The Things I'd Rather Forget...

By Sel_va_

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America has it all: fame, friends, allies, a supportive family- everything a country could ever want; but, wh... More

Ch 1: Happiness that's sure to last forever // The Tea Set
Ch 2: Old Memories and Lost Tears // The Iris
Ch 3: Cracking Smiles // The Gloves
Ch 4: The First Meeting // The Vodka Man
Ch 5: Anna // The Girl that Wasn't Saved
Ch 6: One Good Memory is all it Takes // The Lone Star
Ch 7: Falling Apart // The Broken One
Ch 8: Detective Russia on The Scene // The Investigation
Ch 9: A Worried Mother // The Wilting Flower
Ch 10: All Your Fault // The Pain of the Past and Present
Ch 11: Lashing Out // The Attempts at Finding Answers
Ch 12: A Changed American // The New Friendship
Ch 13: Rhode Island // The Call to Action
Ch 14: Slowing Down // The New Tormentor
Ch 16: Going their own ways... // The Goodbye
Ch 17: "We" \ / The Struggle at Home
Ch 18: Taking a Stand \ / The Battle
Ch 19: Giving up \ / The Puppet on Strings.
Ch 20: Falling Apart \ / The Beginning of the End
Ch 21: ... Maybe Love Isn't So Bad After All \ / The Budding Feelings
Ch 22: Watching From Afar \\ The Reunification
Ch 23: Thank you \\ The Tears
Ch 24: A Blurry Figure \\ The Cruel Hope
Ch 25: Why do you care about me? \\ The Panic Attack
Chapter 26: Is this the thing called love? \\ The Ballroom
Ch 27: The things you figure out under the moon \\ The Chat with a Sassy Cat
Ch 28: Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down \\ The Stardust, Stardust, Stardust
Ch 29: ...---... \\ ...---...
Ch 30 Pt 1: A Story from Me to You
Ch 30 Pt 2: A Story from Me to You
Ch 31: Red and Blue Lights \\ The Hospital
Another Animation!
Ch 32: When everything goes black \\ (The) Holy Maple Syrup
Ch 33: Those spiteful red eyes \ The "emergency plan"
Ch 34: Brother \ The Possible New Ally
Ch 35: Forgiveness \ The Story of Aleut, Aima, and Aisa
Ch 36: A Nightmare \ The Deal
Ch 37: All The Way Down \ The Betrayal
Chapter 38: Pool of Red \ The Nightmare That Came True
Chapter 39: Distancing \ The Look In His Eyes
Chapter 40: Never letting go \ The Wrong Thing For The Right Reason
Chapter 41: Sorry \\ The Words Finally Tumble Out
Ch 42: A Piece of Cake \\ The Game Plan
Ch 43: Everything goes black... again \\ The Alleyway
Ch 44: Monster \\ The Final Confrontation
Ch 45: Together? \\ Always.
Epilogue: The End

Ch 15: Спокойной ночи, Америка // The Denier

3.5K 114 412
By Sel_va_


America decided he'd start counting the days. I mean, why not? Once Saturday came, America could go home. He wouldn't have to pretend to be happy 24/7, which is what he found himself doing way too often recently.

America woke up on his couch. He honestly didn't want to get up that morning. He had to sit there for at least 20 minutes, convincing himself that yes, he did want to go to the meeting today. America got up grudgingly and changed into a suit. Because he was too lazy, America didn't wear a tie. He did, however, once again make sure his cracks are covered. He didn't want to worry his friends and family. They didn't need to know.

America made sure he headed out early because he didn't want Russia to waste his time on him again if he was late. He also simply wanted to walk to the meeting place. The meeting started at 10:00 AM. It was 9:00 AM. He had time since the walk took 40 minutes. Now, you may ask why the hotel is that far away, but it really isn't. The drive is only 10 minutes, it's the walk that's really long. But America didn't mind, he needed time to think anyway.

When he got to the place where the meeting was held, America noticed he still had about 15 minutes to do whatever. America looked to see if someone else was as early as he was. Germany was in his seat, of course he was. America put on a smile and went up to Germany, "Hey, Germ."

"You know I hate that nickname, Amerika," Germany responded with a sigh.

"I know."

