James Sirius Potter and the T...

By zooeyxa

84.3K 1.4K 1K

The Next Generation Time Travel to the wonderful, but war-ridden 1995. The Order of the Phoenix is shocked, g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

7.8K 147 170
By zooeyxa

Chapter Seven

August 11th 1995 2:24 PM

"I'm Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." Scorpius squeaked, cursing his hormonal teenage voice cracks. He squeezed his eyes shut in fear of the reaction he was about to get. He heard chairs scraping before the whole room erupted into noise.

"You brought Malfoy with you!" Ron spat.

"Hey!" Rose yelled with a face of anger and came to stand in front of the younger version of her father, the room grew silent, "You," she poked his chest with force, nearly making him fall back into his seat, "Don't get to talk to my boyfriend like that!" She looked at him, menacingly, "Understand?!

Ron looked at the girl in front of him who reminded him so much of Hermione. He sat down in his chair with a fearful look on his face. Harry stifled a laugh, but Rose caught him with a glare, and he shut up.

Hermione looked at Rose appraisingly and gave her a nod in approval. Rose's gaze swept the room for any other speakers against her boyfriend.

Satisfied, she cleared her throat, "While I'm not in Slytherin, my boyfriend and cousin are, so shut your damn mouths with your stupid prejudices and listen to me." She said with a hard glare, "Slytherin is a house for the ambitious and cunning, not the evil and cruel. Yes, in your time everyone in Slytherin are pricks, but in our time, they aren't evil! They are as kind, and as caring as the rest of us, they happen to be a bit sneaky, or ambitious." Rose paused her monologue to look at everyone in the room, "Harry, you told your son that you were almost sorted into Slytherin, right?" Harry paled at the mention of having a son but nodded, "Ginny, Fred and George, you are the sneakiest Weasleys, you could have easily been in Slytherin." The twins looked about to argue, but Ginny gave them a look and nodded towards Rose. Rose smiled in appreciation to her young aunt and sighed. "So yeah, Scorpius is in Slytherin, but he's dating a Weasley, so what does that tell you!" At the mention of Weasley, most of the room turned to stare at Rose again. Molly Weasley looked as if Christmas had come early at her assumption of Grandchildren.

Dumbledore decided it was time for him to speak, "Well said, my dear ..."

"Rose," she said.

"Well, Rose, well said," Dumbledore responded. Rose beamed at the praise. "Could I ask you, Scorpius, how old you are?"

Scorpius was startled at being addressed and nearly jumped upon Dumbledore directing his question towards Scorpius. "Oh, um," he said, nervous, "I'm 14, I'm going into my fourth year at Hogwarts this year, or I was until I got here, I guess." He rambled, fidgeting with his hands.

"Yeah," Rose added, "Me, Scorpius, and Albus are all going into our fourth year, and a year after that, we get to take our O.W.L.S." She got some strange looks from the last statement.

"Who is Albus?" The headmaster asked, eyes twinkling.

Albus who had migrated to the back of the pack perked up at the sound of his name.

"What?" He questioned.

"Ah, you must be Albus then Dumbledore said, beckoning him to the front. Albus walked towards the front of the group tripping over Roxanne's foot. He nearly fell, but James caught him by the collar of his shirt before he fell and helped him upright.

"You alright there, Al?" James asked with a slight teasing in his voice.

"Oh, shove off." Al teased back and shoved his brother into Freddie. He then turned towards Dumbledore and met his blue eyes. "Yup, I'm Albus."

"I've always longed to meet someone who holds the same name as myself," Dumbledore said.

"Well, I was named after you," Albus replied with an eye twinkle of his own in his emerald green eyes. Dumbledore only looked mildly surprised and leaned forward in his chair to rest his elbows on the table in front of him.

"Do I have the correct assumption in assuming you are a Potter of the future in 2019?" Dumbledore asked Al. Harry looked stricken and almost fell off his chair at the mention of his last name.

"Yo--" Albus started.

"You would assume correctly, we are Potters, and proud" James cut in and once again pounded his chest with a closed fist. Albus gave him a withering look and elbowed his brother in the stomach.

"Yes, I, well, James and I and sons of Harry Potter," Albus said. Harry paled considerably at the thought of having children in the future.

"Ah, well I'm very honoured you named your child after me, Harry," Dumbledore said towards Harry. Harry only managed a weak smile and nod in response to the professor.

