Truly-Madly-Deeply Assistant

By ZaraPenn

71.5K 2.1K 1.3K

Avery had big dreams but Jared, who can't seem to function without her, doesn't feel like letting her go. Is... More

Part One - First
All I need
She is gone
Breakfast at Jared's
Games by the pool
Ups and the downs
Chances pt. 1
Chances pt. 2
Chances pt. 3 - Leaving
Summer special - The show
Summer Special - The after-party
Bitter welcomes
Her favorite song
My way or the high way
One day
'A man on fire'
'A violent desire'
'Do you wanna cross the line?'
Morning Coffee
One in a million
This is us
Morning fluff
Flashback - Lily
Protective or selfish
Here goes nothing
Commit to the bit
Above the clouds
Flashback - You'll never know
Little truths
LA!Buzz - The gossip
The one with all the feelings
Out and About
Family issues
A year wiser
Flashback - All I have
The gift
Shadows of the past
A night apart
Take the car
Another day another girl
New Year's Eve - Morning
New Year
It's over
Flashback - The Oscars moment
Apart - phone calls
Apart - breaking point
Surprising Mr. Leto
Highs, lows and higher
His past
I don't
The Event pt. 1
The Event pt. 2
Morning news
Flashback - Backlash
LA!Buzz - The real deal
City of Exes
Flashback - Forever mine
Capricorn and the pushover
Hot and steamy
The test of feelings
Leaving night
Friend or foe
Tips and tricks
Flashback - Scattered memories
Comfort pt. 1
Comfort pt. 2
Long distance
Moving on
Choosing dreams
Back to us
Brother's leftover
Just saying...
Mother in town
Taking control
The new home
Stubborn mind, aching heart
Behind closed doors
Baby talk pt. 1
Baby talk pt. 2
A day in the life
LA!Buzz - Drama alert
Small town girl
Birthday surprise pt. 1
Birthday surprise pt. 2
Her past
Home big Home
Change is coming
Our life, our rules pt. 1
Our life, our rules pt. 2 - Ending

Apart - the bully

451 18 19
By ZaraPenn


So I felt inspired and the next chapter is already ready so I thought, why not share it :D Let me know what you think about it ^^

Thank you for all the comments, and welcome all the new readers! <3

"Have a safe flight and call me as soon as you land, okay?" I hugged Lynn at the airport one last time before she goes through the security gate.

"I will. And let's keep in touch more frequently," she offered as she let me go.



"I promise," I smiled knowing well usually I am the one who either doesn't have time or just forget to even answer my messages.

"Thank you for this amazing week and hopefully see you soon. I'm going to try and get an exchange place here," she smiled excited.

"It would be great," I chuckled.

Thinking about it, it really would be good if she would be around. I loved this week with her, and it felt so good to have a friend around.

Once again, I was driving away from the airport with tears in my eyes and by the time I got home I didn't want anything more than a hot bath with some music and a glass of wine; and so, I made it happen. I went to bed early that night, as the last day with Lynn was still filled with sightseeing, shopping and some amusement park experiences.

The rest of the week was rather quiet, and I slowly started to fall into my work life routine. My boss got back to work, the band was back in the studio, I was back doing their marketing, while I was joining to talent recruitment meetings and demo listening as Larry thought I am ready to learn more about the industry. I usually got home around six or later in the evenings as working was the only thing keeping me busy and not think about how I missed Jared.

Even though, we couldn't talk daily because of the time difference and our working hours, we still kept in touch through Snapchat and messaging throughout the day. He would occasionally send me small videos from set or from the hotel, and although I never really got a full glimpse of the character he was playing, I loved his groomed beard and sleek hair for sure.

I liked to watch the small videos he sent me. He seemed happy and in a good place there, which calmed me and kept me smiling, and it was easier to be apart this way. I have also seen a couple of clips shared of him roaming around London or interacting with fans; being ever so patient about taking pictures with every single person in the crowd. He seemed calm and chill. It also reminded me how big of a star he is. Living in our small bubble for the past two weeks made me forget how many people want a piece of him.

