The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

7 3 0
By Musics4lifes

Once they told me who it was, I was utterly speechless. Chad the lab worker said my name a couple of times than hung up on me as I could not respond. How could this be? None of this makes any sense! How am I supposed to break this strange conundrum when I didn't even have a solution to it.

"Lilith?" Lazarus said my name breaking me out of the trance. As I looked at him he asked me, "What did he say?"

"Angus Delaney..." I quietly said.

"I am sorry Lilith, could you speak up a bit louder? It sounds like you said the results were Angus Delaney," he chuckled as if he thought this was funny.

Could this be some cruel joke? Perhaps to distract us? But that wouldn't have made any sense. Could the lab may of made a mistake?

"You can't be serious now, Lord Angus Delaney is dead and has been dead," Lazarus confirmed.

"Did you see him die though brother? In your eyes, did you see himself die?" Ravakin questioned his older brother.

"Of course not, but I was there for the burial as were the other lords, devastating day. Also his body is in the burial chamber, so it can not be him," once again Lazarus confirming.

"We must phone Lord Delaney," Ravakin said. "Perhaps he could figure this out. If anyone would understand, it would be the son of the deceased."

"I will go make a phone call," Lord Thornes stated.

While Lord Thornes went to go call the Lord Delaney, I started to pace back and forth to figure this out. How could the lab results be true if he is dead. I need to give them a call and make sure they did not make a mistake.

"Hello?" Chad's monotone voice answered on the first ring.

"Hey Chad, it's Lilith again. I have a question. From the lab results, are you positive that the name came as Angus Delaney?," hoping for a mistake.

"It is no mistake, guaranteed. We ran it a few times as usual and each time it came as Angus Delaney. Why?"

"Angus Delaney is...was the Australian lord of the vampires, he has been dead for quite sometime now. Could the person musk the DNA with the corpse?"

"If someone wanted to musk and try to change the DNA, sure it could happen. Very difficult to do. With our technology, we would have picked up both of the DNA in that case. We are highly advanced," Chad explained.

"Okay, thank you Chad," I said my goodbyes and hung up. Now what could this be?

As Lord Thornes came downstairs, "I have spoken with Lord Delaney and he is puzzled just as we are. He strongly believes the lab workers got it all wrong."

"I spoke to the lab workers while you went to talk to him and they guaranteed that they are not wrong. They did it a few times with the same name popping up."

"I asked him if he could come down here and try to help us solve this mystery but he says he is completely busy as more incidents from the rogue vampires have risen," Lord Thornes said.

While we were figuring this out, the butler who I haven't seen since we got here walked into the living room. For a quick second I thought I saw his face sparkle a bit when he stood out but that must have been my imagination.

"Chives, I thought I gave you the week off, what are you doing here?" Lord Thornes questioned the butler.

"Lord Lazarus Thornes, forgive me," he bowed, "I heard about the attack from the rogue vampires and wanted to make sure you were alright. Your brother..." he saw Ravakin and a small shock appeared on his face, "is right here, hello Ravakin," he quickly changed his tone.

"Well since you came all this way and it is your day off, blood is in the fridge if you are hungry," Lazarus politely mentioned.

"Thank you my Lord," he bowed. "Lilith, could I please speak to you outside?"

"Uh, sure," I said a bit awkwardly. Normally he's fully of bitchiness but he seems different.

I followed him outside wondering what he could want. Not like him and I got anything in common. He also seems to be a bit different but maybe it is because he is not wearing the 'butler uniform' as butlers would normally wear. We tended to walk a bit away from the mansion than I felt comfortable.

"Okay, uh...Chives," stopping in my tracks as I did not want to go a bit further away. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I didn't want to intrude with Lord Thornes and Ravakin but there are some people who want to see you. I believe one is named Stefan and a fae that is with him. They were here before. Also that other peculiar friend, the humanoid."

My hope increased as the words came out of Chives mouth. My friends are okay! "Where are they? Did they look okay?" I looked around my surroundings and could not find them.

"They are in the woods over there, they said they needed to talk to you in private," Chives stated.

"Lead the way Mr. Chives," I smiled. I could not believe they are okay.

As we walked into the woods, I still could not see them nor have I heard any voices. All of a sudden my gut was acting up as if it was to warn me something terrible was about to happen.

"Uh, Chives?" I started. "Are you sure...Chives look out!" I pulled him behind me. I could see multiple red eyes in the tree's and knew it was the rogue vampires. Fuck, I need to get him to safety.

"Chives run back to the mansion and get Lord Thornes!" I ordered him.

"Yeah, about that," Chives smirked which I gave him a strange look. "That will not be happening," he swirled his hands in motions around his body and he changed back into another persona that I did not recognize.

I stepped back away from Chives in horror. My heart was beating fast and confusion hit me like a strike of lightning. "What is going on? Chives?"

"Oh you stupid, stupid, stupid, girl. You are the one who have been killing my vampires now? A useless, weak, scared little girl who couldn't even save their friends," he laughed.

"Chives, what are you doing?" I could feel my voice shakening. What is going on and who is this Chives? What does he know about my friends?

"You still don't get it, do you? You are so ignorant. The prophecy stated a powerful strong girl who will stop the wars of the supernatural and here you are; alone, scared, helpless, pathetic," he spat out.

I looked around my surroundings in hopes to escape this. I couldn't run back to the mansion, even if I could, Chives was blocking my view back where we came from and everywhere else was the scarlet red eyes of the rogue vampires. I was trapped and I was scared. There was only one thing I could do.

I quickly whipped out my dagger from my boot and charged at Chives making a stab not sure where and ran behind him back to the mansion.

I ran and ran, my heart racing a million by a minute. I could feel the fire within me but for some reason could not burst it out. I ran by trees and could no longer find the exit. All I could do was make turns in hope to outrun him.

"You can run, but you can't hide," Chives chanted from the rear. "You think your friends actually cared about you? They didn't. All they care about is the prophecy, not you. They will die like your parents did in that fire. You will die from your own fire," Chives said loudly.

That is not true. Kyle, Stefan, Calico, and Drake cared about me...right? No Lilith, don't let him get inside your head like that. I kept on running, passing by more tree's. Then suddenly, I could see the mansion from the view. I ran directly to the mansion as fast as I could. Than he appeared in front of me.

"Where do you think you are going, little girl," Chives said.

He stopped me in my tracks and I was defensiveness. Before I knew it, he pulled his arm back and strongly punched me in the side of the face, knocking me to the ground. Before I blacked out, the last thing I heard was, "By the way, the name is not Chives. It is Lord Angus Delaney." Than my vision went dark.

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