Dead Beat~//n.mara


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Desiree did everything herself she never needed anyone to help her. Even when she got pregnant with her high... More

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Desiree had just finished cleaning the living room of the small apartment when she heard a knock on the door. Desiree was still in sweats and a puke stained tank top and smelled like last night. She desperately needed a shower and a change of clothes, but it was too late he was already there.

She quickly went to the door and opened revealing Nick, dressed in a coat and some jeans as it was getting a little cold outside.

"Hey." Desiree said with a small smile on her face.

"Hi." Nick said and just stood there awkwardly. He felt like he should give the girl a hug, but she just stood there, so he kept that same energy.

Desiree after a second of awkward silence Desiree moved from the doorway and allowed Nick inside the apartment. Nick entered the small apartment and put his coat on the back of a dining chair.

"So Meri's still sleep, but she should be up soon. Can you just watch her while I go take a quick shower?"

"Yeah of course. Take your time." Nick offered a small smile and Desiree thanked him. She scurried off to her bathroom to go take a shower. Nick sat just staring at the sleeping child in the play pen. He couldn't deny that was his baby, but in his opinion Meri looked more like her mom. Nick heard the shower turn on and this caused Meri to stir. She fluttered her eyes open and looked at her father. Meri of course did not recognize him as such, but she didn't cry like she usually would with strangers. She was surprisingly calm.

Nick didn't know what to do in this situation. He was hoping that she wouldn't wake up until Desiree got back. He was terrible around kids; he never really knew how to act around them.

Meridee stood up and clung to the edge of the play pen. She lifted her arms and signaled to be picked up. Nick looked around behind himself as if someone else was there, but of course it was just him. He slowly bent down to pick up the baby from her crib. He sat them back down on the couch with Meri placed comfortably on his lap. Meri looked up at Nick with intrigue. She reached out her little hand to touch his face. Nick chuckled lightly and kissed her small palm.

"Hi Meri. I know you don't know me and I'm really sorry about that. Life happens you know... well know you don't. But what I'm sayin is imma be here, no matter what. I'm gonna do everything I can. I'm gonna be in your life and be the best dad I can be." Nick said in a small voice and Meri smiled.

"Da Da." Her little voice squeaked out.

"Yeah. That's me." Nick cheesed; grinning ear to ear. Desiree had never seen this side of him. Of course he was a loving boyfriend with her, but this was a whole different care and tenderness emitting from her ex-boyfriend.

She was standing behind the two still in her towel when Nick finally glanced over his shoulder.

"Did you hear her Des?" Nick sighed. "Wow." Was all he could say.

"I know right." Desiree sat down next to them and started tickling her daughter. "Now she really knows who Dad is." Desiree sighed. "Thank you, Nick."

"Thanks for what?"

"For giving me the best thing to ever happen to me."

Nick smiles at his little baby who was gnawing on a teething ring. "Thank you for letting me be here."

"Of course." Desiree looked down then back up. "I should go get dressed."

"Or you could stay like that." Nick suggested earning a scowl from his baby momma.

"Nick, don't be nasty around your daughter." Desiree spun on her heal and went to her bedroom to get dressed. Nick laughed and shook his head.

Nick stood up carrying Meridee awkwardly, as he wasn't used to holding babies. He walked to the room that Desiree walked into and stood outside the door.

"So Des." He yelled into the girl's bedroom. "Who all lives here?"

"Me, Meri, my brother Percy, and his annoying ass girlfriend Haley." Nick could tell she rolled her eyes at the last name she said.

"Oh really? Sounds like you don't really like it here then."

Desiree comes out of her and her daughter's shared bedroom wearing a baby pink sweater, light wash jeans, and Uggs. "Nick, if you're trying to manipulate me into moving to LA you can just stop. I've already made up my mind." Nick's face drops. He isn't expecting anything good to come out of her mouth.

"Oh, you have?" he ponders, a sad expression present on his handsome face.

"Yes." Desiree sighs. "And I've decided that I'm moving to LA."

"Wait for real?" Nick asked excitedly. Desiree nodded and allowed Nick to hug her tightly.

"You hear that Meri? You and Mommy are coming to live with me." He says to his daughter.

"Uh, no nigga. I'm getting my own apartment. I have enough money for a down payment on something small, but I'm gonna need help on rent though."

"Of course ma, but I want to pick the location. I really need y'all close, just in case."

"Alright, sounds like a plan."

"Come over tomorrow and we can look for some stuff. And make sure you bring this little beauty with you." Nick kissed Meridee's chubby cheeks and then handed her back to her mom.

"I will don't worry about that."

"I should probably get out of here. I have to go to a dinner later."

"Alright, have fun be safe." Desiree waved him off and with that Nick was out of the apartment and Desiree was satisfied with her decision.

Lo's Hoes
This felt rush even though it's been written for probably a month... but anyway hope u enjoyed hit that star and comment ✌🏾

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