Forgotten Descendants

By RoseClark777

11.6K 629 19

They were just two friend probably too obsessed with The Vampire Diaries, but can you blame them? It was a no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 18

247 11 0
By RoseClark777

Mads and Damon stumbled into the motel room. After Madeline dropped that bomb, Damon didn't believe her until she drunkenly started reenacting his life. Now, he just doesn't know what to think.

Madeline literally flopped onto the bed, "I like these clouds, they are fluffy," Madeline said as she started to try to get under the covers.

Damon walked over to his full bed, and just sat down, "Go to sleep," Damon said.

"I don't want to sleep, there are wolves in my dreams," Madeline said to Damon, "My clothes are so heavy," she said and began to unbutton her jeans.

Damon jumped out of his bed and grabbed the nearest blanket and threw it on top of her so he wouldn't see her take off her clothes, even though he wanted to see it badly, "As much as I would love to see you undressed, you're too drunk," he said and than walked over to her duffle bag and threw her pajama shorts and a top. He turned toward the wall, to allow her to change in private.

"Why are you looking at a wall?" Madeline asked as she attempted to put her shorts on. She was awkwardly falling everywhere.

"Attempting to be a gentleman, but the longer you take the harder it is for me, pun intended," Damon grunted, still looking at the wall. It was so hard for him knowing that Madeline was behind him naked.

"Says the serial killer vampire," Madeline said finally getting her shorts on, now onto the shirt, "You are a cucumber."

"Do you mean Conundrum?" Damon asked getting really impatient. Madeline finally put her shirt on and walked over to Damon. She poked him in the butt. Damon turned around really fast, "Do you know it is dangerous to sneak up on a vampire?"

"If you wanted me dead I would be," Madeline attempted to be sexy.

"Yet," Damon said, taking a few steps toward Madeline. He leaned his face down toward her, so close they were almost kissing. Madeline took a huge breathe in. They were silent for what like forever, until Damon ruined it, "Go to bed," and he pulled away.

Madeline was a little disappointed. She wanted him to kiss her so bad, and he knew it, "Way to ruin the fun," Madeline said and walked over to her bed and flopped down.

"Says the girl who almost got us kicked out of the bar," Damon said and covered Mads with a blanket.

"I did not," Mads slurred as she wrapped herself in the blanket and went into the fetal position.

"I had to compel the bar owner to let you stay," Damon said as he brushed some of her hair behind her ear. Madeline looked up at him.

"Can you lay with me?" Madeline asked with so much innocence in her doe eyes that Damon could not say no. He moved over to the opposite side of her bed and layed down above the covers. Madeline turned over so that her face was against his chest. That was how they fell asleep.


The sun was officially set and the moon was out. Emma sat on the couch with Caroline's head resting in her lap. It has been 8 hours since she died, and she was growing impatient for her to wake up. Emma was beginning to get worried that the blood wasn't in her system long enough for her to turn, or that Desi Muth gave her fake blood.

"Emma you need to eat," Stefan said walking into the living room. The first time Emma was here, she and Madeline crash landed and had to run away so they didn't get caught. She always loved the Salvatore house, but now it was masked in misery.

"Stop pretending to be my parent, you lost that opportunity," Emma snapped at him , "Just go, I can handle this."

"Emma, I get that your mad, but that doesn't mean you should put your life in danger," Stefan said, not knowing what to say. He didn't know how to handle a moody teenager.

Emma rolled her eyes, "I have been putting my life in danger ever since I got to your world. Helping Caroline would be the least scary thing I have done in the past month."

Emma felt a twitch on her lap. Stefan must have saw it, because his eyes went from Emma's and to the blonde figure on his lap. Just like that Caroline shot up and grabbed her neck, "What's going on?" she asked confused and a little scared.

"Caroline..." Emma said. Caroline looked at her and fear struck her eyes.

"You killed me," Caroline said and jumped up from the couch, "You killed me!" she chanted again and started to back away from her. Emma stood up and put two arms in front of her like she was about to corner a injured animal.

"Caroline, I know you're confused, but I had to. If I didn't, you would not have come back. Caroline, please," Emma said, pleading with her.

"I died, how am I alive?" Caroline asked, "I remember a man. He was really strong and he said something about Vampires, and then I drank some blood and you, you killed me."

"I will explain it all to you, but can you please just sit down," Emma said. Caroline looked around the house. When her eyes landed on Stefan, her confusion got deeper.

"Why is he here?" Caroline screamed. Emma needed to calm her down and fast.

"Caroline, you are in transition to becoming a vampire. I know you are scared, but you will be a great vampire. I know. You will even admit to yourself later that you prefer being a vampire because it led you to accept yourself. You will be strong, you will be a mentor for even Stefan. You can control your bloodlust, believe me," Emma said as she slowly walked over to Caroline who looked confused.

"How do you know that? What does Stefan have to do with it?" Caroline asked, not backing away as Emma came up to her. Emma grabbed Caroline's hand and held it.

"I have to tell you a story, okay? It is going to sound completely fake and unreal, but I need you to know it is true. After I tell you the story, you can chose to finish your transition as a vampire or not," Emma said.