At one point I did join one of his live feeds but that was nothing like his personal snaps for me. He would talk and answer questions, thank people their nice words but it was all robotic. It was his public persona, the unreachable the all mighty Jared Leto, who I used to work with. Seeing him in those videos, he was cold and almost emotionless and to me it was uncomfortable, so I decided to skip them.

Friday afternoon, I was almost done with work when I got another Snapchat video from Jared.

I smiled leaning back in my chair with a smile as I opened the video, to see his reflection in the mirror. He was wearing black pajama pants with a red robe.

"Good Afternoon, flower!" he smiled waving to the camera in the mirror. "I hope your workday is going well. Tomorrow I have a free day so let's video chat, what you think?" he asked as he switched to front camera. "Room service can be here any minute with my dinner and then I am off to bed... exhausted. "Today's shooting was insane though!" he grinned. "I miss you..." his pouting made me giggle "Sending kisses, hope you won't drown in them," he started sending all the kisses until the video ended.

I instantly sent a video back.

"I miss you too. The day is so far so good; I have been involved in some new projects, I cannot wait to tell you all about it," I smiled. "Call me any time you want I will be available the whole day! Enjoy your dinner and have a great night, love you," I blew a kiss too, then putting my phone down I sighed happily as I started to gather my stuffs.

After the first days and when Lynn left, I was devastated, but work and my work friends occupied me, and Jared being active and reachable in one way or another made me realize that it is not as bad as I thought. The nights are still lonely, but I learned to get through them and having a routine helped me a lot.

I was ready to leave my table when Larry walked out of his office.

"Avery, before you leave, I would like to talk to you; if I can see you in my office?" he asked.

"Sure," I nodded as I put my bag down and walked into Larry's office as he held the door open for me.

Lately, I have been called into the office a lot, so I comfortably threw myself into the chair in front of his desk, waiting patiently until he sat down as well, leaning back in the chair. The top of his balding head shining in the light of the lamp which was placed just above him onto the ceiling and I always smiled in myself thinking if he would only know how that light is so not in his favor.

"So... I heard rumors going around on this floor about you, and before I would have to get involved, I wanted to talk to you in person about it."

His friendly smile, what he nowadays used to talk to me with, now was nowhere to be seen and by his sentence I stiffened in the chair, grabbing my knees.

"What rumors?" I asked stunned.

I had no idea what that could be what would make Larry uneasy.

"I heard you might be involved in a sexual relationship with one of the Smilers band members."

"Excuse me?" I asked thrown aback.

"I wanted to make sure you know that having any kind of romantic relationship with our clients is strictly forbidden until we are working with them and breaking such rule can result in losing your job; I hoped you know that."

Before I could speak up to defend myself... or well just tell the truth, he continued.

"This is about the reputation of Universal Music as a company. We are in a strict contract with each artist. We give them the publicity and arrange their careers, they bring the money in. Moreover, now even you start to get involved in talent recruitment. How do you think this would look if the media gets to know that a band was picked up and surprise- surprise, someone in the Talent Management has an affair with one of them?"

I shook my head in total surprise.

"Larry, I... I have no idea where you heard this from, but I am not in any sort of relationship with any of the band members," I stated firm.

He studied me as he sighed raising his hands up.

"I really hope that this is just a misunderstanding, but I need you to stop this rumour. We don't need the drama around here. And for your sake I hope you speak the truth, otherwise, no matter how good of a team member you are; I am afraid we can't have you around anymore."

"How... how to stop rumors?" I asked mostly just from myself in total shock, but Larry answered anyway.

"Find the source. Evan told me he heard it from Gen, the secretary who allegedly was asked by a woman coming in the other day, asking if you are around, because you had been... khm... how to say this with manners... involved in sexual activities with her boyfriend from the band who is being managed by us," he stated as he slowly stood up and I looked to him stunned.

