Elemental Miraculous Hero (My...

By L0nelySha2ak1

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"Shit..." he said as he looked at her shocked and scared, "She's re-discovered her quirk." "We need to leave... More

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Exams
Chapter 3: First Day
Chapter 4: Costumes
Chapter 5: Accustoming
Chapter 6: Craziness
Chapter 7: Havoc Begins
Chapter 8: Last Resort
Chapter 9: Fight to Survive
Chapter 10: Over
Chapter 11: Visitors
Crack #1
Chapter 12: Familiar Face
Chapter 13: New Face
Chapter 15: Sports Festival Begins
Chapter 16: Challenged Ahead!
Crack #2

Chapter 14: Thoughts

716 14 0
By L0nelySha2ak1

(A/n: The chapter was late my apologies but I've been stressed lately because I'm currently failing a class and am planning to drop it since there is no hope for me to pass it before the semester ends. Also, since I was in the Halloween spirit I drew Monster!AU!Reader A Werecat! And it's kinda funny because she and Katsuki can argue like cats and dogs XD I was stuck between a Werecat and a Kuei-jin Vampire, a.k.a an Asian Vampire. I learned about the vampire from Vampire: The Masquerade and unlike regular vampires, that can only feed on blood, they can still enjoy some human things and feed off Chi. You can learn more about them . But I'll stick to werecat for the moment.)

All of class 1-A were in their classroom and packing their things ready to leave.

However, they all had nervous looks and none were stepping outside.

Brandon had a deadpanned look as he stood with his bag-- a brown leather hiking outdoor backpack-- slung over his shoulder.

"You can't be serious," Loki said.

"Why am I not surprised," (y/n) mumbled with a sweatdrop and twirling one of her locks in her fingers slightly annoyed.

A whole crowd of students was blocking the door preventing them from leaving. All of them did not look like they had come to wish good luck to any of them.

"U-Um, why the heck are you all here?" Uraraka asked nervously.

"Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida asked.

"Why are you blocking our doorway?" Mineta asked, "I won't let you hold us hostage!"

"Isn't obvious what they're doing?" Brandon asked exasperated.

"Huh?" most of the class looked at him confused.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots," Katsuki bluntly said as he walked up to the crowd unfazed.

Mineta pointed at the blonde in despair at how unfazed he was.

"We survived a real villain attack and want to see if we really are a big deal," (y/n) added calmly with crossed arms.

Katsuki stood in front of the crowd and some of them looked at him nervously.

"At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras."

"You can't walk around calling people "extras" just because you don't know who they are!" Iida scolded as Uraraka and Izuku panicked in the back.

"But they are extras..." Brandon said as he glanced at the Author and Reade--Hey! Don't do that!

"You should really not do that, Wilson," Loki sighed, knowing that breaking the wall will give away some things about himself.

"So this is Class 1-A," a familiar male voice said.

(Y/n) couldn't help but perk up a bit hearing it and looked to the crowd seeing the familiar spiky purple hair walking up to them.

"I heard you guys were impressive, but just sound like an ass," Hitoshi said--the last part meant for Katsuki, "Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?"

Everyone in the back started to panic as Katsuki growled at him.

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs," he was finally at the front and scratching the back of his head, "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such is life."


"I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance," he lowered his hand, "If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room."

Some of the class flinched nervously.

"Scouting the competition?" he narrowed his eyes to everyone, "Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that, if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

'Where did this guy even come from!?' Iida, Uraraka, and Izuku thought nervously.

"Now, now, Hitoshi," (y/n) calmly said stepping up, "You're making yourself sound cocky rather than confident."

"So you're with these egomaniacs as well?" he sighed, "Then again it makes sense."

"(N/n), you know this guy?" Izuku asked.

She smiled turning to him with a hand on her hip, "Yeah. He's a childhood friend."


Katsuki growled and glared at the guy hearing that.

She looked at Hitoshi, "I met him two years before you guys, plus sharing classes together."

"Yo, nice to see you again, Hitoshi," Brandon greeted walking up next to (y/n).

Hitoshi just nodded at him with his stoic expression.

