Little Red > Shadowhunters >...

Door TheDragonHippy

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"Back off or I'll cut you" "Your like 5.3 you don't scare me little red" A/B/O Dynamics SLOW UPDATES (Jace x... Meer

Season One
The Mortal Cup
The Descent Into Hell Isnt Easy
Dead Man's Party
Raising Hell
Moo Shoo To Go
Of Men And Angels
Major Arcana
Bad Blood
Rise Up
This World Inverted
Who The Fuck Is Renwick
Morning Star
Season Two
The Guilty Blood
Lost Parabatai
Day Of The Wrath
Dust And Shadows
The Iron Sisters
How Are Thou Fallen
Love is a devil

A Door Into The Dark

3.4K 96 2
Door TheDragonHippy

INDIANA SHOT UP as she felt her iratze rune being activated. Gasping for breath she could feel her abdomen knitting itself together. She frantically looked up and faintly recognised the institute around her and a warm hand grabbing her own brought her attention to Alec. Grabbing his jaw she kissed him with joy and desperation, it was a mess of limbs and awkward angles but it was filled with happiness.

"Alec." She breathed softly as she rest her forehead against his,
"Little Red. Omega." Alec chanted in a whisper as his grip tightened almost not believing she was here,
"Where's Jace?" Indi asked after a minute of silence, Alec's whole body tensed and that was all the confirmation she needed,
"We'll get him back." She replied strongly but her chest hurt with doubt. Alec quickly informed Indiana of what had happened and veins filled with fury. Her mother, no, Jocelyn had tried to kill Jace.

Speak of the devil and they shall appear.
Jocelyn entered the infirmary.

"Get out." Indiana said tensely. Looking at the older woman who paused.
"Get out!" She shouted and Jocelyn nodded leaving the room.

Indiana slumped against Alec before she was filled with determination. Getting up her abs ached but nothing she couldn't handle so she began to make her way to the training room,
"Where are you going?" Alec asked his worry obvious and well deserved,
"Training. I need to train so my abs heal strong." Indi replied.

Alec was quick to follow her and soon they were both in the training rooms beating up their respective punching bags.

"Alec, Indi, are you guys okay?" Clary asked walking into the room, Indi barely held back a sneer of disdain, Alec had filled her in on why they hadn't got Jace back.
"Pretty bold of you to show your face here." Alec snarled,
"I can explain." Clary tried,
"Unless your explanation can bring Jace back, save it." Indiana glared venomously at her sister,
"Guys, Jace is my friend, too." Clary defended, Indi laughed harshly as Alec spoke up,
"You barely know him. I grew up with him.
I fought by his side. He's my best friend. He's my mate. He's our mate." Alec shouted stepping closer to Clary.

"Alec, Alec, I want Jace back as much as you do. I, I am not my mother." Clary says shakily and Indiana scoffs heavily disgusted by her moms actions,
"How well do I even know you? I mean, you show up out of nowhere, you convince my mate, you convince me to search for your mother. And the next thing I know, Jace is gone. And your mother is the one trying to kill him." Alec says lowly and Indiana takes no offence to his words. They were all true.

"I had nothing to do with that, Alec. I would never hurt Jace." Clary swears
"Since you've arrived, you've caused nothing but problems. My family lost their birthright. Izzy was almost deruned. And now Valentine has my Parabatai and Alpha, I only just got my Omega back. And it's all because of you." Indi places a soothing hand on Alec's bicep as they storm out of the training room stopping just in front of Clary,
"When are you gonna realize you don't belong here? You never have." He sneers and Indiana feels numb to his words.

Clary was her sister, but that felt old, wrong. All Indiana felt when she saw the other redhead now was sadness that she didn't have both her mates with her.
"Alec. Indiana." Izzy shouted as they left the room.

They headed into the main area for a meeting. Indiana smiled at Lydia as she took the stage. She might not have known her long but the blonde had been there for her in ways that Clary and Izzy should've been but weren't.

"There's a clear pattern. Young, strong, highly-skilled fighters, all abducted from boxing clubs, dojos and gyms. Valentine must've realized that even with the Cup, creating Shadowhunters isn't easy. He needs mundanes who are more likely to survive the conversion." Lydia explained.