"Hey!" Lily cut in, wedging her way in between her brothers. "What about me? Did you forget that I'm a Potter too!" Harry fell off his chair this time. Ginny giggled from beside him and helped him up. Harry thanked her and sat back in his chair, staring at the children who were supposedly his own in the future.

"So" Harry cleared his throat, "So, I have three children in the future?"

"Yup!" James said but rethought his answer, "Well four if you include Teddy, but technically, you and mum didn't have him. He lives with us though, or he did until he moved out last year, and he's our brother, I mean we all grew up with him. Mum said when she and dad were young, he would only stay weekends, and Andromeda would have him most of the time. But, then Andy got old, and mum and dad got married, so Teddy stayed more often than not," James rambled.

Everyone in the room was staring at James after he had finished his little speech of Teddy's life. Tonks broke the silence in the place when she asked, "How come Teddy wasn't with us?" she said, gesturing to herself and Remus.

"Nice going genius!" Lily whispered to James. "Now what are we going to tell them?"

"I guess we have to tell them, I mean we've already told them stuff from the future. When someone comes to rescue us, they can obliviate everyone." Al said in reasoning, although he shot his older brother a glare at his stupidity.

Teddy, whose hair had turned as white as a sheet, decided it was time to address Tonks' question. "Um, well, you see..." His voice cracked a bit and tears started to form in his eyes. Vic, who stood next to him whispered words of comfort in his ear and soothingly rubbed his back, trying to calm him. Most of the people in the room were looking at Teddy in confusion, but Dumbledore, seemed to have caught on, and he lowered his gaze to the table in front of him/

Lily took over for Teddy and said, "You have to understand, that not everybody survived this war that you are living in." She looked incredibly sad herself, as did everyone who had come from 2019. The rest of the room fell silent, and Tonks and Remus looked at Lily with tears in their eyes.

"So," Tonks said and took a deep breath, "We're dead?"

"Yes," Teddy said in a small voice, regaining his composure, only to almost crumble upon seeing the tears that were streaming down his parents' faces.

Molly Wesley promptly burst into tears as did many other people around the room. Many looked as if they were trying their best not to cry. Sirius' face, however, was a stone mask as he observed the room.

"Who else?" Sirius croaked.

People's heads shot up at the question.

"Don't be silly Sirius, surely no one else di--" Molly Weasley said, mopping the tears from her cheeks. She was cut off by Teddy.

"You," Teddy said towards Sirius, how closed his eyes and nodded. Harry looked distraught at this news and would've stood from his chair if it weren't for Ginny's comforting hand on his arm.

"When?" Harry asked in a quiet voice, " When do Remus, Tonks, and Sirius die?" His voice cracked at the last two words and resolved to look at his hands.

"My parents died in May 1998, and Sirius died June 1996," Teddy responded.

Harry and everyone else looked stricken. Ginny, who had been trying her best to hold back tears, gave up and burst into tears. Harry comprehended the fact that the last of his family would be dead in less than a year. He grabbed Ginny's hand, which had been resting on his arm and squeezed it tight, in an attempt to ease his grief.

"Hey, why are all of you so blue?" Sirius questioned, who looked far too chipper to be the person who just found out they were to die in less than a year. "I'm still here, aren't I?" He asked the room at large, who remained unresponsive. "If anything, this just means I need to pull some awesome pranks before I go!" His smile was bright but didn't quite reach his eyes. When he looked at the room once again, everyone had yet to crack a smile. Sirius pouted and said, "Fine! You guys are no fun!" And he sat down in his chair with his arms crossed and pout on his face.

"Are you serious?" Remus said with a frown.

"Well, of course, I am!" Sirius said with a broad grin. Everyone groaned at the overused joke and James smirked.

"See! It's an awesome joke! I don't get why you guys hate it so much!" James said towards his siblings.

"We hate it because you use it all the damn time!" Al said with a glare.

"Ah a man after my own heart, using the serious Sirius joke," Sirius said interrupting the family quarrel. "Although I must say, I thought your name was James, not Sirius."

"Oh why my good sir," James said as he turned towards Sirius, "Let me fully introduce myself, I am James Sirius Potter, at your service." He said with a bow.

"Aw! Harry, you named your son after me! I'm so touched!" Sirius said with a hand over his heart.

Having successfully changed the topic from the talk of deaths to Sirius being James Sirius' namesake, brightened everyone's face's in the room. Harry looked on in amusement. His godfather's being put in the back of his mind.

"Well, my good fellow, how do you know it wasn't my mother who named me, and not my father?" James said towards Sirius and Harry. At this Harry blanched, having forgotten that to have children, there must be a woman involved. Sirius started laughing his head off, and the rest of the room began chuckling.

