'Eternally Entwined' Damon Sa...

By ElleMiglioranza

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Eternally Entwined is the 6th Book In The 'Epic Love Sage' Life for Siena and Damon Salvatore lives have tak... More

Endless Love.....
For My Salvation.....
Reaching Out.....
Author Note.... ***Important Information***
So Close Yet So Far.....
I Know That These Scars Will Bleed....But Both Hearts Believe.....
Don't Believe Everything You Think You Know.....
Your Love Kept Me Safe.....
The Light Will Scare The Darkness Away.....
Stuck In This Prison No Optimism.....
We Found Love Right Where We Are.....
Why Can't I Be Your Lover.....
Say You Love Me.....
Supernatural Love Conquers All..... **New Years Eve Special**
Together We Are One..... **New Year Day Special**

Innocents Lost.....

2.1K 95 45
By ElleMiglioranza

Damon P.O.V

This was the end for us there was no way for the three of us to get back somehow the gateway through Bonnie had closed. This was it. This was the end for the three of us. The only part of this that was bearable was the fact that in death I die with my Bella. How couldn't it not be perfect? Of course I wanted us to live to have the eternity and travelled the world and have fun and do crazy stuff. It seemed the fates had something different for us that we had come to the end. As the bright white light overwhelmed us and blinded me I felt the brightness slowly fading away. I opened my eyes. I notice that we were are in the same place they were when we died. I turned to my right and Siena wasn't there only Bonnie who was a foot away from me. She was mirroring the same blank expression as I was.

"Where Siena?" I began to look around thinking just maybe that the force might I sent her flying somewhere. "She not here Bonnie"

"What happened? Where are we?" Bonnie spoke with confusion in like a trance like state then she begins to walk away, out of the woods.

"Where are you going? We need to find Siena. Hey." Bonnie just continued to walk so I followed her has I had no idea of where we were. Maybe Siena had wondered off. As we continued to walk I notice that we were still in Mystic Falls. That couldn't be the case magic was gone I would have been dead.... Unless I was a vampire no longer. I reached up to touch my teeth. "Well, I feel a fang. I'm still a vampire. Either I'm a dead vampire or Mystic Falls is no longer magic free." What was going on?

"Look." Bonnie called out and I followed her gaze and sees that she is looking at the Mystic Grill.

"I definitely blew that up about an hour ago." I recall that all very clearly. I looked around to see any life of Siena she had to be here somewhere.

"Why don't we see any people? If we're still on the Other Side we should at least be able to see the living." She was right we would of at least seen the living but it's was literally like a ghost town.

"Where the hell are we? And I don't mean geographically." None of this seemed right I just had a bad feeling about being here.

"I have no idea. Look we need to search for Siena she gotta be around here somewhere" I couldn't stop thinking that something may have happened to her. What if she wasn't here? What if she was taken somewhere else? Like she found peace or something? Would she of found peace without me?

Siena P.O.V

Ric didn't really say much after I asked him to compel me I think he was in a state of shock as he never expected for me to ask for such a thing. If I'm being honest I didn't think I would have to go to such extremes. I just couldn't do it no more. I can't switch off my humanity because I'm worried that I wouldn't care what would happen to my baby. This pain of not having Damon I can't deal with but I would never forgive myself if I hurt my innocent child. So this was my solution to get Ric to compel me. Believe me it wasn't something easy to say to him. If I wasn't this heavy pregnant I would gone to New Orleans and asked Nic. The thing about not asking Nic was that he didn't even know I was alive and I don't know how he will react. Also I'm frighten if I give him that control to removing the love I have for Damon. That maybe when I could come back around whatever I felt for Nic would come flooding to the surface. I can't have another complicated situation. I didn't want to fall in love with anyone I just wanted to focus on my daughter.

Ric asked me if I'm planning to remove all the memories of Damon the love I had for him. What of my daughter could I really not let her know who her father was? Could I live with the fact not only I'm stripping the memories from myself. That one day my little girl going to ask of her father and what will I tell her? That was something I didn't think about. What could I tell her that her father and I would hook up occasionally? That wouldn't go down to well. He wanted me to think long and hard about all this but what was there to think about? I made my choice I needed to make it through every day for my daughter I can't be this wreck that I am. Mourning for Damon will eventually destroy me it will send me off the edge in more ways than one. I'm barely keeping myself under control right now what if I do more than just fed off a few humans. What if I turn all ripper or something because I can't deal with these emotions? I know my father Julian was the first ripper in vampire history. I am my father daughter. He told me that he did all that because he couldn't control his emotions and that's my biggest fear. My blood lust. So for the first time since I woke up I'm making a rational decision for myself and my little girl.

I began to pack away the few things that they had brought me from the boarding house. I looked at a picture frame on my dresser, one of Elena and I sticking out tongues out. I couldn't help but smile at that memory as that was the time when we were both happy. When we first met and with no complication of the supernatural world. I look at the picture beside it was one of me kissing Damon's cheek. He and I really did look happy it just seem as if standing together we could conquer the world. Another picture caught my eyes it was one on my wedding day where I was in it all the bridesmaids. Everyone in that picture had been touched by death Blair, Bonnie, Caroline, Elena even myself. Bonnie and Blair were gone and the other three of us were not the same girls from that day. I walked away and placed cardboard box on my bed. If I was going to go ahead with all this I need to remove any connection of Damon I couldn't just have the memories from my mind. But all the thing that reminded me of him. I grabbed a blue button-up shirt from the bed it was one of Damon. He was always in dark colour and blue really did bring out his eyes.

I could feel a lump building up in my throat. I couldn't get emotional about all this it was the right thing to do. I folded it and places it in the box. I grabbed another framed photo of Damon and me posing beside each other and puts that in the box too. I went over to the dresser, grabs the photo of me kissing Damon and the one of me and girls on my wedding day. Something caught my eye and it was photo-booth pics of Damon and me making faces. I think that was the first time when he came to New York and we were messing around. I open my top drawer and grabbed Damon's black shirt I held on to the shirt tightly as I could still smell his cologne. Memories began to flood my mind as that scent began to overwhelm me. I need to get a grip I walked over to the box and placed them all in. I looked down at my left hand at my wedding band and engagement ring. I've never took them off from the moment Damon placed them on my finger. I knew I couldn't keep them either. My reflection caught my eye and the pendant that he gave me that was once his mother caught my eye. I slowly removed it and placed it in the box then I slowly took off my two rings. This was a lot hard than I anticipated but it was for the best it what I had to do.

Of course not everyone took to the news of me wanting Alaric to compel me well. Even Jeremy had his view on it which surprised me as he hadn't even bother to come and see me since my return. I did expect this I'm not stupid they will all want to say there piece. In reality either they are all on board with all this or that I would have to leave town and start a new life alone. It was there choice nothing they will tell me will change my mind on any of this. So I asked Elena and Jeremy to meet me at the local park so we can talk. As they both had things to say and I need for them to say it and then I'll add my piece. If they were not going to respect my decision then I couldn't force them. I arrived and I could see Jeremy and Elena sitting at a park bench as I approached them they both had a worrisome look upon their faces.

"Are the worried looks are because you're thinking of ways...." All of a sudden Jeremy embraced me which took me totally off guard "Whoa Jer" I hugged him back but it was a little awkward with this huge baby bum. I glance over at Elena and she gave me a sorrowful look I know she wasn't happy with my plan but it was something I felt I had to do.

"I've missed you" Jeremy muffled into my hair. I didn't even expect to hear that from him either. Jeremey had really taken me by surprise not the welcome I expected considering he never come to see me not once.

"I thought you didn't come to see me because you were mad at me.... I'm here and Bonnie not" Jer pulled away I could see he was upset by what I told him. I didn't want to get into the whole Bonnie conversation because I honestly wouldn't know what to say. I hardly keeping myself together how can I give words of encouragement to Jeremy. "Anyway you called this family meeting because you want to convince me not to do this. So let me start with my opening statement. It's time for me to let go." It was as simple as that I need to let all that emotional attachment to Damon go. I can't have it hold me down and destroy me.

"You're going to ease all the good memories you had while you were here. Pretty much all of them consisted Damon. Siena please think about this." Elena broke me out of my thoughts. Did she think that this decision was an easy one?

"I thought about it and it's my only solution" I told her firmly. They both needed to understand my reasons behind it and accept it. "I do not like the person I'm becoming. For my sanity for the sake of my daughter who going to be making an appearance pretty soon. I need to get it together. You both understand that right?" I looked at the both of them. They had to understand that I'm looking at the wellbeing of my daughter that I don't want her to have a mom who a total wreck. If there was some other way of dealing with this and not take away my feeling for Damon I would do it. I don't want to forget about the love of my life but being compel to forget I could always ask for it back that's the beauty of it all.

"You put Ric in an awkward position to ask him to do this" Jeremy added. I knew what position I had put him in and I didn't need to be reminded about it either.

"If he doesn't want to do it I have other options" I watched as their faces looked horrified and I knew exactly what they thought that I might turn off my humanity "No it's not that. I'll just take a trip to New Orleans and get another original to compel me" As much I didn't want to go down that route if Ric would of said no that what I would of done. If none would I had a weapon that would get them motivated to do it. Giving them the white oak stake would be enough.

"You think Klaus, Elijah even Rebekah would do that? Klaus is a lot of things but even he would know removing your memories of Damon will take away the girl we all know." Elena really didn't get it and I didn't want go into how I could win the originals over as I didn't want any of them knowing I had the white oak stake.

"Elena right they wouldn't. Cause compelling you not the solution." Jeremy spoke with annoyance in his voice. Which actually annoyed me because if anyone who feeling a fraction of the pain I'm feeling is him.

"Oh but the way you're dealing with it is the right way Jer? Drinking yourself silly screwing up in school. You're a wreck too" He didn't like what I told him because it was the truth. I heard Elena talk to Matt countless times about Jeremy. I leaned in and looked at him "You know I could compel all that pain away....."

"Siena!" Elena raised her voice at me. Did she really want to go there with me?

"What? Come Elena don't act all innocent you've had Jeremy compel before at least I'm giving him an option not taking it away from him" Elena had Jeremy more times than I could remember all to her advantage of course. Each and every time I didn't agree as I felt Jeremy should have to choice to have those memories taken from him. "So Jer the offer there... If you want it" Jeremy looked as if he was contemplating my offer. I gave him the choice if he wants to continue his life in mourning over the girl who stole his heart. Or that I could compel him to take all that pain away and be the Jeremy we all know and love.