Indiana watches as Clary moves into the room and joins them. She just can't bare to be near her right now, she wasn't a sister and she was barely a friend.

"Your job is to stake out the potential targets, and catch the Circle members when they try to abduct them. We capture a Circle member, we have a shot at Valentine." Lydia continues.

"And Jace. That's how we get to him before they try and kill him." Alec whispers to Izzy and Indi.
"Just keep your cool in front of the boss." Izzy snarks.
"We'll get him back. And when we do, he's never leaving again." Indiana growls quietly. Alec grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, agreeing with all she had to say.

"You have your orders. Dismissed." Lydia finishes.
Indiana groans silently as she watches Clary stalk over to them.
"Izzy Izzy, please. You wouldn't want to be benched on this. Let me come with you." Clary begged and Indiana didn't really know why.
Jace was nothing to Clary, they were barely friends. Maybe she thought otherwise but if she did, she was wrong.

"Did you not hear me before? There's no place for you here. Let's go, Little Red, Izzy." Alec stated before walking away and pulling Indiana with him.

"He said the best fighters in the city come here." Alec told them.
"It's only a matter of time before Valentine hits this place." Izzy adds.
Indiana didn't want to be here. She'd had problems before but not like your normal drug problems, she'd been addicted to pain. It felt like relief to her, Simon was the only one who had known, after he'd tracked her through her phone only to see her beaten down and bloody in a place not dissimilar to this.

"You got some moves." Izzy compliments the winner of the fight.
"Yeah? How about I take you home and show you some of those moves, up close and personal?" The fighter asks.
"That's funny. You really think you have a chance with her?" Alec smiles and Indiana can't help but admire him.
"And who are you?" The fighter asks gruffly.
"I'm the guy who's gonna put you down if you don't shut your mouth." Alec states.
"Why don't you come up and try, pretty boy?" He offers and Alec steps forward only to be stopped by Izzy.
"I got this."

"Izzy, always denying me a show." Indiana laughs and Alec wraps his arms around her as they watch Izzy destroy the fighter.

It doesn't take long for the place to clear out, Alec and Indiana stay hidden as Izzy, glamoured as the fighter, is out in the open. A circle member rushes in but Alec runs out and knocks him away as Izzy deglamours.
All three Shadowhunters face the circle member, blades drawn.

Indiana wastes no time in unraveling her whip and flicking it out, knocking the circle members sword away from him.
"Tell us where Valentine is." Izzy demands.
"Where is he?" Alec shouts and everyone freezes as the circle member pulls a knife to his own neck before slitting his throat.

The trio exit the fight ring and begin making there way back to the institute when a portal opens in front of them and Dot steps out. Indiana gasps in shock.
"I thought you were dead."

Dot says nothing instead just grabs Indiana who has no time to react before she's thrown into the portal hearing Alec and Izzy shout after her.

"I'm back on Valentine's ship. Perfect." She mumbles.
"He's misunderstood."
"He's a self serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities." Indiana spits out.
"This is war. I want you to see something." Dot informs her and Indiana doesn't understand how she can along with this. Valentine kills Downworlders, he kills her kind. How can she help him?

"What do you want?" Indiana asked.
"There are things that you can do as a Shadowhunter, but there's so much more you're capable of. Let me show you." Dot pleaded.
Dot placed her hands on Indiana's face and let her magic do the work.
Indiana saw destruction of the world at the hands of the Downworlders. Pain and suffering and death.

"Jace?" Indiana asked approaching the body by the edge of the deck.
"I've had enough of your mind games." He growled as he attacked, pulling her towards him, her neck trapped.

Indiana pulled up her leg shoving it into Jacks stomach before twisting out of his grip.
"It's me."

"Right." He spat moving forward to attack again.
"Jace, it's me. Alpha it's me I promise." She whispered baring her throat to him.
He walked forward and pulled her into a tight hug.
"What are you doing back here Little Red?" He asked angrily.
"Dot stole me." Indiana explained.
"Dot? She's alive? Why why would she bring you here?" Jace questioned with confusion.

