The tour

By RockHardBrit

11.9K 307 40

A young aspiring guitarist named Kristina gets the chance of a lifetime, when she is offered the place as the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

493 11 0
By RockHardBrit

Author's note:

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my little fanfic. This is my first try, so I don't know it it's any good, so please feel free to vote if you like it, or comment if you have an opinion about it. Everything is appreciated :-) Just to set it straight, this is the Bad-era, but set in our time. So it's 2014, and Michael Jackson is 29.

Happy reading, hope you'll like it!


It was only a little past 8 the following morning when Kristina was awakened by her phone ringing. She groaned at the sound and became irritated. Saturdays were one of the few days a week where she allowed herself to relax and sleep in. She had gotten home around 3 at night from the club and didn't sleep until 5, so she was quite sleep deprived. Even though she wanted to pull the covers over her head and try to go back to sleep, she grabbed the phone to see who it was. She was in the middle of a few articles for school, and it could be a source she was trying to get in contact with. Although they usually didn't call on Saturday mornings. She looked at the screen: 'Unknown Caller ID'.

'Hm,' she thought and answered.

'Hello?' Oh God. It was so obvious on her voice that she was hungover, it sounded like she had been smoking 40 cigarettes in a row. Really charming.

'Hello, may I please speak to Kristina?' an unknown voice said. Kristina sat up in bed.

'This is she.'

'Oh, great! Hello Kristina, my name is Travis and I'm the musical director for Mr. Jackson on his upcoming tour.' Kristina felt her stomach churn at the mention of Michael Jacksons name. Had the note actually been real?

'He was really excited to hear that you will be joining the audition. Would you be able to show up at the Staples Center at 10 today?'

'What?!' Kristina exclaimed.

'I haven't signed up for that audition!'

'Well, we did get a text message from this number last night saying that you were on board. I know it's short notice, but I'm afraid that's the way Mr. Jackson works. Things move fast in this industry, you know. I'll write you down for 10 o'clock, see you there!'

Before Kristina had any chance of reacting any further, the so-called Travis had hung up. She stared confused at her phone for a minute. She didn't by accident send a drunken text last night, did she? No, the number from the note wasn't encoded in her phone. But then what...? Kristina realized what must have happened and shot an angry look towards the door. She got up and ripped open the door, finding both her roommates passed out on the couch.

'Did you tell Michael Jacksons people that I'd go to the audition?' she yelled, trying to suppress her anger. Neither of them reacted.

'Hey!' she shouted even louder, which made Amy jump up.

'Huh?' she grunted, rubbing her eyes.

'Ow, my head hurts.'

'Yeah, mine too. And apparently I have an audition in less than two hours to get to?! What the hell, you guys?' Amy looked like someone who was remembering something quite embarrassing. Which was probably the case. Intimidated by Kristinas anger she shook Joey to awaken him.

'Mmmrpfh, leave me alone!' he grunted with his head in a couch pillow.

'Joe, wake up. Now!' Amy said.

'Did you say that I'd go to that audition and not tell me?' Kristina screamed.

Joey looked quite guilty.

'Well, we-'

'DID YOU, OR DID YOU NOT!' Kristina shouted impatiently, no longer able to control her temper.

'We just thought you needed a push in the right direction,' Amy tried to console her.

'AND HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHICH DIRECTION IS RIGHT FOR ME? YOU HAD ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO DO THAT!' Kristina yelled. Both of her roommates looked at her with begging eyes.

'Look, we're really sorry. But I wasn't going to just sit by and watch you throw an opportunity like that away! Do you know how few people are actually invited to auditions like that? Not a lot! You have a real unique talent, and I know you want more than anything to do something more about your music, even though you won't admit it. This is your chance!' Joey tried to explain, but Kristina was way too angered to hear his arguments.

'You went into my phone and made decisions on my behalf? That is such a shitty thing to do!' she yelled.

'Oh God, please don't yell,' Amy sighed, holding her head in her hands.

'We really are sorry, even though you might not believe it right now. But that doesn't change the fact that you are signed up for the audition. Why not just go? The worst you can get is a no,' Joey said.

'Do this. For you.'

Kristina sighed. She kinda did want to go, although she would never admit it. She narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at the roommates.

'You better have fastfood here when I get back,' she said before going to the bathroom to shower.

Kristina parked her car at Staples Center at exactly 10.05. She hurried out, grabbed her guitar and the nearest pieces of sheetmusic, not knowing what they were. She hadn't exactly had time to plan this out or even rehearse. Come to think of it, she had no idea how an audition like this took place. Was she about to battle other musicians? Or would they be given unknown material and just be asked to play it? Was she supposed to know every single riff to all Michael Jackson-songs ever written? She had heard the new album on repeat, of course, but she hadn't tried playing it herself. What was going to happen? She had no idea, and she could feel the nerves in her body, and the nausea, but that was just as much from the hangover. As she ran across the parking lot she pulled a hand through her hair. She usually  flattened it, but there hadn't been time for that. She didn't even have on make-up, and she was about to slap herself when she noticed she was wearing an old black t-shirt with a picture of Johnny Cash giving the finger. Real good first impression she was about to make.

Would Michael Jackson be there? Just the thought made her more nervous. She was used to being around celebrities as a journalist, but not as a guitarist. And certainly not someone like Michael Jackson, whom she'd had a crush on since she was a young teenager.

'Oh God,' she thought, as she pushed open the door with the sign that said 'AUDITIONS – GUITARISTS'.

'What have I gotten myself into?'

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