"I can't believe you even put that out there Siena!" Elena yelled at me. I think my little sister needed a few home truth told to her.

"Really? What am I meant to do? Huh? Do what you did when Jer died? Turn it all off? Not to care about anyone because the grief far too much? I'm sorry Elena but I'm not you. I chose to keep my humanity and let go of part of my life where it pains me too much!" I raised my voice even louder back to her. When Elena turned it all off when all that happened she didn't consider me she didn't consider baby Nico. We were her family we were still there for her but none of that matter to her she didn't care or think of what would do us. At least I'm talking to them rationally asking them to be on board with all this to support me.

"You gonna erase Bonnie from your head too?" Jeremy broke me out of my thoughts and I looked at him. He look broken the same broken look I've seen in my own reflection in the mirror since I came back. I want so badly to take all that pain from him and I know I could in just one moment. I wanted him to come to me and ask me. I will not take it all away without his permission.

"Missing Bonnie, makes me sad, Jer. Missing Damon makes me dangerous. Alaric will compel away any memories and then make me forget that I had him do it. I need you both to keep the truth from me along with anyone else connected. I've spoken to my parents and they are both on board" My mom and dad were all new to all this but they wanted what would help me with my grief that if I felt this was the only way they support me "If you and everyone else can't do that then my only option is to leave town." I didn't want my life to be without them as I want when Isabelle comes into this world to know her aunt Elena her uncle Jeremy. There the only family I have left as after Stefan actions I've cut him out of my life.

"Siena....." Elena spoke my name with compassion "I know your pain and grief isn't only to do with Damon it's to do with Nico" When she spoke Nico name I felt an aching pain in my heart. As he was gone. Nickar may be alive and kicking but my son was gone and never to return "There something you should know. Nico back?" My heart stopped again as she mention he was back. It couldn't be happening it was Nickar playing tricks with her and Elena fallen for it,

"What? No that's impossible." I literally spat at her. As I knew once Nico darker demeanour took over there was only one way to be rid of it and that was for me to kill him. It was impossible I'm not going to fall for Nickar lies and decide again.

"I've seen him Siena. It's Nico. You're Nico and all he wants is to see his mom" I got up as I shook my head this was some kind of sick joke. I wasn't going to have my emotions played like this. Not by Elena not by the puppeteer Nickar.

"No that's Nickar playing mind game and you're falling for it!" I yelled at her. How could she after everything we have been through believe all this? Was Elena that stupid?

"Siena if I wasn't 100% sure that it was Nico that I saw I wouldn't have told you." As Elena spoke I knew she was telling me the truth "His back. Nico your son is back. Don't you think he has a say in what you're planning on doing?" Farewells can be shattering, but returns are surely worse. Solid flesh can never live up to the bright shadow cast by its absence. Time and distance blur the edges; then suddenly the beloved has arrived. Nico return has left me with many questions many thoughts running through my mind. If he is back as Elena has stated could I go ahead with the compulsion? Could I forgive my son for his action while under the influence Nickar? Could I just wipe the slate clear with him? With his manipulative side he brought me death.... Can a mother forgive there child for something that in truth is unforgivable?

Nico P.O.V

I reflected back on the last things I could remember that Stefan was helping me with this date. That I attempted to make this first date something special it was. I remember that it was going great and I also remember I took Caroline to the point.... Then one thing lead to another. We had sex. I remember thinking that it was single happiest point in my life that in that one moment I felt true happiness. I recall going into the bathroom and..... That's it everything else is a total blank until I woke up in some field feeling like I've been to hell and back. Then the fact I can't enter Mystic Falls that freaked me out it was like a barrier all the way round believe before I found Caroline I tried. Talking about Caroline she looked as beautiful as the night when we went on our date but the look in her eyes when she saw me was filled with hatred. That what threw me more than anything. Then calling me Nickar? Who the hell was Nickar? When I finally convince Caroline I wasn't this Nickar she brought me back to her place. I kept asking her why couldn't I enter Mystic Falls and all she told me was some magical barrier was put up. That anyone made of magic couldn't enter so if she was to pass the boarder she would actually die. What didn't make sense was the fact I couldn't even pass like there was a mystical force keeping me out.

When Caroline left me in her apartment I kept trying to wreck my brain what had happed. Caroline had told me for 6 months I wasn't myself that she wasn't the right person to explain what was going on. So she went off to go and get my dad. I waiting and waited and I did have a phone to call her I wouldn't even know her number off by heart. It was gone 4pm and I had enough of waited so I left. I left Caroline and began to make my way to Whitmore. I had no car not way of getting there but I borrowed a couple of bucks from Caroline draw so I was able to get the bus. The whole journey I was just thinking why was she keeping me in the dark so much? The only person who I knew that wouldn't lie to me and would tell me the truth is Elena. So when I arrived I went straight to my dorm which actually wasn't my dorm anymore. Apparently the administration department informed me that I hadn't attended classes for about 3 months before the end of the school year. Just assumed that I wouldn't be returning. So not only had my life screwed up now my future too. I wanted to argue it out with them but I needed answers and I pretty much needed them now.

So I went up to Elena dorm and the welcome I got wasn't what I expected. Just as Caroline did Elena attacked me and called me Nickar. Once I finally convinced her that I was Nico not this guys they all seem to think I was. She told me she would bring me to my mom. I felt relief knowing that I'll be seeing her I know I didn't grow up with my mom. That she had me snatched from her as a baby and I came whirling into her life months later as this. All I wanted from her was a hug you know one of those hug from your mom that makes everything in that moment seem okay. What I didn't expect to hear was that my dad was dead. In that one single moment when those words passed Elena lips I felt as the world I once knew was shattered. I refused to believe it he couldn't be dead. My dad was Damon Salvatore who had survived everything he was a force to be reckoned with. Just hearing he was gone I broke down. I didn't have a close relationship of years with my dad but even in the short time of knowing him I had strong connection with him. I knew if anything was bothering me if I needed advice or anything he would been there to support me and help me through it. It was a different kind of connection than I had with my mom. When Elena began to tell me everything that had happen I was consumed in utter guilt.

I stayed in Elena dorm last night she went to go and meet my mom as she was going to tell her about my return. In all honestly I didn't want to see her. Not after everything I learnt. I turned into this heartless person who was determined to do whatever it took to win this war. How could I even look her in the eye after convincing my dad to kill her? She died because of me. I killed my own uncle and Tyler. I'm the reason for all of this and I don't know if I can live with myself. Elena also told me about the other side collapsing that my dad did whatever it took to bring my mom and everyone else back. Unfortunately neither my mom nor my dad along with Bonnie returned. This brought so many more questions as Elena told me my mom was alive. That when the huge bomb shell was brought on me. Mom had returned after being found in the amazon but she didn't come back alone she was pregnant with my dad child. Elena showed me the ultra-sound picture of my baby sister I felt overwhelm as I looked at it because I was going to be a brother. The sad part of it was that my dad wouldn't meet his little girl. Elena could see it was all too much for me to take in. She didn't want to overwhelm me with all that happened but I needed to know everything the good and the bad.

Elena told me that she going to sort out my placement here as if I wanted to continue my degree in doctoring she could compel me a place back in. I agreed to it all as I needed to keep my mind focused on something other than all this supernatural stuff. So I got showered and changed Elena had gotten me some clothes so I wouldn't be in the same dirty ones I was in. I heard a knock on the door I hesitated to open it but did anyway there stood Caroline along with some older guy.

"Hi Nico. Elena told us you were here. Can we come in?" I indicated for them both to come in. I didn't have a clue who this guy was but he must have been a friend of Caroline. "I'm so sorry about yesterday bailing on you and everything.... It's just I didn't know what to tell you..." Caroline didn't have any reason to feel guilty not after everything I had learnt. The way I treated her as this Nickar I didn't expect any different from her.

"You don't need to feel guilty Caroline I've been filled in with everything." She looked at me with a regretful. I glanced over at the man who stood next to her awkwardly while glazing at me a little creepily "'I'm sorry I don't know who you are?" He seem a little flustered after I asked him that. I sense that he wasn't human he was definitely a vampire maybe Caroline new boyfriend or something I couldn't blame her moving on.

"Oh right. I'm Alaric......" I felt a little relief that he wasn't a love interest for Caroline. So this was infamous Alaric. I recall the stories that my dad told me about him how they were close friends. Actually best friend but he had died that my dad never got over the fact that he was truly gone.

"My dad used to talk about you. But you died are you one of them came back?" He had to be one of them to come back that was the only live cause of my dad actions.

"Yeah" He rubbed the back of his head nervously "Nico there something I need to talk to about. It's your mom" He was planning on filling me on what happened I was full clued up. I couldn't imagine what months with everything I did along with her death and return. Now that she is having another baby my baby sister i knew she was a total mess and who could blame her.

"I know she's come back from the dead. I know that she pregnant. Also know she not dealing with my dad death too well" I walked over to the fridge and grabbed myself a bottle of water to get away from this awkward moments.

"Your aunt filled you in" I heard him say. I turned to face them both and they both stood there worrisomely.

"Yeah well I had a right to know what going on" It came out a little bitterly than I wanted it to. I notice Caroline gave me another sorrowful look "Caroline I understand why you ran away. I-I know what I did to you" She had every right to avoid me and to stay totally clear from me as I didn't just hurt my parents deeply but Caroline too. I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for those action consciously knowing or unconsciously knowing. It was me who did what I did the darker side to myself and I wasn't strong enough to stop it. To stop hurting the people I love so what does that say about me? Nico Salvatore.

"It's okay Nico you weren't yourself" Caroline was always a little too forgiving what I did to her was unforgivable how could she be so understanding saying I wasn't myself.

"Nico there something you should know about your mom" Alaric snapped me out of my thoughts. What did he want me to know about my mom that I didn't know? "I don't know if your father told you but I died as an original vampire. Which means I can compel other vampires" Yeah he told me about that I knew the originals were able to do that. Apparently it was something that my dad found a pain in the ass about. "Your mom asked me to take away her memories of loving your father" I stood there trying to in take what he told me. That my mom was will to take away all her memories of my dad so that she could try and attempt to move on with her life. Was it the right thing to do? Who am I to judge I hadn't been through the hell she had been through.