"This is ridiculous..." I mumbled again, mostly to myself.

"You better clear things up, Avery, for your own good. I have to tell, I have a hard time believing this and I hope you can end these rumors," he ushered me out.

I followed him still confused.

"Yes... of course... I will clear it up. I am so sorry for this... mess. I don't know who would think such things I really never would do anything like that," I rumbled as I walked out to grab my bag up with shaking hands, then my eyes wondered down onto the trash bin, and leaning down I took out the crumbled up paper I got the beginning of the week, reading through the line again: I'd watch my back if I were you. Hollywood can be cruel for a country girl like you. X

I pressed my lips feeling anger taking over me as I stormed towards the elevator but before that I looked to Evan.

"Thanks for coming to me first after you hear something about me..." I spat.

I really don't get angry or raw that often but there is a line, and this is totally over it when some jealous Hollywood bitch is trying to ruin my career.

Heading towards my car, I was furiously digging after my keys in my handbag, when my gaze caught a glimpse of the tires of the car. The front right was deflated totally.

My mouth fell open as I walked to the other side just to see the same happened to the front tire on the left side as well.

"Fuck... fucking shit, fuck!!" I hissed looking around desperately, thinking Jared's car is ruined and not only I will have to take care of it being taken to the service, but I have to pay for it as well.

"Shit..." I hissed with tears in my eyes.

I opened the car, then sitting in I threw my bag to the passenger side and leaned my head onto the stirring wheel, trying to calm down.

I felt attacked for something I didn't do... moreover, I felt weak for letting it get to me and make me feel anxious. The bullying yet again found me, which I thought I will never have to face again.

This what I feared... being with Jared... that I will be too weak to face the consequences. And for now, there aren't even many who know about us.

My hands reached for the phone and finding Jared's contact I rang him up.

I knew I shouldn't... it was in the middle of night for him and I know he barely gets any sleep anyway. I shouldn't disturb him... I can't.

I pushed the red button as I threw my phone onto the dashboard taking some more deep breaths to keep the tears at bay.

I was ready to call a mechanic when my phone lit up; the caller was Jared.

I bit my lips as I answered the phone.

"Av? You were calling..."

I couldn't tell if it was a question or a statement as his sleepy voice was hoarse and low.

"Y... yes..." I mumbled, suddenly guilt rushing over me for waking him up. "I'm... sorry to wake you," I whispered.

"It's okay, darling. Don't worry. Is everything alright?" he asked calmly after clearing his throat.

The moment was gone; I realized telling him would cause him unnecessary stress. He can't do anything about this, and I probably would end up sounding like a whiny girl, telling him about some note, a rumor and two deflated tires what gave me anxiety. He dealt with worse.

"Avery? Are you there? You're out of work?" he asked as I took a shaking breath.

Even listening to his voice was calming. Knowing that he is there.

"I... I need you here..." I cried out as tears ran down my cheeks and I pushed my palm onto my mouth to keep in a sob.

Desperation took over me in just seconds.

"Hey... hey, Av, it's okay... what happened? Did something happen? Where are you?" he sounded alert; sleepiness leaving his voice.

I just shook my head, keeping my palm on my mouth what I had to let go to take in a shaking breath.

"Avery, talk to me!" His voice now raised.

"I need you here..." I muttered, leaning my head against the seat.

"Okay... just breath, baby. I'm here. I'm with you, okay? Please talk to me," asked pleadingly.

"I... I... broke your car..." I cried.

"What? Were you in an accident? Where are you?"

"No! No, I... the tire... it... it burst... I'm so sorry Jared..." I whined.

"Hey... shit... that's it? Avery, it's okay. It happens; it's not a big deal if you are fine. Are you hurt?"

"No, noh..." I muttered.

