Sure...?" Kyle said in a questioning tone.

"Good." Henry looked back at Pe, softly pecking her temple.  Kyle glanced back at Yuki, who hadn't noticed their conversation because he was looking around at some of the attractions.  He decided it would be best to bring it up at a different time, that he should just enjoy the fair with his boyfriend.  He squeezed Yuki's hand, prompting him to look up.

"What's up?" Yuki asked, his gaze focused on Kyle's face.

"Nothing," Kyle answered, "I...I love you."  He kissed Yuki's cheek and quickly pulled away, blushing.

"You're such a dork," Yuki chuckled, "I love you too.  Now let's get something to eat. I'm starving."


The pavement was packed with food trucks and vending stands, with long lines of people in front of each.  Kyle sat at a picnic table with Henry as they waited for Yuki and Pe to come back with the food.  He wanted to know what Henry was thinking about, especially after that interaction earlier, but wasn't sure of how to talk to him.

"So, uh..." Kyle began, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm, "What did you ask Pe to get you?"

"I'm fine with whatever she orders, I'm not picky," Henry answered and shook his head.


"It'll be better than anything my stupid brother makes," Henry said and rolled his eyes.

"You have a brother?"

"Four, actually. They're all pains..."  Kyle was surprised; five boys?  How did his parents deal with them as kids?

"I see..."

When Pe came back, she skillfully was balancing four plates of food on her arms, and she set them down gently.  Kyle was shocked at the sheer amount of food; two plates had a pile of French fries and one entree, and the other two had rice dishes.  Were they both going to eat all of that?

"Here's yours!" Pe said cheerfully, passing Henry a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich and fries.  So if Henry only was going to eat a sandwich, then Pe was going to eat the other three plates?  Interesting...Kyle made a mental note of it to himself but tried to keep from judging.  Maybe she just likes to eat, he thought.  Suddenly a plate of fried chicken was passed to Kyle; he looked up and saw Yuki already sitting beside him and eating.  Not even twenty minutes had passed when Pe and Yuki had both finished their food.  Henry had only eaten one half of the sandwich and was nibbling on the fries.  Meanwhile, Pe's three plates were near spotless, and Yuki's had a small pile of fully cleaned chicken bones.

"Do you want dessert?" Pe asked as she turned to Henry, "I'm still hungry..."  She placed a hand over her stomach and pouted.

"Sure, get whatever you like, love," he said while stacking her three empty plates.

"Yay!" she said happily and gave him a quick kiss before dashing off towards the funnel cake booth.

"She really likes to eat, huh?" Kyle asked nervously, hoping to start a conversation.

"Not really," Henry said and shook his head, "I was just as surprised as you when she brought out that much food."  Kyle was curious now and wondered what could be making her act different than what was considered normal.

"Maybe she's just really hungry?" Yuki suggested, "I think anyone would eat that much if they felt like it."

"I guess," Kyle said, but something about Pe and Henry's relationship still felt...  off to him.  He had never dated anyone until now, so he felt a bit guilty for judging them.  "Anyway, what should we do after we're done eating?"

"I thought you said you were going to win me 'a big-ass plushie'," Yuki said, trying to hide a large grin behind his hands.

"Oh yeah!  I'm gonna get you the biggest one!" Kyle exclaimed, the determined gleam returning to his bright eyes.

"Not if I can get it first," Henry mused, smirking at Kyle.

"No way!  I'm totally gonna get Yuki the biggest and cutest prize!  Just you wait!" Kyle stood up now, pointing a finger at Henry in defiance, "Last one to get there's a rotten egg!"  He sped off towards the games area, and Henry took off after him.

"I hate rotten eggs!  You're not getting there first!" Henry yelled back at him while running.  Yuki couldn't help but laugh; it was silly for Henry to challenge the captain of the track team, but being competitive and confident were things that Yuki loved about Kyle.

After a few minutes, Pe came back with a plate of dessert: a large funnel cake, topped with vanilla ice cream, chocolate dressing, and powdered sugar.