"Nico?" Caroline snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I think if that what she wants to do. I respect her decision" They both looked at me as if they expect a different answer maybe they need to understand why I wasn't going to fight her on this. "Look guys I know I don't know my mom as well as you all do. One thing I do know is for her to go to the extreme of compelling my father memories is the only way she will be able to move forward" That what I felt that she was doing because I knew if there was another way she would. The love they both had for no another how could either one of them move forward when there would be like a hole in there heart.

"You do understand in her doing that she remove every memory of you too." Alaric spoke with sympathy in his voice. I guess I knew that. I knew with her taking everything away that would mean the memories of me which maybe a good thing. After everything I did it was for the best how could she even look at me as her son her little boy after everything.

"I understand and if that what she wants then......" I didn't know what else to say I did have to respect her wishes. "Look I've been doing a lot of thinking and for my mom to return the way she did there has to be a way to bring my dad and Bonnie back" There had to be a way some kind of magic some higher power to pray or conjure up. There had to be something because one person couldn't come back from the dead there had to been a way for my mom return. So if we could figure that out then we can bring dad and Bonnie home.

"You said that Stefan was looking for a way to bring Damon and Bonnie back." Caroline spoke a little abruptly to Alaric. So my uncle was trying to find a way? Well that a good thing so it wasn't just me who had hope in being them back.

"I thought he was. I've been feeding him leads for months. He let me believe he was following them." I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. Stefan had given up? Elena told me he left after my mom strange episode but that was it.

"You telling me that Stefan giving up?" I raised my voice slightly as I was disappointed in the fact that the one person who I felt that count on. That my mom and dad could count on had given up hope on my dad's return.

"Well, I've been a little focused on magic bubble duty. And as you can see by the lack of magic in Mystic Falls, it's a spectacular fail of a mission. And now you're telling me that this whole time no one has been doing anything to help Bonnie and Damon?" Caroline raised her voice as she seemed as surprised and disappointed in Stefan as I was. I know I have no right to have any say in this. That I'm the reason why Mystic falls has no magic. That I'm the reason why my mom and dad died and now are separated. It didn't excuse Stefan behaviour the way he gave up on my mom on my aunt on everyone.

"I wouldn't exactly say no one." Alaric responded.

Well it appear that my dad long-time friend Enzo who I apparently meet was doing everything in his power to bring my dad back. Caroline also informed me that Enzo and I didn't have the greatest of relationship. As Caroline was telling me the whole back story of what happened between him and I recalled who he was. Not from the memories as Nickar but when I was locked in that cell with my dad. Enzo was the guy who gave my dad hope that he keep my dad going through the years while Augustin experimented on them. My dad biggest regret was living Enzo behind in that fire. Caroline got the information of where to find Enzo which was some random hotel a couple miles away. Alaric was going to speak to my mom to try and convince her not go ahead. I expressed my thoughts on it all and that he should go ahead with it if it's still something she wants.

The car journey was a quiet one Caroline didn't say much and really who could blame her. I returned after being a total ass to her. Then there was the fact she alone was trying to figure out some kind of solution for this magical barrier. When the whole time she thought that Stefan was doing everything in his power to bring back Bonnie and dad. It was all pretty messed up but it seems that Enzo was doing everything he could to find some kind of way to bring them back. That pleased me the only thing I wasn't sure about was how was he going to react to seeing me. Well I was going to find out soon enough as Caroline parked up the car. We both got out and made our way into the hotel. She stopped for a moment and I knew she was using her vampire hearing to see where to find Enzo.

"I found him" She walked away and I followed her we approached a door and Caroline gave a look of disgust before entering. As we did there was Enzo making out with some employee. I was about to speak when Caroline indicated for me not to.

"Okay, there's a coven in Oregon. They'd found a way to communicate with their ancestors before it went away. Maybe they know what happened to your friends. They call themselves the Gemini Coven. They're small and weird and they don't like outsiders." So Enzo was doing this to get information on how to get them back. Well he did really go to extreme but from the looks of it Caroline didn't like his methods.

"See? You did know something." He spoke smoothly as he continued to kiss her neck. This was defiantly one of those awkward moments.

"I just wanted you to work for it." She spoke to him seductively I really couldn't listen to this any longer.

"Ahem." Enzo turned around and a smirk appeared on this face then a look of anger.

"Ha ha, well, well well. Well, there's a blast from the past. Hello gorgeous." Suddenly he pins me against the wall. The young girl begins to scream and Caroline took control of that situation compelling her to leave and forget what she saw. "Isn't it the spawn of Satan" Enzo spoke venomously as he tighten his grip around my throat. Before I could act Caroline threw him off me which led Enzo to fly across the room and groan in pain as he got up. "Don't you recall what he did? What he made Damon do?" He began to approach Caroline who stood in front of me protectively "Oh yeah you do have a thing for the bad boys" He spoke a little smugly. I guess he had a right to react the way he did after everything I apparently done.

"This isn't who you think it is Enzo!" She held him back as he kept looking at me with a dangerous look in his eyes. The look of wanting to murder me. "This is Nico the real Nico. Damon son who isn't possessed by some crazy world domination douche" She turned to me "Sorry" She spoke apologetically. "You're no saint either if you recall rightly. Remember Siena? His mom?" Enzo took a few steps back and seem to be a lot calmer.

"Enzo I know when we last saw each other I wasn't myself. You're the only one Enzo who hasn't given up hope on my dad" I guess I was surprised to hear out of everyone he was the only one who hadn't given up "I'm here to help I want to find a way....."

"Well your intentions seem honourable. So who's up for a road trip?" I know this wasn't going to be plain sailing that bringing back Bonnie and my dad wasn't going to be easy. I will do whatever it take to bring them back.

Alaric P.O.V

Everything around here was getting a little crazy. With Nico return and Siena wanting me to compel her to forget loving Damon. I was in one of them situations when I'm stuck between a rock and hard place. I wanted Siena to stop feeling pain that she could move on with her life but compelling it all away I don't know if that was the best solution. When she asked me I was more in a state of shock not because she asked me. It was more of the fact that she felt that was the only way she could live on. That she didn't like the person she was becoming because Damon wasn't here. I had watched so many times from the other side how Damon and Siena were each other support system. When he was low and didn't know what to do she was there to comfort him and vice versa. They were soul mates one couldn't live without the other. I heard Damon countless times of how he was ready to give up after Siena death. Then one day hope came and there was a way to bring her back but we all know how that ended. Now how things stand with Stefan not bothering anymore. With no solution to bringing Damon and Bonnie back. There wasn't that glimmer of hope so how could Siena continue like this?

I had to tell Elena of what Siena asked of me and she was dead against it all. So she called a family meeting along with Jeremy who actually agreed to turn up. Elena also asked me to join but I felt that I wasn't the right person to be there. As there was another issue that needed attention that was Nico. I knew he stated at Elena dorm and I didn't just want to turn up alone so I convinced Caroline to come along with me. When I finally met Nico I was mesmerized on how much he reminded me of Damon. He seem like a good kid and what happened to him wasn't his fault. I was surprised to hear from him that he respected that his mom wanted to be compelled. I guess he understood her reason for going to this great length. He was upset to hear that Stefan had given up hope on finding a way to bring them back. He wasn't the only one who was upset by all this Caroline and I share the same kind of anger towards him. This was one thing I didn't expect from Stefan. He walked away that day after Siena episode leaving Elena in bits. All so he could run away from his past. I never thought I would say this but Stefan Salvatore was a coward. He gave up on his brother the girl he loves and someone who considered him as a brother.

The one person who took me by surprised was Enzo he was on a mission to bring his friend back. He was going at whatever length he could in doing so. So I told Caroline and Nico about his whereabouts so they could talk to him. While I had to go and deal with this Siena situation. On my way to Siena home Elena called me. She told me that Siena aware of Nico return and pretty much didn't say a word about it. This concerned me as psychology she might not be in the right frame of mind to be doing this. When I arrived and questioned her about it all she told me Nico return didn't change her decision. One thing I learnt about Siena from the very moment I met her she was determined and stubborn. So if this was what she wanted to do for herself and for her unborn child I needed to respect that. I walked over to the window and closed the shades I turned and saw Siena sitting in a chair across from an empty one.

"Talk me through it again?" She asked. I sighed as I approached her and took a sit. If she was unsure about this I needed to know before I dig around in her mind.

"I raided the psychology department's research library, and a nutshell would be using a combination of hypnotherapy and memory reprocessing techniques." Siena nodded I places my hand on her knee and looks into her eyes, compelling her. "The more we talk, the more you'll relax and open your mind to me." I stopped compelling her and settles back. "We're going to be searching through memories that are deeply embedded, and each significant memory that we hit which is connected to Damon I will help you modify. And this should eventually lead us to the signature memory which once erased will create a positive domino effect through all your other memories." Siena looked away for a moment I knew that with her reliving the last three years was going to be difficult for her.

"Can't you just compel me to forget everything at once?" We both laughed as we knew if it was that simple then I wouldn't be talking her through all this like I am.

"I am supernaturally rewiring three years of your memories. If it were that easy, I wouldn't be so terrifying." She nods and I could see that she looks sad. I know with Siena asking me to do this it wasn't easy for her but I will do it because I know it will help her. I placed my hand on her knee, compelling her again. "I have some questions. Answer them honestly." I could see that she was in a trance like state and I just hope that I could compel her just like I could do with others.

"I will answer everything honestly." She spoke in a mono tone that's when I knew this was working.

"Do you have doubts about this?" That was something I needed to know from her.

"Yes. But I know I have to do this." She spoke honestly. I knew I needed to know more so I had to keep asking her more questions.

"Are you afraid?" I could see sadness in her eyes as I said those words.

"More sad than afraid." She placed her hand on her baby bump as I knew what she was sad about but I didn't need to go on what I thought I knew. I needed the facts the actual facts from Siena.

"Why sad?" I could see her eyes tearing up.

"Because I don't want to stop loving him. I don't want my daughter not knowing her father. What I do know is that this is best thing for both of us" She was still determined to do this for herself and her daughter but there was something I needed to know.

"What about Nico? Can you just ease him from your life?" This was the vital question could she really ease her son out of her life.