Germany looked up at America and raised an eyebrow, setting some- not all, mind you- of his papers aside. "So, what is it, Amerika?"

"Ouch, did you just assume that I came to you for a political reason? For your information, I just wanted to talk." America faked being offended.

Germany smiled, "Maybe. So, how come you're so early? Usually, the only people that come here this early are UK, China, North Korea, and me."

America chuckled, "Of course my dad is here this early. I'm here this early because I woke up early, as simple as that."

They both heard the sound of the door opening and saw North Korea enter the meeting room with China right after him. North Korea narrowed his eyes at America and went to his seat. China, meanwhile, didn't really show any emotion. He glanced towards North Korea when he started moving towards his seat, but other than that he stayed still for a few seconds. Then, China smiled slightly at America and headed to his own seat.

"Well that was weird," America commented.

Germany nodded, and they continued their conversation. Poland joined them at some point, but they kept talking until it was almost time for the meeting to start.

The meeting was pretty uneventful until the topic of nuclear weapons came up. They had already talked about it, but this time UN was asking North Korea to start decreasing his supply of nuclear bombs, just like everyone else. Oh, that made North mad. North was probably about to go into some really big and heated argument with UN right then and there when America interrupted.

"It's only fair you do, too. Everyone else with nuclear weapons is doing it." That was a big mistake.

North almost immediately turned his anger onto America. "Oh, of course you'd butt in, capitalist pig. You don't seem to understand what's your problem and what's someone else's."

"Well excuse me if I'm trying to help keep world peace-"

"Tell that to the people you're probably killing right now." North interrupted, a calm fury hidden in his eyes now.

America didn't know how to respond, he was at a loss for words. How was he supposed to respond to that? Luckily, Russia responded for America, saving America from trying to reply himself.

"Says the guy who publicly executes his own people without hesitation." Russia spat. America flashed a grateful smile at Russia and when Russia noticed America's smile, he smiled back.

America also noticed three other countries shifted nervously in their seats. It took a second, but America realized they all executed publicly as well. Yikes.

It was obviously clear that North Korea hadn't expected Russia to stand up for America, but he definitely wasn't the only one. America could hear the faint whispers of conversation. Many countries were confused about what just happened, some seemed to be happy, and others were skeptical. America listened in on a few conversations, but quickly stopped himself when he realized his attention gravitated to more negative conversations about him. America didn't want to hear the other's negative opinions, it would just make him more self-conscious of his all-too-abundant flaws.

North Korea looked like he was about to respond, but UN beat him to it, "North Korea, Russia, and America, stand down. We're here for discussion and compromise, not mindless insults." He sighed, casting a weary eye towards some of his papers. "But I fear you need some time to cool your heads. We're taking a ten-minute recess."

North Korea scoffed and snarled, "Of course. I wouldn't expect any less. All the capitalist pig does is hide behind others, just like how the coward he is."

America glared at North Korea, and responded, "Says the coward hiding behind China."

That only seemed to make North even angrier and he started to remark rude and insulting comments towards America. Tired and unwilling to sow any more seeds of hatred, America walked away, vaguely hearing North become louder in his insults.


Canada watched his brother leave, concern building up inside of him. He turned to Australia, "Is it just me or has America been acting weird for the last few days? He doesn't seem as stubborn or like himself."

Australia looked at his brother and thought about it for a moment, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Don't you find it concerning that the minute he starts acting weird, he suddenly puts on gloves?"

"He was wearing gloves?" Australia asked, surprised.

Canada sighed, "Yeah, he was."

"Don't sound so disappointed in me, my seat is all the way across the room! How could I have seen it?" Australia defended himself.

While Australia was talking, Canada noticed a certain ushanka-wearing country leave the meeting room to follow America. Very quickly, Canada shushed his brother and asked to no one in particular, "What the heck is Russia trying to do?"

"Huh, yeah, actually, speaking of Russia-"

"Russia just followed Ame!" Canada said, getting up. "He might try to do something like start a fight or-"

Australia just started laughing. Canada looked to his brother, both concerned and mad. Australia started speaking in between laughs, "Sorry I just- you couldn't see America's face well during the argument, right?" Canada hesitantly nodded and his brother continued, "Yeah, after Russia spoke up, they looked at each other like they were friends and stuff. I think they worked things out without us knowing."