"She wanted to show me something.
Jace, I I know this sounds crazy, but I can see the future." Indiana said pulling her hand up to her chest and pointing behind her, Jace understood.
"No, that's not that's not possible.
Shadowhunters can't do that, Indi." He stated, playing along.

"I'm not your ordinary Shadowhunter. Neither are you. What I saw I don't want that. I will never want that." Indiana explained placing a hand on his face and touching his ear, he nodded slighted. Someone was eavesdropping.

"What did you see?" Jace asked.
"The Downworlders. They slaughter the mundanes, one by one, until there's no one left. And, Jace, with your demon blood, you you're the only one that can stop them." Indiana explained trying not to sound forced. She knew the vision Dot forced on her was fake.

"My child and my charge. This is what I've always wanted. To be with my family." Valentine explained with a smile.
"You are nothing to me, least of all family." Indiana spat at the bald man.

"Indiana, I am your father, and I do love you." He said and Indiana felt the urge to be sick.
"So are you gonna join Jeremy? He's going big game hunting. We just got intel on the wolf that killed Jeremy's father. We're gonna bring the beast back to the boat." Jace merely looked away.
"Look, since Jace doesn't want to go, why don't you come along, Indiana? Hone those Shadowhunting skills of yours, huh?" Valentine turned to her.

"No. She's, uh she's not ready to face a cornered werewolf. I'll go." Jace interrupted.
"That's where I think you're wrong. Indiana despite her lack of training is easily as good as you. But if you wish to go instead I'll allow it." Valentine states as Jace walks away.

Valentine walked Indiana back to the training room. She was quickly restrained by two men.
"To bring out the warrior, we have to kill the weak." He states before he was passed a whip.
Indiana closed her eyes. Her teeth clenched as the first welt was created, the ones from the other day were still healing and this wasn't helping. No.
She wasn't going to get whipped. Not today and not ever again.
When her eyes opened they were glowing a bright gold and some invisible force created a gust of wing that blew the Shadowhunters restraining her away from her before she launched herself at Valentine who was so shocked he had no time to block.
She landed a punch on his face before she yanked the whip from his grip and flicked it out. It hit his torso, slashing him.

Indiana was shocked when he chuckled and the gold faded from her eyes giving Valentine enough time to knock her off him and push her to the floor harshly, knocking her out.

The room was empty when Dot entered, thinking Indiana was still knocked out.
Dot reached down and Indiana shot up, rolling until Dot was stuck beneath her.
"I know I can't see the future and what you made me see was false." She stated.
"Valentine made me cast a spell on you so that you'd do as I'd say. And I have to do it again." Dot said reaching for Indiana's face only to have her hands pinned.

"You were like a big sister to me Dot, you have always had my back, no matter what. So why do this? Why betray me?" Indiana barely restrained herself from shouting at the warlock.
"Why did you stop looking for me?" Dot returned.
"Magnus couldn't feel your magic anymore.
We thought Valentine had killed you." Indiana explained.
"Dot you have two choices, either you help me, by being the big sister you were who bought me lingerie on my birthday." She laughed.
"Or I will cut you down. I don't want to but it's you or the rest of the Downworld if you stand in my way." Indiana offered an ultimatum.

Indiana walked back to the deck of the ship and found Valentine, Jace and a girl who she assumed was the wolf. She was Indiana's age.

"Jace!" Indiana shouted fiercely.
"Indiana, how nice of you to join us. Perhaps you can convince your mate to finish what he started." Valentine preferred her.
Indiana smiles as she walked towards them and took the sword from Jace's grip.
"I thought I might have the honour." She said and Valentine smiled as she turned to the wolf.
'Stick with me." She mouthed. Before slashing the ropes holding her prisoner, grabbing her and Jace and running.

"Indiana! Jonathan! There's no way out. Especially with the prisoner." He shouts and the three stop as circle members appear in front of them. Jace begins fighting them before he suddenly begins to cough and collapse.
Indiana runs forward, finishing off the circle members with ease
"Jace, are you okay?" She asks

She hears a grunt from behind and sees a circle member stab the wolf. Letting Jace go, Indiana kills him, grabbing the wolf and rejoins Jace.

"Now! We have to go now!" She shouts running to where a Dot has appeared. She quickly opens a portal and the three jump out and are lost to the sea.

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