"Yes because the Nico I once knew is gone. There far too much damage for anything to be repaired" Is that what Siena thought that she couldn't repair her relationship with her son? "I'm doing this because I love my son because I'm frighten that if I see him..... I might not be able to control myself and I will kill him for everything that happened" Siena voice was filled with anger along with sorrow as it just proved in that one moment she was trying to save her son from her own anger. Would she kill Nico? Was I willing to risk not doing this to find out? Siena would never forgive herself if she hurt or killed her son. So I needed to respect her wishes just as Nico said earlier.

"Do you trust me, to be digging around in your mind?" I needed to know that she had utter faith in me even though I didn't know if I was actually capable in doing this.

"I trust you completely." She spoke honestly. Well there was no point in me stalling this any longer I needed to get the process going.

"Okay. Well then let's--let's get started...Who is Damon Salvatore?" I didn't know if I was the right person to do this. If I follow what the books told me I should be fine.

"He was my husband the father to my children, I loved him and he died." I watched as Siena spoke with sorrow in her voice as she said he died. It broke my heart to see her like this but I knew why she felt she had to do this. It wasn't for her own sanity but also to stop her hurting her son.

"And when did you first meet him?" I knew the answer to this as I was there when Damon saw Siena for the first time. I recall how he was hypnotize by her as she entered the room. I've never seen him look at any girl like he did with Siena. Which maybe Siena theory of them being soul mates was true because from that very moment Damon Salvatore was bewitched by her presence.

"When I came to Mystic Falls to find....." Siena began to say but stopped in mid-sentence. She looked confused for a long moment as if she was trying to find the right words.

"Siena you okay?" I didn't know if the compulsion was affecting her differently than it would to anyone else. I could see that she was in a trance like state but she wouldn't of stopped like that.

"That's not when I first met him" She spoke with confusion in her voice. What did she mean she didn't meet him in Mystic Falls? When did Siena first meet Damon? That was the important question.

"Siena when did you first meet Damon Salvatore?" I spoke to her firmly and she looked up and all the confusion disappeared from her face and a smile appeared.

"In central park. I must have been about 4 at the time...."

Flash Back

It was Sunday afternoon and my aunt Larisa used to bring me down to the park to feed the ducks every Sunday. It was to give my mom and dad a break as at times I was a handful. I recall feeding the ducks and I was taken too much bread and Larisa shouted at me. I remember getting upset and running off. I didn't know where I was going all I knew was I didn't like the way she was mad at me. I stopped running and realised I was lost. I remember looking around seeing lots of people but not Larisa. I just stood there crying as I was frighten and I didn't know where I was.

"Hey. Little girl. You lost?" I remember looking up to see a man couching down beside me. All I remember more than anything was his blue eyes. I continued to cry as the stranger looked at me with concern "My name Damon. What's yours?" My parents had always told me not to speak to strangers but there was something different about him.

"Si-Siena...." I wiped away my tears as I spoke.

"Siena why don't I help you find your mommy"

"And what was he like?" I was a little thrown back that Siena was having a childhood memory of Damon. Did he know he had met Siena 17 years ago?

"I knew I shouldn't have spoken to a stranger but there was something different about him. I felt like he was my protector that he found me I felt safe" Siena spoke with a smile on her face. I could see that she was still under my compulsion.

Flash Back

I held his hand as we walked through the park it was weird as I knew it was wrong but in a sense I felt that he wasn't a bad man. I know a child as young as I wouldn't know any different but even at that age you sense when a person was bad. I didn't feel that with Damon in all honestly I didn't feel frighten or scared or that I wanted to see Larisa again. I even wasn't too bothered about going home to see my mom or dad.

"Siena...Siena!" I heard Larisa calling out my name. I recalled that we stopped that I hid behind Damon legs as I didn't want to be found.

"Excuse me" He called out "I think I found her" He turned his head and notice I was hiding behind him. He crouched down and looked at me "I found your mommy"

"I don't wanna go" I protested while folding my arms.

"Siena....." I looked up to see Larisa. She suddenly picked me up and held me tightly in her arms "Oh my god you frighten me" She kissed my cheek then stopped when she notice Damon "Sir thank you so much"

"You're welcome I just saw her crying and I wanted to help" He came closer and stroked my cheek "Nice meeting you Siena be good girl "

"And how did he make you feel?" This was all a little surreal I just couldn't process that Siena knew him but not until this moment she knew that it was Damon. The Damon she fell in love with. That even all those years ago Damon saw this little girl that was frighten and he did everything he could to help and protect her. From what I've been told Damon back then wasn't sweet and caring. Was there something about Siena even at that age brought out the goodness in Damon?

"Sad because I knew I wasn't going to see him again" I looked her in the eyes, compelling her again.

"You met a stranger he helped you find Larisa. But that's all he was, a stranger." This was killing me doing this because the connection between Siena and Damon ran a lot deeper than I expect.

"Just a stranger who helped me find Larisa" She spoke as tears began to fall from her eyes. This was really taking a toe on her. This was only the beginning of it all.

"Are you okay?" She wiped away her tears and gave me a small smile.

"Hmm, yeah let's just keep going." Siena wanted to continue even though this was torment for her as it was for me. Love is a balm that contains the power of healing and of renewing and of everlasting life within its effulgent essence. Love is the great refiner and beautifier. Love is more! Love is the key to every door. It is the creative reality behind every righteous desire and every ardent hope. Love is the cohesive power of the universe as it binds together atoms and substance. It holds families together-the world and the entire universe. If love were withdrawn all things would fall apart and disintegrate. When a human being eliminates love from his/her life he/she too begins to fall apart. Love is not only eternal but it is the most desirable element to possess. The bond that Siena and Damon held for one another was something which I'm not sure if I can break. I knew there love was strong but today I was shown how truly their lives were entwined with one another.

Damon P.O.V

So we figure out we were in Mystic Falls. Somehow from beyond the grave we ended up here of all places. I thought we would be floating on some clouds eating grapes..... Yeah right who am I kidding? More like getting poked by the devil himself than floating on clouds. We have search all night long for Siena and nothing we couldn't find her anywhere. I just didn't get it how could I be here with Bonnie but not Siena. All three of us went together we all went into the light. Bonnie seems to think that during the impacted of whatever Siena must have been dropped somewhere else. I tried to keep to Bonnie theory that maybe somewhere in this town Siena searching and wondering around looking for the both of us. I want to believe that I had to believe that because if I think of the alternative it hurt too damn much. That coming to terms that she wasn't here. What if she had found peace and gone god knows where. What if..... God! That's all that being going through my mind what if's and it was driving me insane.

I was trying to keep it together so I didn't lose it the typical Damon Salvatore style. It was proven a little harder than I thought. Bonnie kept walking assuring that we would find Siena she had that hope my hope was slowly fading. As much I wanted to grasp on to it I could feeling it slip away. It was morning time now and we continued to wonder the streets. Each and every one we walked down was deserted. I was weird that we hadn't seen a soul. I mean not a peak from anyone it was like everyone in Mystic Falls just evacuated and left everything behind. My patience was running thin now as we walked down the same street for the fifth time.

"How many more of the same streets are we going to wander to find Siena?" I groan I was tried and annoyed and I just wanted to see some form of life from Siena. I was trying so hard to keep myself under control to not flip out because Bonnie didn't deserve that. As time was ticking away that control was getting a little harder. Bonnie turned around and looked at me a little annoyed after my comment.

"How many times are you going to ask me questions I don't have the answers to? Huh?" She snapped at me I knew that Bonnie didn't like the idea of being here along with me. As much as I didn't want to be here with her. Once we find Siena it should balance everything out. We continued to walk in silence. The one thing that was keeping me going was what was I going to do when I saw Siena. I saw for a few moments after mourning for her and it was the end of the other side it wasn't like we go have a full on make out session. Oh god just thinking of those soft plump lips those big green eyes I would look into and call home. God I had re-acted a lot of scene in my mind when I finally see my Bella just need to choose from my top three.

"There's something weird about these cars." We both stopped at a parked one, it's white. Bonnie wasn't wrong there was something a little odd about these cars.

"Yeah, they're all 20 years old or more and yet they look brand new." I ran my hand over the hood it was pristine like it had come off the factory line. I looked up at a house in front of us I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Elena's house I notice there are toys on the lawn. "And that is Elena's not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house." We walked in front of it I looked down to see a newspaper on the grass and picks it up, unfolds it and reads it. This had to be wrong. Like what I'm reading is impossible. Right?

"Hmm?" Was all that came out of Bonnie mouth? I think she needed a reality check or maybe she could give me one. I turned to her and held out the paper so she can read.

"Look." Bonnie cranes her neck and reads.

"Rare solar eclipse expected to be seen across 12 states?" Really out of all that's all she notice! I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"The date." I growled through my teeth. She step a little closer to read it.

"May 10th, 1994. Is that--? Are we--? But that's impossible." Suddenly the sky turns darker blue, we look up and see the eclipse blotting out the sun.

"I don't think we should be asking where we are, I think we should be asking when we are." What the hell was this place? Was this actually hell? I don't have a clue in what going on and why we are stuck in 1994? Why the hell haven't we found Siena!

Siena P.O.V

After meeting Elena and Jeremy and hearing out there pleads for me not to go ahead with the compulsion a bombshell was dropped on me. Elena had told me about Nico return in that one moment I felt a whirlwind of emotions over take me joy, happiness then came anger, bitterness, hatred. Those thoughts over took any good feeling I may have had for Nico. I held resentment towards him because of the actions of Nickar. I know consciously it wasn't Nico but how could I look at him and not want to kill him. How could I look at my son and not see that demonic part of him as Nickar? I know the hatred will overtake whatever love I had for him. This was the man who convince Damon I was evil he brought me to death. This was the man do did everything he could to bring us down to kill Stefan to kill each and everyone one of us. I couldn't just ignore that I couldn't just forget because the truth of the matter the reason Damon dead is because of him. So with me wanting this compulsion to not feel the hurt of Damon not being here it was to stop myself doing something I would regret. That was to have Nico blood on my hands no matter how much I may not want to hurt him I know I wouldn't be able to control myself.