Canada looked a bit confused, "Why wouldn't America tell us they made up?"

"This is America we're talking about, he probably forgot."

"You have a point there," Canada sighed. "Even so, I just hope he's ok. He's just... different somehow and I don't know why or what it means."

Australia smiled, "How about we grab Kiwi and go check up on him tomorrow after the meeting? He isn't leaving until Saturday, after all."

That made Canada smile, "Yeah, that sounds great. We should tell him when he gets back."


Even though America pretended not to care, the comments North said were starting to bother him and echo in his head. They played on repeat in the back of America's head, and all he can do is find a way to ignore them. Either way, they stung a bit.

America was walking down a hallway in the UN Headquarters. America didn't know where he was walking, but it gave America something to do outside of the meeting room, so he couldn't say he cared all that much. That's when America felt a sudden, quick tap on his shoulder.

America jumped, startled, and turned around to see a certain ushanka-wearing man holding a hand to his mouth, trying to hold in his laughter. Russia, upon seeing America's startled and scared face, burst out laughing. America crossed his arms and yelled above Russia's laughter, "That wasn't funny!"

Once Russia had mostly calmed down, he replied, a shit-eating grin on his face, "Yes. Yes, it was."

America sighed, trying to change the subject as quick as possible, "So, what's up, Russia? Why are you following me like a stalker?"

"One, I wanted to ask you if we could do something later tonight; and two, I'm not a stalker."

"You sure seem like one, Russian spy," America muttered under his breath.

Russia didn't hear what America said and questioned, "So do you want to hang out tonight or not?"

America smiled, "Uhhh, sure! I'll see if I can."

A big grin formed on Russia's face. Eventually, though, Russia's smile faded and he frowned, "We have to head back to the meeting room and deal with North first, though."

America hmmed as they started walking back to the room, "Didn't you two use to be friends?"

"Yeah, when my father was alive we sort of were; but, we haven't really talked outside of meetings since then. And I wouldn't say we're on friendly terms now. I think he hates your guts and hates me for standing up for you."

America nodded, "That sounds about right."

Russia looked at him weirdly, "Why are you so nonchalant about this?"

America shrugged, "It's always been this way." 'Though I wish it weren't...' America thought, quickly shoving the thought away. No second thoughts, no second thoughts. He hates North, he hates North... But he knew that wasn't true anymore. He was frankly too tired to hate anyone he used to hate so much. It was confusing, but it kinda felt freeing at the same time, letting go of his stubborn hatred.

Russia gave America a small sympathetic look but didn't ask anything more. Instead, they walked in comfortable silence, not an awkward silence, but a comforting, empathetic one, if that makes any sense. America didn't really want the pity Russia seemed to be sending his way, but America did like having someone by his side.

As they got closer to the meeting, America weakly smiled, mentally preparing himself for what might happen once he heads back inside the meeting room. Russia noticed and broke the silence, asking, "You ready?"

"Yeah," America responded as he opened the door.


To put it simply, North found a way to shut his trap. He made no further comments and instead glared at UN, America, and Russia. China, who sat next to North and still looked as unassociated and neutral as ever, took zero interest in what North was doing and instead paid full attention to UN. America could never read or truly understand China. The only emotion he's shown the entire day was the small smile he gave America before the meeting.

Once the meeting was finally over, Canada and Australia came up to America, who was turned in the other direction looking at something.

"Hey, Ame!" Ame was Canada's nickname for America, so Canada was the one who practically yelled into America's ear. That jerk. Canada knew America didn't like it when he did that.

America turned around, smiled at his brothers, and responded, "Hey Can, hey Aussie."

"Are those going to be our permanent nicknames or have you still not decided yet?" Australia asked, smiling. That's right! America promised he would give both of them permanent nicknames last month.

America thought about it and nodded, "Yep. Those are your permanent nicknames, I guess."

"I guess?" Canada raised an eyebrow.


Canada smiled slightly and then got straight to the point, "So, Australia and I were thinking about going out tonight with Kiwi. We don't know what we're gonna do yet, but we can figure it out on the way."

Without thinking, America responded, "Sure!"

Then it dawned on him. Tonight. He promised Russia he would go with him tonight as well. Dang it. America immediately felt really bad. He couldn't just turn Russia down! America frowned as he thought.