He and Katsuki then had a stare-off, most likely trying to make the other waver in confidence.

"Well, let me say something to every one of you," (y/n) said calmly with a stoic expression as she walked out of the crowd.

Everyone stared at her attentively as she had her back turned to them.

She turned so the exposed side of her face was visible to them and gave them a confident yet encouraging smirk.

"Show your might by fighting us in the Festival!"

Everyone looked at her either in awe or surprised.

She smiled and kept walking down the hall as her smile remained.

The tense atmosphere that used to be around faded once she left and most in class 1-A was letting out a breath of relief.

'Thank you (L/n)! You made them stop hating us!'

"Great words of encouragement," Shadow whispered peeking his head out of her jacket.

She simply had a smile, "I was just being honest."

She glanced behind her seeing the crowd still and closed her eyes for a moment.

"If you were able to get into this school in the first place, it means you do have the potential to do what you want, no matter what department, class, or course you're in," she stepped outside, "However, you have to make sure to show that you do deserve to be here. You can't be as confident as Katsu but not have the brains or brawn to back it up."

"You're really using Bakugou as an example?" he chuckled.

"Well, he's the most confident person I've met and he does have the brains and brawn to back it up. I'm sure you get what I mean."

He nodded, "The Festival is in two weeks, so we might want to start re-strengthening your body."

"Yeah. I'll try to strengthen my arm a bit, I still need to be careful with my back so I'll hit the gym during my break. I hope Kirishima's tips are useful since I will need it."

"Right!" he ducked back into her jacket.


For the next two weeks (y/n) trained bit by bit regaining some of her strength into her body. Lateefah would go out with her to spend more time outside and with her.

At some point, she and Brandon met up after school to practice.

The two were in casual clothes one cool morning.

Brandon wore a black shirt, blue jeans, black boots, and fingerless gloves.

(Y/n) wore some black boots, a long-sleeved (f/c) and black striped shirt, , and net pantyhose.

Lateefah was playing on the water's edge and digging around with Shadow flying around her and playing by splashing her with water.

The two chuckled at the pair playing around.

"Careful you two, try not to dig too deep of a hole," (y/n) called.

"Not an issue--Gah!" Shadow got interrupted by Lateefah pouncing on him.

Lateefah let out a chirpy laugh as she got off him.

Shadow popped his head out of the sand and spit out three times and then glared at the griffon, "You mangy--Why I oughta--come here you!" he shot at her.

Lateefah let out a fake, panicked chirp and started running around the water as Shadow flew after her and the two laughed.

The two teens chuckled at the two playing in the water.

"How's your back been?" Brandon asked.

"Luckily, Recovery Girl told me that I will be able to participate in the Festival. I still need to be careful with my back though. I can walk and run like I normally did, fortunately. I just have to avoid any heavy lifting for a little longer."

"That's good to hear."

He then scanned her clothing and raised a brow.

"Why would she be wearing that?" Loki asked, "She doesn't seem like the type of person to be wearing such an outfit."

"What's up with the outfit?" Brandon asked, voicing his and Loki's thoughts.

She shrugged, "I guess ever since I started being on my own with my quirk and leaving Paris I'm more confident in myself."

"I can tell. Seriously, you kept teasing that explosive classmate of ours on the bus."

"Nah, I don't find him that scary just yet," she closed her eyes looking at the sky and had a nostalgic look.

"I recognize that look," Loki said.

"Something up?" Brandon asked.

She shook her head, "It's nothing you should worry about."

He raised a brow, "You really think I'm gonna buy that?"

"No, but I'm hoping you take it as a clue that I don't want to talk about it."

"So there is something wrong."

"Ugh," she sighed with a smirk, "You're not gonna stop until I talk, will you?"

He hummed and crossed his arms.

She sighed and fell on her back in the sand looking up, "It's just... I've been having this strange feeling ever since the USJ attack..."

"You mean you're paranoid?"

"Nope, not that feeling. I'd recognize it if I had it."

"Does it involve someone?"

"Something like that, yeah."

"Who could it be?" Loki asked.