I explained all this to Ric before he started the compulsion and I knew he wouldn't argue with my reason more so now. So it began and it felt that Ric compulsion at times came and went like I was under his influence then the next I wasn't. I didn't know if it was me not opening up completely but I tried not to block him out. When he asked me about my first meet with Damon I was ready to talk about the first day I walked into the Grill where I met the over confident Damon Salvatore. As that memory filled my mind another over took it. A memory that I long forgotten from when I was a child. I had met Damon he helped me find Larisa I recalled it all how I felt at the time. Even as a 4 year old self I felt safe with Damon even not knowing him. It was all crazy and surreal like I didn't know him but I felt connected. Ric asked for me to recall that he was only a stranger and for a moment it all slipped away.

Ric asked me to talk about the moment that I knew I fell in love with Damon. There was so many moments where I could say I fell in love with him. There were so many moments when I thought I was in love with him. One moment stuck out more than ever that was when Rose dying even after the hurt of seeing the aftermath of the both of them sleeping together. I wanted to be there for him I wanted to be a friend but Damon rejected me. I couldn't handle his rejection that hurt me and it hurt because I was in love with him. So I brought Elena to New York and showed her the sights I think that was the first time that we connected. The moment I knew I fell in love with him was the day when he came all the way to New York and took a risk. For the first time in 145 years Damon took a risk by putting his heart out there.......

Flash Back

For the first time at my family charity event this time I was nervous to sing because the song I wrote was about was my feeling toward Damon. It was how he made me feel and as I sung the words I felt compelled to tell everyone my story. Once I was done people I hardly knew family and friends told me that was one of the best performances I had ever done. As much as I had this huge smile on my face I felt sorrow in my heart. Then that all changed when I came face to face with Damon. He had come all this way to talk to me part of me didn't want to hear him out. Once again I felt compelled to listen because in my heart I didn't want to walk away from him. Even with all the odds against us I felt bound to him. Even with myself fighting with the emotions that I felt I knew I wasn't the right person for him because I was human he was a vampire. It could never work.

I brought him out into the garden to hear him out. That all I wanted to do was to hear his excuse then tell him goodbye once and for all......

"So talk Salvatore. What do you want? Why are you even here?" I spoke to him slightly harshly as after everything with finding him after he slept with Rose. Then when he was dealing with her death I tried to be a friend to him and he rejected me. Now he wanted to talk!

"Bella... I've come here to ask for your forgiveness. I was a total jack ass to you and I treated you unfairly. I can not have you in my life and when Stefan told me that you left and you have gone for good I felt lost. Bella I don't want to lose you. I know I don't deserve you but you are the best thing that has happened to me in the 170 years. I love you so much that it hurts" As I listen to his words I wanted to say yes Damon I forgive you. I love you too but I couldn't because life wasn't a fairy-tale things couldn't simply disappear.

"Damon I'm not good for you..." That's how I felt that I wasn't worthy to be in his life that all I was to him was a constant temptation. Before I could continue Damon stopped me from talking.

"Bella your far too good for me" This wasn't going anywhere neither of us thought we were good for one another and I knew Damon wasn't going to give up. He needed to hear my reason for not wanting to come back to Mystic Falls that without me in his life it would be a lot better.

"Damon you're a vampire and I'm human, you have a switch that you can turn off your feelings when things get too much. When things get too much for me I have to deal with my feeling. That night when I came over to see you I came to tell you that I forgive for everything that had happened. I wanted to move on because I couldn't be without you. But you opened my eyes when you told me you're not human having me around you is not healthy. I'm a Constance temptation. Then there the part when you said I've given up which you might of thought I did about the whole Klaus situation. But all I was doing was my best and only option. if I was a person who gave up I would of given up on you but I never have" I had to put that all out there because it was all the truth everything I was what I felt and he needed to understand and accept it. Damon stepped closer to me and I felt my heart accelerate as we were inches apart from each other.

"Bella I do not have a problem with you being human. You say you're a constant temptation. Yes you are but not in the way you're thinking. You're the first woman that I've been so close to and never drank from I just couldn't let myself do that to you. I never wanted to do that to from the first night we met. You are right you have never given up on me and I was wrong to say that. But that night Rose died and she died because of me. She took that wolf bite to save me, I just felt so much guilt because it should have been me. I shouldn't of took it out on you and really shouldn't of and I'm sorry" As he spoke about everything I felt my eyes glaze over. I was trying to hold back her tears because I didn't want to cry I wanted to walk away but my feet felt cemented to the ground. I knew why I couldn't walk away it was because I didn't want to I didn't see a life or a world where I would live without having Damon in it.

"Damon.... I just.... I just want to move on from all this. I'm scared that you will turn again towards me and if I'm honest I don't know if I can handle that again" That was my biggest fear that Damon would turn on me like he did because the truth I didn't know if I could deal with that again. He places his hands either side of my face and looked into my eyes. The tears I was trying so desperately to hold back escape from my left eye he gently wiped it away.

"Bella I want you back in my life. I can't say to you I will never do it again I don't want to make that kind of promise to you. Because I never want to break any to you. All I can say is. I will try. When I'm coming to the point where I feel that I'm going to switch it all off again. I'll come to you and talk to you about it. Like a normal couple" I knew in that one moment that Damon had opened his hurt to me and I was happy to hear that he wasn't going to promise me the earth. Damon knew himself better than anyone and he knew he would screw up. Could I risk it all? Could I put my heart back on the line knowing that he will maybe one day hurt me just as much or worse?

"Thank you for being honest and not promising me the world. Damon if I was to choose to come back to Mystic Falls. If I was to choose to be with you. You have to promise one thing to me" As I looked into his eyes that when I knew I couldn't walk away. That for Damon I would take all those risk because in that one moment I knew that he would do anything in his power never to hurt me again.

"What is it?" His voice was filled with slight panic as he couldn't predict what I was going to say. That Damon felt just maybe his pleads for forgiveness didn't work.

"You have to promise me that you will take me on an official first date. Which I never had" I smiled widely at him while he stood there stunned for a moment then laugh lightly.

"That I can promise you" With that I kissed him. When I kissed him it felt like I hadn't felt his touch in years rather than days. As he wrapped his arms around me bring my body closer to his I felt safe once again. Damon was a my home he was my salvation and I knew in that very moment I wanted to tell him three words which I've been wanting to tell him.

"Damon Salvatore I love you" As I spoke the word I watched the biggest smile creeping across his face which gave me that butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I love you too Siena Russo"

"He came to New York. You talked he tried kissed you, you thought it was inappropriate. You told him so." Ric leaned forward, looking into my eyes, compelling me. I felt my memories getting distorted it was like someone had re-wind that moment and it began to play out just as Ric said.

"I told him it was wrong." Even though those words passed my lips in my mind the memory was still there it was like it wasn't fading away. Or changing to how Ric was compelling me to.

"Who is Damon Salvatore?" Ric asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"He was my husband the father to my children." Ric looked down in disappointment "I loved him, and...he--he died." Everything I felt came flooding to the surface all the sorrow the love every single emotion I felt for Damon still there and not going anywhere.

"You know, why don't we--why don't we take a little break, okay? To be honest, I could use a drink." Ric got up and walked away I knew all this was hard on him. It was unfair of me to ask him to do such a thing to ask him to compel me a girl he looks as a daughter. His best friend love. The one thing I realized was that Damon and I were soul mates it was like two soul one single thought, two hearts that beat as one. What can the love in my soul be compared to another wonderful soul which is so far and yet so close of myself? What can this symbiosis between two souls can be? What can love be when you feel you cannot sleep at night, that every drop of dew becomes a crystal in your heart, when every breeze of wind has magical meanings? What can love be when you feel that you want nothing more in this world that to be with the soul you love? But what can love be in other transcendental realities? What about our souls? Are our souls a waterfall, a true Niagara or a smile, a flirt of an angel? Are our souls a mere mood of a fairy or a lightening in a summer rain? Our souls could be all of this and much more. But what really happens in that transcendental reality when we feel we are truly in love, that we love so much that it hurts? That the air in the room is unbreathable, that the sentimental, spiritual or physical distances kill us? What happens when dawn find us sadder than ever, looking for an excuse to let go. All this happens because man is love and is there is a great love between two souls, it never dies but transforms itself in holiness, the ultimate stage of Love we can identify.

Damon P.O.V

This was all getting a little to freaky why was Bonnie and I in the middle of Mystic Falls 1994? Like what freaking significates does this have to either of us? Bonnie would be like two at the time and me.... Well let's just say I care not to disgust right now. I know this being stuck in boring Ville was going to do my head in. Also while I've been reflecting I've come to realize that Siena wasn't here because if she was we would have found her or she would have made her grand appearance. Bonnie could see that I was being quite about all. I think I was right from the start that Siena had found peace and this right now was my own personal hell. As the year was 1994 and the fact that I didn't have my Bella with me so of course this was tormentors hell. I was swinging on the porch of Elena not so burnt house. While Bonnie is sitting on the steps, toys around the porch. She hadn't spoken a word I think she was frighten that I was close to snapping. Which I was but I needed to remain cool calm and collective.

"Where is any booze in this empty retroville?" That what I need liquor to try and somehow deal with this nightmare I was in.

"It feels so weird to be back here, I practically grew up on this porch." Bonnie spoke looking out into the scenery. With us being here I knew it had to do with Bonnie and something her Grams had told her. I stopped the swing.

"Alright, talk me through it." I need to hear this story once again as many times I ran it through my head it made no sense to me. Bonnie turned to be and sighed.

"Before the Other Side collapsed, my Grams said that she made a sacrifice so that I could find peace." Okay she really did get my question. If this was her peace what the hell I was I doing here? I should be wherever Siena is at peace with her.

"The part where you actually have a theory. The part where you tell me where the hell Siena is" Bonnie been ramble ring on a lot and half of it I didn't take in. I literally killed myself to bring Siena back I had her with me for a moment...... then this she was gone she wasn't here. I don't know what the grieving was worse before or the way I'm feeling now because I don't know where she is. There no other side so where else could she be?

"Well, this clearly isn't peace for me otherwise I wouldn't be stuck here with you." I felt my jaw drop as she spoke like I'm the worse company ever.

"Rude. Uncalled for Bonnie" I spoke through my teeth because if we were going down that route she the last person I want to spend an enteral whatever this is.

"Damon I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I meant if this was peace for either of us. You wouldn't be here with me. You would be with Siena" She was right I would like to think she right but none of this made any sense "Grams must have--I don't know, sent me somewhere. And when I held your hand...it took you with me." Okay if that what she coming out with there a freaking person missing from this moment.

"Siena was between us. You tell me why the hell she wasn't with us?" I raised my voice at her and Bonnie looked a little taken back by my reaction.