"You're quite right my boy, I shouldn't have made that assumption," Sirius said in mock seriousness. "After all, we don't even know the identity of your mother. Although, may ask who is your mother?" Sirius asked James.

"Hmmm." James hummed, tapping his chin with his pointer finger in mock concentration, "I suppose I could, but I don't want to." James said with a smirk

"Oh for Merlin's sake!" Rose interrupted, reentering the conversation. "Just tell everyone who your mother is!"

"Now what's the fun in that Rosie!" James said to his cousin with bushy red hair, 'Actually don't answer that, you don't know what fun even is." He smirked again. Almost everyone cracked a smile at that, and many started to laugh. Rose just glared at him. James just turned back to Sirius and said, "How about a proposition." At Sirius' nod, James continued, "I will tell all of you the identity of my mother after everyone else has introduced themselves!"

Sirius looked thoughtful before nodding and saying, "Alright, sounds fair. Let the introductions begin!" He said with a flourish of his hand. "You first!" He said, pointing at Rose. She huffed in response before taking a step forward.

"I am Rose Nymphadora Weasley," She said. Tonks gave her a sympathetic look at her middle name. Rose had brown eyes and a messy red mane of bushy hair. "I'm fourteen, I'm going to be in fourth year at Hogwarts, and I'm a Gryffindor. My best friend/cousin is Albus, and my boyfriend is Scorpius." Rose said for the introduction. "I also want to play keeper for our house quidditch team, but Louis took that spot so, I'll have to wait until he leaves." With that, she started to drag her brother to the front, who albeit younger than her, was a good head taller.

He cleared his throat a bit, and the tips of his ears turned red at the attention of the entire room. "Um, I'm Hugo Arthur Weasley, um, I'm in Gryffindor with my sister Rose. I'm um, going into my second year at Hogwarts, so I'm twelve. My best friend is Lily, and I'm the youngest Weasly, so yeah, that's me." He finished lamely. Hugo had brown hair and blue eyes and was rather lanky. "Oh, and our parents are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger Weasley." At this everyone turned to look at the mentioned pair, both of whom had become red. Hermione looked as if she was trying to be swallowed by her chair, and Ron looked like he was about to combust.

Around the room, there were shouts of, 'I knew it!' and 'Ha! I told you so!'

"That's three galleons for me, George!" Fred said to his twin.

"No, It isn't! You bet they would get together before they finished school, I said after!" George responded.

"Well my dear twin, they are currently in their fifth year, so three galleons please."

"We don't know when they got together we just know they do in the future."

"You bet on us!" Hermione interrupted, appalled.

"Yes!" They said in unison before turning back to each other to try and settle their debate.

Freddie walked out from the group and walked towards his young uncle and father and put his hands on their shoulders and interrupted them, "I can settle this debate for you." He said with a smirk."

"Why you, my dear chap, seem to have our handsome facial features, we related?" Fred said to Freddie.

Freddie just winked and said, "Ron and Hermione got together in May of 1998, they were not in school because let's just say they were otherwise occupied."

"You mean I didn't do my N.E.W.T.S?!" Hermione nearly shrieked.

"No, no, my dear aunt," Hermione flushed at the title, "You did, but you did them with Aunt Ginny in 1999," Freddie said to his aunt and indicated to Ginny, who beamed at Hermione. Hermione smiled back at Ginny and calmed down but was still puzzled as to why she did her seventh year late.

"So I was right!" Fred told George.

"No! I was right! They weren't technically in school!" George argued.

"But they were in their school years!" The arguing continued until Freddie intervened once again.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, I have a way to settle this, why don't you both just give each other three galleons," Freddie said with a smirk. The twins grumbled a bit before handing each other three galleons. They both looked at the money and to Freddie's retreating form and back to the money before finally catching on,

"Hey! We have the same amount!" Fred said.

"Yeah! We didn't lose or gain any money!" George added.

Everyone in the room laughed, and Freddie just responded with a smirk at the twins. Fred and George grumbled a bit but settled back in their seats. Sirius was highly amused but thought it was time to get on with the introductions.

"You!" Sirius said and pointed to an unsuspecting Roxanne. She jumped as all the attention in the room moved from the twins to her. "Can you go next for introductions?" Sirius asked, batting his eyelashes. Roxanne nodded in response and made her way to the front of the crowd.