"What's wrong?" Canada asked, noticing America's frown.

"I'm thinking, gimme a second." America scrunched his face up for a moment, until he suddenly smiled, "Can I invite Russia to go with us?"

Canada was a bit surprised by the suggestion, but replied, "I mean, I guess so."

"Thanks, bro!" America chirped back, quickly going over to tell Russia.

Canada smirked and turned to Australia, "I bet ten Canadian Dollars that America's gonna get drunk with Russia around."

Australia gave Canada a weird look, "I'm not gonna bet on something I know I'll lose."

Canada laughed, "You have that much faith in our brother?"

"Yep, I sure do. America's gonna be hanging out with a vodka lover and can't hold his alcohol, it'll happen eventually."


Australia and Canada were very right. After changing into more casual clothes, they had gone to a variety of places in New York, stopping at Central Park and staying there for a few hours, having dinner at a nice restaurant, and simply stopping here and there for various reasons. At 9:00 PM, Kiwi bade them goodbye and headed back to the hotel because she was tired. Canada and Australia, however, stayed to see what would happen.

As expected, they passed by a bar and Russia asked, "Why don't we stop here next?" No one gave any objections, so they headed inside. Russia obviously ordered a vodka, America ordered a beer, Australia ordered ginger beer, and Canada got water, not really wanting a hangover in the morning. Also as expected, it didn't take long before America was drunk. Australia chuckled to himself and said, "Aight. I'm gonna head out now."

Canada looked at him, "Why?"

"America's drunk. I no longer have business here."

"Ouch, abandoning your brother when he's drunk?" Canada chuckled.

"I trust Russia. I dunno about you, but he doesn't look like he's gonna do anything bad. Plus, I need to call my pet sitter and made sure she is taking care of Harold correctly."

"Harold is your..." Canada thought about this, Australia had way too many pets, "... pet crocodile, right?"

"Yep!" Australia responded, "Glad you remembered!"

Canada glanced towards America and smiled, "You know what, I'll head out with you, I trust your judgment. Mostly."

Australia smirked, "Hope you don't regret that."

"Me too, Aussie, me too." Canada called out to Russia, "Hey Russia, me and Australia are heading out! When you're done, can you bring America back to the hotel? You're closer to his room anyway."

Russia simply gave an "ok," and the two brothers left.

Russia started downing another glass when he heard America groan next to him. Russia looked at the American next to him, "Wasted already, Америка?"

The only response Russia got was a hiccup and a muffled "No..." Yeah, America was drunk. Russia should've expected this, but he forgot how much of a light-weight America is. Russia, however, was still uncomfortably sober. Russia sighed and turned back to his vodka, asking for another glass. When Russia was finishing his he-wasn't-counting-how-many-vodkas-he's-drunk glass, he felt something on his shoulder. Or, to be more precise, someone.

Russia turned his head and saw a sleeping Америка leaning against him. If Russia was at all drunk, this both sobered him up and made his face burn red. Russia didn't know why his face suddenly felt uncomfortably hot, but he did know that it was probably time to bring America back to his hotel room.

Russia got up from his seat, stretched a little, and glanced at the sleeping American before him. 'Cute...' Russia couldn't help but think, smiling. When Russia realized what he thought, he quickly pushed it away, his face turning red again. 'America is not cute and I'm not gay... right?' Helpless, Russia realized he didn't know the answer to that question.

Once Russia's face stopped burning, he called over an uber so that they could get to the hotel quicker and because Russia didn't want to carry America all the way over to the hotel. Once the uber arrived, Russia picked America up bridal style, placing his in the backseat and telling the driver where to go, getting in the car himself.

As they drove, Russia glanced towards America with a small smile. This time, he didn't force it away.

Once they got to their destination, the driver was paid and Russia picked America back up again bridal-style. He got to America's room and suddenly realized he didn't a keycard to the room. Though Russia didn't like doing it, he searched America's pockets until he found the key. Using the key, he unlocked the door and practically threw America onto the bed, leaving the keycard on the kitchen counter.

As he was about to leave, Russia turned and smiled at the sleeping American.

"Спокойной ночи, Америка (Goodnight, America)."

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