"I don't know Damon. Okay. I don't know" I could see that Bonnie was getting upset but right now her getting tearful didn't concern me. "Siena wasn't like me or you she was a dimidium sanguinis. When she died I didn't see her Damon she never pass through me..... I wish I could answer all our questions. I really do Damon but can't and sorry" Bonnie spoke with sincerity in her voice and I knew if she could answer them she would. I just feel like I'm losing it I can't do all this not with Siena not being here. Not know where she is but I can't take that out on Bonnie.

"Well, did your grams happen to whisper a safe word in her last breaths? A clue, maybe? Witchy path out of here?" If her Grams had put us in here somehow she must have told Bonnie a riddle or something to get us the hell out of here.

"No, but if we got here by magic, magic should be able to get us out." I looked at Bonnie questionably what did she mean by that? Why did she have a smirk on her face?

"And that frown that's not upside down is telling me what?" Bonnie looks toward a glass cup looked at it intensely for a long moment.

"Fes matos incendia" We both look intently at the glass, but nothing happens, Bonnie looks down in disappointment.

"Still can't do magic." I sat back on the swing "Perfect." Right now I didn't see no hope in anything. I'm stuck here with Bonnie not so teenage witch and I have missing Siena. Can things get any worse?

Stefan P.O.V

After Siena phone call I was overcome with guilty she called me for hope and all I did was tell her I gave up. I had to be truthful to her but now I know she hates me more than ever and I didn't blame her. She probably told Elena everything too and she hate me too. I knew the consequences of it all and it was all my old life and last night I said goodbye to it all. Ivy came over last night and I was kind of grateful as I need something to keep my mind busy and she did that a lot. When we woke up in the morning she wanted to do something like go out for dinner. I wasn't up for any of that so I told her that I would cook her dinner. Ivey seem happy with that offer. So while she went off happily to continue with her day while I decided on which dish I was gonna cook.

Evening soon came about and I found the perfect dish to make her. I hastily chopping cucumbers, and mushrooms. I put them in a steaming pan. I dropped cheese in it and poured wine in the pan. Dusted my hands. I knew if I was going to survive tonight I needed something to control my urges. I went over to the fridge, opened it taking out a blood bag. I squeezed it into my mouth and sighed in pleasure. As it took off all the edge I was feeling as much as I tried to block everything out it was difficult when I kept having memories of Elena and Siena creep into my mind. The look upon Elena face when Siena collapse before our eyes. Siena voice over the phone when she plead to me for help. I heard the door making noises so I hurried and tossed the blood bag back in the fridge, I turned around to see Ivy.

"Hey." I spoke a little nervously as I wasn't sure how much Ivy may have seen. She stood there a little awkwardly.

"Hey." I needed to take the tension away from the room as the way I was acting wasn't really helping with this dinner that I planned for her.

"Perfect timing, I was just uh-" This was a lot more awkward than I planned in my head. Ivy was sweet and all but I didn't know if with me dating again was a good idea.

"I ran into some of your friends." I looked at her confused. Friends? Who had she seen?

"What? Where?" I looked up to see Enzo, Caroline steps into the house since the door was still open. Then the one person who I never expected to see walked in Nickar. Every part of me wanted to go over there and snap his neck the one thing that stopped me was Caroline pleading look.

"Stefan! You are a hard man to track down. Uh, I wasn't sure if you're new. Friend would invite us in but she said that this was your place. Which means...open invitation to all your mates, right?" Enzo rubs his hands together again. "Got any bourbon?" I instantly looked over at Caroline. She looks a bit angry with her arms folded, she exchanges a look with me. I watched as Ivy went up the stairs and I approached Caroline.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I growled at her before grabbing hold of Nickar. I was about to snap his neck when Caroline stopped me.

"Stefan that's your Nephew. It's Nico. Nickar gone." I didn't let go of my grip as he chocked "I wouldn't lie to you Stefan that role seem only for you" Caroline voice seemed sincere I knew she wasn't lying, I looked into my nephew eyes and in that moment I knew him. There was a look in his eyes that I had long to see the same look that Damon would give me at times. This was him there was no doubt about it.

"Nico?" I let go of my grip "Is it really you?" I hugged him tightly as I honestly thought I would never see him again that Nickar had full control. He pulled away from me.

"Yeah it is and I've been filled in on a lot of things. Including what I did to you and...." I couldn't have them being here not with Ivy up stairs and I didn't trust Enzo not after what he did to Siena. As much as I wanted this family reunion it couldn't happen I was walking away from that life and because Nico back it wasn't going to change anything.

"You all need to leave" I told them both and they looked at me a little surprised and I heard Enzo footsteps from behind me,

"Don't think so mate. We here for dinner you girlfriend kindly invited us" Enzo spoke smugly as Ivy came down the stairs.

I knew I couldn't throw them out without causing a scene so I had to bite my tongue and somehow sit through this dinner. I served up and we all sat around the table it was definitely an awkward atmosphere and I couldn't help but look at Nico ever so often. As he was back and maybe this was the hope that Siena needed. That with Nico return it will help with her grieving.

"Good stuff, mate." Enzo broke me out of my thoughts and I nodded as I didn't want to be making conversation with him.

"So, how do you guys know Stefan?" Ivy asked the dreaded question and I looked over at Caroline and Nico. Nico looked nervous while Caroline still had that same pissed look expression.

"He and I went to high school together. He used to date my best friend." She cuts a glance at me, Caroline, Ivy and I exchange awkward glances. I knew that Caroline was going to bring up Elena and the way thing looked. The way I abandon Elena and started this new life with a new girl didn't look good "Not that he's not allowed to date, I mean sure they broke up. I just didn't realize that he had met someone. So how did you meet exactly?" Caroline looked directly at Ivy and I couldn't have her probing her Ivy was innocent in all this.

"Uh, Ivy's car was in the shop, where I work." I watched as Caroline appeared to be stunned with what she had learnt.

"You work at an Auto-Repair shop?" Nico questioned this was the first timed he had spoken. I don't know what he had been told since his return but he didn't seem as annoyed with me as Caroline was.

"Why? What did you used to do?" Ivy spoke with confusion while looking at me. How was I going to explain this I've not spoken about my past to her and she was always trying to make me open up.

"Ah, man of all seasons, jack of all trades." Enzo looks toward Ivy. "You have a lovely clavicle." He spoke to her flirtatiously and I watched as Ivy looked at him a little taken back.

"Oh, Thank you. I think." She looked down and continued to eat her meal. I knew exactly what Enzo was doing he wanted to reveal who I was.

"Forgive me, I--always notice a woman's neck. I'm a neck person! So is Stefan, right Stefan?" He turned to me there was a vengeful look in his eyes. As I expect he was trying to rat me out so Ivy will freak.

"Not anymore." I told him firmly as I was putting all that behind me I didn't want to be that person no longer. I failed enough and this was a new start.

"Ah, well that's silly. You can't just stop being a neck person." He spoke in code to say I just can't pretend I'm no longer a vampire. Who was Enzo to judge who was he to tell me what I was doing was right or wrong. I saw Ivy lean over to whisper at Caroline.

"Is Enzo your boyfriend?" She questioned her and I saw Nico shift uncomfortably in his sit. As before this whole Nickar stuff happen Nico was smitten in Caroline. I just hope Caroline wasn't stupid enough to fall for Enzo so called charm.

"Ugh, oh god no. Would you date that?" Caroline spoke in disgust which not only pleased me but it pleased Nico too. I could see that he held strong feeling for her and I don't think his feeling will ever go away. Can Caroline look at him in the same way again?

"Uh, hello. I'm right here, I have super-sensitive hearing. Practically supernatural. Do you believe in the supernatural, Ivy?" Enzo was walking a fine line right now all I wanted to do was snap his neck and thrown him out of here.

"I've...never really thought about it." Ivy spoke a little nervously and glared at Enzo.

"I myself, am I believer. Had to get a witch to do a locator's spell to find my buddy here. Of course none of this would be possible if it wasn't for Stefan nephew here. Nico." Nico sat there sheepishly unsure what to say. While Enzo continued to glare at me "You recall your older brother Damon don't you? Nico father" I didn't need reminding who my brother was. It seem that the only reason Enzo brought them all here it to prove that I had given up. To show my nephew that I was a failure as a brother, uncle, lover and friend. How could I have hope in Damon return when there wasn't any?

Damon P.O.V

So from learning that I'm in some kind of hell that Bonnie seems to think that we were brought here magically by her dear sweet Grams. The only issue on the way we somehow lost Siena and she's god knows where. Ooooo and Bonnie seems to think that to get out of here we need Magic. Which she clearly doesn't have. So I'm stuck in 1994 with a Bennett that can't cast spells. So what could I do? I was home meaning Mystic Falls so I decided we should go to the boarding house. When arriving everything that I remembered my home to be with all the picture of Siena and little additional stuff she had added over the years was gone. It was the retro version of it all the 1994 with no trace of Siena ever living here. It sadden me more than anything. I guess I expected to walk in a see something just one little thing to remind me she was once here. I wasn't in the mood for talking so I went up to my room leaving Bonnie to do whatever. As I entered there wasn't a trace of Siena in the room it was like she never existed in my life. Of course in 1994 Siena was like what 3 or 4 at the time? She existed somewhere else but not with me. I laid on my bed and it wasn't as comfortable as the one I had in 2014 that I knew for sure. I part of me wanted to get drunk a fase all this out. Then the other part of me just wanted to sleep and hopefully wake up from this nightmare. I felt a sharp pain in my heart like someone had just staked me I looked down but nothing was there but the pain was getting stronger to the point I couldn't keep my eyes opened and passing out.

I woke up in a cold sweat I looked around the room notice it was the same room as I had in 1994. That's when I realised where I was. It was all a dream? It felt so real in finding Siena at Fell cemetery. How she stood there clear as day and not only that she was pregnant. The whole thing seem real. I wanted us to get away from all this for us to be together that I didn't even want my own brother to know I survived. That happened I took Siena to the home I had in Monte Carol the home that over the year I've been getting it ready for us to finally live out there. Everything was perfect she looked perfect on the night out. The song she sang was like an angel was singing. We spoke of Nico and how we should let him go there was so much said between us. So many words so many thoughts everything was just how I imagined it all. Then in one moment it was taken away and I'm here alone in this room. I didn't get it all. It was impossible for Siena to be pregnant she was immortal now a vampire just like we couldn't procreate. That last moment with her seeing the smile on her face how radiant she look. How beautiful she looked was torment. Because it was simply that a dream something my mind wanted but couldn't happen. It was me longing for her wanting her to be here with me. She's out there somewhere she has to be. That dream or whatever it was I felt so connected to her it...... just felt too real.