"Okay," Caroline said as she walked over to the couch with Emma. She was confused about so much and just wanted answers.

"Stefan you need to go upstairs," Emma said, but Stefan just shook his head.

"No, I am not leaving you down here," He said, scared of what Care might do to her.

"If you want me to start trusting you again than you need to trust me," Emma said.

"I just-" Stefan began, but Emma cut him off. She knew he was worried, but Caroline was a priority and she couldn't tell her what she wanted to when he was around.

"Go," Emma said, and after a few seconds Stefan obliged.

"I'll just be in my room," Stefan said, and made his way up stairs.

Emma looked at Caroline, trying to figure out where to start, "Okay, first thing you need to know is that Vampires are not the only supernatural creatures," Emma said. Emma reached for her necklace, which Stefan found in Caroline's purse. Emma began chanting. The candles all lit up and Caroline let out a gasp.

"What did you do?" Caroline asked as she stared at all the flames.

"I put a spell on this room so Stefan couldn't eavesdrop on our conversation. Vampires have super hearing," Emma said.

"Wait, Stefan is a vampire?" Caroline asked. Caroline knew absolutely nothing, and Emma knew it would be a long talk before she did.

"Yes. Now, let me tell you a story. Once there was a normal girl and her normal friend. They lived in a normal world and thought they had normal parents. Both these girls loved a TV show that was anything but normal. It had Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Hybrids, and even Sirens. They were obsessed with it.

One day they decided that it would be funny to make a fake spell to transfer them into this TV show world. The weird thing was that it worked," Emma began as she explained everything to Caroline. Starting from what happened in the past month to what happened on The Vampire Diaries.


"I just can't believe I got supernaturally pregnant and married Stefan," Caroline said with a laugh. It took Emma three hours to explain everything the Caroline. Caroline's mood slowly grew positive. She believed Emma, and everything she just told her blew her mind.

"Out of everything I told you, that is what your most freaked out about," Emma laughed, "Not the fact that I am not from this world, that Stefan is my Grandpa, that a 1000 year-old vampire hybrid falls in love with you, or even that you were engaged to Alaric?"

"Yep," Caroline said a matter of factly, "It is all weird. One day I am a normal human, and the next everything I thought was a lie. I was created by a women named Julie Plec, okay that's just weird."

"Beyond," Emma agreed.

"And now I have to drink blood to finish my transition, your being hunted down by a guy with a weird name because he wants to marry you and bring universal domination, and you don't even know what you are," Caroline said, which Emma only nodded in agreeance.

"Well, Madeline is trying to figure out what a Passenger is," Emma said. Emma hasn't talked to Madeline since yesterday's phone call. Madeline hasn't called Emma about what she has found yet, well because she has been busy with vodka and Damon.

"With your uncle, who she has the hots for," Caroline stated, "Your family is weird."

"Well, wait a second. In the show you marry Stefan, so basically your like my Grandma," Emma laughed.

"I am too young to be a Grandma!" Caroline yelled, "And from what I understand, this world doesn't necessarily follow the TV show guidelines, so everything is up in the air."

"Wow, you catch on fast," Emma said, very proud of Caroline. Caroline looked around the house for a second, and turned her gaze back to Emma.

"I want to be a vampire. I want to finish my transition," Caroline said. Emma felt relief spread through her body. She was worried that Caroline wouldn't want too with all the drama going on, but Emma was just so happy that she would have her Vampire Barbie.

"Okay," Emma said, and reached to the table in front of her. When Caroline was dead, Emma brought a cup and a knife out to the living room for the chance that Caroline did want to turn. There was no blood in the house, so this was their best chance. Emma took the knife and slit her hand. She put her hand over the cup and squeezed. It hurt, for sure, but Emma's adrenaline was pumping so much that she didn't care. Right when Emma's blood started dripping into the cup, Caroline's eyes became fixated on it. Emma pulled her hand away, and right when she did, Caroline pounced on the cup and guzzled in in less than a second.

Veins began to appear beneath Caroline's eyes, and Care started to let out moans of pain. Her fangs were coming in. Her hands went up to her gums as she continued to moan. When the pain stopped, Caroline dropped her hands exposing Emma to her new teeth. Caroline looked at Emma like how a predator would look at prey. Her eyes went over to Emma's bloodied hand, and then back to Emma's neck. Emma had no time to prepare for Caroline pouncing on her and embedding her fangs into her neck.

Emma let out a scream, but the sound barrier spell ment that Stefan would not hear her. Caroline kept drinking, and Emma's pushes were no match for her new vampire strength. It all happened so fast that Emma couldn't even use her power. She felt tingling spread through her body, and her vision started to spot, "Caroline please," Emma breatherd, slowly going in and out of consciousness. Caroline abruptly stopped drinking Emma's blood and pushed herself off of Emma.

"Oh my god, what did I do?!" Caroline said, looking at Emma's almost lifeless body, "You were wrong, I am a monster," Caroline finished and ran out the door at Vamp speed.   

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