Brandon held his chin, and then smiled teasingly, "I think I know who it is."

"Oh really?" (y/n) asked unconvinced, "Who?"

"That hot-headed bomb in our class."


He raised a brow, "Okay, that isn't lovesick silence or look. Why is he making you feel weird?"

"I don't know... Before I passed out..."

She remembered when Katsuki had held her and especially his expression.

"He held me and... he looked so... worried..."

"Why is that making you feel weird?"

"Guys like him don't usually worry over someone like that. ...Even when I was almost passed out... I felt him... hold me tight."

She remembered how before she fully fell into unconsciousness she felt the blonde hug her close to him.

"It felt like... he was scared of letting go of me..." her eyes glazed over in nostalgia as she remembered, "Almost like..." she remembered when Chat Noir had hugged her to protect her from Timebreaker and felt a stab of painful guilt in her chest, "......"


"It's been such a long time since we last saw each other and, considering everything I have told him, he cared about me like that..."

"Maybe they had some sort of relationship when they were younger," Loki said.

"You might be right, she was his childhood friend after all," he said.



"What'd he say?"

"He said that just maybe you and Bakugou could have had some sort of relationship when you were younger. After all, he seems less hostile with you than anyone else."

"Hm..." she closed her eyes in thought, "Now that you mention it, I guess so."

"Do you remember anything about him?"

"Just him being an asshole to Izu."

He lightly growled hearing that, "So him bullying Izuku is the only thing you remember?"

She nodded, "Nothing about him being nice to me or anything pops up, yet."

"Well it could take some time," Loki said.

"It'll take some time so don't worry. If anything, try to make new memories with him and the others."

She sighed lifting her hand up lazily and some sand following her movement and snaking in the air, "I'll try..."

Both males frowned seeing her stoic and depressed expression.

"By the way, you never answered my question about what you meant back at the hospital," she brought up, "Mind answering me now?"

He held his chin, "We could... but..." he shook his head, "I don't think it's a good idea to tell you right now."

She furrowed her brows and glared at him, "Why the fuck not?"

"It could impact you for the festival. Besides, I'm thinking that we should go and meet the grandparent that is the god. It takes a while to get there and also having to try and have one of them fess up."

"The gods are stubborn at times," Loki groaned.

"We have almost two full weeks until the festival begins. We have time."

"Still, your attitude for the Festival can be affected. Tell ya what, I'll tell you and take you to the gods after the festival is over."

She raised a brow.

"I promise okay."

She sighed, "Okay. I'll take your word for it."

He nodded with a smile, "Thanks."

"Although," she turned to him with a teasing smirk, "You lying to me right now and I'll break your legs. Got it?"

He nodded with a laugh amused, "Sure, sure. I'll make sure to give you a free hit then."

The two remained quiet as Lateefah and Shadow were still playing at the ocean's edge.

"You really love Lateefah and Shadow, don't you," he asked seeing how she stared at the two.

"Of course I do," she said almost immediately with a soft tone in her voice, "I've always loved animals, especially anything small. You'd be surprised how I can get a bird to land on my finger by just motioning and enticing it with crumbs."

"I'd like to see that honestly."

"Maybe. I'm not sure I have the same aura to animals as I once did."

She closed her eyes as the sound of the ocean calmed her crazed thoughts.

He stared at her calming expression and the white-haired girl seemed to replace her for a quick second in his vision before returning to her.

"Shouldn't we ask her about it? It's definite that she's inside her," Loki said.

'No. Not yet,' he looked away from her and stared at the sky, 'Besides, Naraka might tell her at some point. You know how she is.'

"She always liked waiting until almost the last moment to say something important."


Everything was pitch black with nothing else in sight.

However, in the center of it all was someone.

They had long white hair that cascaded to the ground and pale skin.

They were laying down on the ground on their side and seemed to be completely naked.

They raised their head showing the girl that (y/n) had turned into when she was hospitalized, as her red eyes seemed to glow from her pale complexion. Her hair covered her breasts as she sat herself up staring above blankly.


She simply sniffed and kept staring blankly to the ground.




"Someone's talking about me."

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