"Hey! I'm Roxanne Weasley, I'm thirteen and going into my third year at Hogwarts as a Gryffindor. I'm on the Gryffindor quidditch team as a beater, and I also have an idiot older brother." Roxanne finished, she was petite and had tanned skin with black/brown hair. Her brother, Freddie, took the chance and jumped to the front.

"Hello my relatives of the past, I am Frederick George Weasley, or 'Freddie.' I live up to both my namesakes as one of them is my father. I am fifteen and going into my fifth year at Hogwarts with my partners in crime, James and Louis. I am, of course in the house of the brave, Gryffindor, and I play the other beater on our quidditch team with my darling younger sister Roxy. I look forward to getting to know you all and learning all your secrets to exploit them to your older selves back in the future." Freddie finished with a bow. He was stocky and had dark red hair and tanned skin and shared many attributes with the twins. Most people laughed at his introduction, but Minerva McGonagall looked like she had seen better days.

"Oh and I almost forgot," Roxanne said, "Or parents are George Weasley and Angelina Johnson, well Weasley now, but I thought the maiden name might help." Roxy finished with a blush at her ramblings.

Across the table, Fred and George looked at each other. Fred looked conflicted, and George looked confused.

"Thanks for named a kid after me, bro!" Fred said to his twin.

"I would say your welcome, but I have honestly no idea why I would name my kid after you bro, that would be confusing. I mean imagine just talking to you two, I'd be like, 'Hey Fred!' and I'd get two answers because there are two 'Freds.'" George said.

"You're right, that is a little strange, why is Fred named Fred?" Fred said to Freddie and Roxanne.

Roxy looked like a deer caught in headlights and Freddie lost his smirk and started stuttering. Lily luckily covered for them and said, "Oh, we have no idea, George still won't tell us why he named Freddie, Fred." Lily chuckled nervously, but the twins took it.

"Ah, good old future me, a little secrecy," George said, rubbing his hands together.

"Hey, what about the fact that you married Angelina! She's my ex! I thought there was a bro code!" Fred said to his twin.

They were about to argue, but Louis thought that would take too long so he interrupted before they could get any further. "Hey! I'll go next!" Louis said loud enough for the twins to stop talking and the attention to turn towards him. A couple of people turned dreamy-faced as they turned their gaze upon Louis, "Okay, sorry, I'm an eighth veela and the first male in our line so that I might be a little 'captivating' to some people." He shrugged apologetically. He waved his hands in front of his face to try and wake to people out of a trance. It seemed to dot the trick as they shook their heads and returned to normal. "Anyway, "Louis continued, "I'm Louis Weasley! I'm the youngest of three, and I'm in Gryffindor, and I play as the keeper on my house quidditch team. I'm fifteen and like Freddie said, going into my fifth year at Hogwarts." He finished and stepped back to make room for his sisters. Louis was blonde and had blue eyes and was overall very handsome. There was much the same problem Louis had when he stepped up, but it was quickly fixed, and people were woken from the trance.

"Hi, I'm Dom or Dominique Weasley, I am a Gryffindor, I'm seventeen, and going into my final year at Hogwarts, I play quidditch, but the house team is a waster of time, so I'm not on it, and yeah, that's me." Dom finished, she had strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes and wore lots of blacks. Looking bored and picked at her nails and turned her back to stand at the back. All attention turned to Vic.

"Hello!" Vic said kindly, she had blonde hair and blue eyes just like her brother, "I'm Victoire Apolline Weasley, I am Dom and Lou's older sister and I am nineteen. I am a training healer at St. Mungo's and my boyfriend is Teddy." She gave Teddy a big smile, and there were some 'awe's around the room. Since Vic was done, the next introduction started.

"Hi!" Lucy said in a small voice, she had red hair and blue eyes, "I'm Lucy, I'm thirteen andI'm going into my third year at Hogwarts and that's it." She said and scurried away from the attention.

"I never understand why she's so shy," Her sister, Molly II said, "I'm Molly Weasley the second!" She had red hair and brown eyes just like her namesake, she gave Mrs Weasley a wink and continued, "I'm sixteen, Gryffindor, and a chaser on the quidditch team." She smiled and everyone and was about to continue when Louis interrupted.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Vic, Dom, and my parents and Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley nee Delacour." Louis said. Bill who had been standing in the back of the room this whole time, blushed.

"I thought you were just teaching her to speak English," George said with a smirk.

"Yeah, Bill, what exactly goes on during those lessons?" Fred said with the same smirk as his twin.

Bill shook his head and whacked them both on the head.