I felt like I was going out of my mind. One thing I knew for sure now more than ever is Siena out there somewhere and whatever high power was telling me that. I got up from the ground and began to make my way downstairs. I knew at any moment she will walk through that door and I couldn't be a wreck. Time for me to start thinking positivity rather than thinking of the worse of everything. I turned on the radio and began to look through the cupboard for something I could make for when Bonnie wakes up. I know Bonnie and I don't have the best history but she needed to figure out how to get out of here. She was my hope in going back home and I just hope Siena turns up in time for that. I was flipping pancakes while dancing and mouthing the song playing with bottle of bourbon in his hand chugging it as I cooked. I heard Bonnie is stepping into the house I hope she had some good news for me. I took a large gulp of bourbon as she enters the kitchen and clears her throat.

"I didn't know you cooked." Well I'm a guy full of surprised but she better not expect me to be cooking for her the whole time.

"I don't." She rolled her eyes and took a sit in front of me "How'd you sleep?" I wanted to see id Bonnie might have had some crazy experience I had. Maybe it was the after effects of being brought here "Me... not good. My 1994 mattress was very lumpy." I lied out of my ass I didn't get the pleasure of that lumpy mattress. I saw Bonnie had a book and some kind of teddy bear in her arms "Whatcha got there?" Bonnie looks down at her belongings in her hand. She waggles her bear.

"Oh, Ms. Cuddles, I lost her when I was nine. But I went into my house last night and...There she was." She lifts up the book she had been carrying. "I also found this at my Gram's house. Her old grimoire." I wasn't interested in any of that right now it's not like Bonnie could magically bring Siena here and we could all go home. I walked over to the radio, with bourbon in his hand as this was the only thing keeping me sane right now.

"Yeah, well I found this. Drank it last year when Ric died." I removed the CD that was playing as it was time for something a little more distracting.

"So we're in this snapshot of another time, or...something." I twists the CD rack with my hand covering my eyes as I picked one. "Everything that existed in 1994, still exists." Yeah I got that but most stuff about 1994 sucked apart from this cd I just picked.

"For better, or for worse? I kissed the CD in his hand before putting it into the sound system. I turned it on and the music begins to play, but Bonnie hurries to click it off. Was she really trying to kill what little buzz I had?

"Listen, there was a time when I couldn't practice magic. This grimoire taught me a lot, maybe...I can reteach myself." I turned the sound system back on.

"If you were still a witch. Which with our luck, and your skill--probably ain't the case." I told her flatly because she had no mojo left if she was a witch it would happen. She had been one all she is now is an anchor to nothing.

"Would a little support kill you? You know I'm trying my damn hardest here. I want us to find Siena. I want us to go back home. All I'm asking of you is that one thing" She snapped back at me. Looks like Bennett here need her eyes opening slightly.

"You know, I am acutely aware that we are in some otherworldly time dimension that somehow Siena not with us. However, do you ever think for one second that maybe it's you being negative reacting to my natural self negative-ly?" Bonnie looks speechless as if she didn't know what to say.

"You're ridiculous. What have you given up hope on seeing her again?" She bit back and it was a low blow and I wasn't going to bite to it.

"Nope, I'm consistent" I puts two pancakes onto a plate and sets it in front of Bonnie. "Eat your pancakes. Oh, and-" I grabbed the newspaper from the counter and drops it in front of her. "--you can do a crossword puzzle." I walked away from her and sat at the table with my bourbon to hand. Bonnie thinks I've given up hope. That I haven't I've been thinking about that dream I had and it had to be a sign. Like Siena will be with me soon. So I had nothing to worry about the only thing was the fact how the hell we were going to get out of 1994.

"Oh, gee, thanks-" She picks it up."--breakfast with my least favourite person, and a crossword puzzle, from 1994." She turns her back to me opening the paper. "Alright, what's a seven letter word for-" Suddenly, the sky darkens like before. We both look up in surprise this couldn't be happening another eclipse.

"You've got to be kidding me. Bonnie, look at the date on that paper." Please tell me that date has changed and what I'm thinking is totally wrong. Bonnie looks down and reads.

"It says, May 10th, 1994. It's the same day as yesterday." We both looked at each other horrified "We're living the same day all over again." This had to be a joke. Then it all made sense of course Siena wasn't here because she didn't need to be punished for anything. I'm the one who done so much wrong of course stick me here with the girl I never got on with. The girl I repeatedly hurt and tormented. The girl who's mother I killed. Yep this is hell for sure.

"Well that proves it, we're in hell. Our own personal, custom-built hell. And you're in it with me." I raised my bourbon to her. "Bottoms up"

For six weeks it's been the same thing going to sleep having pains in my chest dreaming or whatever about Siena. Then waking up on the same god damn day May 10th 1994. It was torture and I didn't know how much more I could take of it. As each and every morning I opened my eyes feeling heartbroken because I wasn't with her. It killed me in more ways than one. There was things I notice that changed slightly in these dreams or whatever you want to call them. As the days went on Siena baby bump was getting bigger each time. Her clothing began to change. Even the song she sung in the restaurant was different. The one from last night concerned me it was called Gods and Monsters I don't know if it had any significates but it wasn't the song it was the way she sung it too. I knew I couldn't hold this all back from Bonnie after about a month of it happening and after a time I snapped at her I came clean about it. She was stunned at first to hear it was so vivid and the fact it was the same thing over and over. She looked through her Grams grimoire to see what it could all mean. She found something which surprised me more ways than one.

A dimidium sanguinis is destine to fall truly in love once. That when her love is to pass away that she will send messages from the great beyond to vocans amatoribus Aka a lover call. As Bonnie read on more information about dimidium sanguinis we both began to understand why Siena wasn't here. If what we were reading was right that Siena consciously or unconsciously sending these messages to me. It meant one thing. That Siena was alive. I don't know how or what stopped her from whatever happen but I felt relieved that she was alive. The one thing we couldn't work out was the whole her having the baby bump as we both knew Siena couldn't have any more kids. Not with her being Vampire/ dimidium sanguinis. All I was grateful with was the fact that my Bella was alive and somehow now I needed to get back home to her.

Just like every other day I woke up to the same dream seeing Siena I didn't wake up anymore with that aching feeling in my heart. I began to enjoy seeing her knowing that she wanting me as much as I wanted her. The eclipse was in the sky but it moves out of the way to reveal a bright sun welcoming another May 10th 1994. I stood behind the counter, flipping pancakes while Bonnie seated at the table with the newspaper.

"What's a seven letter word for kill me now?" Bonnie groaned I had heard that a million times since we been here either from her or myself as honestly all this was getting tedious.

"That joke got old six weeks ago." I spoke dryly to her as I didn't need to hear the same thing repeatedly either.

"And so did this crossword puzzle. Every day for two months I've done this stupid thing and I still can't figure out 27 across. Old tongue twister, Eddie turned top 40?" While Bonnie rambled on I put two pancakes on a plate and circles it with whipped cream. I placed it in front of Bonnie, who grabs her pencil and stabs angrily at her breakfast. "I hate pancakes!" she yelled as she continued to stab away.

"Whoa, don't take it out on the pancakes. Those pancakes, like myself, are waiting for you to be witchy to get us the hell out of here." That's all I wanted to get back home cause all I was imagining was the fact of how Siena dealing with everything. I've seen her grieve and she don't take it too well and I know how I felt when she died. Suddenly Bonnie stands abruptly.

"You know I've been trying!" She continued with her yelling as I knew she had been and in the process epically failing.

"And failing. Further evidence, we're in hell. Not only am I stuck with you, I'm stuck with the useless version of you." Bonnie jawed dropped and she opens her mouth to say something but closes it again.

"Did you hear that?" What the hell was she on about now? She was hearing things now? I was getting really frustrated with her now.

"What would I have heard, Bonnie? We're the only two people here, we were the only two people here two months ago and the only two people here now!" I tried to keep my voice calm but it's wasn't working but it was like she was obvious to what I told her.

"Well I swear I heard something!" She spoke adamantly.

"Maybe it's the sound of existential despair. I hear that's what hell sounds like." Just like that when I had a little hope it disappeared in seconds.

"You know what? You think we're trapped in your hell? I have to spend every day on repeat with the person I like least on this earth--! Maybe we're trapped in mine." Bonnie snatches her teddy bear and leaves angrily.

Nico P.O.V

When Enzo spoke of a road trip I didn't know it consisted of stopping by a witch and letting my bleed out. When Caroline and I question what it was for he told us it was to get closer to my dad. So a few drops of blood to bring my dad back didn't bother me. What I didn't get while I sat in the back and saw the signs to Savannah. Why were we going to Savannah? Actually Caroline asked the same questions but all Enzo would say is all in good time. So the drive continued and we stopped at some kind of diner where Enzo was getting his flirt on with some girl. Well this wasn't some girl this was Stefan friend and Enzo convinced her to bring us to Stefan. I could see just pure anger on Caroline face as we approached this random house. As we walked in there stood my uncle healthy normal as ever. He reacted to same way as everyone else but finally came around when Caroline told him it was me. The look on his face was filled with sorrow I wanted to apologies but he wouldn't let me he wanted us to leave. Which took me by surprised considering he was the one who gave up on my dad.

Now I knew why my dad was found of Enzo as he insisted for us to stay. Let's just say this meal wasn't going down too well with the digs between Caroline and Enzo to Stefan. The one person who I felt sorry for was Ivy she was innocent in all this and seemed confused. Then things really got ugly as Enzo wasn't being discreet telling Ivy how we got here. Bring up the whole supernatural and witched and locator spell. Which now I knew why my blood was used to find Stefan not my dad. Right now I was a little pissed with Enzo because I was led to believe all this had to do with my dad.

"So, Stefan, tell us, this house, very charming. When'd you get it?" I watched as Stefan is pouring wine into a glass.

"About a week or so ago." He stated not looking at him. I notice at the corner of my eye Ivy frowning.