"Yuu-Kun! I brought dessert!" Pe said as she put the plate down, "Where's Henry and Kyle?"

"They went to go win us a prize in the game section," Yuki replied to her question.

"Ah, okay," Pe said and sat down across from him, but her smile soon shifted to a frown.

"What's wrong?" Yuki asked, poking the fried dough with his plastic fork.

"Nothing...I just...haven't ate this much in a while," she started to twiddle her thumbs and watched the chocolate syrup ooze down the round scoop of white ice cream.

"It probably isn't anything to worry about, right?"

"I don't think so, but..." Yuki stuffed the piece of funnel cake into his mouth, letting Pe finish speaking. "...It's just that my period is late..."  Yuki almost choked on the food and coughed it out into a napkin.  He regained his breath before interrogating her further.

"Did know...?" Yuki inquired, and made an "O" shape with one hand and put the index finger of his other hand through it in an attempt to sign out what he was asking. Pe nodded slowly. "How recently?"

"I think...maybe a week or two ago?  I don't really remember...we've done it too many times for me to recall any one specific time..." Pe said, blushing and looking down at the dessert.  "Sorry if it's weird to talk about it...It's just been pretty much all I've been thinking about this week..."  She shook her head and sniffled.

"Hey, it's okay," Yuki said, reaching across the table to pat her on the head, "We're friends, and that means that we talk to each other.  As long as he didn't make you do anything you didn't want to do, there's nothing wrong with being intimate.  It's a way of showing that you love each other."

"'re right.  Henry says that too, that it's out of love."

"What do you mean 'it'?" Yuki asked since that sounded suspicious to him.

"Well...sometimes, he wants to do something fun...and I don't really feel like doing it..."  Yuki was skeptical now; Henry wouldn't do something like that, would he?

"Does he ask your permission before doing anything?"

"Yes, but if I say no, he just waits...He'll look at me and ask 'Please,' or say something like, 'You love me, don't you?'  I do love him, but if I don't show him, he doesn't believe me...and he always looks so sad if I don't let him do what he wants..."  This made Yuki's blood boil.  Why would Henry do something so cruel?  He'd have to know that Pe was too sensitive, that she couldn't tell him no.  After all, she was so kind, and she loved Henry with all her heart.  Even if she was to receive all she so desired, nothing would mean as much to her as him.  He understood that it must be hard for her to deny something to the person she loved most.  However, he couldn't determine what exactly Henry's motive was.  Was it only sex, or was it just a kink he had?  Either way, Yuki felt that Henry should just respect Pe's boundaries and that if something like that were to continue, they should implement a safe word into their intimacy.  He stayed quiet as she hadn't explicitly asked for advice, but Yuki knew that this was something he'd have to talk to Henry about.


The sun had long been set, and the night sky was speckled with stars.  Most families had gone home for the day, so the fair was pretty much filled with reckless teenagers and young adults.  Pe and Henry had already gone home too since Pe had said she was tired.  Yuki and Kyle sat together in a Ferris wheel cart, holding hands as the vehicle approached the top of the wheel.  Yuki rested his head atop Kyle's shoulder, and with his free arm, hugged a giant cat plushie that Kyle had won for him.

"You know, you didn't have to pick such a big one," Yuki said, nuzzling into Kyle's neck.

"But I wanted to prove it to Henry that I'd pick the best prize!" Kyle whined, pouting. "Plus, I know you love cats, so I picked the cat one."

"It is pretty cute." Yuki hugged the toy tighter, causing it to squish around where his arm was.

"But you're cuter," Kyle said, wrapping an arm around Yuki's shoulders. He leaned in closer, and Yuki returned the action, so Kyle brought him into a loving kiss, cupping his free hand on Yuki's cheek. The Ferris wheel continued to rotate as love songs played softly through the speakers on the cart. The two had had a wonderful first date, and couldn't wait to spend more time together.

A picture of Yuki's kitty plush:

(~2.5k words, 6 November 2019)

(2460 words, edited 31 May 2020)

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