"Bill, her? Really?" Ginny asked her eldest brother.

"Hey this is the future Ginny, don't ask me now!" Bill replied, speaking for the first time.

"Oh please, Bill, we all know, you are currently dating her," Mrs Weasley said, astounding everyone. She looked around at the shocked faces and said, "Oh really Bill I wasn't born yesterday, 'Oh sorry I have to put in extra hours at work, I have to help this new French person,' 'Can't come to dinner tonight mum, I have the flu *cough* *cough.*'" She looked exasperated and continued, "You could have just told us you were seeing the girl and brought her to dinner at the Burrow."

Bill blushed again and ducked his head. "Sorry, mum." He said.

"Anyway," Molly II said, "Our parents are Percy and Audrey Weasley." She said, indicating to herself and her sister, who was hidden behind some people. The room fell silent, and Molly let out a little sob at the mention of her estranged son.

"He comes back?" Mr Weasley asked.

"Yeah," Molly II told her grandfather, "He apologises, I mean look at mean I'm named after gran. My dad is a right prick in these times, but he does come back." She said and walked over to Molly Weasley who was still crying, "Hey Gran, look, I'm named after you and everything, my dad comes back, everything's great." She soothed. Mrs Weasley looked at her grandaughter gratefully and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you, dear," she said and wiped the tears with her apron.

"Well," Sirius said from the other side of the room, "Looks like all the introductions are done, James, time to give up the identity of your mother."

James looked at his great-godfather "Sorry old man, but my siblings and I haven't properly introduced ourselves, so our mum will have to wait." He said and crossed his arms. "I'll go first he said, he dragged a hand through his messy black hair and looked around the room with his brown eyes, "I am James Sirius Potter. If you didn't know already, I am a prankster. I play jokes on everyone, ask my family. I am in Gryffindor, the best house, sorry Al, and the best Potter!" he said with a smirk, "I am fifteen and going into my fifth year of gracing Hogwarts with my presence. I play chaser, and I am the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team for this upcoming year, thank you Minnie," He said with a wink in Professor McGonagall's direction, she paled, "I am, like I said, the best Potter, and I like you, as long as you don't rat me out to my mum." He finished with that and bowed before gesturing to Al with a flourish of his hands.

Al knocked his brother's hands away and shook his head at his antics. "Hey, what's up, I'm Albus Potter, I'm a Slytherin, remember Rose's speech before you say anything, and I'm fourteen. I'm going into my fourth year at Hogwarts, and I play seeker for my house quidditch team. I have two brothers, Teddy and James, the latter being a complete idiot, and an 'angelic' younger sister, Lily," Albus said and narrowly avoided James and Lily whacking him.

"Al, you forgot your middle name!" James said in a sing-song voice.

Albus groaned, "Fine, but, just know the future is different," he paused and took a deep breath, " My full name is Albus Severus Potter." The room erupted into noise.

Ron looked about the say something when Ginny stopped him and said to the whole group, "Hey!" She yelled, the entire room shut up, "Are you seriously going to judge someone on their name! He said, things are different in the future, I don't think Harry would name his kid after Snape unless he thought his a good person, so all of you shut the hell up and get over yourselves." Harry was staring at Ginny in awe as she put everyone in their place. She smiled at the whole room and said, "Now, we can move past that and on to the last introduction!" She said with happiness in her voice. It was scary how fast her mood had changed.

"Thanks, m--Ginny!" Albus said, hoping no one caught his slip up. No one had, luckily.

"Alright! My turn! Wotcher everyone! I'm Lily Luna Potter, I'm twelve, in Gryffindor, and going into my second year. I'm seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team, youngest seeker in two decades," she said with a wink to Harry, he smiled. "I have the best older brother, Teddy, and the other two older brothers Albus and James. I'm daddy's favourite, and our mum is --" Lily was cut off by a strange ringing coming from James' pocket.

James, who was looking at Lily as she said her introduction, lowered his gaze to his pocket in dread. "Oh, no!" He whispered, but everyone heard him.

"What is it?" Ron said from across the table.

"Mum!" James whimpered, Lily smirked at his fear and reached into his pocket to grab the ringing object. The object was a small handheld mirror, and Lily tapped in with her wand and the wrath that was Ginny Potter filled the room.


A/N: Hey guys, this one's pretty long, 4,500 words, don't know if all of them are going to be this long. I started writing this on Friday, so sorry it took so long to update, I had some music exams this weekend and I have lots of exams this coming week too. Hope you guys like it, review. :)

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