"No, more than that, remember? We met about month ago and you already had it." Caroline set down her cutlery and I was stunned to hear a month ago he gave up. He had only left a month ago so his intension were never to find a way to bring my dad back.

"You've--lived here for month?" Caroline spat out in anger while Stefan sat there with a guilty expression.

"Yeah, I guess I have." He really didn't know what to say to her. What could he say without embarrassing himself in front of Ivy.

"Well, I guess that's just weird because, you know; everyone thought you were living somewhere else." I added whole Stefan takes sit. I honestly couldn't believe any of this right now.

"And you're job was supposed to be investigative work not Auto-Repair." Caroline added a little abruptly as now I think she was beyond pissed with Stefan responses.

"Right. Well, I've moved on from that job." He spoke calmly which actually annoyed me more than anything. How could he give up on his own brother?

"Well, you can't move on from investigative work until you've solved the investigation, Stefan." I spoke through my teeth and the both of us looked at each other intensely for a long moment.

"How 'bout we just drop it? I'm happy doing what I'm doing now, and that's all that should really matter, right?" Caroline leans forward to protest but Enzo stops her.

"There, darling. No need to make a scene. Really it's all just some big misunderstanding, perhaps this will clear it all up." Enzo grabs his fork and stabs Stefan's hand to the table, Ivy screams, and Caroline spits out her wine.

"OH MY GOD!" Ivy screamed as Enzo held the fork firmly in Stefan hand I was taken by surprised by Enzo actions but I think he was just as pissed off as me about all this.

"ENZO!" Caroline yelled as Stefan, wincing from pain.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he yelled. Enzo didn't flitch or anything he just stared at Stefan with hatred in his eyes.

"So many secrets, what are you running from, Stefan?" Enzo removes the fork and the wound heals.

"Um, I-I don't-" Ivy began to say but Caroline gets up, grabs Ivy by her chin and looks in her eyes, compelling her.

"Calm down, come with me. Let's go upstairs." She turns to Enzo angrily. "No need to make a scene?!" Caroline and Ivy leave, Stefan and Enzo stare at each other with hatred. If a fight was going to break out I just hoped that I still had the strength to stop it.

"What kind of coward gives up on his own brother?" Enzo was about to approach him when his cell beeps he looked at the screen and turned to me "I'll let you deal with poor excuse of an uncle. Looks as if a heroine is in needs a knight in shining armour" before I could even say anything Enzo was gone.

"Nico he doesn't know what his talking about." Stefan spoke to me calmly. I think Enzo know exactly what he was talking about as he was a coward he did give up on his brother.

"Why don't you enlighten me?" He didn't speak and I couldn't believe that once I looked up to this guy "I know I'm not perfect. That I made mistakes Stefan. I wasn't me. I know that's not an excuse because I know the things I did as Nickar were unforgivable......" Stefan stood there shaking his head in disagreement.

"Nico you can't put that on you" I just couldn't understand his actions right now how he was erasing his past that he gave up on everything. Even on the girl who I always knew he loved more than anything.

"You know what Stefan. I've see Elena. She being crying over you not knowing where you are or what you're doing. She thinks you're grieving over dad but you're not. You gave up on my dad." Stefan looked away from me and I walked up to him as he needed to hear me out. Some may think I have no right to speak up after everything I have done. I'm not that person no more I'm Nico the Nico who's dad is dead and my mom who doing everything in her power to able to live through another day. "You know he would have never gave up on you" My dad was many things he but the one thing I know he would of never given up on family.

"You know nothing about the relationship your dad and I had" That's all Stefan could tell me that I didn't know anything?

"I'm standing here trying to figure out why am I even bothering because I can't see what's worth caring about." Stefan looked at me and there are tears in his eyes from what I had said. Now wasn't the time for me to feel any sympathy towards him. He needed a wakeup call "You know my dad once told me that he promised you an eternity of misery. And I remember thinking "well what could of Uncle Stefan have ever done to inspire so much hatred?" But now I get it...you're not a brother to him. Brothers don't give up." I took a step forward as this guy before wasn't part of my family no longer. "So every time I see you doing anything that looks like you've done so, every time you try to start over in a life that's nothing but a lie, I will make you pay." Stefan's stood there as tears began to roll down his cheek and I didn't feel any form of remorse towards him "I will be the one to bring you the misery you deserve." With those being my final words I walked away. I was told once Blood's thicker than water, and when one's in trouble. Best to seek out a relative's open arms. That would be me as I'm not going to stop until I find a way to bring back my dad. I will stick to my words to Stefan he will never know happiness not after what his done to Elena and how he failed my mom and my dad.

Damon P.O.V

After Bonnie getting upset earlier we kind of kissed and made up. It was the two of us here and we couldn't continue hating on one another. Also the face I may have over reacted as I'm stressed and all I want is to go home to be with Siena. That wasn't Bonnie fault and I shouldn't be like that with her. So tonight Bonnie offered to cook dinner she was standing behind the stove mixing beans in a pot, she makes two bowls of it. I just sat there thinking about home about what would I be doing right now. Would Siena and I finally be Monaco? Or would there be some other supernatural drama stopping us living the life that we should. Bonnie walks over and places my bowl in front of me and she sits across from me. I unfolded my napkin, and Bonnie hands me a spoon. I smiled at her as a thank you, and begins to eat. I looked down at my food I didn't feel hungry. I just wanted to be home I wanted to see Siena, Stefan, Elena even Caroline. You really don't appreciate anything until it gone and I know if somehow I see them again. I will show each and everyone one of them what they truly mean to me.

"I miss them too, you know." I looked up in surprise as it was like Bonnie was reading my mind and nodded in agreement. Bonnie looks back at her food and begins to eat. I grabs the newspaper on the table and stares at it. Bonnie finally did it that stupid 27 across she finally figure it out. It turns out after all this time she got it.

"Look who got 27 across." I spoke proudly I looked up to see her smirking.

"I wish, 27 across is a rock I am pushing up an endless mountain." I think Bonnie is losing her mind or something because she clearly filled it in.

"It's an old tongue twister Eddie turned top 40, Eddie Vedder, pearl jam. Yellow Ledbetter." I sat the newspaper down. And Bonnie looks confused. Then she grabs the newspaper and looks at the puzzle, 27 across is filled in: 'YELLOW LEDBETTER'. Bonnie looked up at me with a confused expression.

"Are you messing with me?" I began to chuckled as Bonnie was being a little modest here why isn't she taking credit for her completing it.

"No, you messing with me?" I teased her back but her expression didn't change.

"I didn't finish this." She pointed at the completed puzzle. Did she think I was playing with her that I was playing some game with her?

"Well, neither did I." Bonnie expression froze for a moment as I said that.

"There's someone else here." We both looked around the room as it felt in that someone was watching us. Who could possibly be here? It's only been Bonnie and I this whole time. Could it be possible that somehow Siena come here? That maybe those dreams are to do with her coming to get us?

Siena P.O.V

After the second attempt with Ric and him asking for a break I had to get some air. I knew that Ric compulsion wasn't working it was like I was in and out of his compulsion I wasn't fully focused. The one thing that I thought that just maybe I could do so I could move forward in my life wasn't working. To ask Ric to compel me wasn't the first thing I wanted to do but it was my only option. I know I can't live like this I can't continue with this life. Even if I go back and Ric digs into my mind all his doing is making the memories that I'm desperately trying not to think about bubble to the surface. It wasn't his fault Ric fault it was happening he tried to help but not even an original vampire can compel me to forget Damon or the love I have for him. That one memory from when I was a child has been in the forefront of my mind. Tia Dalma told me once that our lives were entwined that the moment I was born Damon was drawn to me. As he was my protector the man who I was destine to be with. So how does this force that joined us together expect me to live to move on with my life without him? I just don't get any of it. After everything we been through all the odds that was thrown at us we pulled through. We always stood side by side. This what was happening right now was it part of it grand plan? Was this how it was always meant to end with Damon gone and me here all alone and lost?

Well I'm not letting them decide on my fate or what I life I lead. This was my life my world and I will do what I want to take this pain away. I stopped the car and got out. I took in a deep breath as I began to approach the sign for Mystic Falls. I made my choice and I didn't want to live in a world which didn't consist Damon. I'm not strong enough to live another day or that I could be a good mom for my daughter. With me passing the boarder and having all the magic that hold me together getting stripped away. I'll be doing my daughter a favour as I will only be a disappointment to her.

"Goodbye world" I closed my eyes and walked forward. I felt fine for a moment then my chest began to tighten up like I couldn't breathe. I began to gasp for air as my lungs began to tighten. It was the same feeling I felt when I was human when I was dying. It was all going to end I would finally be at peace and won't feel this pain of not having Damon here. I buckled over as I began to cough up blood then suddenly felt someone grab me in moment the pain all stopped.

"Well I came just in the nick of time" I heard a British accent that I thought I would never hear. I slowly opened my eyes to see him in front of me. Enzo. I pushed him away from me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I cried out to him "I was ready to die" Tears began to fall from my eyes "I wanted to die" I couldn't hold everything back no more my legs felt weak as I was overwhelmed with my grief once again. Suddenly I felt Enzo embrace holding steady I looked up to him and my vision felt blurred by the tears that were escaping from my eyes "I want Damon......" I cried into his chest.

"I know love. I know" Enzo cooed as he rubbed my back for a few moments.

"I can't do it anymore just please. Please let me do what I came here for" I pleaded to him as I didn't want to be here not more, I tried to push him off me but he had a tight hold. I didn't have the energy to fight with him. "You don't even like me Enzo so why are you even stopping me" I yelled at him.

"Yes love we had our disagreements. There a reason why you came back. If it wasn't for Angelis little helper telling me what you had planned in killing yourself. The chances of Damon return would never happened" I stood there looking at him as I didn't understand any of this. He knew of a way to bring Damon back?

"What? Who's Angelis? What the hell are you talking about?" I had dozen of more questions over filling my mind. Right now Enzo just gave me a tiny piece of hope to bring Damon back and I hope he wasn't playing mind games with me.

"You Siena are the key to bring him back. Now all I need you to do is put our grievances to side and for you to trust me. Can you do that?" I nodded my head. There was something about the way Enzo spoke that I knew he wasn't lying to me or making any of this up. That name Angelis sounded familiar but where did I know it from? All I knew right now is that I finally have some kind of prosperity that I will see Damon again.

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