"Okay... good," he breathed. "Shannon is out of town, but I call Dan to go and help you out okay?"

"No, Jared no... I'm... fine... I'll... I'll deal with it," I stated, hating myself for lying, but I had to tell something, and I couldn't tell the truth. I can't do that to him, being so far away.

I heard him sigh before he spoke up.

"Call a car rescue. They will be able to give you a ride home too. Don't worry about the car okay? Go take my lambo," I heard a gentle smile in his voice what made me smile as well. "But for real, baby. It's okay, nothing bad happened. They probably will be ready with the car tomorrow."

"Okay..." I breathed pushing the hair out of my face. "I'm sorry for waking you."

"You can wake me up any time, you know that. And now go call the rescue, get home and have some rest. I will video call you tomorrow okay? Hang in there."

"Okay... I love you."

"I love you too. Take care!"

I sighed hanging up the phone.

Sitting there I just shook my head hating how I just made a fool out of myself on the phone, making Jared think I was crying after him because of a tire. Way to prove your maturity, Avery.

Later on, at home I made sure to close all curtains before I settled myself onto the couch with a glass of wine and after taking a long sip, I pulled my laptop into my lap.

Opening Facebook, I typed in the name, Lily Sannders.

I was really wondering if she could be the one behind all these... She clearly wants more from Jared and I wouldn't be surprised if she would have put the pieces together and realized that I am with him now. But can she be this mean? Would she go this far? We were friends once... she was loved by Jared dearly once... Could that be that bubbly, sweet girl turned into this jealous Hollywood brat?

I opened the messenger to once and for all confront her without circling around the topic, when the doorbell rang.

My eyes glued to the door as I stood up slowly, closing my laptop, then walked closer.

Peeking out, I saw Shannon standing there and I frowned confused. Jared said just two hours ago that he was out of town. Turning the lock, I opened the door.

"Shannon... hey," I smiled lightly stepping away to let him in.

Can't lie I felt relief as he appeared.

"Hey, girl. I was wondering how you holdin' up now that Prince Charming and even Lynn are gone?" he smiled taking his leather jacket off.

"He sent you, didn't he?" I asked turning towards him as he walked into the kitchenette.

His shrug was enough of an answer.

"Shannon, you know you don't have to appear here any time Jared tells you so..."

"Well, then you should be the one to call me up if you need help, Avery," he turned to me. "Then we wouldn't have to go through this chain calling."

"You were out of town..." I mumbled, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"But you didn't know that. I was just going on a bike ride, anyway," he said leaning onto the counter. "Look... he doesn't just call me up to have a look on you. It happened once before, don't over exaggerate it. And I know my brother well, so I know if he calls me up, because he has a bad feeling, I go. He is highly intuitive, that we both know."

I looked away, biting the inside of my cheek knowing how right he is.

"Tell me you feel fine, Jared was overreacting your distressed phone call and that you want to be alone, and I go," he opened his arms.

I looked up to him overpowered. He was right.

"Please stay..." I asked with a bitter expression.

"I will," he smiled coming to hug me protectively and I breathed in relief.

I was so long living with other people that now being alone, I had to admit to myself that I wasn't as strong as I used to be before I tied my life to the band. I needed the support and I wanted to change it so bad.

"Why didn't you call me when you needed help?" he asked pushing me away to look at me, gripping my upper arms.

"I just...didn't... want to bother. I shouldn't have called Jared either, I was just... I don't know..." I shook my head.

"Are you sure that's all that happened?" he asked narrowing his eyes. "I didn't know you as a person who would cry about a flat tire. Not after handling Jared's life without a flinch for two years," he smiled.

"My work was stressful as well and I... that was just the last drop, I guess. That's all." I stated stepping away from him.

He nodded, finally leaving the topic behind for the rest of the evening and after catching up on some everyday stuffs with a simple dinner, Shannon said his goodbyes and I did feel more calm as I took a shower and left to bed.

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